
1267 lines
47 KiB

use std::convert::TryInto;
use std::num::NonZeroU64;
use arrayref::{array_ref, array_refs};
use bytemuck::{cast_slice, cast_slice_mut};
use fixed::types::U64F64;
use num_enum::TryFromPrimitive;
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use solana_program::instruction::{AccountMeta, Instruction};
use solana_program::program_error::ProgramError;
use solana_program::pubkey::Pubkey;
use crate::state::{NUM_TOKENS, INFO_LEN};
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub enum MangoInstruction {
/// Initialize a group of lending pools that can be cross margined
/// Accounts expected by this instruction (7 + 2 * NUM_TOKENS + 2 * NUM_MARKETS):
/// 0. `[writable]` mango_group_acc - the data account to store mango group state vars
/// 1. `[]` rent_acc - Rent sysvar account
/// 2. `[]` clock_acc - clock sysvar account
/// 3. `[]` signer_acc - pubkey of program_id hashed with signer_nonce and mango_group_acc.key
/// 4. `[]` dex_prog_acc - program id of serum dex
/// 5. `[]` srm_vault_acc - vault for fee tier reductions
/// 6. `[signer]` admin_acc - admin key who can change borrow limits
/// 7..7+NUM_TOKENS `[]` token_mint_accs - mint of each token in the same order as the spot
/// markets. Quote currency mint should be last.
/// e.g. for spot markets BTC/USDC, ETH/USDC -> [BTC, ETH, USDC]
/// 7+NUM_TOKENS..7+2*NUM_TOKENS `[]`
/// vault_accs - Vault owned by signer_acc.key for each of the mints
/// spot_market_accs - MarketState account from serum dex for each of the spot markets
/// oracle_accs - Pyth Price / Solana Flux Aggregator accounts corresponding to each trading pair
InitMangoGroup {
signer_nonce: u64,
maint_coll_ratio: U64F64,
init_coll_ratio: U64F64,
borrow_limits: [u64; NUM_TOKENS]
/// Initialize a margin account for a user
/// Accounts expected by this instruction (4):
/// 0. `[]` mango_group_acc - MangoGroup that this margin account is for
/// 1. `[writable]` margin_account_acc - the margin account data
/// 2. `[signer]` owner_acc - Solana account of owner of the margin account
/// 3. `[]` rent_acc - Rent sysvar account
/// Deposit funds into margin account to be used as collateral and earn interest.
/// Accounts expected by this instruction (7):
/// 0. `[writable]` mango_group_acc - MangoGroup that this margin account is for
/// 1. `[writable]` margin_account_acc - the margin account for this user
/// 2. `[signer]` owner_acc - Solana account of owner of the margin account
/// 3. `[writable]` token_account_acc - TokenAccount owned by user which will be sending the funds
/// 4. `[writable]` vault_acc - TokenAccount owned by MangoGroup
/// 5. `[]` token_prog_acc - acc pointed to by SPL token program id
/// 6. `[]` clock_acc - Clock sysvar account
Deposit {
quantity: u64
/// Withdraw funds that were deposited earlier.
/// Accounts expected by this instruction (8 + 2 * NUM_MARKETS):
/// 0. `[writable]` mango_group_acc - MangoGroup that this margin account is for
/// 1. `[writable]` margin_account_acc - the margin account for this user
/// 2. `[signer]` owner_acc - Solana account of owner of the margin account
/// 3. `[writable]` token_account_acc - TokenAccount owned by user which will be receiving the funds
/// 4. `[writable]` vault_acc - TokenAccount owned by MangoGroup which will be sending
/// 5. `[]` signer_acc - acc pointed to by signer_key
/// 6. `[]` token_prog_acc - acc pointed to by SPL token program id
/// 7. `[]` clock_acc - Clock sysvar account
/// 8..8+NUM_MARKETS `[]` open_orders_accs - open orders for each of the spot market
/// oracle_accs - Pyth Price / Solana Flux Aggregator accounts corresponding to each trading pair
Withdraw {
quantity: u64
/// Borrow by incrementing MarginAccount.borrows given collateral ratio is below init_coll_rat
/// Accounts expected by this instruction (4 + 2 * NUM_MARKETS):
/// 0. `[writable]` mango_group_acc - MangoGroup that this margin account is for
/// 1. `[writable]` margin_account_acc - the margin account for this user
/// 2. `[signer]` owner_acc - Solana account of owner of the margin account
/// 3. `[]` clock_acc - Clock sysvar account
/// 4..4+NUM_MARKETS `[]` open_orders_accs - open orders for each of the spot market
/// oracle_accs - Pyth Price / Solana Flux Aggregator accounts corresponding to each trading pair
Borrow {
token_index: usize,
quantity: u64
/// Use this token's position and deposit to reduce borrows
/// Accounts expected by this instruction (4):
/// 0. `[writable]` mango_group_acc - MangoGroup that this margin account is for
/// 1. `[writable]` margin_account_acc - the margin account for this user
/// 2. `[signer]` owner_acc - Solana account of owner of the margin account
/// 3. `[]` clock_acc - Clock sysvar account
SettleBorrow {
token_index: usize,
quantity: u64
/// Take over a MarginAccount that is below init_coll_ratio by depositing funds
/// Accounts expected by this instruction (5 + 2 * NUM_MARKETS + 2 * NUM_TOKENS):
