import { BN } from '@project-serum/anchor'; import { OpenOrders } from '@project-serum/serum'; import { PublicKey } from '@solana/web3.js'; import { cloneDeep } from 'lodash'; import { HUNDRED_I80F48, I80F48, I80F48Dto, MAX_I80F48, ONE_I80F48, ZERO_I80F48, } from '../numbers/I80F48'; import { toNativeI80F48ForQuote } from '../utils'; import { Bank, BankForHealth, TokenIndex } from './bank'; import { Group } from './group'; import { HealthType, MangoAccount, PerpPosition } from './mangoAccount'; import { PerpMarket, PerpOrderSide } from './perp'; import { MarketIndex, Serum3Market, Serum3Side } from './serum3'; // ░░░░ // // ██ // ██░░██ // ░░ ░░ ██░░░░░░██ ░░░░ // ██░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░██████░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░██████░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ░░ ██░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░██ // ██████████████████████████████████████████ // warning: this code is copy pasta from rust, keep in sync with export class HealthCache { constructor( public tokenInfos: TokenInfo[], public serum3Infos: Serum3Info[], public perpInfos: PerpInfo[], ) {} static fromMangoAccount( group: Group, mangoAccount: MangoAccount, ): HealthCache { // token contribution from token accounts const tokenInfos = mangoAccount.tokensActive().map((tokenPosition) => { const bank = group.getFirstBankByTokenIndex(tokenPosition.tokenIndex); return TokenInfo.fromBank(bank, tokenPosition.balance(bank)); }); // Fill the TokenInfo balance with free funds in serum3 oo accounts, and fill // the serum3MaxReserved with their reserved funds. Also build Serum3Infos. const serum3Infos = mangoAccount.serum3Active().map((serum3) => { const oo = mangoAccount.getSerum3OoAccount(serum3.marketIndex); // find the TokenInfos for the market's base and quote tokens const baseIndex = tokenInfos.findIndex( (tokenInfo) => tokenInfo.tokenIndex === serum3.baseTokenIndex, ); const baseInfo = tokenInfos[baseIndex]; if (!baseInfo) { throw new Error( `BaseInfo not found for market with marketIndex ${serum3.marketIndex}!`, ); } const quoteIndex = tokenInfos.findIndex( (tokenInfo) => tokenInfo.tokenIndex === serum3.quoteTokenIndex, ); const quoteInfo = tokenInfos[quoteIndex]; if (!quoteInfo) { throw new Error( `QuoteInfo not found for market with marketIndex ${serum3.marketIndex}!`, ); } return Serum3Info.fromOoModifyingTokenInfos( baseIndex, baseInfo, quoteIndex, quoteInfo, serum3.marketIndex, oo, ); }); // health contribution from perp accounts const perpInfos = mangoAccount.perpActive().map((perpPosition) => { const perpMarket = group.getPerpMarketByMarketIndex( perpPosition.marketIndex, ); return PerpInfo.fromPerpPosition(perpMarket, perpPosition); }); return new HealthCache(tokenInfos, serum3Infos, perpInfos); } static fromDto(dto): HealthCache { return new HealthCache( => TokenInfo.fromDto(dto)), => Serum3Info.fromDto(dto)), => PerpInfo.fromDto(dto)), ); } computeSerum3Reservations(healthType: HealthType): { tokenMaxReserved: I80F48[]; serum3Reserved: Serum3Reserved[]; } { // For each token, compute the sum of serum-reserved amounts over all markets. const tokenMaxReserved = new Array(this.tokenInfos.length) .fill(null) .map((ignored) => ZERO_I80F48()); // For each serum market, compute what happened if reserved_base was converted to quote // or reserved_quote was converted to base. const serum3Reserved: Serum3Reserved[] = []; for (const info of this.serum3Infos) { const quote = this.tokenInfos[info.quoteIndex]; const base = this.tokenInfos[info.baseIndex]; const reservedBase = info.reservedBase; const reservedQuote = info.reservedQuote; const quoteAsset = quote.prices.asset(healthType); const baseLiab = base.prices.liab(healthType); const allReservedAsBase = reservedBase.add( reservedQuote.mul(quoteAsset).div(baseLiab), ); const baseAsset = base.prices.asset(healthType); const quoteLiab = quote.prices.liab(healthType); const allReservedAsQuote = reservedQuote.add( reservedBase.mul(baseAsset).div(quoteLiab), ); const baseMaxReserved = tokenMaxReserved[info.baseIndex]; baseMaxReserved.iadd(allReservedAsBase); const quoteMaxReserved = tokenMaxReserved[info.quoteIndex]; quoteMaxReserved.iadd(allReservedAsQuote); serum3Reserved.push( new Serum3Reserved(allReservedAsBase, allReservedAsQuote), ); } return { tokenMaxReserved: tokenMaxReserved, serum3Reserved: serum3Reserved, }; } public health(healthType: HealthType): I80F48 { const health = ZERO_I80F48(); for (const tokenInfo of this.tokenInfos) { const contrib = tokenInfo.healthContribution(healthType); // console.log(` - ti ${contrib}`); health.iadd(contrib); } const res = this.computeSerum3Reservations(healthType); for (const [index, serum3Info] of this.serum3Infos.entries()) { const contrib = serum3Info.healthContribution( healthType, this.tokenInfos, res.tokenMaxReserved, res.serum3Reserved[index], ); // console.log(` - si ${contrib}`); health.iadd(contrib); } for (const perpInfo of this.perpInfos) { const contrib = perpInfo.healthContribution(healthType); // console.log(` - pi ${contrib}`); health.iadd(contrib); } return health; } // Note: only considers positive perp pnl contributions, see program code for more reasoning public perpSettleHealth(): I80F48 { const health = ZERO_I80F48(); for (const tokenInfo of this.tokenInfos) { const contrib = tokenInfo.healthContribution(HealthType.maint); // console.log(` - ti ${contrib}`); health.iadd(contrib); } const res = this.computeSerum3Reservations(HealthType.maint); for (const [index, serum3Info] of this.serum3Infos.entries()) { const contrib = serum3Info.healthContribution( HealthType.maint, this.tokenInfos, res.tokenMaxReserved, res.serum3Reserved[index], ); // console.log(` - si ${contrib}`); health.iadd(contrib); } for (const perpInfo of this.perpInfos) { const positiveContrib = perpInfo .healthContribution(HealthType.maint) .max(ZERO_I80F48()); // console.log(` - pi ${positiveContrib}`); health.iadd(positiveContrib); } return health; } // An undefined HealthType will use an asset and liab weight of 1 public assets(healthType?: HealthType): I80F48 { const assets = ZERO_I80F48(); for (const tokenInfo of this.tokenInfos) { const contrib = tokenInfo.healthContribution(healthType); if (contrib.isPos()) { assets.iadd(contrib); } } const res = this.computeSerum3Reservations(HealthType.maint); for (const [index, serum3Info] of this.serum3Infos.entries()) { const contrib = serum3Info.healthContribution( healthType, this.tokenInfos, res.tokenMaxReserved, res.serum3Reserved[index], ); if (contrib.isPos()) { assets.iadd(contrib); } } for (const perpInfo of this.perpInfos) { const contrib = perpInfo.healthContribution(healthType); if (contrib.isPos()) { assets.iadd(contrib); } } return assets; } // An undefined HealthType will use an asset and liab weight of 1 public liabs(healthType?: HealthType): I80F48 { const liabs = ZERO_I80F48(); for (const tokenInfo of this.tokenInfos) { const contrib = tokenInfo.healthContribution(healthType); if (contrib.isNeg()) { liabs.isub(contrib); } } const res = this.computeSerum3Reservations(HealthType.maint); for (const [index, serum3Info] of this.serum3Infos.entries()) { const contrib = serum3Info.healthContribution( healthType, this.tokenInfos, res.tokenMaxReserved, res.serum3Reserved[index], ); if (contrib.isNeg()) { liabs.isub(contrib); } } for (const perpInfo of this.perpInfos) { const contrib = perpInfo.healthContribution(healthType); if (contrib.isNeg()) { liabs.isub(contrib); } } return liabs; } public healthRatio(healthType: HealthType): I80F48 { const assets = ZERO_I80F48(); const liabs = ZERO_I80F48(); for (const tokenInfo of this.tokenInfos) { const contrib = tokenInfo.healthContribution(healthType); // console.log(` - ti contrib ${contrib.toLocaleString()}`); if (contrib.isPos()) { assets.iadd(contrib); } else { liabs.isub(contrib); } } const res = this.computeSerum3Reservations(HealthType.maint); for (const [index, serum3Info] of this.serum3Infos.entries()) { const contrib = serum3Info.healthContribution( healthType, this.tokenInfos, res.tokenMaxReserved, res.serum3Reserved[index], ); // console.log(` - si contrib ${contrib.toLocaleString()}`); if (contrib.isPos()) { assets.iadd(contrib); } else { liabs.isub(contrib); } } for (const perpInfo of this.perpInfos) { const contrib = perpInfo.healthContribution(healthType); // console.log(` - pi contrib ${contrib.toLocaleString()}`); if (contrib.isPos()) { assets.iadd(contrib); } else { liabs.isub(contrib); } } // console.log( // ` - assets ${assets.toLocaleString()}, liabs ${liabs.toLocaleString()}`, // ); if ( { return HUNDRED_I80F48().mul(assets.sub(liabs).div(liabs)); } else { return MAX_I80F48(); } } findTokenInfoIndex(tokenIndex: TokenIndex): number { return this.tokenInfos.findIndex( (tokenInfo) => tokenInfo.tokenIndex === tokenIndex, ); } getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(bank: BankForHealth): number { const index = this.findTokenInfoIndex(bank.tokenIndex); if (index == -1) { this.tokenInfos.push(TokenInfo.fromBank(bank)); } return this.findTokenInfoIndex(bank.tokenIndex); } simHealthRatioWithTokenPositionChanges( group: Group, nativeTokenChanges: { nativeTokenAmount: I80F48; mintPk: PublicKey; }[], healthType: HealthType = HealthType.init, ): I80F48 { const adjustedCache: HealthCache = cloneDeep(this); // HealthCache.logHealthCache('beforeChange', adjustedCache); for (const change of nativeTokenChanges) { const bank: Bank = group.getFirstBankByMint(change.mintPk); const changeIndex = adjustedCache.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(bank); // TODO: this will no longer work as easily because of the health weight changes adjustedCache.tokenInfos[changeIndex].balanceNative.iadd( change.nativeTokenAmount, ); } // HealthCache.logHealthCache('afterChange', adjustedCache); return adjustedCache.healthRatio(healthType); } findSerum3InfoIndex(marketIndex: MarketIndex): number { return this.serum3Infos.findIndex( (serum3Info) => serum3Info.marketIndex === marketIndex, ); } getOrCreateSerum3InfoIndex( baseBank: BankForHealth, quoteBank: BankForHealth, serum3Market: Serum3Market, ): number { const index = this.findSerum3InfoIndex(serum3Market.marketIndex); const baseEntryIndex = this.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(baseBank); const quoteEntryIndex = this.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(quoteBank); if (index == -1) { this.serum3Infos.push( Serum3Info.emptyFromSerum3Market( serum3Market, baseEntryIndex, quoteEntryIndex, ), ); } return this.findSerum3InfoIndex(serum3Market.marketIndex); } adjustSerum3Reserved( baseBank: BankForHealth, quoteBank: BankForHealth, serum3Market: Serum3Market, reservedBaseChange: I80F48, freeBaseChange: I80F48, reservedQuoteChange: I80F48, freeQuoteChange: I80F48, ): void { const baseEntryIndex = this.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(baseBank); const quoteEntryIndex = this.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(quoteBank); const baseEntry = this.tokenInfos[baseEntryIndex]; const quoteEntry = this.tokenInfos[quoteEntryIndex]; // Apply it to the tokens baseEntry.balanceNative.iadd(freeBaseChange); quoteEntry.balanceNative.iadd(freeQuoteChange); // Apply it to the serum3 info const index = this.getOrCreateSerum3InfoIndex( baseBank, quoteBank, serum3Market, ); const serum3Info = this.serum3Infos[index]; serum3Info.reservedBase.iadd(reservedBaseChange); serum3Info.reservedQuote.iadd(reservedQuoteChange); } simHealthRatioWithSerum3BidChanges( baseBank: BankForHealth, quoteBank: BankForHealth, bidNativeQuoteAmount: I80F48, serum3Market: Serum3Market, healthType: HealthType = HealthType.init, ): I80F48 { const adjustedCache: HealthCache = cloneDeep(this); const quoteIndex = adjustedCache.