use std::collections::HashMap; use std::collections::HashSet; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use anchor_client::Cluster; use clap::Parser; use mango_v4::state::{PerpMarketIndex, TokenIndex}; use mango_v4_client::{ account_update_stream, chain_data, keypair_from_cli, snapshot_source, websocket_source, Client, MangoClient, MangoClientError, MangoGroupContext, TransactionBuilderConfig, }; use itertools::Itertools; use solana_sdk::commitment_config::CommitmentConfig; use solana_sdk::pubkey::Pubkey; use tracing::*; pub mod liquidate; pub mod metrics; pub mod rebalance; pub mod telemetry; pub mod token_swap_info; pub mod trigger_tcs; pub mod util; use crate::util::{is_mango_account, is_mint_info, is_perp_market}; // jemalloc seems to be better at keeping the memory footprint reasonable over // longer periods of time #[global_allocator] static ALLOC: jemallocator::Jemalloc = jemallocator::Jemalloc; #[derive(Parser, Debug)] #[clap()] struct CliDotenv { // When --dotenv is passed, read the specified dotenv file before parsing args #[clap(long)] dotenv: std::path::PathBuf, remaining_args: Vec, } // Prefer "--rebalance false" over "--no-rebalance" because it works // better with REBALANCE=false env values. #[derive(clap::ValueEnum, Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] enum BoolArg { True, False, } #[derive(Parser)] #[clap()] struct Cli { #[clap(short, long, env)] rpc_url: String, #[clap(long, env)] liqor_mango_account: Pubkey, #[clap(long, env)] liqor_owner: String, #[clap(long, env, default_value = "300")] snapshot_interval_secs: u64, /// how many getMultipleAccounts requests to send in parallel #[clap(long, env, default_value = "10")] parallel_rpc_requests: usize, /// typically 100 is the max number of accounts getMultipleAccounts will retrieve at once #[clap(long, env, default_value = "100")] get_multiple_accounts_count: usize, /// liquidator health ratio should not fall below this value #[clap(long, env, default_value = "50")] min_health_ratio: f64, /// if rebalancing is enabled /// /// typically only disabled for tests where swaps are unavailable #[clap(long, env, value_enum, default_value = "true")] rebalance: BoolArg, /// max slippage to request on swaps to rebalance spot tokens #[clap(long, env, default_value = "100")] rebalance_slippage_bps: u64, /// prioritize each transaction with this many microlamports/cu #[clap(long, env, default_value = "0")] prioritization_micro_lamports: u64, /// compute limit requested for liquidation instructions #[clap(long, env, default_value = "250000")] compute_limit_for_liquidation: u32, /// compute limit requested for tcs trigger instructions #[clap(long, env, default_value = "300000")] compute_limit_for_tcs: u32, /// use a jupiter mock instead of actual queries /// /// This is required for devnet testing. #[clap(long, env, value_enum, default_value = "false")] mock_jupiter: BoolArg, /// report liquidator's existence and pubkey #[clap(long, env, value_enum, default_value = "true")] telemetry: BoolArg, } pub fn encode_address(addr: &Pubkey) -> String { bs58::encode(&addr.to_bytes()).into_string() } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> { mango_v4_client::tracing_subscriber_init(); let args = if let Ok(cli_dotenv) = CliDotenv::try_parse() { dotenv::from_path(cli_dotenv.dotenv)?; cli_dotenv.remaining_args } else { dotenv::dotenv().ok(); std::env::args_os().collect() }; let cli = Cli::parse_from(args); let liqor_owner = Arc::new(keypair_from_cli(&cli.liqor_owner)); let rpc_url = cli.rpc_url; let ws_url = rpc_url.replace("https", "wss"); let rpc_timeout = Duration::from_secs(10); let cluster = Cluster::Custom(rpc_url.clone(), ws_url.clone()); let commitment = CommitmentConfig::processed(); let client = Client::new( cluster.clone(), commitment, liqor_owner.clone(), Some(rpc_timeout), TransactionBuilderConfig { prioritization_micro_lamports: (cli.prioritization_micro_lamports > 0) .then_some(cli.prioritization_micro_lamports), }, ); // The representation of current on-chain account data let chain_data = Arc::new(RwLock::new(chain_data::ChainData::new())); // Reading accounts from chain_data let account_fetcher = Arc::new(chain_data::AccountFetcher { chain_data: chain_data.clone(), rpc: client.rpc_async(), }); let mango_account = account_fetcher .fetch_fresh_mango_account(&cli.liqor_mango_account) .await?; let mango_group =; let group_context = MangoGroupContext::new_from_rpc(&client.rpc_async(), mango_group).await?; let mango_oracles = group_context .tokens .values() .map(|value| .chain(group_context.perp_markets.values().map(|p| .unique() .collect::>(); let serum_programs = group_context .serum3_markets .values() .map(|s3| .unique() .collect_vec(); // TODO: Currently the websocket source only supports a single serum program address! assert_eq!