use futures::{SinkExt, StreamExt}; use jsonrpc_core::{MethodCall, Notification, Params, Version}; use std::collections::HashMap; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use tokio::sync::broadcast; use tokio::task::JoinHandle; use tokio_tungstenite::connect_async; use tokio_tungstenite::tungstenite::protocol::Message; use tracing::*; pub trait PriorityFeeProvider: Sync + Send { fn compute_unit_fee_microlamports(&self) -> u64; } pub struct FixedPriorityFeeProvider { pub compute_unit_fee_microlamports: u64, } impl FixedPriorityFeeProvider { pub fn new(fee_microlamports: u64) -> Self { Self { compute_unit_fee_microlamports: fee_microlamports, } } } impl PriorityFeeProvider for FixedPriorityFeeProvider { fn compute_unit_fee_microlamports(&self) -> u64 { self.compute_unit_fee_microlamports } } #[derive(Builder)] pub struct EmaPriorityFeeProviderConfig { pub percentile: u8, #[builder(default = "0.2")] pub alpha: f64, pub fallback_prio: u64, #[builder(default = "Duration::from_secs(15)")] pub max_age: Duration, } impl EmaPriorityFeeProviderConfig { pub fn builder() -> EmaPriorityFeeProviderConfigBuilder { EmaPriorityFeeProviderConfigBuilder::default() } } #[derive(Default)] struct CuPercentileEmaPriorityFeeProviderData { ema: f64, last_update: Option, } pub struct CuPercentileEmaPriorityFeeProvider { data: RwLock, config: EmaPriorityFeeProviderConfig, } impl PriorityFeeProvider for CuPercentileEmaPriorityFeeProvider { fn compute_unit_fee_microlamports(&self) -> u64 { let data =; if let Some(last_update) = data.last_update { if Instant::now().duration_since(last_update) > self.config.max_age { return self.config.fallback_prio; } } else { return self.config.fallback_prio; } data.ema as u64 } } impl CuPercentileEmaPriorityFeeProvider { pub fn run( config: EmaPriorityFeeProviderConfig, sender: &broadcast::Sender, ) -> (Arc, JoinHandle<()>) { let this = Arc::new(Self { data: Default::default(), config, }); let handle = tokio::spawn({ let this_c = this.clone(); let rx = sender.subscribe(); async move { Self::run_update_job(this_c, rx).await } }); (this, handle) } async fn run_update_job(provider: Arc, mut rx: broadcast::Receiver) { let config = &provider.config; loop { let block_prios = rx.recv().await.unwrap(); let prio = match block_prios.by_cu_percentile.get(&config.percentile) { Some(v) => *v as f64, None => { error!("percentile not available: {}", config.percentile); continue; } }; let mut data =; data.ema = data.ema * (1.0 - config.alpha) + config.alpha * prio; data.last_update = Some(Instant::now()); } } } #[derive(Clone, Default, Debug)] pub struct BlockPrioFees { pub slot: u64, // prio fee percentile in percent -> prio fee pub percentile: HashMap, // cu percentile in percent -> median prio fee of the group pub by_cu_percentile: HashMap, } #[derive(serde::Deserialize)] struct BlockPrioritizationFeesNotificationContext { slot: u64, } #[derive(serde::Deserialize)] struct BlockPrioritizationFeesNotificationValue { by_tx: Vec, by_tx_percentiles: Vec, by_cu: Vec, by_cu_percentiles: Vec, } #[derive(serde::Deserialize)] struct BlockPrioritizationFeesNotificationParams { context: BlockPrioritizationFeesNotificationContext, value: BlockPrioritizationFeesNotificationValue, } fn as_block_prioritization_fees_notification( notification_str: &str, ) -> anyhow::Result> { let notification: Notification = match serde_json::from_str(¬ification_str) { Ok(v) => v, Err(_) => return Ok(None), // not a notification at all }; if notification.method != "blockPrioritizationFeesNotification" { return Ok(None); } let map = match notification.params { Params::Map(m) => m, _ => anyhow::bail!("unexpected params, expected map"), }; let result = map .get("result") .ok_or(anyhow::anyhow!("missing params.result"))? .clone(); let mut data = BlockPrioFees::default(); let v: BlockPrioritizationFeesNotificationParams = serde_json::from_value(result)?; data.slot = v.context.slot; for (percentile, prio) in v.value.by_tx_percentiles.iter().zip(v.value.by_tx.iter()) { let int_perc: u8 = ((percentile * 100.0) as u64).try_into()?; data.percentile.insert(int_perc, *prio); } for (percentile, prio) in v.value.by_cu_percentiles.iter().zip(v.value.by_cu.iter()) { let int_perc: u8 = ((percentile * 100.0) as u64).try_into()?; data.by_cu_percentile.insert(int_perc, *prio); } Ok(Some(data)) } async fn connect_and_broadcast( url: &str, sender: &broadcast::Sender, ) -> anyhow::Result<()> { let (ws_stream, _) = connect_async(url).await?; let (mut write, mut read) = ws_stream.split(); // Create a JSON-RPC request let call = MethodCall { jsonrpc: Some(Version::V2), method: "blockPrioritizationFeesSubscribe".to_string(), params: Params::None, id: jsonrpc_core::Id::Num(1), }; let request = serde_json::to_string(&call).unwrap(); write.send(Message::Text(request)).await?; loop { let timeout = tokio::time::sleep(Duration::from_secs(20)); tokio::select! { message = => { match message { Some(Ok(Message::Text(text))) => { if let Some(block_prio) = as_block_prioritization_fees_notification(&text)? { // Failure might just mean there is no receiver right now let _ = sender.send(block_prio); } } Some(Ok(Message::Ping(..))) => {} Some(Ok(Message::Pong(..))) => {} Some(Ok(msg @ _)) => { anyhow::bail!("received a non-text message: {:?}", msg); }, Some(Err(e)) => { anyhow::bail!("error receiving message: {}", e); } None => { anyhow::bail!("websocket stream closed"); } } }, _ = timeout => { anyhow::bail!("timeout"); } } } } async fn connect_and_broadcast_loop(url: &str, sender: broadcast::Sender) { loop { if let Err(err) = connect_and_broadcast(url, &sender).await { info!("recent block prio feed error, restarting: {err:?}"); } } } pub fn run_broadcast_from_websocket_feed( url: String, ) -> (broadcast::Sender, JoinHandle<()>) { let (sender, _) = broadcast::channel(10); let sender_c = sender.clone(); let handle = tokio::spawn(async move { connect_and_broadcast_loop(&url, sender_c).await }); (sender, handle) }