/// 0. `[writable]` mango_group_acc - MangoGroup that this margin account is for
/// 1. `[signer]` liqor_acc - liquidator's solana account
/// 2. `[writable]` liqee_margin_account_acc - MarginAccount of liquidatee
/// 3. `[]` token_prog_acc - SPL token program id
/// 4. `[]` clock_acc - Clock sysvar account
/// 5..5+NUM_MARKETS `[]` open_orders_accs - open orders for each of the spot market
/// oracle_accs - Pyth Price / Solana Flux Aggregator accounts corresponding to each trading pair
/// 5+2*NUM_MARKETS..5+2*NUM_MARKETS+NUM_TOKENS `[writable]`
/// vault_accs - MangoGroup vaults
/// liqor_token_account_accs - Liquidator's token wallets
Liquidate {
/// Quantity of each token liquidator is depositing in order to bring account above maint
deposit_quantities: [u64; NUM_TOKENS]
/// Deposit SRM into the SRM vault for MangoGroup
/// These SRM are not at risk and are not counted towards collateral or any margin calculations
/// Depositing SRM is a strictly altruistic act with no upside and no downside
/// Accounts expected by this instruction (8):
/// 0. `[writable]` mango_group_acc - MangoGroup that this margin account is for
/// 1. `[writable]` mango_srm_account_acc - the mango srm account for user
/// 2. `[signer]` owner_acc - Solana account of owner of the margin account
/// 3. `[writable]` srm_account_acc - TokenAccount owned by user which will be sending the funds
/// 4. `[writable]` vault_acc - SRM vault of MangoGroup
/// 5. `[]` token_prog_acc - acc pointed to by SPL token program id
/// 6. `[]` clock_acc - Clock sysvar account
/// 7. `[]` rent_acc - Rent sysvar account
DepositSrm {
quantity: u64
/// Withdraw SRM owed to this MarginAccount
/// These SRM are not at risk and are not counted towards collateral or any margin calculations
/// Depositing SRM is a strictly altruistic act with no upside and no downside
/// Accounts expected by this instruction (8):
/// 0. `[writable]` mango_group_acc - MangoGroup that this margin account is for
/// 1. `[writable]` mango_srm_account_acc - the mango srm account for user
/// 2. `[signer]` owner_acc - Solana account of owner of the margin account
/// 3. `[writable]` srm_account_acc - TokenAccount owned by user which will be sending the funds
/// 4. `[writable]` vault_acc - SRM vault of MangoGroup
/// 5. `[]` signer_acc - acc pointed to by signer_key
/// 6. `[]` token_prog_acc - acc pointed to by SPL token program id
/// 7. `[]` clock_acc - Clock sysvar account
WithdrawSrm {
quantity: u64
// Proxy instructions to Dex
/// Place an order on the Serum Dex using Mango margin facilities
/// Accounts expected by this instruction (17 + 2 * NUM_MARKETS):
/// 0. `[writable]` mango_group_acc - MangoGroup that this margin account is for
/// 1. `[signer]` owner_acc - MarginAccount owner
/// 2. `[writable]` margin_account_acc - MarginAccount
/// 3. `[]` clock_acc - Clock sysvar account
/// 4. `[]` dex_prog_acc - program id of serum dex
/// 5. `[writable]` spot_market_acc - serum dex MarketState
/// 6. `[writable]` dex_request_queue_acc - serum dex request queue for this market
/// 7. `[writable]` dex_event_queue - serum dex event queue for this market
/// 8. `[writable]` bids_acc - serum dex bids for this market
/// 9. `[writable]` asks_acc - serum dex asks for this market
/// 10. `[writable]` vault_acc - mango's vault for this currency (quote if buying, base if selling)
/// 11. `[]` signer_acc - mango signer key
/// 12. `[writable]` dex_base_acc - serum dex market's vault for base (coin) currency
/// 13. `[writable]` dex_quote_acc - serum dex market's vault for quote (pc) currency
/// 14. `[]` spl token program
/// 15. `[]` the rent sysvar
/// 16. `[writable]` srm_vault_acc - MangoGroup's srm_vault used for fee reduction
/// 17..17+NUM_MARKETS `[writable]` open_orders_accs - open orders for each of the spot market
/// 17+NUM_MARKETS..17+2*NUM_MARKETS `[]`
/// oracle_accs - Pyth Price / Solana Flux Aggregator accounts corresponding to each trading pair
PlaceOrder {
order: serum_dex::instruction::NewOrderInstructionV3
/// Settle all funds from serum dex open orders into MarginAccount positions
/// Accounts expected by this instruction (14):
/// 0. `[writable]` mango_group_acc - MangoGroup that this margin account is for
/// 1. `[signer]` owner_acc - MarginAccount owner
/// 2. `[writable]` margin_account_acc - MarginAccount
/// 3. `[]` clock_acc - Clock sysvar account
/// 4. `[]` dex_prog_acc - program id of serum dex
/// 5 `[writable]` spot_market_acc - dex MarketState account
/// 6 `[writable]` open_orders_acc - open orders for this market for this MarginAccount
/// 7. `[]` signer_acc - MangoGroup signer key
/// 8. `[writable]` dex_base_acc - base vault for dex MarketState
/// 9. `[writable]` dex_quote_acc - quote vault for dex MarketState
/// 10. `[writable]` base_vault_acc - MangoGroup base vault acc