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(quoteBank); // Move token balance to reserved funds in open orders, // essentially simulating a place order // Reduce token balance for quote adjustedCache.tokenInfos[quoteIndex].balanceNative.isub( bidNativeQuoteAmount, ); // Increase reserved in Serum3Info for quote adjustedCache.adjustSerum3Reserved( baseBank, quoteBank, serum3Market, ZERO_I80F48(), ZERO_I80F48(), bidNativeQuoteAmount, ZERO_I80F48(), ); return adjustedCache.healthRatio(healthType); } simHealthRatioWithSerum3AskChanges( baseBank: BankForHealth, quoteBank: BankForHealth, askNativeBaseAmount: I80F48, serum3Market: Serum3Market, healthType: HealthType = HealthType.init, ): I80F48 { const adjustedCache: HealthCache = cloneDeep(this); const baseIndex = adjustedCache.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(baseBank); // Move token balance to reserved funds in open orders, // essentially simulating a place order // Reduce token balance for base adjustedCache.tokenInfos[baseIndex].balanceNative.isub(askNativeBaseAmount); // Increase reserved in Serum3Info for base adjustedCache.adjustSerum3Reserved( baseBank, quoteBank, serum3Market, askNativeBaseAmount, ZERO_I80F48(), ZERO_I80F48(), ZERO_I80F48(), ); return adjustedCache.healthRatio(healthType); } findPerpInfoIndex(perpMarketIndex: number): number { return this.perpInfos.findIndex( (perpInfo) => perpInfo.perpMarketIndex === perpMarketIndex, ); } getOrCreatePerpInfoIndex(perpMarket: PerpMarket): number { const index = this.findPerpInfoIndex(perpMarket.perpMarketIndex); if (index == -1) { this.perpInfos.push(PerpInfo.emptyFromPerpMarket(perpMarket)); } return this.findPerpInfoIndex(perpMarket.perpMarketIndex); } adjustPerpInfo( perpInfoIndex: number, price: I80F48, side: PerpOrderSide, newOrderBaseLots: BN, ): void { if (side == { this.perpInfos[perpInfoIndex].baseLots.iadd(newOrderBaseLots); this.perpInfos[perpInfoIndex].quote.isub( I80F48.fromI64(newOrderBaseLots) .mul(I80F48.fromI64(this.perpInfos[perpInfoIndex].baseLotSize)) .mul(price), ); } else { this.perpInfos[perpInfoIndex].baseLots.isub(newOrderBaseLots); this.perpInfos[perpInfoIndex].quote.iadd( I80F48.fromI64(newOrderBaseLots) .mul(I80F48.fromI64(this.perpInfos[perpInfoIndex].baseLotSize)) .mul(price), ); } } simHealthRatioWithPerpOrderChanges( perpMarket: PerpMarket, existingPerpPosition: PerpPosition, side: PerpOrderSide, baseLots: BN, price: I80F48, healthType: HealthType = HealthType.init, ): I80F48 { const clonedHealthCache: HealthCache = cloneDeep(this); const perpInfoIndex = clonedHealthCache.getOrCreatePerpInfoIndex(perpMarket); clonedHealthCache.adjustPerpInfo(perpInfoIndex, price, side, baseLots); return clonedHealthCache.healthRatio(healthType); } public logHealthCache(debug: string): void { if (debug) console.log(debug); for (const token of this.tokenInfos) { console.log(` ${token.toString()}`); } const res = this.computeSerum3Reservations(HealthType.maint); for (const [index, serum3Info] of this.serum3Infos.entries()) { console.log( ` ${serum3Info.toString( this.tokenInfos, res.tokenMaxReserved, res.serum3Reserved[index], )}`, ); } console.log( ` assets ${this.assets(HealthType.init)}, liabs ${this.liabs( HealthType.init, )}, `, ); console.log(` health(HealthType.init) ${}`); console.log( ` healthRatio(HealthType.init) ${this.healthRatio(HealthType.init)}`, ); } private static scanRightUntilLessThan( start: I80F48, target: I80F48, fun: (amount: I80F48) => I80F48, ): I80F48 { const maxIterations = 20; let current = start; // console.log(`scanRightUntilLessThan, start ${start.toLocaleString()}`); for (const key of Array(maxIterations).fill(0).keys()) { const value = fun(current); if ( { return current; } // console.log( // ` - current ${current.toLocaleString()}, value ${value.toLocaleString()}, target ${target.toLocaleString()}`, // ); current = current.max(ONE_I80F48()).mul(I80F48.fromNumber(2)); } throw new Error('Could not find amount that led to health ratio <=0'); } /// This is not a generic function. It assumes there is a unique maximum between left and right. private static findMaximum( left: I80F48, right: I80F48, minStep: I80F48, fun: (I80F48) => I80F48, ): I80F48[] { const half = I80F48.fromNumber(0.5); let mid = half.mul(left.add(right)); let leftValue = fun(left); let rightValue = fun(right); let midValue = fun(mid); while (right.sub(left).gt(minStep)) { if (leftValue.gte(midValue)) { // max must be between left and mid right = mid; rightValue = midValue; mid = half.mul(left.add(mid)); midValue = fun(mid); } else if (midValue.lte(rightValue)) { // max must be between mid and right left = mid; leftValue = midValue; mid = half.mul(mid.add(right)); midValue = fun(mid); } else { // mid is larger than both left and right, max could be on either side const leftmid = half.mul(left.add(mid)); const leftMidValue = fun(leftmid); if (leftMidValue.gte(midValue)) { // max between left and mid right = mid; rightValue = midValue; mid = leftmid; midValue = leftMidValue; continue; } const rightmid = half.mul(mid.add(right)); const rightMidValue = fun(rightmid); if (rightMidValue.gte(midValue)) { // max between mid and right left = mid; leftValue = midValue; mid = rightmid; midValue = rightMidValue; continue; } // max between leftmid and rightmid left = leftmid; leftValue = leftMidValue; right = rightmid; rightValue = rightMidValue; } } if (leftValue.gte(midValue)) { return [left, leftValue]; } else if (midValue.gte(rightValue)) { return [mid, midValue]; } else { return [right, rightValue]; } } private static binaryApproximationSearch( left: I80F48, leftValue: I80F48, right: I80F48, targetValue: I80F48, minStep: I80F48, fun: (I80F48) => I80F48, ): I80F48 { const maxIterations = 50; const targetError = I80F48.fromNumber(0.1); const rightValue = fun(right); // console.log( // ` - binaryApproximationSearch left ${left.toLocaleString()}, leftValue ${leftValue.toLocaleString()}, right ${right.toLocaleString()}, rightValue ${rightValue.toLocaleString()}, targetValue ${targetValue.toLocaleString()}`, // ); if ( (leftValue.sub(targetValue).isPos() && rightValue.sub(targetValue).isPos()) || (leftValue.sub(targetValue).isNeg() && rightValue.sub(targetValue).isNeg()) ) { throw new Error( `Internal error: left ${leftValue.toNumber()} and right ${rightValue.toNumber()} don't contain the target value ${targetValue.toNumber()}!`, ); } let newAmount, newAmountValue; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars for (const key of Array(maxIterations).fill(0).keys()) { if (right.sub(left).abs().lt(minStep)) { return left; } newAmount = left.add(right).mul(I80F48.fromNumber(0.5)); newAmountValue = fun(newAmount); // console.log( // ` - left ${left.toLocaleString()}, right ${right.toLocaleString()}, newAmount ${newAmount.toLocaleString()}, newAmountValue ${newAmountValue.toLocaleString()}, targetValue ${targetValue.toLocaleString()}`, // ); const error = newAmountValue.sub(targetValue); if (error.isPos() && { return newAmount; } if ( != { left = newAmount; } else { right = newAmount; } } console.error( `Unable to get targetValue within ${maxIterations} iterations, newAmount ${newAmount}, newAmountValue ${newAmountValue}, target ${targetValue}`, ); return newAmount; } getMaxSwapSource( sourceBank: BankForHealth, targetBank: BankForHealth, price: I80F48, ): I80F48 { const health =; if (health.isNeg()) { return this.getMaxSwapSourceForHealth( sourceBank, targetBank, price, toNativeI80F48ForQuote(1), // target 1 ui usd worth health ); } return this.getMaxSwapSourceForHealthRatio( sourceBank, targetBank, price, I80F48.fromNumber(2), // target 2% health ); } getMaxSwapSourceForHealthRatio( sourceBank: BankForHealth, targetBank: BankForHealth, price: I80F48, minRatio: I80F48, ): I80F48 { return this.getMaxSwapSourceForHealthFn( sourceBank, targetBank, price, minRatio, function (hc: HealthCache): I80F48 { return hc.healthRatio(HealthType.init); }, ); } getMaxSwapSourceForHealth( sourceBank: BankForHealth, targetBank: BankForHealth, price: I80F48, minHealth: I80F48, ): I80F48 { return this.getMaxSwapSourceForHealthFn( sourceBank, targetBank, price, minHealth, function (hc: HealthCache): I80F48 { return; }, ); } getMaxSwapSourceForHealthFn( sourceBank: BankForHealth, targetBank: BankForHealth, price: I80F48, minFnValue: I80F48, targetFn: (cache) => I80F48, ): I80F48 { if ( sourceBank.initLiabWeight .sub(targetBank.initAssetWeight) .abs() .lte(ZERO_I80F48()) ) { return ZERO_I80F48(); } // The health and health_ratio are nonlinear based on swap amount. // For large swap amounts the slope is guaranteed to be negative, but small amounts // can have positive slope (e.g. using source deposits to pay back target borrows). // // That means: // - even if the initial value is < minRatio it can be useful to swap to *increase* health // - even if initial value is < 0, swapping can increase health (maybe above 0) // - be careful about finding the minFnValue: the function isn't convex const initialRatio = this.healthRatio(HealthType.init); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const healthCacheClone: HealthCache = cloneDeep(this); const sourceIndex = healthCacheClone.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(sourceBank); const targetIndex = healthCacheClone.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(targetBank); const source = healthCacheClone.tokenInfos[sourceIndex]; const target = healthCacheClone.tokenInfos[targetIndex]; const res = healthCacheClone.computeSerum3Reservations(HealthType.init); const sourceReserved = res.tokenMaxReserved[sourceIndex]; const targetReserved = res.tokenMaxReserved[targetIndex]; // If the price is sufficiently good, then health will just increase from swapping: // once we've swapped enough, swapping x reduces health by x * source_liab_weight and // increases it by x * target_asset_weight * price_factor. const finalHealthSlope = source.initLiabWeight .neg() .mul(source.prices.liab(HealthType.init)) .add( target.initAssetWeight .mul(target.prices.asset(HealthType.init)) .mul(price), ); if (finalHealthSlope.gte(ZERO_I80F48())) { return MAX_I80F48(); } // There are two key slope changes: Assume source.balance > 0 and target.balance < 0. Then // initially health ratio goes up. When one of balances flips sign, the health ratio slope // may be positive or negative for a bit, until both balances have flipped and the slope is // negative. // The maximum will be at one of these points (ignoring serum3 effects). function cacheAfterSwap(amount: I80F48): HealthCache { const adjustedCache: HealthCache = cloneDeep(healthCacheClone); // adjustedCache.logHealthCache('beforeSwap', adjustedCache); // TODO: make a copy of the bank, apply amount, recompute weights, // and set the new weights on the tokenInfos adjustedCache.tokenInfos[sourceIndex].balanceNative.isub(amount); adjustedCache.tokenInfos[targetIndex].balanceNative.iadd( amount.mul(price), ); // adjustedCache.logHealthCache('afterSwap', adjustedCache); return adjustedCache; } function fnValueAfterSwap(amount: I80F48): I80F48 { return targetFn(cacheAfterSwap(amount)); } // The function we're looking at has a unique