import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js'; import BN from 'bn.js'; import copy from 'fast-copy'; import { TokenIndex } from './accounts/bank'; import { Group } from './accounts/group'; import { HealthType, MangoAccount } from './accounts/mangoAccount'; import { MangoClient } from './client'; import { I80F48, ONE_I80F48, ZERO_I80F48 } from './numbers/I80F48'; import { buildFetch, toUiDecimals, toUiDecimalsForQuote } from './utils'; export interface LiqorPriceImpact { Coin: { val: string; highlight: boolean }; 'Oracle Price': { val: number; highlight: boolean }; 'Jup Price': { val: number; highlight: boolean }; 'Future Price': { val: number; highlight: boolean }; 'V4 Liq Fee': { val: number; highlight: boolean }; Liabs: { val: number; highlight: boolean }; 'Liabs Slippage': { val: number; highlight: boolean }; Assets: { val: number; highlight: boolean }; 'Assets Slippage': { val: number; highlight: boolean }; } export interface PerpPositionsToBeLiquidated { Market: { val: string; highlight: boolean }; Price: { val: number; highlight: boolean }; 'Future Price': { val: number; highlight: boolean }; 'Notional Position': { val: number; highlight: boolean }; } export interface AccountEquity { Account: { val: PublicKey; highlight: boolean }; Equity: { val: number; highlight: boolean }; } export interface LiquidationBatches { start: number; startAssets: number; prev: number; prevAssets: number; largestBatchQuoteUi: number; } export interface Risk { assetRally: { title: string; data: LiqorPriceImpact[] }; assetDrop: { title: string; data: LiqorPriceImpact[] }; usdcDepeg: { title: string; data: LiqorPriceImpact[] }; usdtDepeg: { title: string; data: LiqorPriceImpact[] }; perpRally: { title: string; data: PerpPositionsToBeLiquidated[] }; perpDrop: { title: string; data: PerpPositionsToBeLiquidated[] }; marketMakerEquity: { title: string; data: AccountEquity[] }; liqorEquity: { title: string; data: AccountEquity[] }; } export type PriceImpact = { symbol: string; side: 'bid' | 'ask'; target_amount: number; avg_price_impact_percent: number; min_price_impact_percent: number; max_price_impact_percent: number; p90: number; p95: number; }; /** * Returns price impact in bps i.e. 0 to 10,000 * returns -1 if data is missing */ export function computePriceImpactOnJup( pis: PriceImpact[], usdcAmount: number, tokenName: string, ): number { try { const closestTo = [ 1_000, 5_000, 20_000, 100_000, 250_000, 500_000, 1_000_000, 5_000_000, ].reduce((prev, curr) => Math.abs(curr - usdcAmount) < Math.abs(prev - usdcAmount) ? curr : prev, ); // Workaround api if (tokenName == 'ETH (Portal)') { tokenName = 'ETH'; } const filteredPis: PriceImpact[] = pis.filter( (pi) => pi.symbol == tokenName && pi.target_amount == closestTo, ); if (filteredPis.length > 0) { return (filteredPis[0].p90 * 10000) / 100; } else { return -1; } } catch (e) { return -1; } } export async function getOnChainPriceForMints( mints: string[], ): Promise { return await Promise.all( (mint) => { const resp = await ( await buildFetch() )(`${mint}`, { headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, }); const data = await resp.json(); return data?.data?.value; }), ); } export async function getPriceImpactForLiqor( group: Group, pis: PriceImpact[], mangoAccounts: MangoAccount[], ): Promise { const mangoAccounts_ = mangoAccounts.filter((a) => a.getHealth(group, HealthType.maint).lt(ZERO_I80F48()), ); const mangoAccountsWithHealth = MangoAccount) => { return { account: a, health: a.getHealth(group, HealthType.liquidationEnd), healthRatio: a.getHealthRatioUi(group, HealthType.liquidationEnd), }; }); const usdcBank = group.getFirstBankByTokenIndex(0 as TokenIndex); const usdcMint =; return await Promise.all( Array.from(group.banksMapByMint.values()) .sort((a, b) => a[0].name.localeCompare(b[0].name)) // .filter((banks) => banks[0].name == 'MSOL') .map(async (banks) => { const bank = banks[0]; // Sum of all liabs, these liabs would be acquired by liqor, // who would immediately want to reduce them to 0 // Assuming liabs need to be bought using USDC const liabs = // Max liab of a particular token that would be liquidated to bring health above 0 mangoAccountsWithHealth.reduce((sum, a) => { // How much would health increase for every unit liab moved to liqor // liabprice * (liabweight - (1+liabfees)*(1+assetfees)*assetweight) // Choose the most valuable asset the user has const assetBank = Array.from(group.banksMapByTokenIndex.values()) .flat() .reduce((prev, curr) => prev.initAssetWeight .mul(a.account.getEffectiveTokenBalance(group, prev)) .mul(prev._price!) .gt( curr.initAssetWeight.mul( a.account .getEffectiveTokenBalance(group, curr) .mul(curr._price!), ), ) ? prev : curr, ); const feeFactor = ONE_I80F48() .add(bank.liquidationFee) .add(bank.platformLiquidationFee) .mul( ONE_I80F48() .add(assetBank.liquidationFee) .add(assetBank.platformLiquidationFee), ); const tokenLiabHealthContrib = bank.price.mul( bank.initLiabWeight.sub(feeFactor.mul(assetBank.initAssetWeight)), ); // Abs liab/borrow const maxTokenLiab = a.account .getEffectiveTokenBalance(group, bank) .min(ZERO_I80F48()) .abs(); if (tokenLiabHealthContrib.eq(ZERO_I80F48())) { return sum.add(maxTokenLiab); } // Health under 0 const maxLiab = .min(ZERO_I80F48()) .abs() .div(tokenLiabHealthContrib) .min(maxTokenLiab); return sum.add(maxLiab); }, ZERO_I80F48()); const liabsInUsdc = // convert to usdc, this is an approximation liabs .mul(bank.price) .floor() // jup oddity .min(I80F48.fromNumber(99999999999)); // Sum of all assets which would be acquired in exchange for also acquiring // liabs by the liqor, who would immediately want to reduce to 0 // Assuming assets need to be sold to USDC const assets = mangoAccountsWithHealth.reduce((sum, a) => { // How much would health increase for every unit liab moved to liqor // assetprice * (liabweight/(1+liabliqfee) - assetweight) // Choose the smallest liability the user has const liabBank = Array.from(group.banksMapByTokenIndex.values()) .flat() .reduce((prev, curr) => prev.initLiabWeight .mul(a.account.getEffectiveTokenBalance(group, prev)) .mul(prev._price!) .lt( curr.initLiabWeight.mul( a.account .getEffectiveTokenBalance(group, curr) .mul(curr._price!), ), ) ? prev : curr, ); const tokenAssetHealthContrib = bank.price.mul( liabBank.initLiabWeight .div(ONE_I80F48().add(liabBank.liquidationFee)) .sub(bank.initAssetWeight), ); // Abs collateral/asset const maxTokenHealthAsset = a.account .getEffectiveTokenBalance(group, bank) .max(ZERO_I80F48()); if (tokenAssetHealthContrib.eq(ZERO_I80F48())) { return sum.add(maxTokenHealthAsset); } const maxAsset = .min(ZERO_I80F48()) .abs() .div(tokenAssetHealthContrib) .min(maxTokenHealthAsset); return sum.add(maxAsset); }, ZERO_I80F48()); const pi1 = !liabsInUsdc.eq(ZERO_I80F48()) && usdcMint.toBase58() !