
276 lines
9.8 KiB

use super::{book::Book, metadata::MetaData, orders::Side};
use crate::error::MangoError;
use anchor_lang::prelude::*;
use fixed::types::I80F48;
use fixed_macro::types::I80F48;
use mango_macro::Pod;
/// This will hold top level info about the perps market
/// Likely all perps transactions on a market will be locked on this one because this will be passed in as writable
pub struct PerpMarket {
pub meta_data: MetaData,
pub mango_group: Pubkey,
pub bids: Pubkey,
pub asks: Pubkey,
pub event_queue: Pubkey,
pub quote_lot_size: i64, // number of quote native that reresents min tick
pub base_lot_size: i64, // represents number of base native quantity; greater than 0
// TODO - consider just moving this into the cache
pub long_funding: I80F48,
pub short_funding: I80F48,
pub open_interest: i64, // This is i64 to keep consistent with the units of contracts, but should always be > 0
pub last_updated: u64,
pub seq_num: u64,
pub fees_accrued: I80F48, // native quote currency
pub liquidity_mining_info: LiquidityMiningInfo,
// mngo_vault holds mango tokens to be disbursed as liquidity incentives for this perp market
pub mngo_vault: Pubkey,
impl PerpMarket {
// pub fn load_and_init<'a>(
// account: &'a AccountInfo,
// program_id: &Pubkey,
// mango_group_ai: &'a AccountInfo,
// bids_ai: &'a AccountInfo,
// asks_ai: &'a AccountInfo,
// event_queue_ai: &'a AccountInfo,
// mngo_vault_ai: &'a AccountInfo,
// mango_group: &MangoGroup,
// rent: &Rent,
// base_lot_size: i64,
// quote_lot_size: i64,
// rate: I80F48,
// max_depth_bps: I80F48,
// target_period_length: u64,
// mngo_per_period: u64,
// exp: u8,
// version: u8,
// lm_size_shift: u8, // right shift the depth number to prevent overflow
// ) -> Result<RefMut<'a, Self>> {
// let mut state = Self::load_mut(account)?;
// check!(account.owner == program_id, MangoErrorCode::InvalidOwner)?;
// check!(
// rent.is_exempt(account.lamports(), size_of::<Self>()),
// MangoErrorCode::AccountNotRentExempt
// )?;
// check!(!state.meta_data.is_initialized, MangoErrorCode::Default)?;
// state.meta_data = MetaData::new_with_extra(
// DataType::PerpMarket,
// version,
// true,
// [exp, lm_size_shift, 0, 0, 0],
// );
// state.mango_group = *mango_group_ai.key;
// state.bids = *bids_ai.key;
// state.asks = *asks_ai.key;
// state.event_queue = *event_queue_ai.key;
// state.quote_lot_size = quote_lot_size;
// state.base_lot_size = base_lot_size;
// let vault = Account::unpack(&mngo_vault_ai.try_borrow_data()?)?;
// check!(
// vault.owner == mango_group.signer_key,
// MangoErrorCode::InvalidOwner
// )?;
// check!(vault.delegate.is_none(), MangoErrorCode::InvalidVault)?;
// check!(
// vault.close_authority.is_none(),
// MangoErrorCode::InvalidVault
// )?;
// check!( == mngo_token::ID, MangoErrorCode::InvalidVault)?;
// check!(
// mngo_vault_ai.owner == &spl_token::ID,
// MangoErrorCode::InvalidOwner
// )?;
// state.mngo_vault = *mngo_vault_ai.key;
// let clock = Clock::get()?;
// let period_start = clock.unix_timestamp as u64;
// state.last_updated = period_start;
// state.liquidity_mining_info = LiquidityMiningInfo {
// rate,
// max_depth_bps,
// period_start,
// target_period_length,
// mngo_left: mngo_per_period,
// mngo_per_period,
// };
// Ok(state)
// }
// pub fn load_checked<'a>(
// account: &'a AccountInfo,
// program_id: &Pubkey,
// mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
// ) -> MangoResult<Ref<'a, Self>> {
// check_eq!(account.owner, program_id, MangoErrorCode::InvalidOwner)?;
// let state = Self::load(account)?;
// check!(state.meta_data.is_initialized, MangoErrorCode::Default)?;
// check!(
// state.meta_data.data_type == DataType::PerpMarket as u8,
// MangoErrorCode::Default
// )?;
// check!(
// mango_group_pk == &state.mango_group,
// MangoErrorCode::Default
// )?;
// Ok(state)
// }
// pub fn load_mut_checked<'a>(
// account: &'a AccountInfo,
// program_id: &Pubkey,
// mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
// ) -> MangoResult<RefMut<'a, Self>> {
// check_eq!(account.owner, program_id, MangoErrorCode::InvalidOwner)?;
// let state = Self::load_mut(account)?;
// check!(
// state.meta_data.is_initialized,
// MangoErrorCode::InvalidAccountState
// )?;
// check!(
// state.meta_data.data_type == DataType::PerpMarket as u8,
// MangoErrorCode::InvalidAccountState
// )?;
// check!(
// mango_group_pk == &state.mango_group,
// MangoErrorCode::InvalidAccountState
// )?;
// Ok(state)
// }
pub fn gen_order_id(&mut self, side: Side, price: i64) -> i128 {
self.seq_num += 1;
let upper = (price as i128) << 64;
match side {
Side::Bid => upper | (!self.seq_num as i128),
Side::Ask => upper | (self.seq_num as i128),
/// Use current order book price and index price to update the instantaneous funding
pub fn update_funding(
&mut self,
mango_group: &MangoGroup,
book: &Book,
mango_cache: &MangoCache,
market_index: usize,
now_ts: u64,
) -> Result<()> {
// Get the index price from cache, ensure it's not outdated
let price_cache = &mango_cache.price_cache[market_index];
price_cache.check_valid(&mango_group, now_ts)?;
let index_price = price_cache.price;
// hard-coded for now because there's no convenient place to put this; also creates breaking
// change if we make this a parameter
const IMPACT_QUANTITY: i64 = 100;
// Get current book price & compare it to index price
let bid = book.get_impact_price(Side::Bid, IMPACT_QUANTITY, now_ts);
let ask = book.get_impact_price(Side::Ask, IMPACT_QUANTITY, now_ts);
const MAX_FUNDING: I80F48 = I80F48!(0.05);
const MIN_FUNDING: I80F48 = I80F48!(-0.05);
let diff = match (bid, ask) {
(Some(bid), Some(ask)) => {
// calculate mid-market rate
let book_price = self.lot_to_native_price((bid + ask) / 2);
(book_price / index_price - I80F48::ONE).clamp(MIN_FUNDING, MAX_FUNDING)
(Some(_bid), None) => MAX_FUNDING,
(None, Some(_ask)) => MIN_FUNDING,
(None, None) => I80F48::ZERO,
// TODO TEST consider what happens if time_factor is very small. Can funding_delta == 0 when diff != 0?
let time_factor = I80F48::from_num(now_ts - self.last_updated) / DAY;
let funding_delta: I80F48 = index_price
self.long_funding += funding_delta;
self.short_funding += funding_delta;
self.last_updated = now_ts;
// Check if liquidity incentives ought to be paid out and if so pay them out
/// Convert from the price stored on the book to the price used in value calculations
pub fn lot_to_native_price(&self, price: i64) -> I80F48 {
/// Socialize the loss in this account across all longs and shorts
pub fn socialize_loss(
&mut self,
account: &mut PerpAccount,
cache: &mut PerpMarketCache,
) -> Result<I80F48> {
// TODO convert into only socializing on one side
// native USDC per contract open interest
let socialized_loss = if self.open_interest == 0 {
// This is kind of an unfortunate situation. This means socialized loss occurs on the
// last person to call settle_pnl on their profits. Any advice on better mechanism
// would be appreciated. Luckily, this will be an extremely rare situation.
} else {
account.quote_position = I80F48::ZERO;
self.long_funding -= socialized_loss;
self.short_funding += socialized_loss;
cache.short_funding = self.short_funding;
cache.long_funding = self.long_funding;
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Pod)]
/// Information regarding market maker incentives for a perp market
pub struct LiquidityMiningInfo {
/// Used to convert liquidity points to MNGO
pub rate: I80F48,
pub max_depth_bps: I80F48, // instead of max depth bps, this should be max num contracts
/// start timestamp of current liquidity incentive period; gets updated when mngo_left goes to 0
pub period_start: u64,
/// Target time length of a period in seconds
pub target_period_length: u64,
/// Paper MNGO left for this period
pub mngo_left: u64,
/// Total amount of MNGO allocated for current period
pub mngo_per_period: u64,