name: Dependency Security Scan - Yarn on: pull_request: branches: ['main', 'dev'] paths: ['ts/**', 'yarn.lock'] push: paths: ['ts/**', 'yarn.lock'] jobs: trivy: name: Dependency Scan runs-on: ubuntu-latest if: ( != 'dependabot[bot]') steps: - name: Checkout code uses: actions/checkout@v3 # Report all vulnerabilities in CI output - name: Report on all vulnerabilities uses: aquasecurity/trivy-action@master with: scan-type: 'fs' scan-ref: 'yarn.lock' ignore-unfixed: true hide-progress: true format: 'table' # Fail the job on critical vulnerabiliies with fix available - name: Fail on critical vulnerabilities uses: aquasecurity/trivy-action@master with: scan-type: 'fs' scan-ref: 'yarn.lock' ignore-unfixed: true hide-progress: true format: 'table' severity: 'CRITICAL' exit-code: '1'