== ? computePriceImpactOnJup( pis, toUiDecimalsForQuote(liabsInUsdc),, ) : 0; const pi2 = !assets.eq(ZERO_I80F48()) && usdcMint.toBase58() !== ? computePriceImpactOnJup( pis, toUiDecimals(assets.mul(bank.price), bank.mintDecimals),, ) : 0; return { Coin: { val:, highlight: false }, 'Oracle Price': { val: bank['oldUiPrice'] ? bank['oldUiPrice'] : bank._uiPrice!, highlight: false, }, 'Jup Price': { val: bank['onChainPrice'], highlight: Math.abs( (bank['onChainPrice'] - (bank['oldUiPrice'] ? bank['oldUiPrice'] : bank._uiPrice!)) / (bank['oldUiPrice'] ? bank['oldUiPrice'] : bank._uiPrice!), ) > 0.05, }, 'Future Price': { val: bank._uiPrice!, highlight: false }, 'V4 Liq Fee': { val: Math.round(bank.liquidationFee.toNumber() * 10000), highlight: false, }, Liabs: { val: Math.round(toUiDecimalsForQuote(liabsInUsdc)), highlight: Math.round(toUiDecimalsForQuote(liabsInUsdc)) > 5000, }, 'Liabs Slippage': { val: Math.round(pi1), highlight: Math.round(pi1) > Math.round(bank.liquidationFee.toNumber() * 10000), }, Assets: { val: Math.round( toUiDecimals(assets, bank.mintDecimals) * bank.uiPrice, ), highlight: Math.round( toUiDecimals(assets, bank.mintDecimals) * bank.uiPrice, ) > 5000, }, 'Assets Slippage': { val: Math.round(pi2), highlight: Math.round(pi2) > Math.round(bank.liquidationFee.toNumber() * 10000), }, }; }), ); } export async function getPerpPositionsToBeLiquidated( group: Group, mangoAccounts: MangoAccount[], ): Promise { const mangoAccountsWithHealth = MangoAccount) => { return { account: a, health: a.getHealth(group, HealthType.liquidationEnd), healthRatio: a.getHealthRatioUi(group, HealthType.liquidationEnd), }; }); return Array.from(group.perpMarketsMapByMarketIndex.values()) .filter((pm) => !'OLD')) .map((pm) => { const baseLots = mangoAccountsWithHealth .filter((a) => a.account.getPerpPosition(pm.perpMarketIndex)) .reduce((sum, a) => { const baseLots = a.account.getPerpPosition( pm.perpMarketIndex, )!.basePositionLots; const unweightedHealthPerLot = BN(0)) ? I80F48.fromNumber(-1) .mul(pm.price) .mul(I80F48.fromU64(pm.baseLotSize)) .mul(pm.initBaseAssetWeight) .add( I80F48.fromU64(pm.baseLotSize) .mul(pm.price) .mul( ONE_I80F48() // quoteInitAssetWeight .mul(ONE_I80F48().sub(pm.baseLiquidationFee)), ), ) : pm.price .mul(I80F48.fromU64(pm.baseLotSize)) .mul(pm.initBaseLiabWeight) .sub( I80F48.fromU64(pm.baseLotSize) .mul(pm.price) .mul(ONE_I80F48()) // quoteInitLiabWeight .mul(ONE_I80F48().add(pm.baseLiquidationFee)), ); const maxBaseLots = .min(ZERO_I80F48()) .abs() .div(unweightedHealthPerLot.abs()) .min(I80F48.fromU64(baseLots).abs()); return sum.add(maxBaseLots); }, ONE_I80F48()); const notionalPositionUi = toUiDecimalsForQuote( baseLots.mul(I80F48.fromU64(pm.baseLotSize).mul(pm.price)), ); return { Market: { val:, highlight: false }, Price: { val: pm['oldUiPrice'], highlight: false }, 'Future Price': { val: pm._uiPrice, highlight: false }, 'Notional Position': { val: Math.round(notionalPositionUi), highlight: Math.round(notionalPositionUi) > 5000, }, }; }); } export async function getEquityForMangoAccounts( client: