import { AnchorProvider, Wallet } from '@coral-xyz/anchor'; import { AccountInfo, Cluster, Connection, Keypair, PublicKey, TransactionInstruction, } from '@solana/web3.js'; import fs from 'fs'; import { MangoClient } from '../src/client'; import { MANGO_V4_ID } from '../src/constants'; import * as borsh from '@coral-xyz/borsh'; import { TokenConditionalSwapDto } from '../src/accounts/mangoAccount'; const CLUSTER: Cluster = (process.env.CLUSTER as Cluster) || 'mainnet-beta'; const CLUSTER_URL = process.env.CLUSTER_URL; const PAYER_KEYPAIR = process.env.PAYER_KEYPAIR; async function run(): Promise { const options = AnchorProvider.defaultOptions(); const connection = new Connection(CLUSTER_URL!, options); const user = Keypair.fromSecretKey( Buffer.from(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(PAYER_KEYPAIR!, 'utf-8'))), ); const userWallet = new Wallet(user); const userProvider = new AnchorProvider(connection, userWallet, options); const client = await MangoClient.connect( userProvider, CLUSTER, MANGO_V4_ID[CLUSTER], { idsSource: 'get-program-accounts', }, ); // // Retrieve accounts // const discriminatorMemcmp: { offset: number; bytes: string; } = client.program.account.mangoAccount.coder.accounts.memcmp( 'mangoAccount', undefined, ); const accountAis = await client.program.provider.connection.getProgramAccounts( client.programId, { filters: [ { memcmp: { bytes: discriminatorMemcmp.bytes, offset: discriminatorMemcmp.offset, }, }, ], }, ); console.log('accounts', accountAis.length); const accountsToMigrate = accountAis.filter((accountAi) => { const version = getAccountVersion(client, accountAi.account); return version != 'v3'; }); for (let i = 0; i < accountsToMigrate.length; i += 8) { const batch = accountsToMigrate.slice(i, i + 8); const ixs = await Promise.all( => makeMigationIx(client, accountAi.pubkey, accountAi.account), ), ); await client.sendAndConfirmTransaction(ixs); } } async function makeMigationIx( client: MangoClient, pubkey: PublicKey, ai: AccountInfo, ): Promise { const account = await client.getMangoAccountFromAi(pubkey, ai); return await client.program.methods .accountSizeMigration() .accounts({ group:, account: pubkey, payer: (client.program.provider as AnchorProvider).wallet.publicKey, }) .instruction(); } function getAccountVersion( client: MangoClient, ai: AccountInfo, ): 'v1' | 'v2' | 'v3' { const currentSize =; // Decode a v1 account const decodedMangoAccount = client.program.coder.accounts.decode( 'mangoAccount',, ); // v1: basic length before the introduction of tcs const mangoAccountBuffer = Buffer.alloc(currentSize); const layout = client.program.coder.accounts['accountLayouts'].get('mangoAccount'); const discriminatorLen = 8; const v1DataLen = layout.encode(decodedMangoAccount, mangoAccountBuffer); const v1Len = discriminatorLen + v1DataLen; if (currentSize == v1Len) { return 'v1'; } // v2: addition of the tcs vector const tcsAlign = 4; const tcsLayout = (client.program as any)._coder.types.typeLayouts.get( 'TokenConditionalSwap', ); const tcsVecLayout = borsh.vec(tcsLayout); const tokenConditionalSwaps = tcsVecLayout.decode(, v1Len + tcsAlign, ) as TokenConditionalSwapDto[]; const tcsBytesSize = tcsVecLayout.encode( tokenConditionalSwaps, mangoAccountBuffer, v1Len + tcsAlign, ); const v2DataLen = v1DataLen + tcsAlign + tcsBytesSize; const v2Len = discriminatorLen + v2DataLen; if (currentSize == v2Len) { return 'v2'; } // v3: add 64 reserved bytes after the tcs vec const v3Len = v2Len + 64; if (currentSize == v3Len) { return 'v3'; } throw new Error( `unexpected mango account size ${currentSize}, expected ${v1Len} or ${v2Len} or ${v3Len}`, ); } run();