import { BN } from '@project-serum/anchor'; import { OpenOrders } from '@project-serum/serum'; import { expect } from 'chai'; import { toUiDecimalsForQuote } from '../utils'; import { BankForHealth, TokenIndex } from './bank'; import { HealthCache, PerpInfo, Serum3Info, TokenInfo } from './healthCache'; import { I80F48, ZERO_I80F48 } from './I80F48'; import { HealthType, PerpPosition } from './mangoAccount'; import { PerpMarket } from './perp'; import { MarketIndex } from './serum3'; function mockBankAndOracle( tokenIndex: TokenIndex, maintWeight: number, initWeight: number, price: number, ): BankForHealth { return { tokenIndex, maintAssetWeight: I80F48.fromNumber(1 - maintWeight), initAssetWeight: I80F48.fromNumber(1 - initWeight), maintLiabWeight: I80F48.fromNumber(1 + maintWeight), initLiabWeight: I80F48.fromNumber(1 + initWeight), price: I80F48.fromNumber(price), }; } function mockPerpMarket( perpMarketIndex: number, maintWeight: number, initWeight: number, price: I80F48, ): PerpMarket { return { perpMarketIndex, maintAssetWeight: I80F48.fromNumber(1 - maintWeight), initAssetWeight: I80F48.fromNumber(1 - initWeight), maintLiabWeight: I80F48.fromNumber(1 + maintWeight), initLiabWeight: I80F48.fromNumber(1 + initWeight), price, quoteLotSize: new BN(100), baseLotSize: new BN(10), longFunding: ZERO_I80F48(), shortFunding: ZERO_I80F48(), } as unknown as PerpMarket; } describe('Health Cache', () => { it('test_health0', () => { const sourceBank: BankForHealth = mockBankAndOracle( 1 as TokenIndex, 0.1, 0.2, 1, ); const targetBank: BankForHealth = mockBankAndOracle( 4 as TokenIndex, 0.3, 0.5, 5, ); const ti1 = TokenInfo.fromBank(sourceBank, I80F48.fromNumber(100)); const ti2 = TokenInfo.fromBank(targetBank, I80F48.fromNumber(-10)); const si1 = Serum3Info.fromOoModifyingTokenInfos( 1, ti2, 0, ti1, 2 as MarketIndex, { quoteTokenTotal: new BN(21), baseTokenTotal: new BN(18), quoteTokenFree: new BN(1), baseTokenFree: new BN(3), referrerRebatesAccrued: new BN(2), } as any as OpenOrders, ); const pM = mockPerpMarket(9, 0.1, 0.2, targetBank.price); const pp = new PerpPosition( pM.perpMarketIndex, 3, I80F48.fromNumber(-310), 7, 11, 1, 2, I80F48.fromNumber(0), I80F48.fromNumber(0), ); const pi1 = PerpInfo.fromPerpPosition(pM, pp); const hc = new HealthCache([ti1, ti2], [si1], [pi1]); // for bank1/oracle1, including open orders (scenario: bids execute) const health1 = (100.0 + 1.0 + 2.0 + (20.0 + 15.0 * 5.0)) * 0.8; // for bank2/oracle2 const health2 = (-10.0 + 3.0) * 5.0 * 1.5; // for perp (scenario: bids execute) const health3 = (3.0 + 7.0 + 1.0) * 10.0 * 5.0 * 0.8 + (-310.0 + 2.0 * 100.0 - 7.0 * 10.0 * 5.0); const health =; console.log( `health ${health .toFixed(3) .padStart( 10, )}, case "test that includes all the side values (like referrer_rebates_accrued)"`, ); expect(health - (health1 + health2 + health3)).lessThan(0.0000001); }); it('test_health1', () => { function