/// 11. `[writable]` quote_vault_acc - MangoGroup quote vault acc
/// 12. `[]` dex_signer_acc - dex Market signer account
/// 13. `[]` spl token program
/// Cancel an order using dex instruction
/// Accounts expected by this instruction (11):
/// 0. `[writable]` mango_group_acc - MangoGroup that this margin account is for
/// 1. `[signer]` owner_acc - MarginAccount owner
/// 2. `[]` margin_account_acc - MarginAccount
/// 3. `[]` clock_acc - Clock sysvar account
/// 4. `[]` dex_prog_acc - program id of serum dex
/// 5. `[writable]` spot_market_acc - serum dex MarketState
/// 6. `[writable]` bids_acc - serum dex bids
/// 7. `[writable]` asks_acc - serum dex asks
/// 8. `[writable]` open_orders_acc - OpenOrders for the market this order belongs to
/// 9. `[]` signer_acc - MangoGroup signer key
/// 10. `[writable]` dex_event_queue_acc - serum dex event queue for this market
CancelOrder {
order: serum_dex::instruction::CancelOrderInstructionV2
/// Cancel an order using client_id
/// Accounts expected by this instruction (11):
/// 0. `[writable]` mango_group_acc - MangoGroup that this margin account is for
/// 1. `[signer]` owner_acc - MarginAccount owner
/// 2. `[]` margin_account_acc - MarginAccount
/// 3. `[]` clock_acc - Clock sysvar account
/// 4. `[]` dex_prog_acc - program id of serum dex
/// 5. `[writable]` spot_market_acc - serum dex MarketState
/// 6. `[writable]` bids_acc - serum dex bids
/// 7. `[writable]` asks_acc - serum dex asks
/// 8. `[writable]` open_orders_acc - OpenOrders for the market this order belongs to
/// 9. `[]` signer_acc - MangoGroup signer key
/// 10. `[writable]` dex_event_queue_acc - serum dex event queue for this market
CancelOrderByClientId {
client_id: u64
/// Change the borrow limit using admin key. This will not affect any open positions on any MarginAccount
/// This is intended to be an instruction only in alpha stage while liquidity is slowly improved
/// Accounts expected by this instruction (2):
/// 0. `[writable]` mango_group_acc - MangoGroup that this margin account is for
/// 1. `[signer]` admin_acc - admin of the MangoGroup
ChangeBorrowLimit {
token_index: usize,
borrow_limit: u64
/// Place an order on the Serum Dex and settle funds from the open orders account
/// Accounts expected by this instruction (19 + 2 * NUM_MARKETS):
/// 0. `[writable]` mango_group_acc - MangoGroup that this margin account is for
/// 1. `[signer]` owner_acc - MarginAccount owner
/// 2. `[writable]` margin_account_acc - MarginAccount
/// 3. `[]` clock_acc - Clock sysvar account
/// 4. `[]` dex_prog_acc - program id of serum dex
/// 5. `[writable]` spot_market_acc - serum dex MarketState
/// 6. `[writable]` dex_request_queue_acc - serum dex request queue for this market
/// 7. `[writable]` dex_event_queue - serum dex event queue for this market
/// 8. `[writable]` bids_acc - serum dex bids for this market
/// 9. `[writable]` asks_acc - serum dex asks for this market
/// 10. `[writable]` base_vault_acc - mango vault for base currency
/// 11. `[writable]` quote_vault_acc - mango vault for quote currency
/// 12. `[]` signer_acc - mango signer key
/// 13. `[writable]` dex_base_acc - serum dex market's vault for base (coin) currency
/// 14. `[writable]` dex_quote_acc - serum dex market's vault for quote (pc) currency
/// 15. `[]` spl token program
/// 16. `[]` the rent sysvar
/// 17. `[writable]` srm_vault_acc - MangoGroup's srm_vault used for fee reduction
/// 18. `[]` dex_signer_acc - signer for serum dex MarketState
/// 19..19+NUM_MARKETS `[writable]` open_orders_accs - open orders for each of the spot market
/// 19+NUM_MARKETS..19+2*NUM_MARKETS `[]`
/// oracle_accs - Pyth Price / Solana Flux Aggregator accounts corresponding to each trading pair
PlaceAndSettle {
order: serum_dex::instruction::NewOrderInstructionV3
/// Allow a liquidator to cancel open orders and settle to recoup funds for partial liquidation
/// Accounts expected by this instruction (16 + 2 * NUM_MARKETS):
/// 0. `[writable]` mango_group_acc - MangoGroup that this margin account is for
/// 1. `[signer]` liqor_acc - liquidator's solana account
/// 2. `[writable]` liqee_margin_account_acc - MarginAccount of liquidatee
/// 3. `[writable]` base_vault_acc - mango vault for base currency
/// 4. `[writable]` quote_vault_acc - mango vault for quote currency
/// 5. `[writable]` spot_market_acc - serum dex MarketState
/// 6. `[writable]` bids_acc - serum dex bids for this market
/// 7. `[writable]` asks_acc - serum dex asks for this market
/// 8. `[]` signer_acc - mango signer key
/// 9. `[writable]` dex_event_queue - serum dex event queue for this market
/// 10. `[writable]` dex_base_acc - serum dex market's vault for base (coin) currency
/// 11. `[writable]` dex_quote_acc - serum dex market's vault for quote (pc) currency
/// 12. `[]` dex_signer_acc - signer for serum dex MarketState
/// 13. `[]` token_prog_acc - SPL token program
