
303 lines
11 KiB

use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use derivative::Derivative;
use static_assertions::const_assert_eq;
use std::mem::size_of;
/// Maintains a "stable_price" based on the oracle price.
/// The stable price follows the oracle price, but its relative rate of
/// change is limited (to `stable_growth_limit`) and futher reduced if
/// the oracle price is far from the `delay_price`.
/// Conceptually the `delay_price` is itself a time delayed
/// (`24 * delay_interval_seconds`, assume 24h) and relative rate of change limited
/// function of the oracle price. It is implemented as averaging the oracle
/// price over every `delay_interval_seconds` (assume 1h) and then applying the
/// `delay_growth_limit` between intervals.
pub struct StablePriceModel {
/// Current stable price to use in health
pub stable_price: f64,
pub last_update_timestamp: u64,
/// Stored delay_price for each delay_interval.
/// If we want the delay_price to be 24h delayed, we would store one for each hour.
/// This is used in a cyclical way: We use the maximally-delayed value at delay_interval_index
/// and once enough time passes to move to the next delay interval, that gets overwritten and
/// we use the next one.
pub delay_prices: [f64; 24],
/// The delay price is based on an average over each delay_interval. The contributions
/// to the average are summed up here.
pub delay_accumulator_price: f64,
/// Accumulating the total time for the above average.
pub delay_accumulator_time: u32,
/// Length of a delay_interval
pub delay_interval_seconds: u32,
/// Maximal relative difference between two delay_price in consecutive intervals.
pub delay_growth_limit: f32,
/// Maximal per-second relative difference of the stable price.
/// It gets further reduced if stable and delay price disagree.
pub stable_growth_limit: f32,
/// The delay_interval_index that update() was last called on.
pub last_delay_interval_index: u8,
/// If set to 1, the stable price will reset on the next non-zero price it sees.
pub reset_on_nonzero_price: u8,
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
pub padding: [u8; 6],
#[derivative(Debug = "ignore")]
pub reserved: [u8; 48],
8 + 8 + 8 * 24 + 8 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 1 * 2 + 6 + 48
const_assert_eq!(size_of::<StablePriceModel>(), 288);
const_assert_eq!(size_of::<StablePriceModel>() % 8, 0);
impl Default for StablePriceModel {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
stable_price: 0.0,
last_update_timestamp: 0,
delay_prices: [0.0; 24],
delay_accumulator_price: 0.0,
delay_accumulator_time: 0,
delay_interval_seconds: 60 * 60, // 1h, for a total delay of 24h
delay_growth_limit: 0.06, // 6% per hour, 400% per day
stable_growth_limit: 0.0003, // 0.03% per second, 293% in 1h if updated every 10s, 281% in 1h if updated every 5min
last_delay_interval_index: 0,
reset_on_nonzero_price: 0,
padding: Default::default(),
reserved: [0; 48],
impl StablePriceModel {
pub fn reset_to_price(&mut self, oracle_price: f64, now_ts: u64) {
self.stable_price = oracle_price;
self.delay_prices = [oracle_price; 24];
self.delay_accumulator_price = 0.0;
self.delay_accumulator_time = 0;
self.last_update_timestamp = now_ts;
self.reset_on_nonzero_price = if oracle_price > 0.0 { 0 } else { 1 };
pub fn delay_interval_index(&self, timestamp: u64) -> u8 {
((timestamp / self.delay_interval_seconds as u64) % self.delay_prices.len() as u64) as u8
fn growth_clamped(target: f64, prev: f64, growth_limit: f64) -> f64 {
let max = prev * (1.0 + growth_limit);
// for the lower bound, we technically should divide by (1 + growth_limit), but
// the error is small when growth_limit is small and this saves a division
let min = prev * (1.0 - growth_limit);
target.clamp(min, max)
pub fn update(&mut self, now_ts: u64, oracle_price: f64) {
// If a reset is requested (maybe there never was a non-zero price), jump to the current value
if self.reset_on_nonzero_price == 1 && oracle_price > 0.0 {
self.reset_to_price(oracle_price, now_ts);
let dt = now_ts.saturating_sub(self.last_update_timestamp);
// Hardcoded. Requiring a minimum time between updates reduces the possible difference
// between frequent updates and infrequent ones.
