import { BN } from '@project-serum/anchor'; import { utf8 } from '@project-serum/anchor/dist/cjs/utils/bytes'; import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js'; import Big from 'big.js'; import { MangoClient } from '../client'; import { I80F48, I80F48Dto, ZERO_I80F48 } from '../numbers/I80F48'; import { As, toNative, U64_MAX_BN } from '../utils'; import { OracleConfig, QUOTE_DECIMALS, StablePriceModel, TokenIndex, } from './bank'; import { Group } from './group'; import { MangoAccount } from './mangoAccount'; export type PerpMarketIndex = number & As<'perp-market-index'>; export class PerpMarket { public name: string; public maintAssetWeight: I80F48; public initAssetWeight: I80F48; public maintLiabWeight: I80F48; public initLiabWeight: I80F48; public liquidationFee: I80F48; public makerFee: I80F48; public takerFee: I80F48; public minFunding: I80F48; public maxFunding: I80F48; public longFunding: I80F48; public shortFunding: I80F48; public feesAccrued: I80F48; public feesSettled: I80F48; public _price: I80F48; public _uiPrice: number; private priceLotsToUiConverter: number; private baseLotsToUiConverter: number; private quoteLotsToUiConverter: number; private _orderbook: Orderbook; static from( publicKey: PublicKey, obj: { group: PublicKey; settleTokenIndex: number; perpMarketIndex: number; trustedMarket: number; groupInsuranceFund: number; name: number[]; oracle: PublicKey; oracleConfig: OracleConfig; orderbook: PublicKey; eventQueue: PublicKey; quoteLotSize: BN; baseLotSize: BN; maintAssetWeight: I80F48Dto; initAssetWeight: I80F48Dto; maintLiabWeight: I80F48Dto; initLiabWeight: I80F48Dto; liquidationFee: I80F48Dto; makerFee: I80F48Dto; takerFee: I80F48Dto; minFunding: I80F48Dto; maxFunding: I80F48Dto; impactQuantity: BN; longFunding: I80F48Dto; shortFunding: I80F48Dto; fundingLastUpdated: BN; openInterest: BN; seqNum: BN; feesAccrued: I80F48Dto; baseDecimals: number; registrationTime: BN; feesSettled: I80F48Dto; feePenalty: number; settleFeeFlat: number; settleFeeAmountThreshold: number; settleFeeFractionLowHealth: number; stablePriceModel: StablePriceModel; }, ): PerpMarket { return new PerpMarket( publicKey,, obj.settleTokenIndex as TokenIndex, obj.perpMarketIndex as PerpMarketIndex, obj.trustedMarket == 1, obj.groupInsuranceFund == 1,,, obj.oracleConfig, obj.orderbook, obj.eventQueue, obj.quoteLotSize, obj.baseLotSize, obj.maintAssetWeight, obj.initAssetWeight, obj.maintLiabWeight, obj.initLiabWeight, obj.liquidationFee, obj.makerFee, obj.takerFee, obj.minFunding, obj.maxFunding, obj.impactQuantity, obj.longFunding, obj.shortFunding, obj.fundingLastUpdated, obj.openInterest, obj.seqNum, obj.feesAccrued, obj.baseDecimals, obj.registrationTime, obj.feesSettled, obj.feePenalty, obj.settleFeeFlat, obj.settleFeeAmountThreshold, obj.settleFeeFractionLowHealth, obj.stablePriceModel, ); } constructor( public publicKey: PublicKey, public group: PublicKey, public settleTokenIndex: TokenIndex, public perpMarketIndex: PerpMarketIndex, // TODO rename to marketIndex? public trustedMarket: boolean, public groupInsuranceFund: boolean, name: number[], public oracle: PublicKey, oracleConfig: OracleConfig, public orderbook: PublicKey, public eventQueue: PublicKey, public quoteLotSize: BN, public baseLotSize: BN, maintAssetWeight: I80F48Dto, initAssetWeight: I80F48Dto, maintLiabWeight: I80F48Dto, initLiabWeight: I80F48Dto, liquidationFee: I80F48Dto, makerFee: I80F48Dto, takerFee: I80F48Dto, minFunding: I80F48Dto, maxFunding: I80F48Dto, public impactQuantity: BN, longFunding: I80F48Dto, shortFunding: I80F48Dto, public fundingLastUpdated: BN, public openInterest: BN, public seqNum: BN, feesAccrued: I80F48Dto, public baseDecimals: number, public registrationTime: BN, feesSettled: I80F48Dto, public feePenalty: number, public settleFeeFlat: number, public settleFeeAmountThreshold: number, public settleFeeFractionLowHealth: