import { AnchorProvider, Wallet } from '@project-serum/anchor'; import { Connection, Keypair } from '@solana/web3.js'; import fs from 'fs'; import { Serum3Side } from '../accounts/serum3'; import { MangoClient } from '../client'; import { MANGO_V4_ID } from '../constants'; // // (untested?) script which closes a mango account cleanly, first closes all positions, withdraws all tokens and then closes it // async function main() { const options = AnchorProvider.defaultOptions(); const connection = new Connection(process.env.MB_CLUSTER_URL!, options); // user const user = Keypair.fromSecretKey( Buffer.from( JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(process.env.USER_KEYPAIR!, 'utf-8')), ), ); const userWallet = new Wallet(user); const userProvider = new AnchorProvider(connection, userWallet, options); const client = await MangoClient.connect( userProvider, 'mainnet-beta', MANGO_V4_ID['mainnet-beta'], ); console.log(`User ${userWallet.publicKey.toBase58()}`); // admin const admin = Keypair.fromSecretKey( Buffer.from( JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(process.env.MB_PAYER_KEYPAIR!, 'utf-8')), ), ); console.log(`Admin ${admin.publicKey.toBase58()}`); // fetch group const group = await client.getGroupForCreator(admin.publicKey, 2); console.log(`Found group ${group.publicKey.toBase58()}`); // account const mangoAccount = ( await client.getMangoAccountsForOwner(group, user.publicKey) )[0]; console.log(`...found mangoAccount ${mangoAccount.publicKey}`); console.log(mangoAccount.toString(group)); try { // cancel serum3 accounts, closing might require cancelling orders and settling for (const serum3Account of mangoAccount.serum3Active()) { let orders = await client.getSerum3Orders( group, group.findSerum3Market(serum3Account.marketIndex)!.name, ); for (const order of orders) { console.log( ` - Order orderId ${order.orderId}, ${order.side}, ${order.price}, ${order.size}`, ); console.log(` - Cancelling order with ${order.orderId}`); await client.serum3CancelOrder( group, mangoAccount, 'BTC/USDC', order.side === 'buy' ? : Serum3Side.ask, order.orderId, ); } await client.serum3SettleFunds( group, mangoAccount, group.findSerum3Market(serum3Account.marketIndex)!.name, ); await client.serum3CloseOpenOrders( group, mangoAccount, group.findSerum3Market(serum3Account.marketIndex)!.name, ); } // we closed a serum account, this changes the health accounts we are passing in for future ixs await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); // withdraw all tokens for (const token of mangoAccount.tokensActive()) { const native = token.native(group.findBank(token.tokenIndex)!); console.log( `token native ${native} ${group.findBank(token.tokenIndex)!.name}`, ); if (native.toNumber() < 1) { continue; } await client.tokenWithdrawNative( group, mangoAccount, group.findBank(token.tokenIndex)!.name, token.native(group.findBank(token.tokenIndex)!).toNumber(), false, ); } } catch (error) { console.log(error); } await mangoAccount.reload(client, group); console.log(`...mangoAccount ${mangoAccount.publicKey}`); console.log(mangoAccount.toString()); console.log(`Close mango account...`); const res = await client.closeMangoAccount(group, mangoAccount); process.exit(); } main();