maximum. // // If we discount serum3 reservations, there are two key slope changes: // Assume source.balance > 0 and target.balance < 0. // When these values flip sign, the health slope decreases, but could still be positive. // // The first thing we do is to find this maximum. // The largest amount that the maximum could be at const rightmost = source.balanceNative .abs() .add(sourceReserved) .max(target.balanceNative.abs().add(targetReserved).div(price)); const [amountForMaxValue, maxValue] = HealthCache.findMaximum( ZERO_I80F48(), rightmost, I80F48.fromNumber(0.1), fnValueAfterSwap, ); if (maxValue.lte(minFnValue)) { // We cannot reach min_ratio, just return the max return amountForMaxValue; } let amount: I80F48; // Now max_value is bigger than minFnValue, the target amount must be >amountForMaxValue. // Search to the right of amountForMaxValue: but how far? // Use a simple estimation for the amount that would lead to zero health: // health // - source_liab_weight * source_liab_price * a // + target_asset_weight * target_asset_price * price * a = 0. // where a is the source token native amount. // Note that this is just an estimate. Swapping can increase the amount that serum3 // reserved contributions offset, moving the actual zero point further to the right. const healthAtMaxValue = cacheAfterSwap(amountForMaxValue).health( HealthType.init, ); if (healthAtMaxValue.lte(ZERO_I80F48())) { return ZERO_I80F48(); } const zeroHealthEstimate = amountForMaxValue.sub( healthAtMaxValue.div(finalHealthSlope), ); const rightBound = HealthCache.scanRightUntilLessThan( zeroHealthEstimate, minFnValue, fnValueAfterSwap, ); if (rightBound.eq(zeroHealthEstimate)) { amount = HealthCache.binaryApproximationSearch( amountForMaxValue, maxValue, rightBound, minFnValue, I80F48.fromNumber(0.1), fnValueAfterSwap, ); } else { // Must be between 0 and point0_amount amount = HealthCache.binaryApproximationSearch( zeroHealthEstimate, fnValueAfterSwap(zeroHealthEstimate), rightBound, minFnValue, I80F48.fromNumber(0.1), fnValueAfterSwap, ); } return amount; } getMaxSerum3OrderForHealthRatio( baseBank: BankForHealth, quoteBank: BankForHealth, serum3Market: Serum3Market, side: Serum3Side, minRatio: I80F48, ): I80F48 { const healthCacheClone: HealthCache = cloneDeep(this); const baseIndex = healthCacheClone.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(baseBank); const quoteIndex = healthCacheClone.getOrCreateTokenInfoIndex(quoteBank); const base = healthCacheClone.tokenInfos[baseIndex]; const quote = healthCacheClone.tokenInfos[quoteIndex]; // Binary search between current health (0 sized new order) and // an amount to trade which will bring health to 0. // Current health and amount i.e. 0 const initialAmount = ZERO_I80F48(); const initialHealth =; const initialRatio = this.healthRatio(HealthType.init); if (initialRatio.lte(ZERO_I80F48())) { return ZERO_I80F48(); } // console.log(`getMaxSerum3OrderForHealthRatio`); // Amount which would bring health to 0 // where M = max(A_deposits, B_borrows) // amount = M + (init_health + M * (B_init_liab - A_init_asset)) / (A_init_liab - B_init_asset); // A is what we would be essentially swapping for B // So when its an ask, then base->quote, // and when its a bid, then quote->bid let zeroAmount; if (side == Serum3Side.ask) { const quoteBorrows = ? quote.balanceNative.abs().mul(quote.prices.liab(HealthType.init)) : ZERO_I80F48(); const max = base.balanceNative .mul(base.prices.asset(HealthType.init)) .max(quoteBorrows); zeroAmount = max.add( initialHealth .add(max.mul(quote.initLiabWeight.sub(base.initAssetWeight))) .div( base .liabWeight(HealthType.init) .sub(quote.assetWeight(HealthType.init)), ), ); // console.log(` - quoteBorrows ${quoteBorrows.toLocaleString()}`); // console.log(` - max ${max.toLocaleString()}`); } else { const baseBorrows = ? base.balanceNative.abs().mul(base.prices.liab(HealthType.init)) : ZERO_I80F48(); const max = quote.balanceNative .mul(quote.prices.asset(HealthType.init)) .max(baseBorrows); zeroAmount = max.add( initialHealth .add(max.mul(base.initLiabWeight.sub(quote.initAssetWeight))) .div( quote .liabWeight(HealthType.init) .sub(base.assetWeight(HealthType.init)), ), ); // console.log(` - baseBorrows ${baseBorrows.toLocaleString()}`); // console.log(` - max ${max.toLocaleString()}`); } const cache = cacheAfterPlacingOrder(zeroAmount); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const zeroAmountHealth =; const zeroAmountRatio = cache.healthRatio(HealthType.init); // console.log(` - zeroAmount ${zeroAmount.toLocaleString()}`); // console.log(` - zeroAmountHealth ${zeroAmountHealth.toLocaleString()}`); // console.log(` - zeroAmountRatio ${zeroAmountRatio.toLocaleString()}`); function cacheAfterPlacingOrder(amount: I80F48): HealthCache { const adjustedCache: HealthCache = cloneDeep(healthCacheClone); // adjustedCache.logHealthCache(` before placing order ${amount}`); // TODO: there should also be some issue with oracle vs stable price here; // probably better to pass in not the quote amount but the base or quote native amount side === Serum3Side.ask ? adjustedCache.tokenInfos[baseIndex].balanceNative.isub( amount.div(, ) : adjustedCache.tokenInfos[quoteIndex].balanceNative.isub( amount.div(, ); adjustedCache.adjustSerum3Reserved( baseBank, quoteBank, serum3Market, side === Serum3Side.ask ? amount.div( : ZERO_I80F48(), ZERO_I80F48(), side === ? amount.div( : ZERO_I80F48(), ZERO_I80F48(), ); // adjustedCache.logHealthCache(' after placing order'); return adjustedCache; } function healthRatioAfterPlacingOrder(amount: I80F48): I80F48 { return cacheAfterPlacingOrder(amount).healthRatio(HealthType.init); } const amount = HealthCache.binaryApproximationSearch( initialAmount, initialRatio, zeroAmount, minRatio, ONE_I80F48(), healthRatioAfterPlacingOrder, ); return amount; } getMaxPerpForHealthRatio( perpMarket: PerpMarket, price, side: PerpOrderSide, minRatio: I80F48, ): I80F48 { const healthCacheClone: HealthCache = cloneDeep(this); const initialRatio = this.healthRatio(HealthType.init); if ( { return ZERO_I80F48(); } const direction = side == ? 