
418 lines
14 KiB

use crate::error::*;
use crate::serum3_cpi::load_open_orders_ref;
use crate::state::*;
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use anchor_spl::token::{Token, TokenAccount};
use checked_math as cm;
use fixed::types::I80F48;
use num_enum::IntoPrimitive;
use num_enum::TryFromPrimitive;
use serum_dex::instruction::NewOrderInstructionV3;
use serum_dex::matching::Side;
use serum_dex::state::OpenOrders;
/// For loan origination fees bookkeeping purposes
pub struct OpenOrdersSlim {
pub native_coin_free: u64,
pub native_coin_total: u64,
pub native_pc_free: u64,
pub native_pc_total: u64,
impl OpenOrdersSlim {
pub fn from_oo(oo: &OpenOrders) -> Self {
Self {
native_coin_free: oo.native_coin_free,
native_coin_total: oo.native_coin_total,
native_pc_free: oo.native_pc_free,
native_pc_total: oo.native_pc_total,
pub trait OpenOrdersReserved {
fn native_coin_reserved(&self) -> u64;
fn native_pc_reserved(&self) -> u64;
impl OpenOrdersReserved for OpenOrdersSlim {
fn native_coin_reserved(&self) -> u64 {
self.native_coin_total - self.native_coin_free
fn native_pc_reserved(&self) -> u64 {
self.native_pc_total - self.native_pc_free
impl OpenOrdersReserved for OpenOrders {
fn native_coin_reserved(&self) -> u64 {
self.native_coin_total - self.native_coin_free
fn native_pc_reserved(&self) -> u64 {
self.native_pc_total - self.native_pc_free
/// Copy paste a bunch of enums so that we could AnchorSerialize & AnchorDeserialize them
#[derive(Clone, Copy, TryFromPrimitive, IntoPrimitive, AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize)]
pub enum Serum3SelfTradeBehavior {
DecrementTake = 0,
CancelProvide = 1,
AbortTransaction = 2,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, TryFromPrimitive, IntoPrimitive, AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize)]
pub enum Serum3OrderType {
Limit = 0,
ImmediateOrCancel = 1,
PostOnly = 2,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, TryFromPrimitive, IntoPrimitive, AnchorSerialize, AnchorDeserialize)]
pub enum Serum3Side {
Bid = 0,
Ask = 1,
pub struct Serum3PlaceOrder<'info> {
pub group: AccountLoader<'info, Group>,
#[account(mut, has_one = group)]
pub account: AccountLoaderDynamic<'info, MangoAccount>,
pub owner: Signer<'info>,
/// CHECK: Validated inline by checking against the pubkey stored in the account
pub open_orders: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
has_one = group,
has_one = serum_program,
has_one = serum_market_external,
pub serum_market: AccountLoader<'info, Serum3Market>,
/// CHECK: The pubkey is checked and then it's passed to the serum cpi
pub serum_program: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
/// CHECK: The pubkey is checked and then it's passed to the serum cpi
pub serum_market_external: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
// These accounts are forwarded directly to the serum cpi call
// and are validated there.
/// CHECK: Validated by the serum cpi call
pub market_bids: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
/// CHECK: Validated by the serum cpi call
pub market_asks: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
/// CHECK: Validated by the serum cpi call
pub market_event_queue: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
/// CHECK: Validated by the serum cpi call
pub market_request_queue: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
/// CHECK: Validated by the serum cpi call
pub market_base_vault: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
/// CHECK: Validated by the serum cpi call
pub market_quote_vault: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
/// needed for the automatic settle_funds call
/// CHECK: Validated by the serum cpi call
pub market_vault_signer: UncheckedAccount<'info>,
// TODO: do we need to pass both, or just payer?
// TODO: if we potentially settle immediately, they all need to be mut?