MangoClient, group: Group, mangoAccountPks: PublicKey[], allMangoAccounts: MangoAccount[], ): Promise { const mangoAccounts = allMangoAccounts.filter((a) => mangoAccountPks.find((pk) => pk.equals(a.publicKey)), ); const accountsWithEquity = MangoAccount) => { return { Account: { val: a.publicKey, highlight: false }, Equity: { val: Math.round(toUiDecimalsForQuote(a.getEquity(group))), highlight: false, }, }; }); accountsWithEquity.sort((a, b) => b.Equity.val - a.Equity.val); return accountsWithEquity; } export function findLargestAssetBatchUi( pisForLiqor: LiqorPriceImpact[][], coin: string, startFromChange = 99, maxChange = 1, stepSize = 1, ): [number, number, LiquidationBatches[]] { let start = startFromChange; let largestBatchUi = 0; let largestBatchQuoteUi = 0; console.log(`___`); console.log( `${'start'.padStart(3)}: ${'liq$'.padStart(10)}, ${`prev`.padStart( 3, )}: ${'liq'.padStart(10)}, ${'largestBatchUi $'.padStart(15)}`, ); const liquidationBatches: LiquidationBatches[] = []; while (start > 0) { const piForLiqor = pisForLiqor[start].filter( (pi) => pi.Coin.val == coin, )[0]; // Compare entry to another entry, with max change difference const prev = Math.min(99, start + Math.round(start / maxChange)); const prevPiForLiqor = pisForLiqor[prev].filter( (pi) => pi.Coin.val == coin, )[0]; // Note: Assets.val is asset in $ amount that would need to be liquidated when price drops to a certain point const changeQuoteUi = piForLiqor.Assets.val - prevPiForLiqor.Assets.val; const changeUi = piForLiqor.Assets.val / piForLiqor['Future Price'].val - prevPiForLiqor.Assets.val / prevPiForLiqor['Future Price'].val; console.log( `${start.toString().padStart(3)}: ${piForLiqor.Assets.val .toLocaleString() .padStart(10)}, ${prev .toString() .padStart(3)}: ${prevPiForLiqor.Assets.val .toLocaleString() .padStart(10)}, ${largestBatchQuoteUi.toLocaleString().padStart(15)}`, ); liquidationBatches.push({ start: start, startAssets: piForLiqor.Assets.val, prev: prev, prevAssets: prevPiForLiqor.Assets.val, largestBatchQuoteUi: largestBatchQuoteUi, }); if (changeQuoteUi > largestBatchQuoteUi) { largestBatchUi = changeUi; largestBatchQuoteUi = changeQuoteUi; } start -= stepSize; } console.log(`___`); return [largestBatchQuoteUi, largestBatchUi, liquidationBatches]; } export async function buildGroupGrid( group: Group, allMangoAccounts, stepSize = 1, ): Promise { const mangoAccountsSubset = allMangoAccounts.filter( (a) => toUiDecimalsForQuote(a.getEquity(group)) > 100, ); { let pis; try { pis = await ( await ( await buildFetch() )( ``, { mode: 'cors', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', }, }, ) ).json(); } catch (error) { pis = []; } // Build groups where price has changed from 0 to -99% for each (non stable coin) assets simultaneously const groups = new Array(200); let change = stepSize; while (change < 101) { groups[change] = copy(group); const groupToModify: Group = groups[change.toString()]; const change_ = change / 100; Array.from(groupToModify.banksMapByTokenIndex.values()) .flat() .filter((b) => !'USD')) .forEach((b) => { b['oldUiPrice'] = b._uiPrice; b._uiPrice = b._uiPrice! * change_; b._price = b._price?.mul(I80F48.fromNumber(change_)); }); Array.from(groupToModify.perpMarketsMapByMarketIndex.values()).forEach( (p) => { p['oldUiPrice'] = p._uiPrice; p._uiPrice = p._uiPrice! * change_; p._price = p._price?.mul(I80F48.fromNumber(change_)); }, ); change += stepSize; } // Compute how much of an asset would need to be liquidated // when group (i.e. asset prices) reach a specific state return await Promise.all( => getPriceImpactForLiqor(g, pis, mangoAccountsSubset)), ); } } export async function getLiquidationBatches( client: MangoClient, group: Group, ): Promise<{ token: TokenIndex; liquidationPoints: LiquidationBatches[] }[]> { const allMangoAccounts = await client.getAllMangoAccounts(group, true); const stepSize = 1; const pisForLiqor: LiqorPriceImpact[][] = await buildGroupGrid( group, allMangoAccounts, stepSize, ); const r = Array.from(group.banksMapByTokenIndex.values()) .map((banks) => banks[0]) .map((bank) => { return { token: bank.tokenIndex, liquidationPoints: findLargestAssetBatchUi( pisForLiqor,, Math.round(bank.maintAssetWeight.toNumber() * 100), 100 - Math.round(bank.maintAssetWeight.toNumber() * 100), stepSize, )[2], }; }); return r; } export async function getRiskStats( client: MangoClient, group: Group, change = 0.4, // simulates 40% price rally and price drop on tokens and markets ): Promise { let pis; try { pis = await ( await ( await buildFetch() )( ``, { mode: 'cors', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', }, }, ) ).json(); } catch (error) { pis = []; } // Get known liqors let liqors: PublicKey[]; try { liqors = ( await ( await ( await buildFetch() )( ``, { mode: 'cors', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', }, }, ) ).json() ).map((data) => new PublicKey(data['liqor'])); } catch (error) { liqors = [new PublicKey('2T1taZuQwy7izxvjbAeiVjDhCEFYjWhLuv4U36XD1rL1')]; liqors = [new PublicKey('Dr1wLHRKQSir4UgGphZ29ZcPhGvJrdDnrLTDgbz73bDs')]; liqors = [new PublicKey('BNTDZJQrjNkjFxYAMCdKH2ShSM6Uwc28aAgit7ytVQJc')]; liqors = [new PublicKey('BmAXMP5yUeagSsJa1PPMNyzRR5x2J4nJPrNrUGryCsnD')]; } // Get known mms let mms: PublicKey[]; try { mms = ( await ( await ( await buildFetch() )( ``, { mode: 'cors', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': '*', }, }, ) ).json() ).map((data) => new PublicKey(data['liqor'])); } catch (error) { mms = [ new PublicKey('BLgb4NFwhpurMrGX5LQfb8D8dBpGSGtBqqew2Em8uyRT'), new PublicKey('4hXPGTmR6dKNNqjLYdfDRSrTaa1Wt2GZoZnQ9hAJEeev'), new PublicKey('BGYWnqfaauCeebFQXEfYuDCktiVG8pqpprrsD4qfqL53'), new PublicKey('F1SZxEDxxCSLVjEBbMEjDYqajWRJQRCZBwPQnmcVvTLV'), ]; } // Get all mango accounts const mangoAccounts = await client.getAllMangoAccounts(group, true); // Get on chain prices const mints = [ Set( Array.from(group.banksMapByTokenIndex.values()) .flat() .map((bank) =>, ), ]; // Note: // Disable for now // Getting rate limited // const prices = await getOnChainPriceForMints([ // Set( // Array.from(group.banksMapByTokenIndex.values()) // .flat() // .map((bank) =>, // ), // ]); // const onChainPrices = Object.fromEntries( //, i) => [mints[i], price]), // ); Array.from(group.banksMapByTokenIndex.values()) .flat() .forEach((b) => { b['onChainPrice'] = b.uiPrice; }); // Clone group, and simulate change % price drop for all assets except stables const drop = 1 - change; const groupDrop: Group = copy(group); Array.from(groupDrop.banksMapByTokenIndex.values()) .flat() .filter((b) => !'USD')) .forEach((b) => { b['oldUiPrice'] = b._uiPrice; b._uiPrice = b._uiPrice! * drop; b._price = b._price?.mul(I80F48.fromNumber(drop)); }); Array.from(groupDrop.perpMarketsMapByMarketIndex.values()).forEach((p) => { p['oldUiPrice'] = p._uiPrice; p._uiPrice = p._uiPrice! * drop; p._price = p._price?.mul(I80F48.fromNumber(drop)); }); // Clone group, and simulate change % price drop for usdc const groupUsdcDepeg: Group = copy(group); Array.from(groupUsdcDepeg.banksMapByTokenIndex.values()) .flat() .filter((b) =>'USDC')) .forEach((b) => { b['oldUiPrice'] = b._uiPrice; b._uiPrice = b._uiPrice! * drop; b._price = b._price?.mul(I80F48.fromNumber(drop)); }); // Clone group, and simulate change % price drop for usdt const groupUsdtDepeg: Group = copy(group); Array.from(groupUsdtDepeg.banksMapByTokenIndex.values()) .flat() .filter((b) =>'USDT')) .forEach((b) => { b['oldUiPrice'] = b._uiPrice; b._uiPrice = b._uiPrice! * drop; b._price = b._price?.mul(I80F48.fromNumber(drop)); }); // Clone group, and simulate change % price rally for all assets except stables const rally = 1 + change; const groupRally: Group = copy(group); Array.from(groupRally.banksMapByTokenIndex.values()) .flat() .filter((b) => !'USD')) .forEach((b) => { b['oldUiPrice'] = b._uiPrice; b._uiPrice = b._uiPrice! * rally; b._price = b._price?.mul(I80F48.fromNumber(rally)); }); Array.from(groupRally.perpMarketsMapByMarketIndex.values()).forEach((p) => { p['oldUiPrice'] = p._uiPrice; p._uiPrice = p._uiPrice! * rally; p._price = p._price?.mul(I80F48.fromNumber(rally)); }); const [ assetDrop, assetRally, usdcDepeg, usdtDepeg, perpDrop, perpRally, liqorEquity, marketMakerEquity, ] = await Promise.all([ getPriceImpactForLiqor(groupDrop, pis, mangoAccounts), getPriceImpactForLiqor(groupRally, pis, mangoAccounts), getPriceImpactForLiqor(groupUsdcDepeg, pis, mangoAccounts), getPriceImpactForLiqor(groupUsdtDepeg, pis, mangoAccounts), getPerpPositionsToBeLiquidated(groupDrop, mangoAccounts), getPerpPositionsToBeLiquidated(groupRally, mangoAccounts), getEquityForMangoAccounts(client, group, liqors, mangoAccounts), getEquityForMangoAccounts(client, group, mms, mangoAccounts), ]); return { assetDrop: { title: `Table 1a: Liqors acquire liabs and assets. The assets and liabs are sum of max assets and max liabs for any token which would be liquidated to fix the health of a mango account. This would be the slippage they would face on buying-liabs/offloading-assets tokens acquired from unhealth accounts after a 40% drop to all non-stable oracles`, data: assetDrop, }, assetRally: { title: `Table 1b: ... same as above but with a 40% rally to all non-stable oracles instead of drop`, data: assetRally, }, usdcDepeg: { title: `Table 1c: ... same as above but with a 40% drop to only usdc oracle`, data: usdcDepeg, }, usdtDepeg: { title: `Table 1d: ... same as above but with a 40% drop to only usdt oracle`, data: usdtDepeg, }, perpDrop: { title: `Table 2a: Perp notional that liqor need to liquidate after a 40% drop`, data: perpDrop, }, perpRally: { title: `Table 2b: Perp notional that liqor need to liquidate after a 40% rally`, data: perpRally, }, liqorEquity: { title: `Table 3: Equity of known liqors from last month`, data: liqorEquity, }, marketMakerEquity: { title: `Table 4: Equity of known makers from last month`, data: marketMakerEquity, }, }; }