1 : -1; const perpInfoIndex = healthCacheClone.getOrCreatePerpInfoIndex(perpMarket); const perpInfo = healthCacheClone.perpInfos[perpInfoIndex]; const prices = perpInfo.prices; const baseLotSize = I80F48.fromI64(perpMarket.baseLotSize); // If the price is sufficiently good then health will just increase from trading const finalHealthSlope = direction == 1 ? perpInfo.initBaseAssetWeight .mul(prices.asset(HealthType.init)) .sub(price) : price.sub( perpInfo.initBaseLiabWeight.mul(prices.liab(HealthType.init)), ); if (finalHealthSlope.gte(ZERO_I80F48())) { return MAX_I80F48(); } function cacheAfterTrade(baseLots: BN): HealthCache { const adjustedCache: HealthCache = cloneDeep(healthCacheClone); // adjustedCache.logHealthCache(' -- before trade'); adjustedCache.adjustPerpInfo(perpInfoIndex, price, side, baseLots); // adjustedCache.logHealthCache(' -- after trade'); return adjustedCache; } function healthAfterTrade(baseLots: I80F48): I80F48 { return cacheAfterTrade(new BN(baseLots.toNumber())).health( HealthType.init, ); } function healthRatioAfterTrade(baseLots: I80F48): I80F48 { return cacheAfterTrade(new BN(baseLots.toNumber())).healthRatio( HealthType.init, ); } function healthRatioAfterTradeTrunc(baseLots: I80F48): I80F48 { return healthRatioAfterTrade(baseLots.floor()); } const initialBaseLots = I80F48.fromU64(perpInfo.baseLots); // There are two cases: // 1. We are increasing abs(baseLots) // 2. We are bringing the base position to 0, and then going to case 1. const hasCase2 = ( && direction == -1) || ( && direction == 1); let case1Start: I80F48, case1StartRatio: I80F48; if (hasCase2) { case1Start = initialBaseLots.abs(); case1StartRatio = healthRatioAfterTrade(case1Start); } else { case1Start = ZERO_I80F48(); case1StartRatio = initialRatio; } // If we start out below minRatio and can't go above, pick the best case let baseLots: I80F48; if (initialRatio.lte(minRatio) && { if (case1StartRatio.gte(initialRatio)) { baseLots = case1Start; } else { baseLots = ZERO_I80F48(); } } else if (case1StartRatio.gte(minRatio)) { // Must reach minRatio to the right of case1Start // Need to figure out how many lots to trade to reach zero health (zero_health_amount). // We do this by looking at the starting health and the health slope per // traded base lot (finalHealthSlope). const startCache = cacheAfterTrade(new BN(case1Start.toNumber())); const startHealth =; if (startHealth.lte(ZERO_I80F48())) { return ZERO_I80F48(); } // The perp market's contribution to the health above may be capped. But we need to trade // enough to fully reduce any positive-pnl buffer. Thus get the uncapped health: const perpInfo = startCache.perpInfos[perpInfoIndex]; const startHealthUncapped = startHealth .sub(perpInfo.healthContribution(HealthType.init)) .add(perpInfo.unweightedHealthContribution(HealthType.init)); const zeroHealthAmount = case1Start .sub(startHealthUncapped.div(finalHealthSlope).div(baseLotSize)) .add(ONE_I80F48()); const zeroHealthRatio = healthRatioAfterTradeTrunc(zeroHealthAmount); baseLots = HealthCache.binaryApproximationSearch( case1Start, case1StartRatio, zeroHealthAmount, minRatio, ONE_I80F48(), healthRatioAfterTradeTrunc, ); } else { // Between 0 and case1Start baseLots = HealthCache.binaryApproximationSearch( ZERO_I80F48(), initialRatio, case1Start, minRatio, ONE_I80F48(), healthRatioAfterTradeTrunc, ); } return baseLots.floor(); } } export class Prices { constructor(public oracle: I80F48, public stable: I80F48) {} public liab(healthType: HealthType | undefined): I80F48 { if ( healthType === HealthType.maint || healthType === HealthType.liquidationEnd || healthType === undefined ) { return; } return; } public asset(healthType: HealthType | undefined): I80F48 { if ( healthType === HealthType.maint || healthType === HealthType.liquidationEnd || healthType === undefined ) { return; } return; } } export class TokenInfo { constructor( public tokenIndex: TokenIndex, public maintAssetWeight: I80F48, public initAssetWeight: I80F48, public initScaledAssetWeight: I80F48, public maintLiabWeight: I80F48, public initLiabWeight: I80F48, public initScaledLiabWeight: I80F48, public prices: Prices, public balanceNative: I80F48, ) {} static fromDto(dto: TokenInfoDto): TokenInfo { return new TokenInfo( dto.tokenIndex as TokenIndex, I80F48.from(dto.maintAssetWeight), I80F48.from(dto.initAssetWeight), I80F48.from(dto.initScaledAssetWeight), I80F48.from(dto.maintLiabWeight), I80F48.from(dto.initLiabWeight), I80F48.from(dto.initScaledLiabWeight), new Prices( I80F48.from(, I80F48.from(dto.prices.stable), ), I80F48.from(dto.balanceNative), ); } static fromBank(bank: BankForHealth, nativeBalance?: I80F48): TokenInfo { const p = new Prices( bank.price, I80F48.fromNumber(bank.stablePriceModel.stablePrice), ); // Use the liab price for computing weight scaling, because it's pessimistic and // causes the most unfavorable scaling. const liabPrice = p.liab(HealthType.init); return new TokenInfo( bank.tokenIndex, bank.maintAssetWeight, bank.initAssetWeight, bank.scaledInitAssetWeight(liabPrice), bank.maintLiabWeight, bank.initLiabWeight, bank.scaledInitLiabWeight(liabPrice), p, nativeBalance ? nativeBalance : ZERO_I80F48(), ); } assetWeight(healthType: HealthType): I80F48 { if (healthType == HealthType.init) { return this.initScaledAssetWeight; } else if (healthType == HealthType.liquidationEnd) { return