### Set environment variables ``` CLUSTER=devnet CLUSTER_URL=https://mango.devnet.rpcpool.com/ PAYER_KEYPAIR=~/.config/solana/mb-liqtest.json # Adjust this to a free group GROUP_NUM=200 ``` ### Get devnet SOL The scripts need a lot of SOL for mint, market, group and account creation. There's ample available, best to ask around. ### Create tokens and markets This is one-time setup: ``` yarn ts-node ts/client/scripts/liqtest/liqtest-create-tokens-and-markets.ts ``` It'll emit some MINTS=... and SERUM_MARKETS=.. env vars, set those, all further commands will use them. ### Make a group ``` yarn ts-node ts/client/scripts/liqtest/liqtest-create-group.ts ``` Groups can be reused a lot, but sometimes closing them may be necessary ``` yarn ts-node ts/client/scripts/liqtest/liqtest-close-group.ts ``` Preferably close all mango accounts first. ### Create candidate mango accounts ``` yarn ts-node ts/client/scripts/liqtest/liqtest-make-candidates.ts ``` This creates a bunch of to-be-liquidated accounts as well as a LIQOR account. ### Liquidate Run the liquidator on the group with the liqor account. Since devnet doesn't have any jupiter, run with ``` JUPITER_VERSION=mock TCS_MODE=borrow-buy REBALANCE=false ``` ### Settle and close all open mango accounts At any point, to reset by closing all accounts: ``` yarn ts-node ts/client/scripts/liqtest/liqtest-settle-and-close-all.ts ```