number, public stablePriceModel: StablePriceModel, ) { = utf8.decode(new Uint8Array(name)).split('\x00')[0]; this.maintAssetWeight = I80F48.from(maintAssetWeight); this.initAssetWeight = I80F48.from(initAssetWeight); this.maintLiabWeight = I80F48.from(maintLiabWeight); this.initLiabWeight = I80F48.from(initLiabWeight); this.liquidationFee = I80F48.from(liquidationFee); this.makerFee = I80F48.from(makerFee); this.takerFee = I80F48.from(takerFee); this.minFunding = I80F48.from(minFunding); this.maxFunding = I80F48.from(maxFunding); this.longFunding = I80F48.from(longFunding); this.shortFunding = I80F48.from(shortFunding); this.feesAccrued = I80F48.from(feesAccrued); this.feesSettled = I80F48.from(feesSettled); this.priceLotsToUiConverter = new Big(10) .pow(baseDecimals - QUOTE_DECIMALS) .mul(new Big(this.quoteLotSize.toString())) .div(new Big(this.baseLotSize.toString())) .toNumber(); this.baseLotsToUiConverter = new Big(this.baseLotSize.toString()) .div(new Big(10).pow(baseDecimals)) .toNumber(); this.quoteLotsToUiConverter = new Big(this.quoteLotSize.toString()) .div(new Big(10).pow(QUOTE_DECIMALS)) .toNumber(); } get price(): I80F48 { if (!this._price) { throw new Error( `Undefined price for perpMarket ${this.publicKey} with marketIndex ${this.perpMarketIndex}!`, ); } return this._price; } get uiPrice(): number { if (!this._uiPrice) { throw new Error( `Undefined price for perpMarket ${this.publicKey} with marketIndex ${this.perpMarketIndex}!`, ); } return this._uiPrice; } get minOrderSize(): number { return this.baseLotsToUiConverter; } get tickSize(): number { return this.priceLotsToUiConverter; } private async loadOrderbook( client: MangoClient, forceReload = false, ): Promise { if (forceReload || !this._orderbook) this._orderbook = await client.program.account.orderbook.fetch( this.orderbook, ); return this._orderbook; } public async loadAsks(client: MangoClient): Promise { await this.loadOrderbook(client); return BookSide.from(client, this, BookSideType.asks, this._orderbook.asks); } public async loadBids(client: MangoClient): Promise { await this.loadOrderbook(client); return BookSide.from(client, this, BookSideType.bids, this._orderbook.bids); } public async loadEventQueue(client: MangoClient): Promise { const eventQueue = await client.program.account.eventQueue.fetch( this.eventQueue, ); return new PerpEventQueue(client, eventQueue.header, eventQueue.buf); } public async loadFills( client: MangoClient, lastSeqNum: BN, ): Promise<(OutEvent | FillEvent | LiquidateEvent)[]> { const eventQueue = await this.loadEventQueue(client); return eventQueue .eventsSince(lastSeqNum) .filter((event) => event.eventType == PerpEventQueue.FILL_EVENT_TYPE); } public async logOb(client: MangoClient): Promise { let res = ``; res += ` ${} OrderBook`; let orders = await this?.loadAsks(client); for (const order of orders!.items()) { res += `\n ${order.clientId.toString()} ${order.uiPrice .toFixed(5) .padStart(10)}, ${order.uiSize.toString().padStart(10)} ${ order.isOraclePegged && order.oraclePeggedProperties ? order.oraclePeggedProperties.pegLimit.toNumber() + ' (PegLimit)' : '' }`; } res += `\n asks ↑ --------- ↓ bids`; orders = await this?.loadBids(client); for (const order of orders!.items()) { res += `\n ${order.clientId.toString()} ${order.uiPrice .toFixed(5) .padStart(10)}, ${order.uiSize.toString().padStart(10)} ${ order.isOraclePegged && order.oraclePeggedProperties ? order.oraclePeggedProperties.pegLimit.toNumber() + ' (PegLimit)' : '' }`; } return res; } /** * * @param bids * @param asks * @returns returns funding rate per hour */ public getCurrentFundingRate(bids: BookSide, asks: BookSide): number { const MIN_FUNDING = this.minFunding.toNumber(); const MAX_FUNDING = this.maxFunding.toNumber(); const bid = bids.getImpactPriceUi(new BN(this.impactQuantity)); const ask = asks.getImpactPriceUi(new BN(this.impactQuantity)); const indexPrice = this._uiPrice; let funding; if (bid !