testFixture(fixture: { name: string; token1: number; token2: number; token3: number; oo12: [number, number]; oo13: [number, number]; perp1: [number, number, number, number]; expectedHealth: number; }): void { const bank1: BankForHealth = mockBankAndOracle( 1 as TokenIndex, 0.1, 0.2, 1, ); const bank2: BankForHealth = mockBankAndOracle( 4 as TokenIndex, 0.3, 0.5, 5, ); const bank3: BankForHealth = mockBankAndOracle( 5 as TokenIndex, 0.3, 0.5, 10, ); const ti1 = TokenInfo.fromBank(bank1, I80F48.fromNumber(fixture.token1)); const ti2 = TokenInfo.fromBank(bank2, I80F48.fromNumber(fixture.token2)); const ti3 = TokenInfo.fromBank(bank3, I80F48.fromNumber(fixture.token3)); const si1 = Serum3Info.fromOoModifyingTokenInfos( 1, ti2, 0, ti1, 2 as MarketIndex, { quoteTokenTotal: new BN(fixture.oo12[0]), baseTokenTotal: new BN(fixture.oo12[1]), quoteTokenFree: new BN(0), baseTokenFree: new BN(0), referrerRebatesAccrued: new BN(0), } as any as OpenOrders, ); const si2 = Serum3Info.fromOoModifyingTokenInfos( 2, ti3, 0, ti1, 2 as MarketIndex, { quoteTokenTotal: new BN(fixture.oo13[0]), baseTokenTotal: new BN(fixture.oo13[1]), quoteTokenFree: new BN(0), baseTokenFree: new BN(0), referrerRebatesAccrued: new BN(0), } as any as OpenOrders, ); const pM = mockPerpMarket(9, 0.1, 0.2, bank2.price); const pp = new PerpPosition( pM.perpMarketIndex, fixture.perp1[0], I80F48.fromNumber(fixture.perp1[1]), fixture.perp1[2], fixture.perp1[3], 0, 0, I80F48.fromNumber(0), I80F48.fromNumber(0), ); const pi1 = PerpInfo.fromPerpPosition(pM, pp); const hc = new HealthCache([ti1, ti2, ti3], [si1, si2], [pi1]); const health =; console.log( `health ${health.toFixed(3).padStart(10)}, case "${}"`, ); expect(health - fixture.expectedHealth).lessThan(0.0000001); } const basePrice = 5; const baseLotsToQuote = 10.0 * basePrice; testFixture({ name: '0', token1: 100, token2: -10, token3: 0, oo12: [20, 15], oo13: [0, 0], perp1: [3, -131, 7, 11], expectedHealth: // for token1, including open orders (scenario: bids execute) (100.0 + (20.0 + 15.0 * basePrice)) * 0.8 - // for token2 10.0 * basePrice * 1.5 + // for perp (scenario: bids execute) (3.0 + 7.0) * baseLotsToQuote * 0.8 + (-131.0 - 7.0 * baseLotsToQuote), }); testFixture({ name: '1', token1: -100, token2: 10, token3: 0, oo12: [20, 15], oo13: [0, 0], perp1: [-10, -131, 7, 11], expectedHealth: // for token1 -100.0 * 1.2 + // for token2, including open orders (scenario: asks execute) (10.0 * basePrice + (20.0 + 15.0 * basePrice)) * 0.5 + // for perp (scenario: asks execute) (-10.0 - 11.0) * baseLotsToQuote * 1.2 + (-131.0 + 11.0 * baseLotsToQuote), }); testFixture({ name: '2', token1: 0, token2: 0, token3: 0, oo12: [0, 0], oo13: [0, 0], perp1: [-10, 100, 0, 0], expectedHealth: 0, }); testFixture({ name: '3', token1: 0, token2: 0, token3: 0, oo12: [0, 0], oo13: [0, 0], perp1: [1, -100, 0, 0], expectedHealth: -100.0 + 0.8 * 1.0 * baseLotsToQuote, }); testFixture({ name: '4', token1: 0, token2: 0, token3: 0, oo12: [0, 0], oo13: [0, 0], perp1: [10, 100, 0, 0], expectedHealth: 0, }); testFixture({ name: '5', token1: 0, token2: 0, token3: 0, oo12: [0, 0], oo13: [0, 0], perp1: [30, -100, 0, 0], expectedHealth: 0, }); testFixture({ name: '6, reserved oo funds', token1: -100, token2: -10, token3: -10, oo12: [1, 1], oo13: [1, 1], perp1: [30, -100, 0, 0], expectedHealth: // tokens -100.0 * 1.2 - 10.0 * 5.0 * 1.5 - 10.0 * 10.0 * 1.5 + // oo_1_2 (-> token1) (1.0 + 5.0) * 1.2 + // oo_1_3 (-> token1) (1.0 + 10.0) * 1.2, }); testFixture({ name: '7, reserved oo funds cross the zero balance level', token1: -14, token2: -10, token3: -10, oo12: [1, 1], oo13: [1, 1], perp1: [0, 0, 0, 0], expectedHealth: -14.0 * 1.2 - 10.0 * 5.0 * 1.5 - 10.0 * 10.0 * 1.5 + // oo_1_2 (-> token1) 3.0 * 1.2 + 3.0 * 0.8 + // oo_1_3 (-> token1) 8.0 * 1.2 + 3.0 * 0.8, }); testFixture({ name: '8, reserved oo funds in a non-quote currency', token1: -100, token2: -100, token3: -1, oo12: [0, 0], oo13: [10, 1], perp1: [0, 0, 0, 0], expectedHealth: // tokens -100.0 * 1.2 - 100.0 * 5.0 * 1.5 - 10.0 * 1.5 + // oo_1_3 (-> token3) 10.0 * 1.5 + 10.0 * 0.5, }); testFixture({ name: '9, like 8 but oo_1_2 flips the oo_1_3 target', token1: -100, token2: -100, token3: -1, oo12: [100, 0], oo13: [10, 1], perp1: [0, 0, 0, 0], expectedHealth: // tokens -100.0 * 1.2 - 100.0 * 5.0 * 1.5 - 10.0 * 1.5 + // oo_1_2 (-> token1) 80.0 * 1.2 + 20.0 * 0.8 + // oo_1_3 (-> token1) 20.0 * 0.8, }); }); it('max swap tokens for min ratio', () => { // USDC like const sourceBank: BankForHealth = { tokenIndex: 0 as TokenIndex, maintAssetWeight: I80F48.fromNumber(1), initAssetWeight: I80F48.fromNumber(1), maintLiabWeight: I80F48.fromNumber(1), initLiabWeight: I80F48.fromNumber(1), price: I80F48.fromNumber(1), }; // BTC like const targetBank: BankForHealth = { tokenIndex: 1 as TokenIndex, maintAssetWeight: I80F48.fromNumber(0.9), initAssetWeight: I80F48.fromNumber(0.8), maintLiabWeight: I80F48.fromNumber(1.1), initLiabWeight: I80F48.fromNumber(1.2), price: I80F48.fromNumber(20000), }; const hc = new HealthCache( [ new TokenInfo( 0 as TokenIndex, sourceBank.maintAssetWeight, sourceBank.initAssetWeight, sourceBank.maintLiabWeight, sourceBank.initLiabWeight, sourceBank.price!, I80F48.fromNumber(-18 * Math.pow(10, 6)), ZERO_I80F48(), ), new TokenInfo( 1 as TokenIndex, targetBank.maintAssetWeight, targetBank.initAssetWeight, targetBank.maintLiabWeight, targetBank.initLiabWeight, targetBank.price!, I80F48.fromNumber(51 * Math.pow(10, 6)), ZERO_I80F48(), ), ], [], [], ); expect( toUiDecimalsForQuote( hc.getMaxSourceForTokenSwap( targetBank, sourceBank, I80F48.fromNumber(1), I80F48.fromNumber(0.95), ), ).toFixed(3), ).equals('0.008'); expect( toUiDecimalsForQuote( hc.getMaxSourceForTokenSwap( sourceBank, targetBank, I80F48.fromNumber(1), I80F48.fromNumber(0.95), ), ).toFixed(3), ).equals('90.477'); }); });