/// 14. `[]` dex_prog_acc - Serum dex program id
/// 15. `[]` clock_acc - Clock sysvar account
/// 16..16+NUM_MARKETS `[writable]` open_orders_accs - open orders for each of the spot market
/// 16+NUM_MARKETS..16+2*NUM_MARKETS `[]`
/// oracle_accs - Pyth Price / Solana Flux Aggregator accounts corresponding to each trading pair
ForceCancelOrders {
/// Max orders to cancel -- could be useful to lower this if running into compute limits
/// Recommended: 5
limit: u8
/// Take over a MarginAccount that is below init_coll_ratio by depositing funds
/// Accounts expected by this instruction (10 + 2 * NUM_MARKETS):
/// 0. `[writable]` mango_group_acc - MangoGroup that this margin account is for
/// 1. `[signer]` liqor_acc - liquidator's solana account
/// 2. `[writable]` liqor_in_token_acc - liquidator's token account to deposit
/// 3. `[writable]` liqor_out_token_acc - liquidator's token account to withdraw into
/// 4. `[writable]` liqee_margin_account_acc - MarginAccount of liquidatee
/// 5. `[writable]` in_vault_acc - Mango vault of in_token
/// 6. `[writable]` out_vault_acc - Mango vault of out_token
/// 7. `[]` signer_acc
/// 8. `[]` token_prog_acc - Token program id
/// 9. `[]` clock_acc - Clock sysvar account
/// 10..10+NUM_MARKETS `[]` open_orders_accs - open orders for each of the spot market
/// 10+NUM_MARKETS..10+2*NUM_MARKETS `[]`
/// oracle_accs - Pyth Price / Solana Flux Aggregator accounts corresponding to each trading pair
PartialLiquidate {
/// Quantity of the token being deposited to repay borrows
max_deposit: u64
AddMarginAccountInfo {
info: [u8; INFO_LEN]
/// Allows to switch the oracles to a new set
/// 0. `[writable]` mango_group_acc - the data account to store mango group state vars
/// 1. `[signer]` admin_acc - admin key that created the group
/// 2..2+NUM_MARKETS `[]` oracle_accs - Pyth Price / Solana Flux Aggregator accounts corresponding to each trading pair
impl MangoInstruction {
pub fn unpack(input: &[u8]) -> Option<Self> {
let (&discrim, data) = array_refs![input, 4; ..;];
let discrim = u32::from_le_bytes(discrim);
Some(match discrim {
0 => {
let data = array_ref![data, 0, 40 + 8 * NUM_TOKENS];
let (
) = array_refs![data, 8, 16, 16, 8 * NUM_TOKENS];
let mut aligned_borrow_limits = [0u64; NUM_TOKENS];
let buffer: &mut [u8] = cast_slice_mut(&mut aligned_borrow_limits);
MangoInstruction::InitMangoGroup {
signer_nonce: u64::from_le_bytes(*signer_nonce),
maint_coll_ratio: U64F64::from_le_bytes(*maint_coll_ratio),
init_coll_ratio: U64F64::from_le_bytes(*init_coll_ratio),
borrow_limits: aligned_borrow_limits
1 => {
2 => {
let quantity = array_ref![data, 0, 8];
MangoInstruction::Deposit { quantity: u64::from_le_bytes(*quantity) }
3 => {
let data = array_ref![data, 0, 8];
MangoInstruction::Withdraw {
quantity: u64::from_le_bytes(*data)
4 => {
let data = array_ref![data, 0, 16];
let (token_index, quantity) = array_refs![data, 8, 8];
MangoInstruction::Borrow {
token_index: usize::from_le_bytes(*token_index),
quantity: u64::from_le_bytes(*quantity)
5 => {
let data = array_ref![data, 0, 16];
let (token_index, quantity) = array_refs![data, 8, 8];
MangoInstruction::SettleBorrow {
token_index: usize::from_le_bytes(*token_index),
quantity: u64::from_le_bytes(*quantity)
6 => {
if data.len() < 8 * NUM_TOKENS { return None; }
let data = array_ref![data, 0, 8 * NUM_TOKENS];
let mut aligned_arr = [0u64; NUM_TOKENS];
let buffer: &mut [u8] = cast_slice_mut(&mut aligned_arr);
let deposit_quantities: &[u64] = cast_slice(buffer);
let deposit_quantities = array_ref![deposit_quantities, 0, NUM_TOKENS];
MangoInstruction::Liquidate {
deposit_quantities: *deposit_quantities
7 => {
let quantity = array_ref![data, 0, 8];
MangoInstruction::DepositSrm { quantity: u64::from_le_bytes(*quantity) }
8 => {
let quantity = array_ref![data, 0, 8];
MangoInstruction::WithdrawSrm { quantity: u64::from_le_bytes(*quantity) }
9 => {
let data_arr = array_ref![data, 0, 46];
let order = unpack_dex_new_order_v3(data_arr)?;
MangoInstruction::PlaceOrder {
10 => {
11 => {
let data_array = array_ref![data, 0, 20];
let fields = array_refs![data_array, 4, 16];
let side = match u32::from_le_bytes(*fields.0) {
0 => serum_dex::matching::Side::Bid,
1 => serum_dex::matching::Side::Ask,
_ => return None,
let order_id = u128::from_le_bytes(*fields.1);
let order = serum_dex::instruction::CancelOrderInstructionV2 {
MangoInstruction::CancelOrder {
12 => {
let client_id = array_ref![data, 0, 8];
MangoInstruction::CancelOrderByClientId {
client_id: u64::from_le_bytes(*client_id)
13 => {
let data = array_ref![data, 0, 16];
let (token_index, borrow_limit) = array_refs![data, 8, 8];
MangoInstruction::ChangeBorrowLimit {
token_index: usize::from_le_bytes(*token_index),
borrow_limit: u64::from_le_bytes(*borrow_limit)
14 => {
let data_arr = array_ref![data, 0, 46];
let order = unpack_dex_new_order_v3(data_arr)?;
MangoInstruction::PlaceAndSettle {
15 => {