== undefined && ask !== undefined) { const bookPrice = (bid + ask) / 2; funding = Math.min( Math.max(bookPrice / indexPrice - 1, MIN_FUNDING), MAX_FUNDING, ); } else if (bid !== undefined) { funding = MAX_FUNDING; } else if (ask !== undefined) { funding = MIN_FUNDING; } else { funding = 0; } return funding / 24; } public uiPriceToLots(price: number): BN { return toNative(price, QUOTE_DECIMALS) .mul(this.baseLotSize) .div(this.quoteLotSize.mul(new BN(Math.pow(10, this.baseDecimals)))); } public uiBaseToLots(quantity: number): BN { return toNative(quantity, this.baseDecimals).div(this.baseLotSize); } public uiQuoteToLots(uiQuote: number): BN { return toNative(uiQuote, QUOTE_DECIMALS).div(this.quoteLotSize); } public priceLotsToUi(price: BN): number { return parseFloat(price.toString()) * this.priceLotsToUiConverter; } public baseLotsToUi(quantity: BN): number { return parseFloat(quantity.toString()) * this.baseLotsToUiConverter; } public quoteLotsToUi(quantity: BN): number { return parseFloat(quantity.toString()) * this.quoteLotsToUiConverter; } /** * Returns a list of (upto count) accounts, and the pnl that is settle'able on this perp market, * the list is sorted ascending for 'negative' direction and descending for 'positive' direction. * * NOTE: keep in sync with * * TODO: replace with a more performant offchain service call * @param client * @param group * @param direction * @returns */ public async getSettlePnlCandidates( client: MangoClient, group: Group, direction: 'negative' | 'positive', count = 2, ): Promise<{ account: MangoAccount; settleablePnl: I80F48 }[]> { let accs = (await client.getAllMangoAccounts(group)) .filter((acc) => // need a perp position in this market acc.perpPositionExistsForMarket(this), ) .map((acc) => { return { account: acc, settleablePnl: acc .perpActive() .find((pp) => pp.marketIndex === this.perpMarketIndex)! .getPnl(this), }; }); accs = accs .filter( (acc) => // need perp positions with -ve pnl to settle +ve pnl and vice versa (direction === 'negative' && || (direction === 'positive' &&, ) .sort((a, b) => direction === 'negative' ? // most negative a.settleablePnl.cmp(b.settleablePnl) : // most positive b.settleablePnl.cmp(a.settleablePnl), ); if (direction === 'negative') { let stable = 0; for (let i = 0; i < accs.length; i++) { const acc = accs[i]; const nextPnl = i + 1 < accs.length ? accs[i + 1].settleablePnl : ZERO_I80F48(); const perpSettleHealth = acc.account.getPerpSettleHealth(group); acc.settleablePnl = // need positive health to settle against +ve pnl && !acc.account.beingLiquidated ? // can only settle min acc.settleablePnl.max(perpSettleHealth.neg()) : ZERO_I80F48(); // If the ordering was unchanged `count` times we know we have the top `count` accounts if (acc.settleablePnl.lte(nextPnl)) { stable += 1; if (stable >= count) { break; } } } } accs.sort((a, b) => direction === 'negative' ? // most negative a.settleablePnl.cmp(b.settleablePnl) : // most positive b.settleablePnl.cmp(a.settleablePnl), ); return accs.slice(0, count); } toString(): string { return ( 'PerpMarket ' + '\n perpMarketIndex -' + this.perpMarketIndex + '\n maintAssetWeight -' + this.maintAssetWeight.toString() + '\n initAssetWeight -' + this.initAssetWeight.toString() + '\n maintLiabWeight -' + this.maintLiabWeight.toString() + '\n initLiabWeight -' + this.initLiabWeight.toString() + '\n liquidationFee -' + this.liquidationFee.toString() + '\n makerFee -' + this.makerFee.toString() + '\n takerFee -' + this.takerFee.toString() ); } } interface Orderbook { bids: OrderTree; asks: OrderTree; } interface OrderTree { fixed: { bumpIndex: number; freeListLen: number; freeListHead: number; rootNode: number; leafCount: number; nodes: [any]; }; oraclePegged: { bumpIndex: number; freeListLen: number; freeListHead: number; rootNode: number; leafCount: number; nodes: [any]; }; } export class BookSide { private static INNER_NODE_TAG = 1; private static LEAF_NODE_TAG = 2; now: BN; static from( client: MangoClient, perpMarket: PerpMarket, bookSideType: BookSideType, obj: { fixed: { bumpIndex: number; freeListLen: number; freeListHead: number; rootNode: number; leafCount: number; nodes: [any]; }; oraclePegged: { bumpIndex: number; freeListLen: number; freeListHead: number; rootNode: number; leafCount: number; nodes: [any]; }; }, ): BookSide { return new BookSide(client, perpMarket, bookSideType, obj); } constructor( public client: MangoClient, public perpMarket: PerpMarket, public type: BookSideType, public orderTree: { fixed: { bumpIndex: number; freeListLen: number; freeListHead: number; rootNode: number; leafCount: number; nodes: [any]; }; oraclePegged: { bumpIndex: number; freeListLen: number; freeListHead: number; rootNode: number; leafCount: number; nodes: [any]; }; }, maxBookDelay?: number, ) { // Determine the maxTimestamp found on the book to use for tif // If maxBookDelay is not provided, use 3600 as a very large number maxBookDelay = maxBookDelay === undefined ? 3600 : maxBookDelay; let maxTimestamp = new BN(new Date().getTime() / 1000 - maxBookDelay); for (const node of [ ...this.orderTree.fixed.nodes, ...this.orderTree.oraclePegged.nodes, ]) { if (node.tag !== BookSide.LEAF_NODE_TAG) { continue; } const leafNode = BookSide.toLeafNode(client,; if ( { maxTimestamp = leafNode.timestamp; } } = maxTimestamp; } static getPriceFromKey(key: BN): BN { return key.ushrn(64); } /** * iterates over all orders */ public *items(): Generator { function isBetter( type: PerpOrderSide, a: PerpOrder, b: PerpOrder, ): boolean { return a.priceLots.eq(b.priceLots) ? // if prices are equal prefer perp orders in the order they are placed : type === BookSideType.bids // else compare the actual prices ? :; } const fGen = this.fixedItems(); const oPegGen = this.oraclePeggedItems(); let fOrderRes =; let oPegOrderRes =; while (true) { if (fOrderRes.value && oPegOrderRes.value) { if (isBetter(this.type, fOrderRes.value, oPegOrderRes.value)) { yield fOrderRes.value; fOrderRes =; } else { yield oPegOrderRes.value; oPegOrderRes =; } } else if (fOrderRes.value && !oPegOrderRes.value) { yield fOrderRes.value; fOrderRes =; } else if (!fOrderRes.value && oPegOrderRes.value) { yield oPegOrderRes.value; oPegOrderRes =; } else if (!fOrderRes.value && !oPegOrderRes.value) { break; } } } /** * iterates over all orders, * skips oracle pegged orders which are invalid due to oracle price crossing the peg limit, * skips tif orders which are invalid due to tif having elapsed, */ public *itemsValid(): Generator { const itemsGen = this.items(); let itemsRes =; while (true) { if (itemsRes.value) { const val = itemsRes.value; if ( !val.isExpired && (!val.isOraclePegged || (val.isOraclePegged && !val.oraclePeggedProperties.isInvalid)) ) { yield val; } itemsRes =; } else { break; } } } public *fixedItems(): Generator { if (this.orderTree.fixed.leafCount === 0) { return; } const now =; const stack = [this.orderTree.fixed.rootNode]; const [left, right] = this.type === BookSideType.bids ? [1, 0] : [0, 1]; while (stack.length > 0) { const index = stack.pop()!; const node = this.orderTree.fixed.nodes[index]; if (node.tag === BookSide.INNER_NODE_TAG) { const innerNode = BookSide.toInnerNode(this.client,; stack.push(innerNode.children[right], innerNode.children[left]); } else if (node.tag === BookSide.LEAF_NODE_TAG) { const leafNode = BookSide.toLeafNode(this.client,; const expiryTimestamp = leafNode.timeInForce ? leafNode.timestamp.add(new BN(leafNode.timeInForce)) : U64_MAX_BN; yield PerpOrder.from( this.perpMarket, leafNode, this.type,, ); } } } public *oraclePeggedItems(): Generator { if (this.orderTree.oraclePegged.leafCount === 0) { return; } const now =; const stack = [this.orderTree.oraclePegged.rootNode]; const [left, right] = this.type === BookSideType.bids ? [1, 0] : [0, 1]; while (stack.length > 0) { const index = stack.pop()!; const node = this.orderTree.oraclePegged.nodes[index]; if (node.tag === BookSide.INNER_NODE_TAG) { const innerNode = BookSide.toInnerNode(this.client,; stack.push(innerNode.children[right], innerNode.children[left]); } else if (node.tag === BookSide.LEAF_NODE_TAG) { const leafNode = BookSide.toLeafNode(this.client,; const expiryTimestamp = leafNode.timeInForce ? leafNode.timestamp.add(new BN(leafNode.timeInForce)) : U64_MAX_BN; yield PerpOrder.from( this.perpMarket, leafNode, this.type,, true, ); } } } public best(): PerpOrder | undefined { return this.items().next().value; } getImpactPriceUi(baseLots: BN): number | undefined { const s = new BN(0); for (const order of this.items()) { s.iadd(order.sizeLots); if (s.gte(baseLots)) { return order.uiPrice; } } return undefined; } public getL2(depth: number): [number, number, BN, BN][] { const levels: [BN, BN][] = []; for (const { priceLots, sizeLots } of this.items()) { if (levels.length > 0 && levels[levels.length - 1][0].eq(priceLots)) { levels[levels.length - 1][1].iadd(sizeLots); } else if (levels.length === depth) { break; } else { levels.push([priceLots, sizeLots]); } } return[priceLots, sizeLots]) => [ this.perpMarket.priceLotsToUi(priceLots), this.perpMarket.baseLotsToUi(sizeLots), priceLots, sizeLots, ]); } public getL2Ui(depth: number): [number, number][] { const levels: [number, number][] = []; for (const { uiPrice: price, uiSize: size } of this.items()) { if (levels.length > 0 && levels[levels.length - 1][0] === price) { levels[levels.length - 1][1] += size; } else if (levels.length === depth) { break; } else { levels.push([price, size]); } } return levels; } static toInnerNode(client: MangoClient, data: [number]): InnerNode { return (client.program as any)._coder.types.typeLayouts .get('InnerNode') .decode(Buffer.from([BookSide.INNER_NODE_TAG, 0, 0, 0].concat(data))); } static toLeafNode(client: MangoClient, data: [number]): LeafNode { return LeafNode.from( (client.program as any)._coder.types.typeLayouts .get('LeafNode') .decode(Buffer.from([BookSide.LEAF_NODE_TAG, 0, 0, 0].concat(data))), ); } } export class BookSideType { static bids = { bids: {} }; static asks = { asks: {} }; } export class LeafNode { static from(obj: { ownerSlot: number; orderType: PerpOrderType; timeInForce: number; key: BN; owner: PublicKey; quantity: BN; clientOrderId: BN; timestamp: BN; pegLimit: BN; }): LeafNode { return new LeafNode( obj.ownerSlot, obj.orderType, obj.timeInForce, obj.key, obj.owner, obj.quantity, obj.clientOrderId, obj.timestamp, obj.pegLimit, ); } constructor( public ownerSlot: number, public orderType: PerpOrderType, public timeInForce: number, public key: BN, public owner: PublicKey, public quantity: BN, public clientOrderId: BN, public timestamp: BN, public pegLimit: BN, ) {} } export class InnerNode { static from(obj: { children: [number] }): InnerNode { return new InnerNode(obj.children); } constructor(public children: [number]) {} } export class PerpOrderSide { static bid = { bid: {} }; static ask = { ask: {} }; } export class PerpOrderType { static limit = { limit: {} }; static immediateOrCancel = { immediateOrCancel: {} }; static postOnly = { postOnly: {} }; static market = { market: {} }; static postOnlySlide = { postOnlySlide: {} }; } export class PerpOrder { static from( perpMarket: PerpMarket, leafNode: LeafNode, type: BookSideType, isExpired = false, isOraclePegged = false, ): PerpOrder { const side = type == BookSideType.bids ? : PerpOrderSide.ask; let priceLots; let oraclePeggedProperties; if (isOraclePegged) { const priceData = leafNode.key.ushrn(64); const priceOffset = priceData.sub(new BN(1).ushln(63)); priceLots = perpMarket.uiPriceToLots(perpMarket.uiPrice).add(priceOffset); const