
188 lines
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use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use super::*;
/// Perp order parameters
pub struct Order {
pub side: Side,
/// Max base lots to buy/sell.
pub max_base_lots: i64,
/// Max quote lots to pay/receive (not taking fees into account).
pub max_quote_lots: i64,
/// Arbitrary user-controlled order id.
pub client_order_id: u64,
/// Reduce only
pub reduce_only: bool,
/// Number of seconds the order shall live, 0 meaning forever
pub time_in_force: u16,
/// Configure how matches with order of the same owner are handled
pub self_trade_behavior: SelfTradeBehavior,
/// Order type specific params
pub params: OrderParams,
pub enum OrderParams {
ImmediateOrCancel {
price_lots: i64,
Fixed {
price_lots: i64,
order_type: PostOrderType,
OraclePegged {
price_offset_lots: i64,
order_type: PostOrderType,
peg_limit: i64,
max_oracle_staleness_slots: i32,
impl Order {
/// Convert an input expiry timestamp to a time_in_force value
pub fn tif_from_expiry(expiry_timestamp: u64) -> Option<u16> {
let now_ts: u64 = Clock::get().unwrap().unix_timestamp.try_into().unwrap();
if expiry_timestamp != 0 {
// If expiry is far in the future, clamp to u16::MAX seconds
let tif = expiry_timestamp.saturating_sub(now_ts).min(u16::MAX.into());
if tif == 0 {
// If expiry is in the past, ignore the order
return None;
Some(tif as u16)
} else {
// Never expire
/// Should this order be penalized with an extra fee?
/// Some programs opportunistically call ioc orders, wasting lots of compute. This
/// is intended to encourage people to be smarter about it.
pub fn needs_penalty_fee(&self) -> bool {
matches!(self.params, OrderParams::ImmediateOrCancel { .. })
/// Is this order required to be posted to the orderbook? It will fail if it would take.
pub fn is_post_only(&self) -> bool {
let order_type = match self.params {
OrderParams::Fixed { order_type, .. } => order_type,
OrderParams::OraclePegged { order_type, .. } => order_type,
_ => return false,
order_type == PostOrderType::PostOnly || order_type == PostOrderType::PostOnlySlide
/// Order tree that this order should be added to
pub fn post_target(&self) -> Option<BookSideOrderTree> {
match self.params {
OrderParams::Fixed { .. } => Some(BookSideOrderTree::Fixed),
OrderParams::OraclePegged { .. } => Some(BookSideOrderTree::OraclePegged),
_ => None,
/// Some order types (PostOnlySlide) may override the price that is passed in,
/// this function computes the order-type-adjusted price.
fn price_for_order_type(
now_ts: u64,
oracle_price_lots: i64,
price_lots: i64,
order_type: PostOrderType,
order_book: &Orderbook,
) -> i64 {
if order_type == PostOrderType::PostOnlySlide {
if let Some(best_other_price) = order_book
.best_price(now_ts, oracle_price_lots)
post_only_slide_limit(self.side, best_other_price, price_lots)
} else {
} else {
/// Compute the price_lots this order is currently at, as well as the price_data that
/// would be stored in its OrderTree node if the order is posted to the orderbook.
pub fn price(
now_ts: u64,
oracle_price_lots: i64,
order_book: &Orderbook,
) -> Result<(i64, u64)> {
let price_lots = match self.params {
OrderParams::Market { .. } => market_order_limit_for_side(self.side),
OrderParams::ImmediateOrCancel { price_lots, .. } => price_lots,
OrderParams::Fixed {
} => self.price_for_order_type(
OrderParams::OraclePegged {
} => {
let price_lots = oracle_price_lots + price_offset_lots;
let price_data = match self.params {
OrderParams::OraclePegged { .. } => {
oracle_pegged_price_data(price_lots - oracle_price_lots)
_ => fixed_price_data(price_lots)?,
require_gte!(price_lots, 1);
Ok((price_lots, price_data))
/// pegging limit for oracle peg orders, otherwise -1
pub fn peg_limit(&self) -> i64 {
match self.params {
OrderParams::OraclePegged { peg_limit, .. } => peg_limit,
_ => -1,
/// The implicit limit price to use for market orders
fn market_order_limit_for_side(side: Side) -> i64 {
match side {
Side::Bid => i64::MAX,
Side::Ask => 1,
/// The limit to use for PostOnlySlide orders: the tinyest bit better than
/// the best opposing order
fn post_only_slide_limit(side: Side, best_other_side: i64, limit: i64) -> i64 {
match side {
Side::Bid => limit.min(best_other_side - 1),
Side::Ask => limit.max(best_other_side + 1),