this.initAssetWeight; } // healthType == HealthType.maint return this.maintAssetWeight; } liabWeight(healthType: HealthType): I80F48 { if (healthType == HealthType.init) { return this.initScaledLiabWeight; } else if (healthType == HealthType.liquidationEnd) { return this.initLiabWeight; } // healthType == HealthType.maint return this.maintLiabWeight; } healthContribution(healthType?: HealthType): I80F48 { let weight, price; if (healthType === undefined) { return this.balanceNative.mul(; } if (this.balanceNative.isNeg()) { weight = this.liabWeight(healthType); price = this.prices.liab(healthType); } else { weight = this.assetWeight(healthType); price = this.prices.asset(healthType); } return this.balanceNative.mul(weight).mul(price); } toString(): string { return ` tokenIndex: ${this.tokenIndex}, balanceNative: ${ this.balanceNative }, initHealth ${this.healthContribution(HealthType.init)}`; } } export class Serum3Reserved { constructor( public allReservedAsBase: I80F48, public allReservedAsQuote: I80F48, ) {} } export class Serum3Info { constructor( public reservedBase: I80F48, public reservedQuote: I80F48, public baseIndex: number, public quoteIndex: number, public marketIndex: MarketIndex, ) {} static fromDto(dto: Serum3InfoDto): Serum3Info { return new Serum3Info( I80F48.from(dto.reservedBase), I80F48.from(dto.reservedQuote), dto.baseIndex, dto.quoteIndex, dto.marketIndex as MarketIndex, ); } static emptyFromSerum3Market( serum3Market: Serum3Market, baseEntryIndex: number, quoteEntryIndex: number, ): Serum3Info { return new Serum3Info( ZERO_I80F48(), ZERO_I80F48(), baseEntryIndex, quoteEntryIndex, serum3Market.marketIndex, ); } static fromOoModifyingTokenInfos( baseIndex: number, baseInfo: TokenInfo, quoteIndex: number, quoteInfo: TokenInfo, marketIndex: MarketIndex, oo: OpenOrders, ): Serum3Info { // add the amounts that are freely settleable immediately to token balances const baseFree = I80F48.fromI64(oo.baseTokenFree); // NOTE: referrerRebatesAccrued is not declared on oo class, but the layout // is aware of it const quoteFree = I80F48.fromI64( oo.quoteTokenFree.add((oo as any).referrerRebatesAccrued), ); baseInfo.balanceNative.iadd(baseFree); quoteInfo.balanceNative.iadd(quoteFree); // track the reserved amounts const reservedBase = I80F48.fromI64( oo.baseTokenTotal.sub(oo.baseTokenFree), ); const reservedQuote = I80F48.fromI64( oo.quoteTokenTotal.sub(oo.quoteTokenFree), ); return new Serum3Info( reservedBase, reservedQuote, baseIndex, quoteIndex, marketIndex, ); } // An undefined HealthType will use an asset and liab weight of 1 healthContribution( healthType: HealthType | undefined, tokenInfos: TokenInfo[], tokenMaxReserved: I80F48[], marketReserved: Serum3Reserved, ): I80F48 { if ( marketReserved.allReservedAsBase.isZero() || marketReserved.allReservedAsQuote.isZero() ) { return ZERO_I80F48(); } const baseInfo = tokenInfos[this.baseIndex]; const quoteInfo = tokenInfos[this.quoteIndex]; const baseMaxReserved = tokenMaxReserved[this.baseIndex]; const quoteMaxReserved = tokenMaxReserved[this.quoteIndex]; // How much the health would increase if the reserved balance were applied to the passed // token info? const computeHealthEffect = function ( tokenInfo: TokenInfo, tokenMaxReserved: I80F48, marketReserved: I80F48, ): I80F48 { // This balance includes all possible reserved funds from markets that relate to the // token, including this market itself: `tokenMaxReserved` is already included in `maxBalance`. const maxBalance = tokenInfo.balanceNative.add(tokenMaxReserved); // Assuming `reserved` was added to `max_balance` last (because that gives the smallest // health effects): how much did health change because of it? let assetPart, liabPart; if (maxBalance.gte(marketReserved)) { assetPart = marketReserved; liabPart = ZERO_I80F48(); } else if (maxBalance.isNeg()) { assetPart = ZERO_I80F48(); liabPart = marketReserved; } else { assetPart = maxBalance; liabPart = marketReserved.sub(maxBalance); } if (healthType === undefined) { return assetPart .mul( .add(liabPart.mul(; } const assetWeight = tokenInfo.assetWeight(healthType); const liabWeight = tokenInfo.liabWeight(healthType); const assetPrice = tokenInfo.prices.asset(healthType); const liabPrice = tokenInfo.prices.liab(healthType); return assetWeight .mul(assetPart) .mul(assetPrice) .add(liabWeight.mul(liabPart).mul(liabPrice)); }; const healthBase = computeHealthEffect( baseInfo, baseMaxReserved, marketReserved.allReservedAsBase, ); const healthQuote = computeHealthEffect( quoteInfo, quoteMaxReserved, marketReserved.allReservedAsQuote, ); // console.log(` - healthBase ${healthBase.toLocaleString()}`); // console.log(` - healthQuote ${healthQuote.toLocaleString()}`); return healthBase.min(healthQuote); } toString( tokenInfos: TokenInfo[], tokenMaxReserved: I80F48[], marketReserved: Serum3Reserved, ): string { return ` marketIndex: ${this.marketIndex}, baseIndex: ${ this.baseIndex }, quoteIndex: ${this.quoteIndex}, reservedBase: ${ this.reservedBase }, reservedQuote: ${ this.reservedQuote }, initHealth ${this.healthContribution( HealthType.init, tokenInfos, tokenMaxReserved, marketReserved, )}`; } } export class PerpInfo { constructor( public perpMarketIndex: number, public maintBaseAssetWeight: I80F48, public initBaseAssetWeight: I80F48, public maintBaseLiabWeight: I80F48, public initBaseLiabWeight: I80F48, public maintOverallAssetWeight: I80F48, public initOverallAssetWeight: I80F48, public baseLotSize: BN, public baseLots: BN, public bidsBaseLots: BN, public asksBaseLots: BN, public quote: I80F48, public prices: Prices, public hasOpenOrders: boolean, ) {} static fromDto(dto: PerpInfoDto): PerpInfo { return new