// Limiting the max dt prevents very strong updates if update() hasn't been
// called for hours.
let min_dt = 10;
let max_dt = 10 * 60; // 10 min
if dt < min_dt {
// did we wrap around all delay intervals?
let full_delay_passed =
dt > self.delay_prices.len() as u64 * self.delay_interval_seconds as u64;
let dt_limited = dt.min(max_dt) as f64;
self.last_update_timestamp = now_ts;
// Update delay price
self.delay_accumulator_time += dt as u32;
self.delay_accumulator_price += oracle_price * dt_limited;
let delay_interval_index = self.delay_interval_index(now_ts);
if delay_interval_index != self.last_delay_interval_index {
// last_delay_interval_index points to the most delayed price, which we will
// overwrite with a new delay price
let new_delay_price = {
// Get the previous new delay_price.
let prev = if self.last_delay_interval_index == 0 {
self.delay_prices[self.delay_prices.len() - 1]
} else {
self.delay_prices[self.last_delay_interval_index as usize - 1]
let avg = self.delay_accumulator_price / (self.delay_accumulator_time as f64);
Self::growth_clamped(avg, prev, self.delay_growth_limit as f64)
// Store the new delay price, accounting for skipped intervals
if full_delay_passed {
} else if delay_interval_index > self.last_delay_interval_index {
[self.last_delay_interval_index as usize..delay_interval_index as usize]
} else {
self.delay_prices[self.last_delay_interval_index as usize..].fill(new_delay_price);
self.delay_prices[..delay_interval_index as usize].fill(new_delay_price);
self.delay_accumulator_price = 0.0;
self.delay_accumulator_time = 0;
self.last_delay_interval_index = delay_interval_index;
let delay_price = self.delay_prices[delay_interval_index as usize];
// Update stable price
self.stable_price = {
let prev_stable_price = self.stable_price;
let fraction = if delay_price >= prev_stable_price {
prev_stable_price / delay_price
} else {
delay_price / prev_stable_price
let growth_limit = (self.stable_growth_limit as f64) * fraction * fraction * dt_limited;
Self::growth_clamped(oracle_price, prev_stable_price, growth_limit)
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn run_and_print(
model: &mut StablePriceModel,
start: u64,
dt: u64,
steps: u64,
price: fn(u64) -> f64,
) -> u64 {
for i in 0..steps {
let time = start + dt * (i + 1);
model.update(time, price(time));
model.stable_price, model.delay_prices[model.last_delay_interval_index as usize]
start + dt * steps
fn test_stable_price_10x() {
let mut model = StablePriceModel::default();
model.reset_to_price(1.0, 0);
let mut t;
t = run_and_print(&mut model, 0, 60, 60, |_| 10.0);
assert!((model.stable_price - 1.8).abs() < 0.1);
assert_eq!(model.delay_prices[1..], [1.0; 23]);
assert!((model.delay_prices[0] - 1.06).abs() < 0.01);
assert_eq!(model.last_delay_interval_index, 1);
assert_eq!(model.delay_accumulator_time, 0);
assert_eq!(model.delay_accumulator_price, 0.0);
t = run_and_print(&mut model, t, 10, 6 * 60, |_| 10.0);
assert!((model.stable_price - 2.3).abs() < 0.1);
assert_eq!(model.delay_prices[2..], [1.0; 22]);
assert!((model.delay_prices[0] - 1.06).abs() < 0.01);
assert!((model.delay_prices[1] - 1.06 * 1.06).abs() < 0.01);
assert_eq!(model.last_delay_interval_index, 2);
assert_eq!(model.delay_accumulator_time, 0);
assert_eq!(model.delay_accumulator_price, 0.0);
// check delay price wraparound (go to 25h since start)
t = run_and_print(&mut model, t, 300, 12 * 23, |_| 10.0);
assert!((model.stable_price - 7.4).abs() < 0.1);
assert!(model.delay_prices[0] > model.delay_prices[23]);
assert!(model.delay_prices[23] > model.delay_prices[22]);
assert!(model.delay_prices[1] < model.delay_prices[0]);
assert!(model.delay_prices[1] < model.delay_prices[2]);
assert_eq!(model.last_delay_interval_index, 1);
fn test_stable_price_characteristics_upwards() {
let mut model = StablePriceModel::default();
model.reset_to_price(1.0, 0);
let mut last = 1;
for i in 0..100000 {
model.update(60 * (i + 1), 1000.0);
let now = model.stable_price as i32;
if now > last {
last = now;
println!("reached {now}x after {i} steps, {} hours", i as f64 / 60.0);
if now == 10 {
fn test_stable_price_characteristics_downwards() {
let mut model = StablePriceModel::default();
let init = 10000.0;
model.reset_to_price(init, 0);
let mut last = 1;
for i in 0..100000 {
model.update(60 * (i + 1), 0.0);
let now = (init / model.stable_price) as i32;
if now > last {
last = now;
"reached 1/{now}x after {i} steps, {} hours",
i as f64 / 60.0
if now == 10 {
fn test_stable_price_average() {
let mut model = StablePriceModel {
delay_growth_limit: 10.00,
model.reset_to_price(1.0, 0);
run_and_print(&mut model, 0, 60, 60, |t| if t > 1800 { 2.0 } else { 1.0 });
println!("{}", model.delay_prices[0]);
assert!((model.delay_prices[0] - 1.5).abs() < 0.01);