// TODO: Can we reduce the number of accounts by requiring the banks
// to be in the remainingAccounts (where they need to be anyway, for
// health checks - but they need to be mut)
// token_index and bank.vault == vault is validated inline
#[account(mut, has_one = group)]
pub quote_bank: AccountLoader<'info, Bank>,
pub quote_vault: Box<Account<'info, TokenAccount>>,
#[account(mut, has_one = group)]
pub base_bank: AccountLoader<'info, Bank>,
pub base_vault: Box<Account<'info, TokenAccount>>,
pub token_program: Program<'info, Token>,
pub fn serum3_place_order(
ctx: Context<Serum3PlaceOrder>,
side: Serum3Side,
limit_price: u64,
max_base_qty: u64,
max_native_quote_qty_including_fees: u64,
self_trade_behavior: Serum3SelfTradeBehavior,
order_type: Serum3OrderType,
client_order_id: u64,
limit: u16,
) -> Result<()> {
let serum_market = ctx.accounts.serum_market.load()?;
// Validation
let account = ctx.accounts.account.load()?;
require!(!account.fixed.is_bankrupt(), MangoError::IsBankrupt);
// Validate open_orders
.ok_or_else(|| error!(MangoError::SomeError))?
== ctx.accounts.open_orders.key(),
// Validate banks and vaults
let quote_bank = ctx.accounts.quote_bank.load()?;
quote_bank.vault == ctx.accounts.quote_vault.key(),
quote_bank.token_index == serum_market.quote_token_index,
let base_bank = ctx.accounts.base_bank.load()?;
base_bank.vault == ctx.accounts.base_vault.key(),
base_bank.token_index == serum_market.base_token_index,
// Before-order tracking
let before_base_vault = ctx.accounts.base_vault.amount;
let before_quote_vault = ctx.accounts.quote_vault.amount;
// Provide a readable error message in case the vault doesn't have enough tokens
let (vault_amount, needed_amount) = match side {
Serum3Side::Ask => (before_base_vault, max_base_qty),
Serum3Side::Bid => (before_quote_vault, max_native_quote_qty_including_fees),
if vault_amount < needed_amount {
return err!(MangoError::InsufficentBankVaultFunds).with_context(|| {
"bank vault does not have enough tokens, need {} but have {}",
needed_amount, vault_amount
// TODO: pre-health check
// Apply the order to serum. Also immediately settle, in case the order
// matched against an existing other order.
let order = serum_dex::instruction::NewOrderInstructionV3 {
side: u8::try_from(side).unwrap().try_into().unwrap(),
limit_price: limit_price.try_into().unwrap(),
max_coin_qty: max_base_qty.try_into().unwrap(),
max_native_pc_qty_including_fees: max_native_quote_qty_including_fees.try_into().unwrap(),
self_trade_behavior: u8::try_from(self_trade_behavior)
order_type: u8::try_from(order_type).unwrap().try_into().unwrap(),
let before_oo = {
let oo_ai = &ctx.accounts.open_orders.as_ref();
let open_orders = load_open_orders_ref(oo_ai)?;
cpi_place_order(ctx.accounts, order)?;
let oo_ai = &ctx.accounts.open_orders.as_ref();
let open_orders = load_open_orders_ref(oo_ai)?;
let after_oo = OpenOrdersSlim::from_oo(&open_orders);
let mut account = ctx.accounts.account.load_mut()?;
&mut account.borrow_mut(),
// After-order tracking
let after_base_vault = ctx.accounts.base_vault.amount;
let after_quote_vault = ctx.accounts.quote_vault.amount;
// Charge the difference in vault balances to the user's account
let mut account = ctx.accounts.account.load_mut()?;
let vault_difference_result = {
let mut base_bank = ctx.accounts.base_bank.load_mut()?;
let mut quote_bank = ctx.accounts.quote_bank.load_mut()?;
&mut account.borrow_mut(),
&mut base_bank,
&mut quote_bank,
// Health check
let retriever = new_fixed_order_account_retriever(ctx.remaining_accounts, &account.borrow())?;
let health = compute_health(&account.borrow(), HealthType::Init, &retriever)?;
msg!("health: {}", health);
require!(health >= 0, MangoError::HealthMustBePositive);