(serum_programs.len(), 1); // // feed setup // // FUTURE: decouple feed setup and liquidator business logic // feed should send updates to a channel which liquidator can consume info!("startup"); let metrics = metrics::start(); let (account_update_sender, account_update_receiver) = async_channel::unbounded::(); // Sourcing account and slot data from solana via websockets // FUTURE: websocket feed should take which accounts to listen to as an input websocket_source::start( websocket_source::Config { rpc_ws_url: ws_url.clone(), serum_program: *serum_programs.first().unwrap(), open_orders_authority: mango_group, }, mango_oracles.clone(), account_update_sender.clone(), ); let first_websocket_slot = websocket_source::get_next_create_bank_slot( account_update_receiver.clone(), Duration::from_secs(10), ) .await?; // Getting solana account snapshots via jsonrpc // FUTURE: of what to fetch a snapshot - should probably take as an input snapshot_source::start( snapshot_source::Config { rpc_http_url: rpc_url.clone(), mango_group, get_multiple_accounts_count: cli.get_multiple_accounts_count, parallel_rpc_requests: cli.parallel_rpc_requests, snapshot_interval: Duration::from_secs(cli.snapshot_interval_secs), min_slot: first_websocket_slot + 10, }, mango_oracles, account_update_sender, ); start_chain_data_metrics(chain_data.clone(), &metrics); let shared_state = Arc::new(RwLock::new(SharedState::default())); // // mango client setup // let mango_client = { Arc::new(MangoClient::new_detail( client, cli.liqor_mango_account, liqor_owner, group_context, account_fetcher.clone(), )?) }; let token_swap_info_config = token_swap_info::Config { quote_index: 0, // USDC quote_amount: 1_000_000_000, // TODO: config, $1000, should be >= tcs_config.max_trigger_quote_amount mock_jupiter: cli.mock_jupiter == BoolArg::True, }; let token_swap_info_updater = Arc::new(token_swap_info::TokenSwapInfoUpdater::new( mango_client.clone(), token_swap_info_config, )); let liq_config = liquidate::Config { min_health_ratio: cli.min_health_ratio, mock_jupiter: cli.mock_jupiter == BoolArg::True, compute_limit_for_liq_ix: cli.compute_limit_for_liquidation, // TODO: config refresh_timeout: Duration::from_secs(30), }; let tcs_config = trigger_tcs::Config { min_health_ratio: cli.min_health_ratio, max_trigger_quote_amount: 1_000_000_000, // TODO: config, $1000 mock_jupiter: cli.mock_jupiter == BoolArg::True, compute_limit_for_trigger: cli.compute_limit_for_tcs, // TODO: config refresh_timeout: Duration::from_secs(30), }; let mut rebalance_interval = tokio::time::interval(Duration::from_secs(5)); let rebalance_config = rebalance::Config { enabled: cli.rebalance == BoolArg::True, slippage_bps: cli.rebalance_slippage_bps, // TODO: config borrow_settle_excess: 1.05, refresh_timeout: Duration::from_secs(30), }; let rebalancer = Arc::new(rebalance::Rebalancer { mango_client: mango_client.clone(), account_fetcher: account_fetcher.clone(), mango_account_address: cli.liqor_mango_account, config: rebalance_config, }); let mut liquidation = Box::new(LiquidationState { mango_client: mango_client.clone(), account_fetcher, liquidation_config: liq_config, trigger_tcs_config: tcs_config, rebalancer: rebalancer.clone(), token_swap_info: token_swap_info_updater.clone(), liq_errors: ErrorTracking { skip_threshold: 5, skip_duration: Duration::from_secs(120), ..ErrorTracking::default() }, tcs_collection_hard_errors: ErrorTracking { skip_threshold: 2, skip_duration: Duration::from_secs(120), ..ErrorTracking::default() }, tcs_collection_partial_errors: ErrorTracking { skip_threshold: 2, skip_duration: Duration::from_secs(120), ..ErrorTracking::default() }, tcs_execution_errors: ErrorTracking { skip_threshold: 2, skip_duration: Duration::from_secs(120), ..ErrorTracking::default() }, persistent_error_report_interval: Duration::from_secs(300), persistent_error_min_duration: Duration::from_secs(300), last_persistent_error_report: Instant::now(), }); info!