let limit = array_ref![data, 0, 1];
MangoInstruction::ForceCancelOrders {
limit: u8::from_le_bytes(*limit)
16 => {
let max_deposit = array_ref![data, 0, 8];
MangoInstruction::PartialLiquidate {
max_deposit: u64::from_le_bytes(*max_deposit)
17 => {
let info = array_ref![data, 0, INFO_LEN];
MangoInstruction::AddMarginAccountInfo {
info: *info
18 => {
_ => { return None; }
pub fn pack(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
fn unpack_dex_new_order_v3(data: &[u8; 46]) -> Option<serum_dex::instruction::NewOrderInstructionV3> {
let (
) = array_refs![data, 4, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4, 8, 2];
let side = serum_dex::matching::Side::try_from_primitive(u32::from_le_bytes(side_arr).try_into().ok()?).ok()?;
let limit_price = NonZeroU64::new(u64::from_le_bytes(price_arr))?;
let max_coin_qty = NonZeroU64::new(u64::from_le_bytes(max_coin_qty_arr))?;
let max_native_pc_qty_including_fees =
let self_trade_behavior = serum_dex::instruction::SelfTradeBehavior::try_from_primitive(
let order_type = serum_dex::matching::OrderType::try_from_primitive(u32::from_le_bytes(otype_arr).try_into().ok()?).ok()?;
let client_order_id = u64::from_le_bytes(client_order_id_bytes);
let limit = u16::from_le_bytes(limit_arr);
Some(serum_dex::instruction::NewOrderInstructionV3 {
pub fn init_mango_group(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
signer_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_prog_id: &Pubkey,
srm_vault_pk: &Pubkey,
admin_pk: &Pubkey,
mint_pks: &[Pubkey],
vault_pks: &[Pubkey],
spot_market_pks: &[Pubkey],
oracle_pks: &[Pubkey],
signer_nonce: u64,
maint_coll_ratio: U64F64,
init_coll_ratio: U64F64,
borrow_limits: [u64; NUM_TOKENS]
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let mut accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::rent::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::clock::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*signer_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*dex_prog_id, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*srm_vault_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*admin_pk, true)
|pk| AccountMeta::new_readonly(*pk, false))
|pk| AccountMeta::new_readonly(*pk, false))
|pk| AccountMeta::new_readonly(*pk, false))
|pk| AccountMeta::new_readonly(*pk, false))
let instr = MangoInstruction::InitMangoGroup {
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn init_margin_account(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
margin_account_pk: &Pubkey,
owner_pk: &Pubkey,
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*margin_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*owner_pk, true),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::rent::ID, false),
let instr = MangoInstruction::InitMarginAccount;
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn deposit(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
margin_account_pk: &Pubkey,
owner_pk: &Pubkey,
token_account_pk: &Pubkey,
vault_pk: &Pubkey,
quantity: u64
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*margin_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*owner_pk, true),
AccountMeta::new(*token_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*vault_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(spl_token::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::clock::ID, false),
let instr = MangoInstruction::Deposit { quantity };
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn withdraw(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
margin_account_pk: &Pubkey,
owner_pk: &Pubkey,
token_account_pk: &Pubkey,
vault_pk: &Pubkey,
signer_pk: &Pubkey,
open_orders_pks: &[Pubkey],
oracle_pks: &[Pubkey],
quantity: u64
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let mut accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*margin_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*owner_pk, true),
AccountMeta::new(*token_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*vault_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*signer_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(spl_token::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::clock::ID, false),
|pk| AccountMeta::new_readonly(*pk, false))
|pk| AccountMeta::new_readonly(*pk, false))
let instr = MangoInstruction::Withdraw { quantity };
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn borrow(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
margin_account_pk: &Pubkey,
owner_pk: &Pubkey,
open_orders_pks: &[Pubkey],
oracle_pks: &[Pubkey],
token_index: usize,
quantity: u64
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let mut accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*margin_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*owner_pk, true),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::clock::ID, false),
|pk| AccountMeta::new_readonly(*pk, false))
