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// contracts/Bridge.sol
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache 2
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import "../libraries/external/BytesLib.sol";
import "./BridgeGetters.sol";
import "./BridgeSetters.sol";
import "./BridgeStructs.sol";
import "./BridgeGovernance.sol";
import "./token/Token.sol";
import "./token/TokenImplementation.sol";
contract Bridge is BridgeGovernance {
using BytesLib for bytes;
// Produce a AssetMeta message for a given token
function attestToken(address tokenAddress, uint32 nonce) public payable returns (uint64 sequence){
// decimals, symbol & token are not part of the core ERC20 token standard, so we need to support contracts that dont implement them
(,bytes memory queriedDecimals) = tokenAddress.staticcall(abi.encodeWithSignature("decimals()"));
(,bytes memory queriedSymbol) = tokenAddress.staticcall(abi.encodeWithSignature("symbol()"));
(,bytes memory queriedName) = tokenAddress.staticcall(abi.encodeWithSignature("name()"));
uint8 decimals = abi.decode(queriedDecimals, (uint8));
string memory symbolString = abi.decode(queriedSymbol, (string));
string memory nameString = abi.decode(queriedName, (string));
bytes32 symbol;
bytes32 name;
assembly {
// first 32 bytes hold string length
symbol := mload(add(symbolString, 32))
name := mload(add(nameString, 32))
BridgeStructs.AssetMeta memory meta = BridgeStructs.AssetMeta({
payloadID : 2,
// Address of the token. Left-zero-padded if shorter than 32 bytes
tokenAddress : bytes32(uint256(uint160(tokenAddress))),
// Chain ID of the token
tokenChain : chainId(),
// Number of decimals of the token (big-endian uint8)
decimals : decimals,
// Symbol of the token (UTF-8)
symbol : symbol,
// Name of the token (UTF-8)
name : name
bytes memory encoded = encodeAssetMeta(meta);
sequence = wormhole().publishMessage{
value : msg.value
}(nonce, encoded, 15);
function wrapAndTransferETH(uint16 recipientChain, bytes32 recipient, uint256 fee, uint32 nonce) public payable returns (uint64 sequence) {
uint wormholeFee = wormhole().messageFee();
require(wormholeFee < msg.value, "value is smaller than wormhole fee");
value : msg.value - wormholeFee
sequence = logTransfer(chainId(), bytes32(uint256(uint160(address(WETH())))), msg.value, recipientChain, recipient, fee, wormholeFee, nonce);
// Initiate a Transfer
function transferTokens(uint16 tokenChain, bytes32 tokenAddress, uint256 amount, uint16 recipientChain, bytes32 recipient, uint256 fee, uint32 nonce) public payable returns (uint64 sequence) {
if(tokenChain == chainId()){
SafeERC20.safeTransferFrom(IERC20(address(uint160(uint256(tokenAddress)))), msg.sender, address(this), amount);
} else {
address wrapped = wrappedAsset(tokenChain, tokenAddress);
require(wrapped != address(0), "no wrapper for this token created yet");
SafeERC20.safeTransferFrom(IERC20(wrapped), msg.sender, address(this), amount);
TokenImplementation(wrapped).burn(address(this), amount);
sequence = logTransfer(tokenChain, tokenAddress, amount, recipientChain, recipient, fee, msg.value, nonce);
function logTransfer(uint16 tokenChain, bytes32 tokenAddress, uint256 amount, uint16 recipientChain, bytes32 recipient, uint256 fee, uint256 callValue, uint32 nonce) internal returns (uint64 sequence) {
require(fee <= amount, "fee exceeds amount");
BridgeStructs.Transfer memory transfer = BridgeStructs.Transfer({
payloadID : 1,
amount : amount,
tokenAddress : tokenAddress,
tokenChain : tokenChain,
to : recipient,
toChain : recipientChain,
fee : fee
bytes memory encoded = encodeTransfer(transfer);
sequence = wormhole().publishMessage{
value : callValue
}(nonce, encoded, 15);
function createWrapped(bytes memory encodedVm) external returns (address token) {
(IWormhole.VM memory vm, bool valid, string memory reason) = wormhole().parseAndVerifyVM(encodedVm);
require(valid, reason);
require(verifyBridgeVM(vm), "invalid emitter");
BridgeStructs.AssetMeta memory meta = parseAssetMeta(vm.payload);
return _createWrapped(meta);
// Creates a wrapped asset using AssetMeta
function _createWrapped(BridgeStructs.AssetMeta memory meta) internal returns (address token) {
require(meta.tokenChain != chainId(), "can only wrap tokens from foreign chains");