("main loop"); // Job to update chain_data and notify the liquidation job when a new check is needed. let data_job = tokio::spawn({ use account_update_stream::Message; let shared_state = shared_state.clone(); let mut metric_account_update_queue_len = metrics.register_u64("account_update_queue_length".into()); let mut metric_mango_accounts = metrics.register_u64("mango_accounts".into()); let mut mint_infos = HashMap::::new(); let mut oracles = HashSet::::new(); let mut perp_markets = HashMap::::new(); async move { loop { let message = account_update_receiver .recv() .await .expect("channel not closed"); metric_account_update_queue_len.set(account_update_receiver.len() as u64); message.update_chain_data(&mut chain_data.write().unwrap()); match message { Message::Account(account_write) => { let mut state = shared_state.write().unwrap(); if is_mango_account(&account_write.account, &mango_group).is_some() { // e.g. to render debug logs RUST_LOG="liquidator=debug" debug!( "change to mango account {}...", &account_write.pubkey.to_string()[0..3] ); // Track all MangoAccounts: we need to iterate over them later state.mango_accounts.insert(account_write.pubkey); metric_mango_accounts.set(state.mango_accounts.len() as u64); } } Message::Snapshot(snapshot) => { let mut state = shared_state.write().unwrap(); // Track all mango account pubkeys for update in snapshot.iter() { if is_mango_account(&update.account, &mango_group).is_some() { state.mango_accounts.insert(update.pubkey); } if let Some(mint_info) = is_mint_info(&update.account, &mango_group) { mint_infos.insert(mint_info.token_index, update.pubkey); oracles.insert(; } if let Some(perp_market) = is_perp_market(&update.account, &mango_group) { perp_markets.insert(perp_market.perp_market_index, update.pubkey); oracles.insert(; } } metric_mango_accounts.set(state.mango_accounts.len() as u64); state.one_snapshot_done = true; } _ => {} } } } }); // Could be refactored to only start the below jobs when the first snapshot is done. // But need to take care to abort if the above job aborts beforehand. let rebalance_job = tokio::spawn({ let shared_state = shared_state.clone(); async move { loop { rebalance_interval.tick().await; if ! { continue; } if let Err(err) = rebalancer.zero_all_non_quote().await { error!("failed to rebalance liqor: {:?}", err); // Workaround: We really need a sequence enforcer in the liquidator since we don't want to // accidentally send a similar tx again when we incorrectly believe an earlier one got forked // off. For now, hard sleep on error to avoid the most frequent error cases. std::thread::sleep(Duration::from_secs(10)); } } } }); let liquidation_job = tokio::spawn({ // TODO: configurable interval let mut interval = tokio::time::interval(Duration::from_secs(5)); let shared_state = shared_state.clone(); async move { loop { interval.tick().await; let account_addresses = { let state = shared_state.write().unwrap(); if !state.one_snapshot_done { continue; } state.mango_accounts.iter().cloned().collect_vec() }; liquidation.log_persistent_errors(); let liquidated = liquidation .maybe_liquidate_one_and_rebalance(account_addresses.iter()) .await .unwrap(); if !liquidated { liquidation .maybe_take_token_conditional_swap(account_addresses.iter()) .await .unwrap(); } } } }); let token_swap_info_job = tokio::spawn({ // TODO: configurable interval let mut interval = tokio::time::interval(Duration::from_secs(60)); let mut min_delay = tokio::time::interval(Duration::from_secs(1)); let shared_state = shared_state.clone(); async move { loop { min_delay.tick().await; if ! { continue; } interval.tick().await; let token_indexes = token_swap_info_updater .mango_client() .context .token_indexes_by_name .values() .copied() .collect_vec(); for token_index in token_indexes { min_delay.tick().await; match token_swap_info_updater.update_one(token_index).await { Ok(()) => {} Err(err) => { warn!