|pk| AccountMeta::new_readonly(*pk, false))
let instr = MangoInstruction::Borrow { token_index, quantity };
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn settle_borrow(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
margin_account_pk: &Pubkey,
owner_pk: &Pubkey,
token_index: usize,
quantity: u64
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*margin_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*owner_pk, true),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::clock::ID, false),
let instr = MangoInstruction::SettleBorrow { token_index, quantity };
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn liquidate(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
liqor_pk: &Pubkey,
liqee_margin_account_pk: &Pubkey,
open_orders_pks: &[Pubkey],
oracle_pks: &[Pubkey],
vault_pks: &[Pubkey],
liqor_token_account_pks: &[Pubkey],
deposit_quantities: [u64; NUM_TOKENS]
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let mut accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*liqor_pk, true),
AccountMeta::new(*liqee_margin_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(spl_token::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::clock::ID, false),
|pk| AccountMeta::new_readonly(*pk, false))
|pk| AccountMeta::new_readonly(*pk, false))
|pk| AccountMeta::new(*pk, false))
|pk| AccountMeta::new(*pk, false))
let instr = MangoInstruction::Liquidate { deposit_quantities };
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn deposit_srm(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
mango_srm_account_pk: &Pubkey,
owner_pk: &Pubkey,
srm_account_pk: &Pubkey,
vault_pk: &Pubkey,
quantity: u64
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*mango_srm_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*owner_pk, true),
AccountMeta::new(*srm_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*vault_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(spl_token::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::clock::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::rent::ID, false),
let instr = MangoInstruction::DepositSrm { quantity };
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn withdraw_srm(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
mango_srm_account_pk: &Pubkey,
owner_pk: &Pubkey,
srm_account_pk: &Pubkey,
vault_pk: &Pubkey,
signer_pk: &Pubkey,
quantity: u64
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*mango_srm_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*owner_pk, true),
AccountMeta::new(*srm_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*vault_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*signer_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(spl_token::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::clock::ID, false),
let instr = MangoInstruction::WithdrawSrm { quantity };
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn place_order(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
owner_pk: &Pubkey,
margin_account_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_prog_id: &Pubkey,
spot_market_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_request_queue_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_event_queue_pk: &Pubkey,
bids_pk: &Pubkey,
asks_pk: &Pubkey,
vault_pk: &Pubkey,
signer_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_base_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_quote_pk: &Pubkey,
srm_vault_pk: &Pubkey,
open_orders_pks: &[Pubkey],
oracle_pks: &[Pubkey],
order: serum_dex::instruction::NewOrderInstructionV3
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let mut accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*owner_pk, true),
AccountMeta::new(*margin_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::clock::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*dex_prog_id, false),
AccountMeta::new(*spot_market_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*dex_request_queue_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*dex_event_queue_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*bids_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*asks_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*vault_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*signer_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*dex_base_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*dex_quote_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(spl_token::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::rent::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new(*srm_vault_pk, false),
|pk| AccountMeta::new(*pk, false))
|pk| AccountMeta::new_readonly(*pk, false))
let instr = MangoInstruction::PlaceOrder { order };
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn place_and_settle(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
