use crate::cli_args::Cli; use crate::metrics::Metrics; use crate::token_swap_info::TokenSwapInfoUpdater; use crate::{trigger_tcs, LiqErrorType, SharedState}; use anchor_lang::prelude::Pubkey; use anyhow::Context; use itertools::Itertools; use mango_v4_client::error_tracking::ErrorTracking; use mango_v4_client::{chain_data, MangoClient}; use std::sync::{Arc, RwLock}; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; use tokio::task::JoinHandle; use tracing::{error, info, trace}; pub fn spawn_tcs_job( cli: &Cli, shared_state: &Arc>, tx_trigger_sender: async_channel::Sender<()>, mut tcs: Box, metrics: &Metrics, ) -> JoinHandle<()> { tokio::spawn({ let mut interval = mango_v4_client::delay_interval(Duration::from_millis(cli.tcs_check_interval_ms)); let mut tcs_start_time = None; let mut metric_tcs_start_end = metrics.register_latency("tcs_start_end".into()); let shared_state = shared_state.clone(); async move { loop { interval.tick().await; let account_addresses = { let state = shared_state.write().unwrap(); if !state.one_snapshot_done { continue; } state.mango_accounts.iter().cloned().collect_vec() }; tcs.errors.write().unwrap().update(); tcs_start_time = Some(tcs_start_time.unwrap_or(Instant::now())); let found_candidates = tcs .find_candidates(account_addresses.iter(), |candidate| { if shared_state .write() .unwrap() .interesting_tcs .insert(candidate) { tx_trigger_sender.try_send(())?; } Ok(()) }) .await .unwrap_or_else(|err| { error!("error during find_candidate: {err}"); 0 }); if found_candidates > 0 { tracing::debug!("found {} candidates for triggering", found_candidates); } let current_time = Instant::now(); metric_tcs_start_end.push(current_time - tcs_start_time.unwrap()); tcs_start_time = None; } } }) } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct TcsState { pub mango_client: Arc, pub account_fetcher: Arc, pub token_swap_info: Arc, pub trigger_tcs_config: trigger_tcs::Config, pub errors: Arc>>, } impl TcsState { async fn find_candidates( &mut self, accounts_iter: impl Iterator, action: impl Fn((Pubkey, u64, u64)) -> anyhow::Result<()>, ) -> anyhow::Result { let accounts = accounts_iter.collect::>(); let now = Instant::now(); let now_ts: u64 = std::time::SystemTime::now() .duration_since(std::time::UNIX_EPOCH)? .as_secs(); let tcs_context = trigger_tcs::Context { mango_client: self.mango_client.clone(), account_fetcher: self.account_fetcher.clone(), token_swap_info: self.token_swap_info.clone(), config: self.trigger_tcs_config.clone(), jupiter_quote_cache: Arc::new(trigger_tcs::JupiterQuoteCache::default()), now_ts, }; let mut found_counter = 0; // Find interesting (pubkey, tcsid, volume) for pubkey in accounts.iter() { if let Some(error_entry) = LiqErrorType::TcsCollectionHard, pubkey, now, ) { trace!( %pubkey, error_entry.count, "skip checking account for tcs, had errors recently", ); continue; } let candidates = tcs_context.find_interesting_tcs_for_account(pubkey); let mut error_guard = self.errors.write().unwrap(); match candidates { Ok(v) => { error_guard.clear(LiqErrorType::TcsCollectionHard, pubkey); if v.is_empty() { error_guard.clear(LiqErrorType::TcsCollectionPartial, pubkey); error_guard.clear(LiqErrorType::TcsExecution, pubkey); } else if v.iter().all(|it| it.is_ok()) { error_guard.clear(LiqErrorType::TcsCollectionPartial, pubkey); } else { for it in v.iter() { if let Err(e) = it { error_guard.record( LiqErrorType::TcsCollectionPartial, pubkey, e.to_string(), ); } } } for interesting_candidate_res in v.iter() { if let Ok(interesting_candidate) = interesting_candidate_res { action(*interesting_candidate).expect("failed to send TCS candidate"); found_counter += 1; } } } Err(e) => { error_guard.record(LiqErrorType::TcsCollectionHard, pubkey, e.to_string()); } } } return Ok(found_counter); } pub async fn maybe_take_token_conditional_swap( &mut self, mut interesting_tcs: Vec<(Pubkey, u64, u64)>, ) -> anyhow::Result { let now_ts: u64 = std::time::SystemTime::now() .duration_since(std::time::UNIX_EPOCH)? .as_secs(); let tcs_context = trigger_tcs::Context { mango_client: self.mango_client.clone(), account_fetcher: self.account_fetcher.clone(), token_swap_info: self.token_swap_info.clone(), config: self.trigger_tcs_config.clone(), jupiter_quote_cache: Arc::new(trigger_tcs::JupiterQuoteCache::default()), now_ts, }; if interesting_tcs.is_empty() { return Ok(false); } let (txsigs, mut changed_pubkeys) = tcs_context .execute_tcs(&mut interesting_tcs, self.errors.clone()) .await?; for pubkey in changed_pubkeys.iter() { self.errors .write() .unwrap() .clear(LiqErrorType::TcsExecution, pubkey); } if txsigs.is_empty() { return Ok(false); } changed_pubkeys.push(self.mango_client.mango_account_address); // Force a refresh of affected accounts let slot = self .account_fetcher .transaction_max_slot(&txsigs) .await .context("transaction_max_slot")?; if let Err(e) = self .account_fetcher .refresh_accounts_via_rpc_until_slot( &changed_pubkeys, slot, self.trigger_tcs_config.refresh_timeout, ) .await { info!(slot, "could not refresh after tcs execution: {}", e); } Ok(true) } }