use std::str::FromStr; use std::time::Duration; use anchor_lang::prelude::Pubkey; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use anchor_lang::Id; use anchor_spl::token::Token; use crate::MangoClient; use crate::{util, TransactionBuilder}; use anyhow::Context; use solana_sdk::{instruction::Instruction, signature::Signature}; #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct QuoteResponse { pub input_mint: String, pub in_amount: Option, pub output_mint: String, pub out_amount: String, pub other_amount_threshold: String, pub swap_mode: String, pub slippage_bps: i32, pub platform_fee: Option, pub price_impact_pct: String, pub route_plan: Vec, pub context_slot: u64, pub time_taken: f64, } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct PlatformFee { pub amount: String, pub fee_bps: i32, } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct RoutePlan { pub percent: i32, pub swap_info: Option, } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct SwapInfo { pub amm_key: String, pub label: Option, pub input_mint: String, pub output_mint: String, pub in_amount: String, pub out_amount: String, pub fee_amount: String, pub fee_mint: String, } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct SwapRequest { pub user_public_key: String, pub wrap_and_unwrap_sol: bool, pub use_shared_accounts: bool, pub fee_account: Option, pub compute_unit_price_micro_lamports: Option, pub as_legacy_transaction: bool, pub use_token_ledger: bool, pub destination_token_account: Option, pub quote_response: QuoteResponse, } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct SwapResponse { pub swap_transaction: String, } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct SwapInstructionsResponse { pub token_ledger_instruction: Option, pub compute_budget_instructions: Option>, pub setup_instructions: Option>, pub swap_instruction: InstructionResponse, pub cleanup_instructions: Option>, pub address_lookup_table_addresses: Option>, } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct InstructionResponse { pub program_id: String, pub data: Option, pub accounts: Option>, } #[derive(Deserialize, Serialize, Debug, Clone)] #[serde(rename_all = "camelCase")] pub struct AccountMeta { pub pubkey: String, pub is_signer: Option, pub is_writable: Option, } impl TryFrom<&InstructionResponse> for solana_sdk::instruction::Instruction { type Error = anyhow::Error; fn try_from(m: &InstructionResponse) -> Result { Ok(Self { program_id: Pubkey::from_str(&m.program_id)?, data: m .data .as_ref() .map(|d| base64::decode(d)) .unwrap_or(Ok(vec![]))?, accounts: m .accounts .as_ref() .map(|accs| { accs.iter() .map(|a| a.try_into()) .collect::>>() }) .unwrap_or(Ok(vec![]))?, }) } } impl TryFrom<&AccountMeta> for solana_sdk::instruction::AccountMeta { type Error = anyhow::Error; fn try_from(m: &AccountMeta) -> Result { Ok(Self { pubkey: Pubkey::from_str(&m.pubkey)?, is_signer: m.is_signer.unwrap_or(false), is_writable: m.is_writable.unwrap_or(false), }) } } pub struct JupiterV6<'a> { pub mango_client: &'a MangoClient, pub timeout_duration: Duration, } impl<'a> JupiterV6<'a> { pub async fn quote( &self, input_mint: Pubkey, output_mint: Pubkey, amount: u64, slippage_bps: u64, only_direct_routes: bool, ) -> anyhow::Result { let mut account = self.mango_client.mango_account().await?; let input_token_index = self .mango_client .context .token_by_mint(&input_mint)? .token_index; let output_token_index = self .mango_client .context .token_by_mint(&output_mint)? .token_index; account.ensure_token_position(input_token_index)?; account.ensure_token_position(output_token_index)?; let health_account_num = // bank and oracle 2 * account.active_token_positions().count() // perp market and oracle + 2 * account.active_perp_positions().count() // open orders account + account.active_serum3_orders().count(); // The mango instructions need the health account plus // mango program and group and account and instruction introspection. // Other accounts are shared between jupiter and mango: // token accounts, mints, token program, ata program, owner let extra_accounts = 4; // To produce more of a margin for error (also for the tx bytes size) let buffer_accounts = 6; let flash_loan_account_num = health_account_num + extra_accounts + buffer_accounts; let mut query_args = vec![ ("inputMint", input_mint.to_string()), ("outputMint", output_mint.to_string()), ("amount", format!("{}", amount)), ("slippageBps", format!("{}", slippage_bps)), ("onlyDirectRoutes", only_direct_routes.to_string()), ( "maxAccounts", format!( "{}", crate::MAX_ACCOUNTS_PER_TRANSACTION - flash_loan_account_num ), ), ]; let config = self.mango_client.client.config(); if !config.jupiter_token.is_empty() { query_args.push(("token", config.jupiter_token.clone())); } let response = self .mango_client .http_client .get(format!("{}/quote", config.jupiter_v6_url)) .query(&query_args) .timeout(self.timeout_duration) .send() .await .context("quote request to jupiter")?; let quote: QuoteResponse = util::http_error_handling(response).await.with_context(|| { format!