import { AccountInfo, AddressLookupTableAccount, Connection, PublicKey, TransactionInstruction, TransactionMessage, VersionedTransaction, } from '@solana/web3.js'; import { buildFetch, createAssociatedTokenAccountIdempotentInstruction, } from './utils'; export const MANGO_ROUTER_API_URL = ''; export interface QuoteParams { sourceMint: string; destinationMint: string; amount: number; swapMode: SwapMode; } export declare type TokenMintAddress = string; export interface Quote { notEnoughLiquidity: boolean; minInAmount?: number; minOutAmount?: number; inAmount: number; outAmount: number; feeAmount: number; feeMint: TokenMintAddress; feePct: number; priceImpactPct: number; } export declare type QuoteMintToReferrer = Map; export interface SwapParams { sourceMint: string; destinationMint: string; userSourceTokenAccount: string; userDestinationTokenAccount: string; userTransferAuthority: string; /** * amount is used for instruction and can be null when it is an intermediate swap, only the first swap has an amount */ amount: number; swapMode: SwapMode; openOrdersAddress?: string; quoteMintToReferrer?: QuoteMintToReferrer; } export declare type PlatformFee = { feeBps: number; feeAccount: string; }; export interface ExactOutSwapParams extends SwapParams { inAmount: number; slippageBps: number; platformFee?: PlatformFee; overflowFeeAccount?: string; } export declare type AccountInfoMap = Map | null>; export declare type AmmLabel = | 'Aldrin' | 'Crema' | 'Cropper' | 'Cykura' | 'DeltaFi' | 'GooseFX' | 'Invariant' | 'Lifinity' | 'Lifinity V2' | 'Marinade' | 'Mercurial' | 'Meteora' | 'Raydium' | 'Raydium CLMM' | 'Saber' | 'Serum' | 'Orca' | 'Step' | 'Penguin' | 'Saros' | 'Stepn' | 'Orca (Whirlpools)' | 'Sencha' | 'Saber (Decimals)' | 'Dradex' | 'Balansol' | 'Openbook' | 'Unknown'; export interface TransactionFeeInfo { signatureFee: number; openOrdersDeposits: number[]; ataDeposits: number[]; totalFeeAndDeposits: number; minimumSOLForTransaction: number; } export declare enum SwapMode { ExactIn = 'ExactIn', ExactOut = 'ExactOut', } export interface Fee { amount: number; mint: string; pct: number; } export interface MarketInfo { id: string; inAmount: number; inputMint: string; label: string; lpFee: Fee; notEnoughLiquidity: boolean; outAmount: number; outputMint: string; platformFee: Fee; priceImpactPct: number; } export interface RouteInfo { amount: number; inAmount: number; marketInfos: MarketInfo[]; otherAmountThreshold: number; outAmount: number; priceImpactPct: number; slippageBps: number; swapMode: SwapMode; instructions?: TransactionInstruction[]; mints?: PublicKey[]; routerName?: 'Mango'; } export type Routes = { routes: RouteInfo[]; bestRoute: RouteInfo | null; }; export type Token = { address: string; chainId: number; decimals: number; name: string; symbol: string; logoURI: string; extensions: { coingeckoId?: string; }; tags: string[]; }; const fetchJupiterRoutes = async ( inputMint, outputMint, amount = '0', slippage = 50, swapMode = 'ExactIn', feeBps = '0', ): Promise => { { const paramsString = new URLSearchParams({ inputMint: inputMint.toString(), outputMint: outputMint.toString(), amount: amount.toString(), slippageBps: Math.ceil(slippage * 100).toString(), feeBps: feeBps.toString(), swapMode, }).toString(); const response = await ( await buildFetch() )(`${paramsString}`); const res = await response.json(); const data =; return { routes: as RouteInfo[], bestRoute: (data.length ? data[0] : null) as RouteInfo | null, }; } }; const fetchMangoRoutes = async ( inputMint, outputMint, amount = '0', slippage = 50, swapMode = 'ExactIn', feeBps = '0', wallet = PublicKey.default, ): Promise => { { const defaultOtherAmount = swapMode === 'ExactIn' ? 0 : Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER; const paramsString = new URLSearchParams({ inputMint: inputMint.toString(), outputMint: outputMint.toString(), amount: amount.toString(), slippage: ((slippage * 1) / 100).toString(), feeBps: feeBps.toString(), mode: swapMode, wallet: wallet.toString(), otherAmountThreshold: defaultOtherAmount.toString(), }).toString(); const response = await fetch( `${MANGO_ROUTER_API_URL}/swap?