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# Developing the bridge
## Local Devnet
The following dependencies are required for local development:
- [Go]( >= 1.16.6
- [Docker]( / moby-engine >= 19.03
- [Tilt]( >= 0.20.8
- [NodeJS/npm]( >= 14
- Any of the local Kubernetes clusters supported by Tilt.
We recommend [minikube]( >= v1.21.0 with the kvm2 driver.
See the [Tilt docs]( docs on how to set up your local cluster -
2020-11-10 07:31:05 -08:00
it won't take more than a few minutes to set up! Example minikube invocation, adjust limits as needed:
minikube start --cpus=8 --memory=8G --disk-size=50G --driver=kvm2
2020-11-10 10:39:32 -08:00
npm wants to set up an insane number of inotify watches in the web container which may exceed kernel limits.
The minikube default is too low, adjust it like this:
minikube ssh 'echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf && sudo sysctl -p'
This should work on Linux, MacOS and possibly even Windows.
By default, the devnet is deployed to the `wormhole` namespace rather than `default`. This makes it easy to clean up the
entire deployment by simply removing the namespace, which isn't possible with `default`. Change your default namespace
to avoid having to specify `-n wormhole` for all commands:
kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=wormhole
After installing all dependencies, just run `tilt up`.
Whenever you modify a file, the devnet is automatically rebuilt and a rolling update is done.
Launch the devnet while specifying the number of guardians nodes to run (default is five):
tilt up -- --num=1
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If you want to work on non-consensus parts of the code, running with a single guardian is easiest since
you won't have to wait for k8s to restart all pods.
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## Usage
Watch pod status in your cluster:
kubectl get pod -A -w
Get logs for single guardian node:
kubectl logs guardian-0
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Restart a specific pod:
kubectl delete pod guardian-0
2021-01-23 09:25:00 -08:00
Adjust number of nodes in running cluster: (this is only useful if you want to test scenarios where the number
of nodes diverges from the guardian set - otherwise, `tilt down --delete-namespaces` and restart the cluster)
tilt args -- --num=2
Tear down cluster:
tilt down --delete-namespaces
Once you're done, press Ctrl-C. Run `tilt down` to tear down the devnet.
### Post messages
To Solana:
kubectl exec solana-devnet-0 -c setup -- client post-message Bridge1p5gheXUvJ6jGWGeCsgPKgnE3YgdGKRVCMY9o 1 confirmed ffff
To Solana as CPI instruction:
kubectl exec solana-devnet-0 -c setup -- client post-message --proxy CP1co2QMMoDPbsmV7PGcUTLFwyhgCgTXt25gLQ5LewE1 Bridge1p5gheXUvJ6jGWGeCsgPKgnE3YgdGKRVCMY9o 1 confirmed ffff
## IntelliJ Protobuf Autocompletion
Set the include path:
## BigTable event persistence
Guardian events can be persisted to a BigTable instance. Launch the devnet with flags supplying your database info to enable forwarding events:
tilt up -- --num=1 --bigTablePersistence --gcpProject=your-project-id --bigTableKeyPath=./your-service-account-key.json