vault_difference_result.deactivate_inactive_token_accounts(&mut account.borrow_mut());
// if reserved has increased, then increase cached value by the increase in reserved
pub fn inc_maybe_loan(
market_index: Serum3MarketIndex,
account: &mut MangoAccountRefMut,
before_oo: &OpenOrdersSlim,
after_oo: &OpenOrdersSlim,
) {
let serum3_account = account.serum3_find_mut(market_index).unwrap();
if after_oo.native_coin_reserved() > before_oo.native_coin_reserved() {
let native_coin_reserved_increase =
after_oo.native_coin_reserved() - before_oo.native_coin_reserved();
serum3_account.previous_native_coin_reserved =
cm!(serum3_account.previous_native_coin_reserved + native_coin_reserved_increase);
if after_oo.native_pc_reserved() > before_oo.native_pc_reserved() {
let reserved_pc_increase = after_oo.native_pc_reserved() - before_oo.native_pc_reserved();
serum3_account.previous_native_pc_reserved =
cm!(serum3_account.previous_native_pc_reserved + reserved_pc_increase);
pub struct VaultDifferenceResult {
base_raw_index: usize,
base_active: bool,
quote_raw_index: usize,
quote_active: bool,
impl VaultDifferenceResult {
pub fn deactivate_inactive_token_accounts(&self, account: &mut MangoAccountRefMut) {
if !self.base_active {
if !self.quote_active {
pub fn apply_vault_difference(
account: &mut MangoAccountRefMut,
base_bank: &mut Bank,
after_base_vault: u64,
before_base_vault: u64,
quote_bank: &mut Bank,
after_quote_vault: u64,
before_quote_vault: u64,
) -> Result<VaultDifferenceResult> {
// TODO: Applying the loan origination fee here may be too early: it should only be
// charged if an order executes and the loan materializes? Otherwise MMs that place
// an order without having the funds will be charged for each place_order!
let (base_position, base_raw_index) = account.token_get_mut(base_bank.token_index)?;
let base_change = I80F48::from(after_base_vault) - I80F48::from(before_base_vault);
let base_active = base_bank.change_with_fee(base_position, base_change)?;
let (quote_position, quote_raw_index) = account.token_get_mut(quote_bank.token_index)?;
let quote_change = I80F48::from(after_quote_vault) - I80F48::from(before_quote_vault);
let quote_active = quote_bank.change_with_fee(quote_position, quote_change)?;
Ok(VaultDifferenceResult {
fn cpi_place_order(ctx: &Serum3PlaceOrder, order: NewOrderInstructionV3) -> Result<()> {
use crate::serum3_cpi;
let order_payer_token_account = match order.side {
Side::Bid => &ctx.quote_vault,
Side::Ask => &ctx.base_vault,
let group =;
serum3_cpi::PlaceOrder {
program: ctx.serum_program.to_account_info(),
market: ctx.serum_market_external.to_account_info(),
request_queue: ctx.market_request_queue.to_account_info(),
event_queue: ctx.market_event_queue.to_account_info(),
bids: ctx.market_bids.to_account_info(),
asks: ctx.market_asks.to_account_info(),
base_vault: ctx.market_base_vault.to_account_info(),
quote_vault: ctx.market_quote_vault.to_account_info(),
token_program: ctx.token_program.to_account_info(),
open_orders: ctx.open_orders.to_account_info(),
order_payer_token_account: order_payer_token_account.to_account_info(),
.call(&group, order)
fn cpi_settle_funds(ctx: &Serum3PlaceOrder) -> Result<()> {
use crate::serum3_cpi;
let group =;
serum3_cpi::SettleFunds {
program: ctx.serum_program.to_account_info(),
market: ctx.serum_market_external.to_account_info(),
open_orders: ctx.open_orders.to_account_info(),
base_vault: ctx.market_base_vault.to_account_info(),
quote_vault: ctx.market_quote_vault.to_account_info(),
user_base_wallet: ctx.base_vault.to_account_info(),
user_quote_wallet: ctx.quote_vault.to_account_info(),
vault_signer: ctx.market_vault_signer.to_account_info(),
token_program: ctx.token_program.to_account_info(),