use std::time::Duration; use client::{chain_data, health_cache, AccountFetcher, MangoClient, MangoClientError}; use mango_v4::accounts_zerocopy::KeyedAccountSharedData; use mango_v4::state::{ Bank, HealthCache, HealthType, MangoAccountValue, PerpMarketIndex, Serum3Orders, Side, TokenIndex, QUOTE_TOKEN_INDEX, }; use solana_sdk::signature::Signature; use itertools::Itertools; use rand::seq::SliceRandom; use {anyhow::Context, fixed::types::I80F48, solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey}; pub struct Config { pub min_health_ratio: f64, pub refresh_timeout: Duration, } pub fn jupiter_market_can_buy( mango_client: &MangoClient, token: TokenIndex, quote_token: TokenIndex, ) -> bool { if token == quote_token { return true; } let token_mint = mango_client.context.token(token); let quote_token_mint = mango_client.context.token(quote_token); // Consider a market alive if we can swap $10 worth at 1% slippage // TODO: configurable // TODO: cache this, no need to recheck often let quote_amount = 10_000_000u64; let slippage = 1.0; mango_client .jupiter_route( quote_token_mint, token_mint, quote_amount, slippage, client::JupiterSwapMode::ExactIn, ) .is_ok() } pub fn jupiter_market_can_sell( mango_client: &MangoClient, token: TokenIndex, quote_token: TokenIndex, ) -> bool { if token == quote_token { return true; } let token_mint = mango_client.context.token(token); let quote_token_mint = mango_client.context.token(quote_token); // Consider a market alive if we can swap $10 worth at 1% slippage // TODO: configurable // TODO: cache this, no need to recheck often let quote_amount = 10_000_000u64; let slippage = 1.0; mango_client .jupiter_route( token_mint, quote_token_mint, quote_amount, slippage, client::JupiterSwapMode::ExactOut, ) .is_ok() } struct LiquidateHelper<'a> { client: &'a MangoClient, account_fetcher: &'a chain_data::AccountFetcher, pubkey: &'a Pubkey, liqee: &'a MangoAccountValue, health_cache: &'a HealthCache, maint_health: I80F48, liqor_min_health_ratio: I80F48, } impl<'a> LiquidateHelper<'a> { fn serum3_close_orders(&self) -> anyhow::Result> { // look for any open serum orders or settleable balances let serum_force_cancels = self .liqee .active_serum3_orders() .map(|orders| { let open_orders_account = self .account_fetcher .fetch_raw_account(&orders.open_orders)?; let open_orders = mango_v4::serum3_cpi::load_open_orders(&open_orders_account)?; let can_force_cancel = open_orders.native_coin_total > 0 || open_orders.native_pc_total > 0 || open_orders.referrer_rebates_accrued > 0; if can_force_cancel { Ok(Some(*orders)) } else { Ok(None) } }) .filter_map_ok(|v| v) .collect::>>()?; if serum_force_cancels.is_empty() { return Ok(None); } // Cancel all orders on a random serum market let serum_orders = serum_force_cancels.choose(&mut rand::thread_rng()).unwrap(); let sig = self.client.serum3_liq_force_cancel_orders( (self.pubkey, &self.liqee), serum_orders.market_index, &serum_orders.open_orders, )?; log::info!( "Force cancelled serum orders on account {}, market index {}, maint_health was {}, tx sig {:?}", self.pubkey, serum_orders.market_index, self.maint_health, sig ); Ok(Some(sig)) } fn perp_close_orders(&self) -> anyhow::Result> { let perp_force_cancels = self .liqee .active_perp_positions() .filter_map(|pp| pp.has_open_orders().then(|| pp.market_index)) .collect::>(); if perp_force_cancels.is_empty() { return Ok(None); } // Cancel all orders on a random perp market let perp_market_index = *perp_force_cancels.choose(&mut rand::thread_rng()).unwrap(); let sig = self .client .perp_liq_force_cancel_orders((self.pubkey, &self.liqee), perp_market_index)?; log::info!( "Force cancelled perp orders on account {}, market index {}, maint_health was {}, tx sig {:?