("error requesting jupiter route between {input_mint} and {output_mint}") })?; Ok(quote) } /// Find the instructions and account lookup tables for a jupiter swap through mango pub async fn prepare_swap_transaction( &self, quote: &QuoteResponse, ) -> anyhow::Result { let input_mint = Pubkey::from_str("e.input_mint)?; let output_mint = Pubkey::from_str("e.output_mint)?; let source_token = self.mango_client.context.token_by_mint(&input_mint)?; let target_token = self.mango_client.context.token_by_mint(&output_mint)?; let bank_ams = [source_token.first_bank(), target_token.first_bank()] .into_iter() .map(util::to_writable_account_meta) .collect::>(); let vault_ams = [source_token.first_vault(), target_token.first_vault()] .into_iter() .map(util::to_writable_account_meta) .collect::>(); let owner = self.mango_client.owner(); let account = &self.mango_client.mango_account().await?; let token_ams = [,] .into_iter() .map(|mint| { util::to_writable_account_meta( anchor_spl::associated_token::get_associated_token_address(&owner, &mint), ) }) .collect::>(); let source_loan = quote .in_amount .as_ref() .map(|v| u64::from_str(v).unwrap()) .unwrap_or(0); let loan_amounts = vec![source_loan, 0u64]; let num_loans: u8 = loan_amounts.len().try_into().unwrap(); // This relies on the fact that health account banks will be identical to the first_bank above! let (health_ams, _health_cu) = self .mango_client .derive_health_check_remaining_account_metas( account, vec![source_token.token_index, target_token.token_index], vec![source_token.token_index, target_token.token_index], vec![], ) .await .context("building health accounts")?; let mut query_args = vec![]; let config = self.mango_client.client.config(); if !config.jupiter_token.is_empty() { query_args.push(("token", config.jupiter_token.clone())); } let swap_response = self .mango_client .http_client .post(format!("{}/swap-instructions", config.jupiter_v6_url)) .query(&query_args) .json(&SwapRequest { user_public_key: owner.to_string(), wrap_and_unwrap_sol: false, use_shared_accounts: true, fee_account: None, compute_unit_price_micro_lamports: None, // we already prioritize as_legacy_transaction: false, use_token_ledger: false, destination_token_account: None, // default to user ata quote_response: quote.clone(), }) .timeout(self.timeout_duration) .send() .await .context("swap transaction request to jupiter")?; let swap: SwapInstructionsResponse = util::http_error_handling(swap_response) .await .context("error requesting jupiter swap")?; let mut instructions: Vec = Vec::new(); for ix in &swap.compute_budget_instructions.unwrap_or_default() { instructions.push(ix.try_into()?); } for ix in &swap.setup_instructions.unwrap_or_default() { instructions.push(ix.try_into()?); } // Ensure the source token account is created (jupiter takes care of the output account) instructions.push( spl_associated_token_account::instruction::create_associated_token_account_idempotent( &owner, &owner, &, &Token::id(), ), ); instructions.push(Instruction { program_id: mango_v4::id(), accounts: { let mut ams = anchor_lang::ToAccountMetas::to_account_metas( &mango_v4::accounts::FlashLoanBegin { account: self.mango_client.mango_account_address, owner, token_program: Token::id(), instructions: solana_sdk::sysvar::instructions::id(), }, None, ); ams.extend(bank_ams); ams.extend(vault_ams.clone()); ams.extend(token_ams.clone()); ams.push(util::to_readonly_account_meta(; ams }, data: anchor_lang::InstructionData::data(&mango_v4::instruction::FlashLoanBegin { loan_amounts, }), }); instructions.push((&swap.swap_instruction).try_into()?); instructions.push(Instruction { program_id: mango_v4::id(), accounts: { let mut ams = anchor_lang::ToAccountMetas::to_account_metas( &mango_v4::accounts::FlashLoanEnd { account: self.mango_client.mango_account_address, owner, token_program: Token::id(), }, None, ); ams.extend(health_ams); ams.extend(vault_ams); ams.extend(token_ams); ams.push(util::to_readonly_account_meta(; ams }, data: anchor_lang::InstructionData::data(&mango_v4::instruction::FlashLoanEndV2 { num_loans, flash_loan_type: mango_v4::accounts_ix::FlashLoanType::Swap, }), }); for ix in &swap.cleanup_instructions.unwrap_or_default() { instructions.push(ix.try_into()?); } let mut address_lookup_tables = self.mango_client.mango_address_lookup_tables().await?; let jup_alt_addresses = swap .address_lookup_table_addresses .map(|list| { list.iter() .map(|s| Pubkey::from_str(s)) .collect::, _>>() }) .unwrap_or(Ok(vec![]))?; let jup_alts = self .mango_client .fetch_address_lookup_tables(jup_alt_addresses.iter()) .await?; address_lookup_tables.extend(jup_alts.into_iter()); let payer = owner; // maybe use fee_payer? but usually it's the same Ok(TransactionBuilder { instructions, address_lookup_tables, payer, signers: vec![self.mango_client.owner.clone()], config: self .mango_client .client .config() .transaction_builder_config .clone(), }) } pub async fn swap( &self, input_mint: Pubkey, output_mint: Pubkey, amount: u64, slippage_bps: u64, only_direct_routes: bool, ) -> anyhow::Result { let route = self .quote( input_mint, output_mint, amount, slippage_bps, only_direct_routes, ) .await?; let tx_builder = self.prepare_swap_transaction(&route).await?; tx_builder.send_and_confirm(&self.mango_client.client).await } }