PerpInfo( dto.perpMarketIndex, I80F48.from(dto.maintBaseAssetWeight), I80F48.from(dto.initBaseAssetWeight), I80F48.from(dto.maintBaseLiabWeight), I80F48.from(dto.initBaseLiabWeight), I80F48.from(dto.maintOverallAssetWeight), I80F48.from(dto.initOverallAssetWeight), dto.baseLotSize, dto.baseLots, dto.bidsBaseLots, dto.asksBaseLots, I80F48.from(dto.quote), new Prices( I80F48.from(, I80F48.from(dto.prices.stable), ), dto.hasOpenOrders, ); } static fromPerpPosition( perpMarket: PerpMarket, perpPosition: PerpPosition, ): PerpInfo { const baseLots = perpPosition.basePositionLots.add( perpPosition.takerBaseLots, ); const unsettledFunding = perpPosition.getUnsettledFunding(perpMarket); const takerQuote = I80F48.fromI64( new BN(perpPosition.takerQuoteLots).mul(perpMarket.quoteLotSize), ); const quoteCurrent = perpPosition.quotePositionNative .sub(unsettledFunding) .add(takerQuote); return new PerpInfo( perpMarket.perpMarketIndex, perpMarket.maintBaseAssetWeight, perpMarket.initBaseAssetWeight, perpMarket.maintBaseLiabWeight, perpMarket.initBaseLiabWeight, perpMarket.maintOverallAssetWeight, perpMarket.initOverallAssetWeight, perpMarket.baseLotSize, baseLots, perpPosition.bidsBaseLots, perpPosition.asksBaseLots, quoteCurrent, new Prices( perpMarket.price, I80F48.fromNumber(perpMarket.stablePriceModel.stablePrice), ), perpPosition.hasOpenOrders(), ); } healthContribution(healthType: HealthType | undefined): I80F48 { const contrib = this.unweightedHealthContribution(healthType); if ( { const assetWeight = healthType == HealthType.init || healthType == HealthType.liquidationEnd ? this.initOverallAssetWeight : this.maintOverallAssetWeight; return assetWeight.mul(contrib); } return contrib; } unweightedHealthContribution(healthType: HealthType | undefined): I80F48 { function orderExecutionCase( pi: PerpInfo, ordersBaseLots: BN, orderPrice: I80F48, ): I80F48 { const netBaseNative = I80F48.fromU64( pi.baseLots.add(ordersBaseLots).mul(pi.baseLotSize), ); let weight, basePrice; if ( healthType == HealthType.init || healthType == HealthType.liquidationEnd ) { if (netBaseNative.isNeg()) { weight = pi.initBaseLiabWeight; } else { weight = pi.initBaseAssetWeight; } } // healthType == HealthType.maint else { if (netBaseNative.isNeg()) { weight = pi.maintBaseLiabWeight; } else { weight = pi.maintBaseAssetWeight; } } if (netBaseNative.isNeg()) { basePrice = pi.prices.liab(healthType); } else { basePrice = pi.prices.asset(healthType); } // Total value of the order-execution adjusted base position const baseHealth = netBaseNative.mul(weight).mul(basePrice); const ordersBaseNative = I80F48.fromU64( ordersBaseLots.mul(pi.baseLotSize), ); // The quote change from executing the bids/asks const orderQuote = ordersBaseNative.neg().mul(orderPrice); return baseHealth.add(orderQuote); } // What is worse: Executing all bids at oracle_price.liab, or executing all asks at oracle_price.asset? const bidsCase = orderExecutionCase( this, this.bidsBaseLots, this.prices.liab(healthType), ); const asksCase = orderExecutionCase( this, this.asksBaseLots.neg(), this.prices.asset(healthType), ); const worstCase = bidsCase.min(asksCase); return this.quote.add(worstCase); } static emptyFromPerpMarket(perpMarket: PerpMarket): PerpInfo { return new PerpInfo( perpMarket.perpMarketIndex, perpMarket.maintBaseAssetWeight, perpMarket.initBaseAssetWeight, perpMarket.maintBaseLiabWeight, perpMarket.initBaseLiabWeight, perpMarket.maintOverallAssetWeight, perpMarket.initOverallAssetWeight, perpMarket.baseLotSize, new BN(0), new BN(0), new BN(0), ZERO_I80F48(), new Prices( perpMarket.price, I80F48.fromNumber(perpMarket.stablePriceModel.stablePrice), ), false, ); } toString(): string { return ` perpMarketIndex: ${this.perpMarketIndex}, base: ${ this.baseLots }, quote: ${this.quote}, oraclePrice: ${ }, uncapped health contribution ${this.unweightedHealthContribution( HealthType.init, )}`; } } export class HealthCacheDto { tokenInfos: TokenInfoDto[]; serum3Infos: Serum3InfoDto[]; perpInfos: PerpInfoDto[]; } export class TokenInfoDto { tokenIndex: number; maintAssetWeight: I80F48Dto; initAssetWeight: I80F48Dto; initScaledAssetWeight: I80F48Dto; maintLiabWeight: I80F48Dto; initLiabWeight: I80F48Dto; initScaledLiabWeight: I80F48Dto; prices: { oracle: I80F48Dto; stable: I80F48Dto }; balanceNative: I80F48Dto; constructor( tokenIndex: number, maintAssetWeight: I80F48Dto, initAssetWeight: I80F48Dto, initScaledAssetWeight: I80F48Dto, maintLiabWeight: I80F48Dto, initLiabWeight: I80F48Dto, initScaledLiabWeight: I80F48Dto, prices: { oracle: I80F48Dto; stable: I80F48Dto }, balanceNative: I80F48Dto, ) { this.tokenIndex = tokenIndex; this.maintAssetWeight = maintAssetWeight; this.initAssetWeight = initAssetWeight; this.initScaledAssetWeight = initScaledAssetWeight; this.maintLiabWeight = maintLiabWeight; this.initLiabWeight = initLiabWeight; this.initScaledLiabWeight = initScaledLiabWeight; this.prices = prices; this.balanceNative = balanceNative; } } export class Serum3InfoDto { reservedBase: I80F48Dto; reservedQuote: I80F48Dto; baseIndex: number; quoteIndex: number; marketIndex: number; constructor( reservedBase: I80F48Dto, reservedQuote: I80F48Dto, baseIndex: number, quoteIndex: number, ) { this.reservedBase = reservedBase; this.reservedQuote = reservedQuote; this.baseIndex = baseIndex; this.quoteIndex = quoteIndex; } } export class PerpInfoDto { perpMarketIndex: number; maintBaseAssetWeight: I80F48Dto; initBaseAssetWeight: I80F48Dto; maintBaseLiabWeight: I80F48Dto; initBaseLiabWeight: I80F48Dto; maintOverallAssetWeight: I80F48Dto; initOverallAssetWeight: I80F48Dto; public baseLotSize: BN; public baseLots: BN; public bidsBaseLots: BN; public asksBaseLots: BN; quote: I80F48Dto; prices: { oracle: I80F48Dto; stable: I80F48Dto }; hasOpenOrders: boolean; }