import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js'; import _ from 'lodash'; import { Bank } from './bank'; import { Group } from './group'; import { HUNDRED_I80F48, I80F48, I80F48Dto, MAX_I80F48, ONE_I80F48, ZERO_I80F48, } from './I80F48'; import { HealthType } from './mangoAccount'; import { Serum3Market, Serum3Side } from './serum3'; // ░░░░ // // ██ // ██░░██ // ░░ ░░ ██░░░░░░██ ░░░░ // ██░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░██████░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░██████░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ░░ ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██████████████████████████████████████████ // warning: this code is copy pasta from rust, keep in sync with export class HealthCache { constructor( public tokenInfos: TokenInfo[], public serum3Infos: Serum3Info[], public perpInfos: PerpInfo[], ) {} static fromDto(dto) { return new HealthCache( => TokenInfo.fromDto(dto)), => Serum3Info.fromDto(dto)), => new PerpInfo(dto)), ); } public health(healthType: HealthType): I80F48 { const health = ZERO_I80F48(); for (const tokenInfo of this.tokenInfos) { const contrib = tokenInfo.healthContribution(healthType); health.iadd(contrib); } for (const serum3Info of this.serum3Infos) { const contrib = serum3Info.healthContribution( healthType, this.tokenInfos, ); health.iadd(contrib); } for (const perpInfo of this.perpInfos) { const contrib = perpInfo.healthContribution(healthType); health.iadd(contrib); } return health; } public assets(healthType: HealthType): I80F48 { const assets = ZERO_I80F48(); for (const tokenInfo of this.tokenInfos) { const contrib = tokenInfo.healthContribution(healthType); if (contrib.isPos()) { assets.iadd(contrib); } } for (const serum3Info of this.serum3Infos) { const contrib = serum3Info.healthContribution( healthType, this.tokenInfos, ); if (contrib.isPos()) { assets.iadd(contrib); } } for (const perpInfo of this.perpInfos) { const contrib = perpInfo.healthContribution(healthType); if (contrib.isPos()) { assets.iadd(contrib); } } return assets; } public liabs(healthType: HealthType): I80F48 { const liabs = ZERO_I80F48(); for (const tokenInfo of this.tokenInfos) { const contrib = tokenInfo.healthContribution(healthType); if (contrib.isNeg()) { liabs.isub(contrib); } } for (const serum3Info of this.serum3Infos) { const contrib = serum3Info.healthContribution( healthType, this.tokenInfos, ); if (contrib.isNeg()) { liabs.isub(contrib); } } for (const perpInfo of this.perpInfos) { const contrib = perpInfo.healthContribution(healthType); if (contrib.isNeg()) { liabs.isub(contrib); } } return liabs; } public healthRatio(healthType: HealthType): I80F48 { const assets = ZERO_I80F48(); const liabs = ZERO_I80F48(); for (const tokenInfo of this.tokenInfos) { const contrib = tokenInfo.healthContribution(healthType); if (contrib.isPos()) { assets.iadd(contrib); } else { liabs.isub(contrib); } } for (const serum3Info of this.serum3Infos) { const contrib = serum3Info.healthContribution( healthType, this.tokenInfos, ); if (contrib.isPos()) { assets.iadd(contrib); } else { liabs.isub(contrib); } } for (const perpInfo of this.perpInfos) { const contrib = perpInfo.healthContribution(healthType); if (contrib.isPos()) { assets.iadd(contrib); } else { liabs.isub(contrib); } } if (liabs.isPos()) { return HUNDRED_I80F48().mul(assets.sub(liabs).div(liabs)); } else { return MAX_I80F48(); } } findTokenInfoIndex(tokenIndex: number): number { return this.tokenInfos.findIndex( (tokenInfo) => tokenInfo.tokenIndex == tokenIndex, ); } getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(bank: Bank): number { const index = this.findTokenInfoIndex(bank.tokenIndex); if (index == -1) { this.tokenInfos.push(TokenInfo.emptyFromBank(bank)); } return this.findTokenInfoIndex(bank.tokenIndex); } adjustSerum3Reserved( // todo change indices to types from numbers marketIndex: number, baseTokenIndex: number, reservedBaseChange: I80F48, freeBaseChange: I80F48, quoteTokenIndex: number, reservedQuoteChange: I80F48, freeQuoteChange: I80F48, ) { const baseEntryIndex = this.findTokenInfoIndex(baseTokenIndex); const quoteEntryIndex = this.findTokenInfoIndex(quoteTokenIndex); const baseEntry = this.tokenInfos[baseEntryIndex]; const reservedAmount = reservedBaseChange.mul(baseEntry.oraclePrice); const quoteEntry = this.tokenInfos[quoteEntryIndex]; reservedAmount.iadd(reservedQuoteChange.mul(quoteEntry.oraclePrice)); // Apply it to the tokens baseEntry.serum3MaxReserved.iadd(reservedAmount); baseEntry.balance.iadd(freeBaseChange.mul(baseEntry.oraclePrice)); quoteEntry.serum3MaxReserved.iadd(reservedAmount); quoteEntry.balance.iadd(freeQuoteChange.mul(quoteEntry.oraclePrice)); // Apply it to the serum3 info const serum3Info = this.serum3Infos.find( (serum3Info) => serum3Info.marketIndex === marketIndex, ); if (!serum3Info) { throw new Error( `Serum3Info not found for market with index ${marketIndex}`, ); } serum3Info.reserved = serum3Info.reserved.add(reservedAmount); } public static logHealthCache(debug: string, healthCache: HealthCache) { if (debug) console.log(debug); for (const token of healthCache.tokenInfos) { console.log(` ${token.toString()}`); } for (const serum3Info of healthCache.serum3Infos) { console.log(` ${serum3Info.toString(healthCache.tokenInfos)}`); } console.log( ` assets ${healthCache.assets( HealthType.init, )}, liabs ${healthCache.liabs(HealthType.init)}, `, ); console.log( ` health(HealthType.init) ${}`, ); console.log( ` healthRatio(HealthType.init) ${healthCache.healthRatio( HealthType.init, )}`, ); } simHealthRatioWithTokenPositionChanges( group: Group, nativeTokenChanges: { nativeTokenAmount: I80F48; mintPk: PublicKey; }[], healthType: HealthType = HealthType.init, ): I80F48 { const adjustedCache: HealthCache = _.cloneDeep(this); // HealthCache.logHealthCache('beforeChange', adjustedCache); for (const change of nativeTokenChanges) { const bank: Bank = group.getFirstBankByMint(change.mintPk); const changeIndex = adjustedCache.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(bank); if (!bank.price) throw new Error( `Oracle price not loaded for ${change.mintPk.toString()}`, ); adjustedCache.tokenInfos[changeIndex].balance.iadd( change.nativeTokenAmount.mul(bank.price), ); } // HealthCache.logHealthCache('afterChange', adjustedCache); return adjustedCache.healthRatio(healthType); } simHealthRatioWithSerum3BidChanges( group: Group, bidNativeQuoteAmount: I80F48, serum3Market: Serum3Market, healthType: HealthType = HealthType.init, ): I80F48 { const adjustedCache: HealthCache = _.cloneDeep(this); const quoteBank = group.getFirstBankByTokenIndex( serum3Market.quoteTokenIndex, ); if (!quoteBank) { throw new Error(`No bank for index ${serum3Market.quoteTokenIndex}`); } const quoteIndex = adjustedCache.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(quoteBank); const quote = adjustedCache.tokenInfos[quoteIndex]; // Move token balance to reserved funds in open orders, // essentially simulating a place order // Reduce token balance for quote adjustedCache.tokenInfos[quoteIndex].balance.isub( bidNativeQuoteAmount.mul(quote.oraclePrice), ); // Increase reserved in Serum3Info for quote adjustedCache.adjustSerum3Reserved( serum3Market.marketIndex, serum3Market.baseTokenIndex, ZERO_I80F48(), ZERO_I80F48(), serum3Market.quoteTokenIndex, bidNativeQuoteAmount, ZERO_I80F48(), ); return adjustedCache.healthRatio(healthType); } simHealthRatioWithSerum3AskChanges( group: Group, askNativeBaseAmount: I80F48, serum3Market: Serum3Market, healthType: HealthType = HealthType.init, ): I80F48 { const adjustedCache: HealthCache = _.cloneDeep(this); const baseBank = group.getFirstBankByTokenIndex( serum3Market.baseTokenIndex, ); if (!baseBank) { throw new Error(`No bank for index ${serum3Market.quoteTokenIndex}`); } const baseIndex = adjustedCache.