( "failed to update token swap info for token {token_index}: {err:?}", ); } } } token_swap_info_updater.log_all(); } } }); if cli.telemetry == BoolArg::True { tokio::spawn(telemetry::report_regularly( mango_client, cli.min_health_ratio, )); } use futures::StreamExt; let mut jobs: futures::stream::FuturesUnordered<_> = vec![ data_job, rebalance_job, liquidation_job, token_swap_info_job, ] .into_iter() .collect();; error!("a critical job aborted, exiting"); Ok(()) } #[derive(Default)] struct SharedState { /// Addresses of the MangoAccounts belonging to the mango program. /// Needed to check health of them all when the cache updates. mango_accounts: HashSet, /// Is the first snapshot done? Only start checking account health when it is. one_snapshot_done: bool, } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct AccountErrorState { pub messages: Vec, pub count: u64, pub last_at: Instant, } #[derive(Default)] pub struct ErrorTracking { accounts: HashMap, skip_threshold: u64, skip_duration: Duration, } impl ErrorTracking { pub fn had_too_many_errors(&self, pubkey: &Pubkey, now: Instant) -> Option { if let Some(error_entry) = self.accounts.get(pubkey) { if error_entry.count >= self.skip_threshold && now.duration_since(error_entry.last_at) < self.skip_duration { Some(error_entry.clone()) } else { None } } else { None } } pub fn record_error(&mut self, pubkey: &Pubkey, now: Instant, message: String) { let error_entry = self.accounts.entry(*pubkey).or_insert(AccountErrorState { messages: Vec::with_capacity(1), count: 0, last_at: now, }); error_entry.count += 1; error_entry.last_at = now; if !error_entry.messages.contains(&message) { error_entry.messages.push(message); } if error_entry.messages.len() > 5 { error_entry.messages.remove(0); } } pub fn clear_errors(&mut self, pubkey: &Pubkey) { self.accounts.remove(pubkey); } #[instrument(skip_all, fields(%error_type))] #[allow(unused_variables)] pub fn log_persistent_errors(&self, error_type: &str, min_duration: Duration) { let now = Instant::now(); for (pubkey, errors) in self.accounts.iter() { if now.duration_since(errors.last_at) < min_duration { continue; } info!( %pubkey, count = errors.count, messages = ?errors.messages, "has persistent errors", ); } } } struct LiquidationState { mango_client: Arc, account_fetcher: Arc, rebalancer: Arc, token_swap_info: Arc, liquidation_config: liquidate::Config, trigger_tcs_config: trigger_tcs::Config, liq_errors: ErrorTracking, /// Errors that suggest we maybe should skip trying to collect tcs for that pubkey tcs_collection_hard_errors: ErrorTracking, /// Recording errors when some tcs have errors during collection but others don't tcs_collection_partial_errors: ErrorTracking, tcs_execution_errors: ErrorTracking, persistent_error_report_interval: Duration, last_persistent_error_report: Instant, persistent_error_min_duration: Duration, } impl LiquidationState { async fn maybe_liquidate_one_and_rebalance<'b>( &mut self, accounts_iter: impl Iterator, ) -> anyhow::Result { use rand::seq::SliceRandom; let mut accounts = accounts_iter.collect::>(); { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); accounts.shuffle(&mut rng); } let mut liquidated_one = false; for pubkey in accounts { if self .maybe_liquidate_and_log_error(pubkey) .await .unwrap_or(false) { liquidated_one = true; break; } } if !liquidated_one { return Ok(false); } if let Err(err) = self.rebalancer.zero_all_non_quote().await { error!("failed to rebalance liqor: {:?}", err); } Ok(true) } async fn maybe_liquidate_and_log_error(&mut self, pubkey: &Pubkey) -> anyhow::Result { let now = Instant::now(); let error_tracking = &mut self.liq_errors; // Skip a pubkey if there've been too many errors recently if let Some(error_entry) = error_tracking.had_too_many_errors(pubkey, now) { trace!( %pubkey, error_entry.count, "skip checking account for liquidation, had errors recently", ); return Ok(false); } let result = liquidate::maybe_liquidate_account( &self.mango_client, &self.account_fetcher, pubkey, &self.liquidation_config, ) .await; if let Err(err) = result.as_ref() { // Keep track of pubkeys that had errors error_tracking.record_error(pubkey, now, err.to_string()); // Not all errors need to be raised to the user's attention. let mut is_error = true; // Simulation errors due to liqee precondition failures on the liquidation instructions // will commonly happen if our liquidator is late or if there are chain forks. match err.downcast_ref::() { Some(MangoClientError::SendTransactionPreflightFailure { logs, .. }) => { if logs.iter().any(|line| { line.contains("HealthMustBeNegative") || line.contains("IsNotBankrupt") }) { is_error = false; } } _ => {} }; if is_error { error!