isInvalid = type === BookSideType.bids ? :; oraclePeggedProperties = { isInvalid, priceOffset, uiPriceOffset: perpMarket.priceLotsToUi(priceOffset), pegLimit: leafNode.pegLimit, uiPegLimit: perpMarket.priceLotsToUi(leafNode.pegLimit), } as OraclePeggedProperties; } else { priceLots = BookSide.getPriceFromKey(leafNode.key); } const expiryTimestamp = leafNode.timeInForce ? leafNode.timestamp.add(new BN(leafNode.timeInForce)) : U64_MAX_BN; return new PerpOrder( type === BookSideType.bids ? new BN('18446744073709551615').sub(leafNode.key.maskn(64)) : leafNode.key.maskn(64), leafNode.key, leafNode.clientOrderId, leafNode.owner, leafNode.ownerSlot, 0, perpMarket.priceLotsToUi(priceLots), priceLots, perpMarket.baseLotsToUi(leafNode.quantity), leafNode.quantity, side, leafNode.timestamp, expiryTimestamp, perpMarket.perpMarketIndex, isExpired, isOraclePegged, oraclePeggedProperties, ); } constructor( public seqNum: BN, public orderId: BN, public clientId: BN, public owner: PublicKey, public openOrdersSlot: number, public feeTier: 0, public uiPrice: number, public priceLots: BN, public uiSize: number, public sizeLots: BN, public side: PerpOrderSide, public timestamp: BN, public expiryTimestamp: BN, public perpMarketIndex: number, public isExpired = false, public isOraclePegged = false, public oraclePeggedProperties?: OraclePeggedProperties, ) {} get price(): number { return this.uiPrice; } get size(): number { return this.uiSize; } } interface OraclePeggedProperties { isInvalid: boolean; priceOffset: BN; uiPriceOffset: number; pegLimit: BN; uiPegLimit: number; } export class PerpEventQueue { static FILL_EVENT_TYPE = 0; static OUT_EVENT_TYPE = 1; static LIQUIDATE_EVENT_TYPE = 2; public head: number; public count: number; public seqNum: BN; public rawEvents: (OutEvent | FillEvent | LiquidateEvent)[]; constructor( client: MangoClient, header: { head: number; count: number; seqNum: BN }, buf, ) { this.head = header.head; this.count = header.count; this.seqNum = header.seqNum; this.rawEvents = => { if (event.eventType === PerpEventQueue.FILL_EVENT_TYPE) { return (client.program as any)._coder.types.typeLayouts .get('FillEvent') .decode( Buffer.from([PerpEventQueue.FILL_EVENT_TYPE].concat(event.padding)), ); } else if (event.eventType === PerpEventQueue.OUT_EVENT_TYPE) { return (client.program as any)._coder.types.typeLayouts .get('OutEvent') .decode( Buffer.from([PerpEventQueue.OUT_EVENT_TYPE].concat(event.padding)), ); } else if (event.eventType === PerpEventQueue.LIQUIDATE_EVENT_TYPE) { return (client.program as any)._coder.types.typeLayouts .get('LiquidateEvent') .decode( Buffer.from( [PerpEventQueue.LIQUIDATE_EVENT_TYPE].concat(event.padding), ), ); } throw new Error(`Unknown event with eventType ${event.eventType}!`); }); } public getUnconsumedEvents(): (OutEvent | FillEvent | LiquidateEvent)[] { const events: (OutEvent | FillEvent | LiquidateEvent)[] = []; const head = this.head; for (let i = 0; i < this.count; i++) { events.push(this.rawEvents[(head + i) % this.rawEvents.length]); } return events; } public eventsSince( lastSeqNum?: BN, ): (OutEvent | FillEvent | LiquidateEvent)[] { return this.rawEvents .filter((e) => === undefined ? new BN(0) : lastSeqNum), ) .sort((a, b) => a.seqNum.cmp(b.seqNum)); } } export interface Event { eventType: number; } export interface OutEvent extends Event { side: PerpOrderType; ownerSlot: number; timestamp: BN; seqNum: BN; owner: PublicKey; quantity: BN; } export interface FillEvent extends Event { takerSide: PerpOrderType; makerOut: boolean; makerSlot: number; marketFeesApplied: boolean; timestamp: BN; seqNum: BN; maker: PublicKey; makerOrderId: BN; makerClientOrderId: BN; makerFee: I80F48; makerTimestamp: BN; taker: PublicKey; takerOrderId: BN; takerClientOrderId: BN; takerFee: I80F48; price: BN; quantity: BN; } export interface LiquidateEvent extends Event { seqNum: BN; }