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(baseBank); const base = adjustedCache.tokenInfos[baseIndex]; // Move token balance to reserved funds in open orders, // essentially simulating a place order // Reduce token balance for base adjustedCache.tokenInfos[baseIndex].balance.isub( askNativeBaseAmount.mul(base.oraclePrice), ); // Increase reserved in Serum3Info for base adjustedCache.adjustSerum3Reserved( serum3Market.marketIndex, serum3Market.baseTokenIndex, askNativeBaseAmount, ZERO_I80F48(), serum3Market.quoteTokenIndex, ZERO_I80F48(), ZERO_I80F48(), ); return adjustedCache.healthRatio(healthType); } private static binaryApproximationSearch( left: I80F48, leftRatio: I80F48, right: I80F48, rightRatio: I80F48, targetRatio: I80F48, healthRatioAfterActionFn: (I80F48) => I80F48, ) { const maxIterations = 40; // TODO: make relative to health ratio decimals? Might be over engineering const targetError = I80F48.fromNumber(0.001); if ( (leftRatio.sub(targetRatio).isPos() && rightRatio.sub(targetRatio).isPos()) || (leftRatio.sub(targetRatio).isNeg() && rightRatio.sub(targetRatio).isNeg()) ) { throw new Error( `internal error: left ${leftRatio.toNumber()} and right ${rightRatio.toNumber()} don't contain the target value ${targetRatio.toNumber()}`, ); } let newAmount; for (const key of Array(maxIterations).fill(0).keys()) { newAmount = left.add(right).mul(I80F48.fromNumber(0.5)); const newAmountRatio = healthRatioAfterActionFn(newAmount); const error = newAmountRatio.sub(targetRatio); if (error.isPos() && { return newAmount; } if ( != { left = newAmount; } else { right = newAmount; rightRatio = newAmountRatio; } } console.error( `Unable to get targetRatio within ${maxIterations} iterations`, ); return newAmount; } getMaxSourceForTokenSwap( group: Group, sourceMintPk: PublicKey, targetMintPk: PublicKey, minRatio: I80F48, ): I80F48 { const sourceBank: Bank = group.getFirstBankByMint(sourceMintPk); const targetBank: Bank = group.getFirstBankByMint(targetMintPk); if (sourceMintPk.equals(targetMintPk)) { return ZERO_I80F48(); } if (!sourceBank.price || sourceBank.price.lte(ZERO_I80F48())) { return ZERO_I80F48(); } if ( sourceBank.initLiabWeight .sub(targetBank.initAssetWeight) .abs() .lte(ZERO_I80F48()) ) { return ZERO_I80F48(); } // The health_ratio is a nonlinear based on swap amount. // For large swap amounts the slope is guaranteed to be negative, but small amounts // can have positive slope (e.g. using source deposits to pay back target borrows). // // That means: // - even if the initial ratio is < minRatio it can be useful to swap to *increase* health // - be careful about finding the minRatio point: the function isn't convex const initialRatio = this.healthRatio(HealthType.init); if (initialRatio.lte(ZERO_I80F48())) { return ZERO_I80F48(); } const healthCacheClone: HealthCache = _.cloneDeep(this); const sourceIndex = healthCacheClone.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(sourceBank); const targetIndex = healthCacheClone.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(targetBank); const source = healthCacheClone.tokenInfos[sourceIndex]; const target = healthCacheClone.tokenInfos[targetIndex]; // There are two key slope changes: Assume source.balance > 0 and target.balance < 0. Then // initially health ratio goes up. When one of balances flips sign, the health ratio slope // may be positive or negative for a bit, until both balances have flipped and the slope is // negative. // The maximum will be at one of these points (ignoring serum3 effects). function cacheAfterSwap(amount: I80F48) { const adjustedCache: HealthCache = _.cloneDeep(healthCacheClone); // HealthCache.logHealthCache('beforeSwap', adjustedCache); adjustedCache.tokenInfos[sourceIndex].balance.isub(amount); adjustedCache.tokenInfos[targetIndex].balance.iadd(amount); // HealthCache.logHealthCache('afterSwap', adjustedCache); return adjustedCache; } function healthRatioAfterSwap(amount: I80F48): I80F48 { return cacheAfterSwap(amount).healthRatio(HealthType.init); } const point0Amount = source.balance .min(target.balance.neg()) .max(ZERO_I80F48()); const point1Amount = source.balance .max(target.balance.neg()) .max(ZERO_I80F48()); const cache0 = cacheAfterSwap(point0Amount); const point0Ratio = cache0.healthRatio(HealthType.init); const cache1 = cacheAfterSwap(point1Amount); const point1Ratio = cache1.healthRatio(HealthType.init); const point1Health =; let amount: I80F48; if ( initialRatio.lte(minRatio) && && ) { // If we have to stay below the target ratio, pick the highest one if ( { if ( { amount = point1Amount; } else { amount = point0Amount; } } else if ( { amount = point1Amount; } else { amount = ZERO_I80F48(); } } else if (point1Ratio.gte(minRatio)) { // If point1Ratio is still bigger than minRatio, the target amount must be >point1Amount // search to the right of point1Amount: but how far? // At point1, source.balance < 0 and target.balance > 0, so use a simple estimation for // zero health: health - source_liab_weight * a + target_asset_weight * a = 0. if (point1Health.lte(ZERO_I80F48())) { return ZERO_I80F48(); } const zeroHealthAmount = point1Amount.add( point1Health.div(source.initLiabWeight.sub(target.initAssetWeight)), ); const zeroHealthRatio = healthRatioAfterSwap(zeroHealthAmount); amount = HealthCache.binaryApproximationSearch( point1Amount, point1Ratio, zeroHealthAmount, zeroHealthRatio, minRatio, healthRatioAfterSwap, ); } else if (point0Ratio.gte(minRatio)) { // Must be between point0Amount and point1Amount. amount = HealthCache.binaryApproximationSearch( point0Amount, point0Ratio, point1Amount, point1Ratio, minRatio, healthRatioAfterSwap, ); } else { throw new Error( `internal error: assert that init ratio ${initialRatio.toNumber()} <= point0 ratio ${point0Ratio.toNumber()}`, ); } return amount .div(source.oraclePrice) .div( ONE_I80F48().add( group.getFirstBankByMint(sourceMintPk).loanOriginationFeeRate, ), ); } getMaxForSerum3Order( group: Group, serum3Market: Serum3Market, side: Serum3Side, minRatio: I80F48, ) { const baseBank = group.getFirstBankByTokenIndex( serum3Market.baseTokenIndex, ); if (!baseBank) { throw new Error(`No bank for index ${serum3Market.baseTokenIndex}`); } const quoteBank = group.getFirstBankByTokenIndex( serum3Market.quoteTokenIndex, ); if (!quoteBank) { throw new Error(`No bank for index ${serum3Market.quoteTokenIndex}`); } const healthCacheClone: HealthCache = _.cloneDeep(this); const baseIndex = healthCacheClone.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(baseBank); const quoteIndex = healthCacheClone.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(quoteBank); const base = healthCacheClone.tokenInfos[baseIndex]; const quote = healthCacheClone.tokenInfos[quoteIndex]; // Binary search between current health (0 sized new order) and // an amount to trade which will bring health to 0. // Current health and amount i.e. 0 const initialAmount = ZERO_I80F48(); const initialHealth =; const initialRatio = this.healthRatio(HealthType.init); if (initialRatio.lte(ZERO_I80F48())) { return ZERO_I80F48(); } // Amount which would bring health to 0 // amount = max(A_deposits, B_borrows) + init_health / (A_liab_weight - B_asset_weight) // A is what we would be essentially swapping for B // So when its an ask, then base->quote, // and when its a bid, then quote->bid let zeroAmount; if (side == Serum3Side.ask) { const quoteBorrows = ? quote.balance.abs() : ZERO_I80F48(); zeroAmount = base.balance .max(quoteBorrows) .add( initialHealth.div( base .liabWeight(HealthType.init) .sub(quote.assetWeight(HealthType.init)), ), ); } else { const baseBorrows = ? base.balance.abs() : ZERO_I80F48(); zeroAmount = quote.balance .max(baseBorrows) .add( initialHealth.div( quote .liabWeight(HealthType.init) .sub(base.assetWeight(HealthType.init)), ), ); } const cache = cacheAfterPlacingOrder(zeroAmount); const