import { Program, Provider } from '@project-serum/anchor'; import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js'; import { IDL, MangoV4 } from './mango_v4'; export const MANGO_V4_ID = new PublicKey( 'm43thNJ58XCjL798ZSq6JGAG1BnWskhdq5or6kcnfsD', ); export class MangoClient { constructor(public program: Program) {} static async connect(provider: Provider): Promise { // TODO: use IDL on chain or in repository? decide... // Alternatively we could fetch IDL from chain. // const idl = await Program.fetchIdl(MANGO_V4_ID, provider); let idl = IDL; // TODO: remove... // Temporarily add missing (dummy) type definitions, so we can do new Program(...) below // without anchor throwing errors. These types come from part of the code we don't yet care about // in the client. function addDummyType(idl: MangoV4, typeName: string) { if (idl.types.find((type) => === typeName)) { return; } (idl.types as any).push({ name: typeName, type: { kind: 'struct', fields: [], }, }); } addDummyType(idl, 'usize'); addDummyType(idl, 'AnyNode'); addDummyType(idl, 'EventQueueHeader'); addDummyType(idl, 'AnyEvent'); addDummyType(idl, 'H'); addDummyType(idl, 'H::Item'); addDummyType(idl, 'NodeHandle'); return new MangoClient( new Program(idl as MangoV4, MANGO_V4_ID, provider), ); } }