}", self.pubkey, perp_market_index, self.maint_health, sig ); Ok(Some(sig)) } fn perp_liq_base_position(&self) -> anyhow::Result> { let mut perp_base_positions = self .liqee .active_perp_positions() .map(|pp| { let base_lots = pp.base_position_lots(); if base_lots == 0 { return Ok(None); } let perp = self.client.context.perp(pp.market_index); let oracle = self .account_fetcher .fetch_raw_account(&; let price =, oracle.into(), ))?; Ok(Some(( pp.market_index, base_lots, price, I80F48::from(base_lots.abs()) * price, ))) }) .filter_map_ok(|v| v) .collect::>>()?; perp_base_positions.sort_by(|a, b| a.3.cmp(&b.3)); if perp_base_positions.is_empty() { return Ok(None); } // Liquidate the highest-value perp base position let (perp_market_index, base_lots, price, _) = perp_base_positions.last().unwrap(); let perp = self.client.context.perp(*perp_market_index); let (side, side_signum) = if *base_lots > 0 { (Side::Bid, 1) } else { (Side::Ask, -1) }; // Compute the max number of base_lots the liqor is willing to take let max_base_transfer_abs = { let mut liqor = self .account_fetcher .fetch_fresh_mango_account(&self.client.mango_account_address) .context("getting liquidator account")?; liqor.ensure_perp_position(*perp_market_index, QUOTE_TOKEN_INDEX)?; let health_cache = health_cache::new(&self.client.context, self.account_fetcher, &liqor) .expect("always ok"); health_cache.max_perp_for_health_ratio( *perp_market_index, *price,, side, self.liqor_min_health_ratio, )? }; log::info!("computed max_base_transfer to be {max_base_transfer_abs}"); let sig = self.client.perp_liq_base_position( (self.pubkey, &self.liqee), *perp_market_index, side_signum * max_base_transfer_abs, )?; log::info!( "Liquidated base position for perp market on account {}, market index {}, maint_health was {}, tx sig {:?}", self.pubkey, perp_market_index, self.maint_health, sig ); Ok(Some(sig)) } fn perp_settle_pnl(&self) -> anyhow::Result> { let perp_settle_health = self.health_cache.perp_settle_health(); let mut perp_settleable_pnl = self .liqee .active_perp_positions() .filter_map(|pp| { if pp.base_position_lots() != 0 { return None; } let pnl = pp.quote_position_native(); let settleable_pnl = if pnl > 0 { pnl } else if pnl < 0 && perp_settle_health > 0 { pnl.max(-perp_settle_health) } else { return None; }; Some((pp.market_index, settleable_pnl)) }) .collect::>(); // sort by pnl, descending perp_settleable_pnl.sort_by(|a, b| b.1.cmp(&a.1)); if perp_settleable_pnl.is_empty() { return Ok(None); } for (perp_index, pnl) in perp_settleable_pnl { let direction = if pnl > 0 { client::perp_pnl::Direction::MaxNegative } else { client::perp_pnl::Direction::MaxPositive }; let counters = client::perp_pnl::fetch_top( &self.client.context, self.account_fetcher, perp_index, direction, 2, )?; if counters.is_empty() { // If we can't settle some positive PNL because we're lacking a suitable counterparty, // then liquidation should continue, even though this step produced no transaction log::info!("Could not settle perp pnl {pnl} for account {}, perp market {perp_index}: no counterparty", self.pubkey); continue; } let (counter_key, counter_acc, _) = counters.first().unwrap(); let (account_a, account_b) = if pnl > 0 { ((self.pubkey, self.liqee), (counter_key, counter_acc)) } else { ((counter_key, counter_acc), (self.pubkey, self.liqee)) }; let sig = self .client .perp_settle_pnl(perp_index, account_a, account_b)?; log::info!( "Settled perp pnl for perp market on account {}, market index {perp_index}, maint_health was {}, tx sig {sig:?}", self.pubkey, self.maint_health, ); return Ok(Some(sig)); } return Ok(None); } fn perp_liq_bankruptcy(&self) -> anyhow::Result> { if self.health_cache.has_liquidatable_assets() { return Ok(None); } let mut perp_bankruptcies = self .liqee .active_perp_positions() .filter_map(|pp| { let quote = pp.quote_position_native(); if quote >= 0 { return None; } Some((pp.market_index, quote)) }) .collect::>(); perp_bankruptcies.sort_by(|a, b| a.1.cmp(&b.1)); if perp_bankruptcies.is_empty() { return Ok(None); } let (perp_market_index, _) = perp_bankruptcies.first().unwrap(); let sig = self.client.perp_liq_bankruptcy( (self.pubkey, &self.liqee), *perp_market_index, // Always use the max amount, since the health effect is always positive u64::MAX, )?; log::info!( "Liquidated bankruptcy for perp market on account {}, market index {}, maint_health was {}, tx sig {:?