zeroAmountRatio = cache.healthRatio(HealthType.init); function cacheAfterPlacingOrder(amount: I80F48) { const adjustedCache: HealthCache = _.cloneDeep(healthCacheClone); side === Serum3Side.ask ? adjustedCache.tokenInfos[baseIndex].balance.isub(amount) : adjustedCache.tokenInfos[quoteIndex].balance.isub(amount); adjustedCache.adjustSerum3Reserved( serum3Market.marketIndex, serum3Market.baseTokenIndex, side === Serum3Side.ask ? amount.div(base.oraclePrice) : ZERO_I80F48(), ZERO_I80F48(), serum3Market.quoteTokenIndex, side === ? amount.div(quote.oraclePrice) : ZERO_I80F48(), ZERO_I80F48(), ); return adjustedCache; } function healthRatioAfterPlacingOrder(amount: I80F48): I80F48 { return cacheAfterPlacingOrder(amount).healthRatio(HealthType.init); } const amount = HealthCache.binaryApproximationSearch( initialAmount, initialRatio, zeroAmount, zeroAmountRatio, minRatio, healthRatioAfterPlacingOrder, ); // If its a bid then the reserved fund and potential loan is in quote, // If its a ask then the reserved fund and potential loan is in base, // also keep some buffer for fees, use taker fees for worst case simulation. return side === ? amount .div(quote.oraclePrice) .div(ONE_I80F48().add(baseBank.loanOriginationFeeRate)) .div(ONE_I80F48().add(I80F48.fromNumber(group.getFeeRate(false)))) : amount .div(base.oraclePrice) .div(ONE_I80F48().add(quoteBank.loanOriginationFeeRate)) .div(ONE_I80F48().add(I80F48.fromNumber(group.getFeeRate(false)))); } } export class TokenInfo { constructor( public tokenIndex: number, public maintAssetWeight: I80F48, public initAssetWeight: I80F48, public maintLiabWeight: I80F48, public initLiabWeight: I80F48, // native/native public oraclePrice: I80F48, // in health-reference-token native units public balance: I80F48, // in health-reference-token native units public serum3MaxReserved: I80F48, ) {} static fromDto(dto: TokenInfoDto): TokenInfo { return new TokenInfo( dto.tokenIndex, I80F48.from(dto.maintAssetWeight), I80F48.from(dto.initAssetWeight), I80F48.from(dto.maintLiabWeight), I80F48.from(dto.initLiabWeight), I80F48.from(dto.oraclePrice), I80F48.from(dto.balance), I80F48.from(dto.serum3MaxReserved), ); } static emptyFromBank(bank: Bank): TokenInfo { if (!bank.price) throw new Error( `Failed to create TokenInfo. Bank price unavailable. ${}`, ); return new TokenInfo( bank.tokenIndex, bank.maintAssetWeight, bank.initAssetWeight, bank.maintLiabWeight, bank.initLiabWeight, bank.price, ZERO_I80F48(), ZERO_I80F48(), ); } assetWeight(healthType: HealthType): I80F48 { return healthType == HealthType.init ? this.initAssetWeight : this.maintAssetWeight; } liabWeight(healthType: HealthType): I80F48 { return healthType == HealthType.init ? this.initLiabWeight : this.maintLiabWeight; } healthContribution(healthType: HealthType): I80F48 { return ( this.balance.isNeg() ? this.liabWeight(healthType) : this.assetWeight(healthType) ).mul(this.balance); } toString() { return ` tokenIndex: ${this.tokenIndex}, balance: ${ this.balance }, serum3MaxReserved: ${ this.serum3MaxReserved }, initHealth ${this.healthContribution(HealthType.init)}`; } } export class Serum3Info { constructor( public reserved: I80F48, public baseIndex: number, public quoteIndex: number, public marketIndex: number, ) {} static fromDto(dto: Serum3InfoDto) { return new Serum3Info( I80F48.from(dto.reserved), dto.baseIndex, dto.quoteIndex, dto.marketIndex, ); } healthContribution(healthType: HealthType, tokenInfos: TokenInfo[]): I80F48 { const baseInfo = tokenInfos[this.baseIndex]; const quoteInfo = tokenInfos[this.quoteIndex]; const reserved = this.reserved; if (reserved.isZero()) { return ZERO_I80F48(); } // How much the health would increase if the reserved balance were applied to the passed // token info? const computeHealthEffect = function (tokenInfo: TokenInfo) { // This balance includes all possible reserved funds from markets that relate to the // token, including