("liquidating account {}: {:?}", pubkey, err); } else { trace!("liquidating account {}: {:?}", pubkey, err); } } else { error_tracking.clear_errors(pubkey); } result } async fn maybe_take_token_conditional_swap<'b>( &mut self, accounts_iter: impl Iterator, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let accounts = accounts_iter.collect::>(); let now = Instant::now(); let now_ts: u64 = std::time::SystemTime::now() .duration_since(std::time::UNIX_EPOCH)? .as_secs() .try_into()?; // Find interesting (pubkey, tcsid, volume) let mut interesting_tcs = Vec::with_capacity(accounts.len()); for pubkey in accounts.iter() { if let Some(error_entry) = self .tcs_collection_hard_errors .had_too_many_errors(pubkey, now) { trace!( %pubkey, error_entry.count, "skip checking account for tcs, had errors recently", ); continue; } match trigger_tcs::find_interesting_tcs_for_account( pubkey, &self.mango_client, &self.account_fetcher, &self.token_swap_info, now_ts, ) { Ok(v) => { self.tcs_collection_hard_errors.clear_errors(pubkey); if v.is_empty() { self.tcs_collection_partial_errors.clear_errors(pubkey); self.tcs_execution_errors.clear_errors(pubkey); } else if v.iter().all(|it| it.is_ok()) { self.tcs_collection_partial_errors.clear_errors(pubkey); } else { for it in v.iter() { if let Err(e) = it { self.tcs_collection_partial_errors.record_error( pubkey, now, e.to_string(), ); } } } interesting_tcs.extend(v.iter().filter_map(|it| it.as_ref().ok())); } Err(e) => { self.tcs_collection_hard_errors .record_error(pubkey, now, e.to_string()); } } } if interesting_tcs.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } let tcs_context = trigger_tcs::ExecutionContext { mango_client: self.mango_client.clone(), account_fetcher: self.account_fetcher.clone(), token_swap_info: self.token_swap_info.clone(), config: self.trigger_tcs_config.clone(), }; let (txsigs, mut changed_pubkeys) = tcs_context .execute_tcs(&mut interesting_tcs, &mut self.tcs_execution_errors) .await?; changed_pubkeys.push(self.mango_client.mango_account_address); // Force a refresh of affected accounts let slot = self.account_fetcher.transaction_max_slot(&txsigs).await?; if let Err(e) = self .account_fetcher .refresh_accounts_via_rpc_until_slot( &changed_pubkeys, slot, self.liquidation_config.refresh_timeout, ) .await { info!(slot, "could not refresh after tcs execution: {}", e); } if let Err(err) = self.rebalancer.zero_all_non_quote().await { error!("failed to rebalance liqor: {:?}", err); } Ok(()) } fn log_persistent_errors(&mut self) { let now = Instant::now(); if now.duration_since(self.last_persistent_error_report) < self.persistent_error_report_interval { return; } self.last_persistent_error_report = now; let min_duration = self.persistent_error_min_duration; self.liq_errors .log_persistent_errors("liquidation", min_duration); self.tcs_execution_errors .log_persistent_errors("tcs execution", min_duration); self.tcs_collection_hard_errors .log_persistent_errors("tcs collection hard", min_duration); self.tcs_collection_partial_errors .log_persistent_errors("tcs collection partial", min_duration); } } fn start_chain_data_metrics(chain: Arc>, metrics: &metrics::Metrics) { let mut interval = tokio::time::interval(Duration::from_secs(600)); let mut metric_slots_count = metrics.register_u64("chain_data_slots_count".into()); let mut metric_accounts_count = metrics.register_u64("chain_data_accounts_count".into()); let mut metric_account_write_count = metrics.register_u64("chain_data_account_write_count".into()); tokio::spawn(async move { loop { interval.tick().await; let chain_lock =; metric_slots_count.set(chain_lock.slots_count() as u64); metric_accounts_count.set(chain_lock.accounts_count() as u64); metric_account_write_count.set(chain_lock.account_writes_count() as u64); } }); }