${paramsString}`, ); const res = await response.json(); const data: RouteInfo[] = any) => ({ ...route, priceImpactPct: route.priceImpact, slippageBps: slippage, marketInfos: any) => ({ ...mInfo, lpFee: { ...mInfo.fee, pct: mInfo.fee.rate, }, })), mints: string) => new PublicKey(x)), instructions: any) => ({ ...ix, programId: new PublicKey(ix.programId), data: Buffer.from(, 'base64'), keys: any) => ({ ...key, pubkey: new PublicKey(key.pubkey), })), })), routerName: 'Mango', })); return { routes: data, bestRoute: (data.length ? data[0] : null) as RouteInfo | null, }; } }; export const fetchRoutes = async ( inputMint, outputMint, amount = '0', slippage = 50, swapMode = 'ExactIn', feeBps = '0', wallet = PublicKey.default, ): Promise => { try { const responses = await Promise.allSettled([ fetchMangoRoutes( inputMint, outputMint, amount, slippage, swapMode, feeBps, wallet, ), fetchJupiterRoutes( inputMint, outputMint, amount, slippage, swapMode, feeBps, ), ]); const routes: RouteInfo[] = responses .filter((x) => x.status === 'fulfilled' && x.value.bestRoute !== null) .map((x) => (x as any).value.routes) .flat(); const sortedBestQuoteFirst = routes.sort( (a, b) => swapMode == 'ExactIn' ? Number(b.outAmount) - Number(a.outAmount) // biggest out : Number(a.inAmount) - Number(b.inAmount), // smallest in ); return { routes: sortedBestQuoteFirst, bestRoute: sortedBestQuoteFirst[0], }; } catch (e) { return { routes: [], bestRoute: null, }; } }; export const prepareMangoRouterInstructions = async ( selectedRoute: RouteInfo, inputMint: PublicKey, outputMint: PublicKey, userPublicKey: PublicKey, ): Promise<[TransactionInstruction[], AddressLookupTableAccount[]]> => { if (!selectedRoute || !selectedRoute.mints || !selectedRoute.instructions) { return [[], []]; } const mintsToFilterOut = [inputMint, outputMint]; const filteredOutMints = [ ...selectedRoute.mints.filter( (routeMint) => !mintsToFilterOut.find((filterOutMint) => filterOutMint.equals(routeMint), ), ), ]; const additionalInstructions: TransactionInstruction[] = []; for (const mint of filteredOutMints) { const ix = await createAssociatedTokenAccountIdempotentInstruction( userPublicKey, userPublicKey, mint, ); additionalInstructions.push(ix); } const instructions = [ ...additionalInstructions, ...selectedRoute.instructions, ]; return [instructions, []]; }; const deserializeJupiterIxAndAlt = async ( connection: Connection, swapTransaction: string, ): Promise<[TransactionInstruction[], AddressLookupTableAccount[]]> => { const parsedSwapTransaction = VersionedTransaction.deserialize( Buffer.from(swapTransaction, 'base64'), ); const message = parsedSwapTransaction.message; // const lookups = message.addressTableLookups const addressLookupTablesResponses = await Promise.all( => connection.getAddressLookupTable(alt.accountKey), ), ); const addressLookupTables: AddressLookupTableAccount[] = addressLookupTablesResponses .map((alt) => alt.value) .filter((x): x is AddressLookupTableAccount => x !== null); const decompiledMessage = TransactionMessage.decompile(message, { addressLookupTableAccounts: addressLookupTables, }); return [decompiledMessage.instructions, addressLookupTables]; }; export const fetchJupiterTransaction = async ( connection: Connection, selectedRoute: RouteInfo, userPublicKey: PublicKey, slippage: number, inputMint: PublicKey, outputMint: PublicKey, ): Promise<[TransactionInstruction[], AddressLookupTableAccount[]]> => { const transactions = await ( await ( await buildFetch() )('', { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify({ // route from /quote api route: selectedRoute, // user public key to be used for the swap userPublicKey, // feeAccount is optional. Use if you want to charge a fee. feeBps must have been passed in /quote API. // This is the ATA account for the output token where the fee will be sent to. If you are swapping from SOL->USDC then this would be the USDC ATA you want to collect the fee. // feeAccount: 'fee_account_public_key', slippageBps: Math.ceil(slippage * 100), }), }) ).json(); const { swapTransaction } = transactions; const [ixs, alts] = await deserializeJupiterIxAndAlt( connection, swapTransaction, ); const isSetupIx = (pk: PublicKey): boolean => pk.toString() === 'ComputeBudget111111111111111111111111111111' || pk.toString() === 'TokenkegQfeZyiNwAJbNbGKPFXCWuBvf9Ss623VQ5DA'; const isDuplicateAta = (ix: TransactionInstruction): boolean => { return ( ix.programId.toString() === 'ATokenGPvbdGVxr1b2hvZbsiqW5xWH25efTNsLJA8knL' && (ix.keys[3].pubkey.toString() === inputMint.toString() || ix.keys[3].pubkey.toString() === outputMint.toString()) ); }; const filtered_jup_ixs = ixs .filter((ix) => !isSetupIx(ix.programId)) .filter((ix) => !isDuplicateAta(ix)); return [filtered_jup_ixs, alts]; };