this market itself: `reserved` is already included in `max_balance`. const maxBalance = tokenInfo.balance.add(tokenInfo.serum3MaxReserved); // Assuming `reserved` was added to `max_balance` last (because that gives the smallest // health effects): how much did health change because of it? let assetPart, liabPart; if (maxBalance.gte(reserved)) { assetPart = reserved; liabPart = ZERO_I80F48(); } else if (maxBalance.isNeg()) { assetPart = ZERO_I80F48(); liabPart = reserved; } else { assetPart = maxBalance; liabPart = reserved.sub(maxBalance); } const assetWeight = tokenInfo.assetWeight(healthType); const liabWeight = tokenInfo.liabWeight(healthType); return assetWeight.mul(assetPart).add(liabWeight.mul(liabPart)); }; const reservedAsBase = computeHealthEffect(baseInfo); const reservedAsQuote = computeHealthEffect(quoteInfo); return reservedAsBase.min(reservedAsQuote); } toString(tokenInfos: TokenInfo[]) { return ` marketIndex: ${this.marketIndex}, baseIndex: ${ this.baseIndex }, quoteIndex: ${this.quoteIndex}, reserved: ${ this.reserved }, initHealth ${this.healthContribution(HealthType.init, tokenInfos)}`; } } export class PerpInfo { constructor(dto: PerpInfoDto) { this.maintAssetWeight = I80F48.from(dto.maintAssetWeight); this.initAssetWeight = I80F48.from(dto.initAssetWeight); this.maintLiabWeight = I80F48.from(dto.maintLiabWeight); this.initLiabWeight = I80F48.from(dto.initLiabWeight); this.base = I80F48.from(dto.base); this.quote = I80F48.from(dto.quote); } maintAssetWeight: I80F48; initAssetWeight: I80F48; maintLiabWeight: I80F48; initLiabWeight: I80F48; // in health-reference-token native units, needs scaling by asset/liab base: I80F48; // in health-reference-token native units, no asset/liab factor needed quote: I80F48; healthContribution(healthType: HealthType): I80F48 { let weight; if (healthType == HealthType.init && this.base.isNeg()) { weight = this.initLiabWeight; } else if (healthType == HealthType.init && !this.base.isNeg()) { weight = this.initAssetWeight; } if (healthType == HealthType.maint && this.base.isNeg()) { weight = this.maintLiabWeight; } if (healthType == HealthType.maint && !this.base.isNeg()) { weight = this.maintAssetWeight; } // FUTURE: Allow v3-style "reliable" markets where we can return // `self.quote + weight * self.base` here return this.quote.add(weight.mul(this.base)).min(ZERO_I80F48()); } } export class HealthCacheDto { tokenInfos: TokenInfoDto[]; serum3Infos: Serum3InfoDto[]; perpInfos: PerpInfoDto[]; } export class TokenInfoDto { tokenIndex: number; maintAssetWeight: I80F48Dto; initAssetWeight: I80F48Dto; maintLiabWeight: I80F48Dto; initLiabWeight: I80F48Dto; oraclePrice: I80F48Dto; // native/native // in health-reference-token native units balance: I80F48Dto; // in health-reference-token native units serum3MaxReserved: I80F48Dto; constructor( tokenIndex: number, maintAssetWeight: I80F48Dto, initAssetWeight: I80F48Dto, maintLiabWeight: I80F48Dto, initLiabWeight: I80F48Dto, oraclePrice: I80F48Dto, balance: I80F48Dto, serum3MaxReserved: I80F48Dto, ) { this.tokenIndex = tokenIndex; this.maintAssetWeight = maintAssetWeight; this.initAssetWeight = initAssetWeight; this.maintLiabWeight = maintLiabWeight; this.initLiabWeight = initLiabWeight; this.oraclePrice = oraclePrice; this.balance = balance; this.serum3MaxReserved = serum3MaxReserved; } } export class Serum3InfoDto { reserved: I80F48Dto; baseIndex: number; quoteIndex: number; marketIndex: number; constructor(reserved: I80F48Dto, baseIndex: number, quoteIndex: number) { this.reserved = reserved; this.baseIndex = baseIndex; this.quoteIndex = quoteIndex; } } export class PerpInfoDto { maintAssetWeight: I80F48Dto; initAssetWeight: I80F48Dto; maintLiabWeight: I80F48Dto; initLiabWeight: I80F48Dto; // in health-reference-token native units, needs scaling by asset/liab base: I80F48Dto; // in health-reference-token native units, no asset/liab factor needed quote: I80F48Dto; }