owner_pk: &Pubkey,
margin_account_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_prog_id: &Pubkey,
spot_market_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_request_queue_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_event_queue_pk: &Pubkey,
bids_pk: &Pubkey,
asks_pk: &Pubkey,
base_vault_pk: &Pubkey,
quote_vault_pk: &Pubkey,
signer_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_base_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_quote_pk: &Pubkey,
srm_vault_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_signer_pk: &Pubkey,
open_orders_pks: &[Pubkey],
oracle_pks: &[Pubkey],
order: serum_dex::instruction::NewOrderInstructionV3
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let mut accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*owner_pk, true),
AccountMeta::new(*margin_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::clock::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*dex_prog_id, false),
AccountMeta::new(*spot_market_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*dex_request_queue_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*dex_event_queue_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*bids_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*asks_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*base_vault_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*quote_vault_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*signer_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*dex_base_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*dex_quote_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(spl_token::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::rent::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new(*srm_vault_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*dex_signer_pk, false),
|pk| AccountMeta::new(*pk, false))
|pk| AccountMeta::new_readonly(*pk, false))
let instr = MangoInstruction::PlaceAndSettle { order };
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn settle_funds(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
owner_pk: &Pubkey,
margin_account_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_prog_id: &Pubkey,
spot_market_pk: &Pubkey,
open_orders_pk: &Pubkey,
signer_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_base_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_quote_pk: &Pubkey,
base_vault_pk: &Pubkey,
quote_vault_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_signer_pk: &Pubkey,
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*owner_pk, true),
AccountMeta::new(*margin_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::clock::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*dex_prog_id, false),
AccountMeta::new(*spot_market_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*open_orders_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*signer_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*dex_base_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*dex_quote_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*base_vault_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*quote_vault_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*dex_signer_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(spl_token::ID, false),
let instr = MangoInstruction::SettleFunds;
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn cancel_order(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
owner_pk: &Pubkey,
margin_account_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_prog_id: &Pubkey,
spot_market_pk: &Pubkey,
bids_pk: &Pubkey,
asks_pk: &Pubkey,
open_orders_pk: &Pubkey,
signer_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_event_queue_pk: &Pubkey,
order: serum_dex::instruction::CancelOrderInstructionV2
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*owner_pk, true),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*margin_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::clock::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*dex_prog_id, false),
AccountMeta::new(*spot_market_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*bids_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*asks_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*open_orders_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*signer_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*dex_event_queue_pk, false),
let instr = MangoInstruction::CancelOrder { order };
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn cancel_order_by_client_id(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
owner_pk: &Pubkey,
margin_account_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_prog_id: &Pubkey,
spot_market_pk: &Pubkey,
bids_pk: &Pubkey,
asks_pk: &Pubkey,
open_orders_pk: &Pubkey,
signer_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_event_queue_pk: &Pubkey,
