import { AnchorProvider } from '@coral-xyz/anchor'; import NodeWallet from '@coral-xyz/anchor/dist/cjs/nodewallet'; import { u8 } from '@solana/buffer-layout'; import { AddressLookupTableAccount, Commitment, ComputeBudgetProgram, Connection, Keypair, MessageV0, RpcResponseAndContext, SignatureResult, Signer, TransactionConfirmationStatus, TransactionError, TransactionInstruction, TransactionSignature, VersionedTransaction, } from '@solana/web3.js'; import { COMPUTE_BUDGET_PROGRAM_ID } from '../constants'; import { TxCallbackOptions } from '../client'; import { awaitTransactionSignatureConfirmation } from '@blockworks-foundation/mangolana/lib/transactions'; import { tryStringify } from '../utils'; export interface MangoSignatureStatus { confirmations?: number | null; confirmationStatus?: TransactionConfirmationStatus; err?: TransactionError | null; signature: TransactionSignature; slot?: number; } export interface LatestBlockhash { slot: number; blockhash: string; lastValidBlockHeight: number; } export interface LatestBlockhash { slot: number; blockhash: string; lastValidBlockHeight: number; } export type SendTransactionOpts = Partial<{ preflightCommitment: Commitment; latestBlockhash: Readonly; prioritizationFee: number; estimateFee: boolean; additionalSigners: Keypair[]; postSendTxCallback: (callbackOpts: TxCallbackOptions) => void; postTxConfirmationCallback: (callbackOpts: TxCallbackOptions) => void; txConfirmationCommitment: Commitment; confirmInBackground: boolean; alts: AddressLookupTableAccount[]; multipleConnections: Connection[]; }>; export async function sendTransaction( provider: AnchorProvider, ixs: TransactionInstruction[], alts: AddressLookupTableAccount[], opts: SendTransactionOpts = {}, ): Promise { const connection = provider.connection; const latestBlockhash = await fetchLatestBlockHash(provider, opts); const payer = (provider as AnchorProvider).wallet; // // setComputeUnitLimit, hard code to a higher minimum, this is needed so that we dont fail simple UI interactions // // const computeUnitLimitIxFound = ixs.some( (ix) => ix.programId.equals(COMPUTE_BUDGET_PROGRAM_ID) && u8().decode(, 1)) == 2, ); if (!computeUnitLimitIxFound) { const totalUserIntendedIxs = ixs.filter( (ix) => !ix.programId.equals(COMPUTE_BUDGET_PROGRAM_ID), ).length; const requestCu = Math.min(totalUserIntendedIxs * 300_000, 1_600_000); ixs = [ ComputeBudgetProgram.setComputeUnitLimit({ units: requestCu, }), ...ixs, ]; } // // setComputeUnitPrice // if (opts.prioritizationFee) { ixs = [createComputeBudgetIx(opts.prioritizationFee), ...ixs]; } const message = MessageV0.compile({ payerKey: (provider as AnchorProvider).wallet.publicKey, instructions: ixs, recentBlockhash: latestBlockhash.blockhash, addressLookupTableAccounts: alts, }); let vtx = new VersionedTransaction(message); if (opts?.additionalSigners?.length) { vtx.sign([...opts?.additionalSigners]); } if ( typeof payer.signTransaction === 'function' && !(payer instanceof NodeWallet || == 'NodeWallet') ) { vtx = (await payer.signTransaction( vtx as any, )) as unknown as VersionedTransaction; } else { // Maybe this path is only correct for NodeWallet? vtx.sign([(payer as any).payer as Signer]); } // if configured, send the transaction using multiple connections let signature: string; if (opts?.multipleConnections?.length ?? 0 > 0) { const allConnections = [connection, ...opts.multipleConnections!]; signature = await Promise.any( => { return c.sendRawTransaction(vtx.serialize(), { skipPreflight: true, // mergedOpts.skipPreflight, }); }), ); } else { signature = await connection.sendRawTransaction(vtx.serialize(), { skipPreflight: true, // mergedOpts.skipPreflight, }); } if (opts.postSendTxCallback) { try { opts.postSendTxCallback({ txid: signature, txSignatureBlockHash: latestBlockhash, }); } catch (e) { console.warn(`postSendTxCallback error ${e}`); } } if (!opts.confirmInBackground) { return await confirmTransaction( connection, opts, latestBlockhash, signature, ); } else { confirmTransaction(connection, opts, latestBlockhash, signature); return { signature }; } } const confirmTransaction = async ( connection: Connection, opts: Partial = {}, latestBlockhash: Readonly, signature: string, ): Promise => { let status: RpcResponseAndContext; const allConnections = [connection]; if (opts.multipleConnections && opts.multipleConnections.length) { allConnections.push(...opts.multipleConnections); } const abortController = new AbortController(); try { if ( latestBlockhash.blockhash != null && latestBlockhash.lastValidBlockHeight != null ) { status = await Promise.any( => awaitTransactionSignatureConfirmation({ txid: signature, confirmLevel: 'processed', connection: c, timeoutStrategy: { block: latestBlockhash, }, abortSignal: abortController.signal, }), ), ); } else { status = await Promise.any( => awaitTransactionSignatureConfirmation({ txid: signature, confirmLevel: 'processed', connection: c, timeoutStrategy: { timeout: 90, }, abortSignal: abortController.signal, }), ), ); } abortController.abort(); const signatureResult = status.value; if (signatureResult.err) { console.warn('Tx status: ', status); throw new MangoError({ txid: signature, message: `${JSON.stringify(status)}`, }); } if (opts.postTxConfirmationCallback) { try { opts.postTxConfirmationCallback({ txid: signature, txSignatureBlockHash: latestBlockhash, }); } catch (e) { console.warn(`postTxConfirmationCallback error ${e}`); } } return { signature, slot: status.context.slot, ...signatureResult }; } catch (e) { abortController.abort(); if (e instanceof AggregateError) { for (const individualError of e.errors) { const stringifiedError = tryStringify(individualError); throw new MangoError({ txid: signature, message: `${ stringifiedError ? stringifiedError : individualError ? individualError : 'Unknown error' }`, }); } } if (isErrorWithSignatureResult(e)) { const stringifiedError = tryStringify(e?.value?.err); throw new MangoError({ txid: signature, message: `${stringifiedError ? stringifiedError : e?.value?.err}`, }); } const stringifiedError = tryStringify(e); throw new MangoError({ txid: signature, message: `${stringifiedError ? stringifiedError : e}`, }); } }; export async function fetchLatestBlockHash( provider: AnchorProvider, opts: SendTransactionOpts = {}, ): Promise { if (opts.latestBlockhash) { return opts.latestBlockhash; } const commitment = opts.preflightCommitment ?? provider.opts.preflightCommitment ?? 'finalized'; const blockhashRequest = await provider.connection.getLatestBlockhashAndContext(commitment); return { slot: blockhashRequest.context.slot, lastValidBlockHeight: blockhashRequest.value.lastValidBlockHeight, blockhash: blockhashRequest.value.blockhash, }; } export const createComputeBudgetIx = ( microLamports: number, ): TransactionInstruction => { const computeBudgetIx = ComputeBudgetProgram.setComputeUnitPrice({ microLamports, }); return computeBudgetIx; }; export class MangoError extends Error { message: string; txid: string; constructor({ txid, message }) { super(); this.message = message; this.txid = txid; } } function isErrorWithSignatureResult( err: any, ): err is RpcResponseAndContext { return err && typeof err.value !== 'undefined'; }