}", self.pubkey, perp_market_index, self.maint_health, sig ); Ok(Some(sig)) } fn tokens(&self) -> anyhow::Result> { let mut tokens = self .liqee .active_token_positions() .map(|token_position| { let token = self.client.context.token(token_position.token_index); let bank = self .account_fetcher .fetch::(&token.mint_info.first_bank())?; let oracle = self .account_fetcher .fetch_raw_account(&; let price = bank.oracle_price(&KeyedAccountSharedData::new(, oracle.into(), ))?; Ok(( token_position.token_index, price, token_position.native(&bank) * price, )) }) .collect::>>()?; tokens.sort_by(|a, b| a.2.cmp(&b.2)); Ok(tokens) } fn max_token_liab_transfer( &self, source: TokenIndex, target: TokenIndex, ) -> anyhow::Result { let mut liqor = self .account_fetcher .fetch_fresh_mango_account(&self.client.mango_account_address) .context("getting liquidator account")?; // Ensure the tokens are activated, so they appear in the health cache and // max_swap_source() will work. liqor.ensure_token_position(source)?; liqor.ensure_token_position(target)?; let health_cache = health_cache::new(&self.client.context, self.account_fetcher, &liqor) .expect("always ok"); let source_price = health_cache.token_info(source).unwrap().oracle_price; let target_price = health_cache.token_info(target).unwrap().oracle_price; // TODO: This is where we could multiply in the liquidation fee factors let oracle_swap_price = source_price / target_price; let amount = health_cache .max_swap_source_for_health_ratio( source, target, oracle_swap_price, self.liqor_min_health_ratio, ) .context("getting max_swap_source")?; Ok(amount) } fn token_liq(&self) -> anyhow::Result> { if !self.health_cache.has_borrows() || self.health_cache.can_call_spot_bankruptcy() { return Ok(None); } let tokens = self.tokens()?; let asset_token_index = tokens .iter() .rev() .find(|(asset_token_index, _asset_price, asset_usdc_equivalent)| { asset_usdc_equivalent.is_positive() && jupiter_market_can_sell(self.client, *asset_token_index, QUOTE_TOKEN_INDEX) }) .ok_or_else(|| { anyhow::anyhow!( "mango account {}, has no asset tokens that are sellable for USDC: {:?}", self.pubkey, tokens ) })? .0; let liab_token_index = tokens .iter() .find(|(liab_token_index, _liab_price, liab_usdc_equivalent)| { liab_usdc_equivalent.is_negative() && jupiter_market_can_buy(self.client, *liab_token_index, QUOTE_TOKEN_INDEX) }) .ok_or_else(|| { anyhow::anyhow!( "mango account {}, has no liab tokens that are purchasable for USDC: {:?}", self.pubkey, tokens ) })? .0; let max_liab_transfer = self .max_token_liab_transfer(liab_token_index, asset_token_index) .context("getting max_liab_transfer")?; // // TODO: log liqor's assets in UI form // TODO: log liquee's liab_needed, need to refactor program code to be able to be accessed from client side // let sig = self .client .token_liq_with_token( (self.pubkey, &self.liqee), asset_token_index, liab_token_index, max_liab_transfer, ) .context("sending liq_token_with_token")?; log::info!( "Liquidated token with token for {}, maint_health was {}, tx sig {:?}", self.pubkey, self.maint_health, sig ); Ok(Some(sig)) } fn token_liq_bankruptcy(&self) -> anyhow::Result> { if !self.health_cache.can_call_spot_bankruptcy() { return Ok(None); } let tokens = self.tokens()?; if tokens.is_empty() { anyhow::bail!( "mango account {}, is bankrupt has no active tokens", self.pubkey ); } let liab_token_index = tokens .iter() .find(|(liab_token_index, _liab_price, liab_usdc_equivalent)| { liab_usdc_equivalent.is_negative() && jupiter_market_can_buy(self.client, *liab_token_index, QUOTE_TOKEN_INDEX) }) .ok_or_else(|| { anyhow::anyhow!( "mango account {}, has no liab tokens that are purchasable for USDC: {:?}", self.pubkey, tokens ) })? .0; let quote_token_index = 0; let max_liab_transfer = self.max_token_liab_transfer(liab_token_index, quote_token_index)?; let sig = self .client .token_liq_bankruptcy( (self.pubkey, &self.liqee), liab_token_index, max_liab_transfer, ) .context("sending liq_token_bankruptcy")?; log::info!( "Liquidated bankruptcy for {}, maint_health was {}, tx sig {:?