
101 lines
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import { TypeMangoUpdateSkeleton } from './types'
import { Entry } from 'contentful'
import { Document as RichTextDocument } from '@contentful/rich-text-types'
import contentfulClient from './contentfulClient'
import { ContentImage, parseContentfulContentImage } from './contentImage'
type MangoUpdateEntry = Entry<TypeMangoUpdateSkeleton, undefined, string>
// Our simplified version of a MangoUpdate.
// We don't need all the data that Contentful gives us.
export interface MangoUpdate {
postTitle: string
postContent: RichTextDocument | undefined
updateImage: ContentImage | null
slug: string
createdAt: string
seoTitle: string | undefined
seoDescription: string | undefined
ctaTitle: string | undefined
ctaDescription: string | undefined
ctaUrl: string | undefined
lastModified: string
showOnHomePage: boolean | undefined
shortenedTitle: string | undefined
shortenedDescription: string
// A function to transform a Contentful blog post
// into our own MangoUpdate object.
export function parseContentfulMangoUpdate(
mangoUpdateEntry?: MangoUpdateEntry,
): MangoUpdate | null {
if (!mangoUpdateEntry) {
return null
return {
postTitle: mangoUpdateEntry.fields.postTitle || '',
postContent: mangoUpdateEntry.fields.postContent || undefined,
updateImage: parseContentfulContentImage(
slug: mangoUpdateEntry.fields.slug,
createdAt: mangoUpdateEntry.sys.createdAt,
seoTitle: mangoUpdateEntry.fields.seoTitle,
seoDescription: mangoUpdateEntry.fields.seoDescription,
ctaTitle: mangoUpdateEntry.fields.ctaTitle,
ctaDescription: mangoUpdateEntry.fields.ctaDescription,
ctaUrl: mangoUpdateEntry.fields.ctaUrl,
lastModified: mangoUpdateEntry.sys.updatedAt,
showOnHomePage: mangoUpdateEntry.fields.showOnHomePage,
shortenedTitle: mangoUpdateEntry.fields.shortenedTitle,
shortenedDescription: mangoUpdateEntry.fields.shortenedDescription,
// A function to fetch all blog posts.
// Optionally uses the Contentful content preview.
interface FetchMangoUpdatesOptions {
preview: boolean
export async function fetchMangoUpdates({
}: FetchMangoUpdatesOptions): Promise<MangoUpdate[]> {
const contentful = contentfulClient({ preview })
const mangoUpdatesResult =
await contentful.getEntries<TypeMangoUpdateSkeleton>({
content_type: 'mangoUpdate',
include: 2,
order: ['-sys.createdAt'],
(mangoUpdateEntry) =>
parseContentfulMangoUpdate(mangoUpdateEntry) as MangoUpdate,
// A function to fetch a single blog post by its slug.
// Optionally uses the Contentful content preview.
interface FetchMangoUpdateOptions {
slug: string
preview: boolean
export async function fetchMangoUpdate({
}: FetchMangoUpdateOptions): Promise<MangoUpdate | null> {
const contentful = contentfulClient({ preview })
const mangoUpdatesResult =
await contentful.getEntries<TypeMangoUpdateSkeleton>({
content_type: 'mangoUpdate',
'fields.slug': slug,
include: 2,
return parseContentfulMangoUpdate(mangoUpdatesResult.items[0])