client_id: u64
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*owner_pk, true),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*margin_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::clock::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*dex_prog_id, false),
AccountMeta::new(*spot_market_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*bids_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*asks_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*open_orders_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*signer_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*dex_event_queue_pk, false),
let instr = MangoInstruction::CancelOrderByClientId { client_id };
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn change_borrow_limit(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
admin_pk: &Pubkey,
token_index: usize,
borrow_limit: u64
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*admin_pk, true),
let instr = MangoInstruction::ChangeBorrowLimit { token_index, borrow_limit };
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn force_cancel_orders(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
liqor_pk: &Pubkey,
liqee_margin_account_acc: &Pubkey,
base_vault_pk: &Pubkey,
quote_vault_pk: &Pubkey,
spot_market_pk: &Pubkey,
bids_pk: &Pubkey,
asks_pk: &Pubkey,
signer_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_event_queue_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_base_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_quote_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_signer_pk: &Pubkey,
dex_prog_id: &Pubkey,
open_orders_pks: &[Pubkey],
oracle_pks: &[Pubkey],
limit: u8
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let mut accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*liqor_pk, true),
AccountMeta::new(*liqee_margin_account_acc, false),
AccountMeta::new(*base_vault_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*quote_vault_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*spot_market_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*bids_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*asks_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*signer_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*dex_event_queue_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*dex_base_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*dex_quote_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*dex_signer_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(spl_token::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*dex_prog_id, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::clock::ID, false),
|pk| AccountMeta::new(*pk, false))
|pk| AccountMeta::new_readonly(*pk, false))
let instr = MangoInstruction::ForceCancelOrders { limit };
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn partial_liquidate(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
liqor_pk: &Pubkey,
liqor_in_token_pk: &Pubkey,
liqor_out_token_pk: &Pubkey,
liqee_margin_account_acc: &Pubkey,
in_vault_pk: &Pubkey,
out_vault_pk: &Pubkey,
signer_pk: &Pubkey,
open_orders_pks: &[Pubkey],
oracle_pks: &[Pubkey],
max_deposit: u64
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let mut accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*liqor_pk, true),
AccountMeta::new(*liqor_in_token_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*liqor_out_token_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*liqee_margin_account_acc, false),
AccountMeta::new(*in_vault_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*out_vault_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*signer_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(spl_token::ID, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(solana_program::sysvar::clock::ID, false),
|pk| AccountMeta::new_readonly(*pk, false))
|pk| AccountMeta::new_readonly(*pk, false))
let instr = MangoInstruction::PartialLiquidate { max_deposit };
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn add_margin_account_info(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
margin_account_pk: &Pubkey,
owner_pk: &Pubkey,
info: [u8; INFO_LEN]
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new(*margin_account_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*owner_pk, true),
let instr = MangoInstruction::AddMarginAccountInfo { info };
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,
pub fn switch_oracles(
program_id: &Pubkey,
mango_group_pk: &Pubkey,
admin_pk: &Pubkey,
oracle_pks: &[Pubkey],
) -> Result<Instruction, ProgramError> {
let mut accounts = vec![
AccountMeta::new(*mango_group_pk, false),
AccountMeta::new_readonly(*admin_pk, true),
|pk| AccountMeta::new_readonly(*pk, false))
let instr = MangoInstruction::SwitchOracles {};
let data = instr.pack();
Ok(Instruction {
program_id: *program_id,