}", self.pubkey, self.maint_health, sig ); Ok(Some(sig)) } fn send_liq_tx(&self) -> anyhow::Result { // TODO: Should we make an attempt to settle positive PNL first? // The problem with it is that small market movements can continuously create // small amounts of new positive PNL while base_position > 0. // We shouldn't get stuck on this step, particularly if it's of limited value // to the liquidators. // if let Some(txsig) = self.perp_settle_positive_pnl()? { // return Ok(txsig); // } // Try to close orders before touching the user's positions if let Some(txsig) = self.perp_close_orders()? { return Ok(txsig); } if let Some(txsig) = self.serum3_close_orders()? { return Ok(txsig); } if let Some(txsig) = self.perp_liq_base_position()? { return Ok(txsig); } // Now that the perp base positions are zeroed the perp pnl won't // fluctuate with the oracle price anymore. // It's possible that some positive pnl can't be settled (if there's // no liquid counterparty) and that some negative pnl can't be settled // (if the liqee isn't liquid enough). if let Some(txsig) = self.perp_settle_pnl()? { return Ok(txsig); } if let Some(txsig) = self.token_liq()? { return Ok(txsig); } // Socialize/insurance fund unsettleable negative pnl if let Some(txsig) = self.perp_liq_bankruptcy()? { return Ok(txsig); } // Socialize/insurance fund unliquidatable borrows if let Some(txsig) = self.token_liq_bankruptcy()? { return Ok(txsig); } // TODO: What about unliquidatable positive perp pnl? anyhow::bail!( "Don't know what to do with liquidatable account {}, maint_health was {}", self.pubkey, self.maint_health ); } } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn maybe_liquidate_account( mango_client: &MangoClient, account_fetcher: &chain_data::AccountFetcher, pubkey: &Pubkey, config: &Config, ) -> anyhow::Result { let liqor_min_health_ratio = I80F48::from_num(config.min_health_ratio); let account = account_fetcher.fetch_mango_account(pubkey)?; let health_cache = health_cache::new(&mango_client.context, account_fetcher, &account).expect("always ok"); let maint_health =; if !health_cache.is_liquidatable() { return Ok(false); } log::trace!( "possible candidate: {}, with owner: {}, maint health: {}", pubkey, account.fixed.owner, maint_health, ); // Fetch a fresh account and re-compute // This is -- unfortunately -- needed because the websocket streams seem to not // be great at providing timely updates to the account data. let account = account_fetcher.fetch_fresh_mango_account(pubkey)?; let health_cache = health_cache::new(&mango_client.context, account_fetcher, &account).expect("always ok"); if !health_cache.is_liquidatable() { return Ok(false); } let maint_health =; // try liquidating let txsig = LiquidateHelper { client: mango_client, account_fetcher, pubkey, liqee: &account, health_cache: &health_cache, maint_health, liqor_min_health_ratio, } .send_liq_tx()?; let slot = account_fetcher.transaction_max_slot(&[txsig])?; if let Err(e) = account_fetcher.refresh_accounts_via_rpc_until_slot( &[*pubkey, mango_client.mango_account_address], slot, config.refresh_timeout, ) { log::info!("could not refresh after liquidation: {}", e); } Ok(true) } #[allow(clippy::too_many_arguments)] pub fn maybe_liquidate_one<'a>( mango_client: &MangoClient, account_fetcher: &chain_data::AccountFetcher, accounts: impl Iterator, config: &Config, ) -> bool { for pubkey in accounts { match maybe_liquidate_account(mango_client, account_fetcher, pubkey, config) { Err(err) => { // Not all errors need to be raised to the user's attention. let mut log_level = log::Level::Error; // Simulation errors due to liqee precondition failures on the liquidation instructions // will commonly happen if our liquidator is late or if there are chain forks. match err.downcast_ref::() { Some(MangoClientError::SendTransactionPreflightFailure { logs }) => { if logs.contains("HealthMustBeNegative") || logs.contains("IsNotBankrupt") { log_level = log::Level::Trace; } } _ => {} }; log::log!(log_level, "liquidating account {}: {:?}", pubkey, err); } Ok(true) => return true, _ => {} }; } false }