require(wrappedAsset(meta.tokenChain, meta.tokenAddress) == address(0), "wrapped asset already exists");
// initialize the TokenImplementation
bytes memory initialisationArgs = abi.encodeWithSelector(
// initialize the BeaconProxy
bytes memory constructorArgs = abi.encode(address(this), initialisationArgs);
// deployment code
bytes memory bytecode = abi.encodePacked(type(BridgeToken).creationCode, constructorArgs);
bytes32 salt = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(meta.tokenChain, meta.tokenAddress));
assembly {
token := create2(0, add(bytecode, 0x20), mload(bytecode), salt)
if iszero(extcodesize(token)) {
revert(0, 0)
setWrappedAsset(meta.tokenChain, meta.tokenAddress, token);
function completeTransfer(bytes memory encodedVm) public {
_completeTransfer(encodedVm, false);
function completeTransferAndUnwrapETH(bytes memory encodedVm) public {
_completeTransfer(encodedVm, true);
// Execute a Transfer message
function _completeTransfer(bytes memory encodedVm, bool unwrapWETH) internal {
(IWormhole.VM memory vm, bool valid, string memory reason) = wormhole().parseAndVerifyVM(encodedVm);
require(valid, reason);
require(verifyBridgeVM(vm), "invalid emitter");
BridgeStructs.Transfer memory transfer = parseTransfer(vm.payload);
require(!isTransferCompleted(vm.hash), "transfer already completed");
require(transfer.toChain == chainId(), "invalid target chain");
IERC20 transferToken;
if(transfer.tokenChain == chainId()){
transferToken = IERC20(address(uint160(uint256(transfer.tokenAddress))));
} else {
address wrapped = wrappedAsset(transfer.tokenChain, transfer.tokenAddress);
require(wrapped != address(0), "no wrapper for this token created yet");
TokenImplementation(wrapped).mint(address(this), transfer.amount);
transferToken = IERC20(wrapped);
if(transfer.fee > 0) {
require(transfer.fee <= transfer.amount, "fee higher than transferred amount");
if (unwrapWETH) {
require(address(transferToken) == address(WETH()), "invalid token, can only unwrap ETH");
} else {
SafeERC20.safeTransfer(transferToken, msg.sender, transfer.fee);
uint transferAmount = transfer.amount - transfer.fee;
address payable transferRecipient = payable(address(uint160(uint256(;
if (unwrapWETH) {
require(address(transferToken) == address(WETH()), "invalid token, can only unwrap ETH");
} else {
SafeERC20.safeTransfer(transferToken, transferRecipient, transferAmount);
function verifyBridgeVM(IWormhole.VM memory vm) internal view returns (bool){
if (bridgeContracts(vm.emitterChainId) == vm.emitterAddress) {
return true;
return false;
function encodeAssetMeta(BridgeStructs.AssetMeta memory meta) public pure returns(bytes memory encoded) {
encoded = abi.encodePacked(
function encodeTransfer(BridgeStructs.Transfer memory transfer) public pure returns (bytes memory encoded) {
encoded = abi.encodePacked(
function parseAssetMeta(bytes memory encoded) public pure returns(BridgeStructs.AssetMeta memory meta) {
uint index = 0;
meta.payloadID = encoded.toUint8(index);
index += 1;
require(meta.payloadID == 2, "invalid AssetMeta");
meta.tokenAddress = encoded.toBytes32(index);
index += 32;
meta.tokenChain = encoded.toUint16(index);
index += 2;
meta.decimals = encoded.toUint8(index);
index += 1;
meta.symbol = encoded.toBytes32(index);
index += 32; = encoded.toBytes32(index);
index += 32;
require(encoded.length == index, "invalid AssetMeta");
function parseTransfer(bytes memory encoded) public pure returns(BridgeStructs.Transfer memory transfer) {
uint index = 0;
transfer.payloadID = encoded.toUint8(index);
index += 1;
require(transfer.payloadID == 1, "invalid Transfer");
transfer.amount = encoded.toUint256(index);
index += 32;
transfer.tokenAddress = encoded.toBytes32(index);
index += 32;
transfer.tokenChain = encoded.toUint16(index);
index += 2; = encoded.toBytes32(index);
index += 32;
transfer.toChain = encoded.toUint16(index);
index += 2;
transfer.fee = encoded.toUint256(index);
index += 32;
require(encoded.length == index, "invalid Transfer");
function bytes32ToString(bytes32 input) internal pure returns (string memory) {
uint256 i;
while(i < 32 && input[i] != 0) {
bytes memory array = new bytes(i);
for (uint c = 0; c < i; c++) {
array[c] = input[c];
return string(array);
// we need to accept ETH sends to unwrap WETH
receive() external payable {}