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# Solana Wormhole Program
The `Wormhole` program acts as a bridge for Solana \<> Foreign Chain transfers using the WhP (WormHoleProtocol).
## Instructions
#### Initialize
Initializes a new Bridge at `bridge`.
| Index | Name | Type | signer | writeable | empty | derived |
| ----- | ------ | ------------ | ------ | --------- | ----- | ------- |
| 0 | bridge | BridgeConfig | | | ✅️ | ✅️ |
| 1 | clock | Sysvar | | | | ✅ |
| 2 | guardian_set | GuardianSet | | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
| 3 | sender | Account | ✅ | | | |
#### TransferOut
Burns a wrapped asset `token` from `sender` on the Solana chain.
The transfer proposal will be tracked at a new account `proposal` where VAAs will be submitted by guardians.
| Index | Name | Type | signer | writeable | empty | derived |
| ----- | -------- | ------------------- | ------ | --------- | ----- | ------- |
| 0 | sender | TokenAccount | | ✅ | | |
| 1 | clock | Sysvar | | | | ✅ |
| 2 | bridge | BridgeConfig | | | | |
| 3 | proposal | TransferOutProposal | | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
| 4 | token | WrappedAsset | | ✅ | | ✅ |
#### TransferOutNative
Locks a Solana native token (spl-token) `token` from `sender` on the Solana chain by transferring it to the
The transfer proposal will be tracked at a new account `proposal` where a VAA will be submitted by guardians.
| Index | Name | Type | signer | writeable | empty | derived |
| ----- | --------------- | ------------------- | ------ | --------- | ----- | ------- |
| 0 | sender | TokenAccount | | ✅ | | |
| 1 | bridge | BridgeConfig | | | | |
| 2 | proposal | TransferOutProposal | | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
| 3 | token | Mint | | ✅ | | |
| 4 | custody_account | TokenAccount | | ✅ | opt | ✅ |
| 5-n | sender_owner | Account | ✅ | | | |
#### EvictTransferOut
Deletes a `proposal` after the `VAA_EXPIRATION_TIME` to free up space on chain. This returns the rent to `guardian`.
| Index | Name | Type | signer | writeable | empty | derived |
| ----- | -------- | ------------------- | ------ | --------- | ----- | ------- |
| 0 | guardian | Account | ✅ | | | |
| 1 | clock | Sysvar | | | | ✅ |
| 2 | bridge | BridgeConfig | | | | |
| 3 | proposal | TransferOutProposal | | ✅ | | ✅ |
| 4-n | sender_owner | Account | ✅ | | | |
#### EvictExecutedVAA
Deletes a `ExecutedVAA` after the `VAA_EXPIRATION_TIME` to free up space on chain. This returns the rent to `guardian`.
| Index | Name | Type | signer | writeable | empty | derived |
| ----- | -------- | ------------------- | ------ | --------- | ----- | ------- |
| 0 | guardian | Account | ✅ | | | |
| 1 | clock | Sysvar | | | | ✅ |
| 2 | bridge | BridgeConfig | | | | |
| 3 | proposal | ExecutedVAA | | ✅ | | ✅ |
#### PostVAA
Submits a VAA signed by the guardians to perform an action.
The required accounts depend on the `action` of the VAA:
##### Guardian set update
| Index | Name | Type | signer | writeable | empty | derived |
| ----- | ------------ | ------------------- | ------ | --------- | ----- | ------- |
| 0 | bridge | BridgeConfig | | ✅ | | |
| 1 | clock | Sysvar | | | | ✅ |
| 2 | guardian_set_old | GuardianSet | | ✅ | | ✅ |
| 3 | claim | ExecutedVAA | | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
| 4 | guardian_set | GuardianSet | | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
##### Transfer: Ethereum (native) -> Solana (wrapped)
| Index | Name | Type | signer | writeable | empty | derived |
| ----- | ------------ | ------------ | ------ | --------- | ----- | ------- |
| 0 | bridge | BridgeConfig | | | | |
| 1 | clock | Sysvar | | | | ✅ |
| 2 | guardian_set | GuardianSet | | | | |
| 3 | claim | ExecutedVAA | | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
| 4 | token | WrappedAsset | | | opt | ✅ |
| 5 | destination | TokenAccount | | ✅ | opt | |
| 6 | sender | Account | ✅ | | | |
##### Transfer: Ethereum (wrapped) -> Solana (native)
| Index | Name | Type | signer | writeable | empty | derived |
| ----- | ------------ | ------------ | ------ | --------- | ----- | ------- |
| 0 | bridge | BridgeConfig | | | | |
| 1 | clock | Sysvar | | | | ✅ |
| 2 | guardian_set | GuardianSet | | | | |
| 3 | claim | ExecutedVAA | | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
| 4 | token | Mint | | | | ✅ |
| 6 | destination | TokenAccount | | ✅ | opt | |
| 5 | custody_src | TokenAccount | | ✅ | | ✅ |
##### Transfer: Solana (any) -> Ethereum (any)
| Index | Name | Type | signer | writeable | empty | derived |
| ----- | ------------ | ------------------- | ------ | --------- | ----- | ------- |
| 0 | bridge | BridgeConfig | | | | |
| 1 | clock | Sysvar | | | | ✅ |
| 2 | guardian_set | GuardianSet | | | | |
| 3 | claim | ExecutedVAA | | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
| 4 | out_proposal | TransferOutProposal | | ✅ | | ✅ |
| 5 | sender | Account | ✅ | | | |
## Accounts
The following types of accounts are owned by creators of bridges:
#### _BridgeConfig_ Account
This account tracks the configuration of the transfer bridge.
| Parameter | Description |
| ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| VAA_EXPIRATION_TIME | Period for how long a VAA is valid. This exists to guarantee data availability and prevent replays|
| GUARDIAN_SET_INDEX | Index of the current active guardian set //TODO do we need to track this if the VAA contains the index? |
## Program Accounts
The program own the following types of accounts:
#### _ExecutedVAA_ Account
> Seed derivation: `executedvaa_<vaa_hash>`
> **vaa_hash**: Hash of the VAA
This account is created when a VAA is executed/consumed on Solana (i.e. not when a TransferOutProposal is approved).
It tracks a used VAA to protect from replay attacks where a VAA is executed multiple times. This account stays active
until the `VAA_EXPIRATION_TIME` has passed and can then be evicted using `IEvictExecutedVAA`.
#### _GuardianSet_ Account
> Seed derivation: `guardians_<index>`
> **index**: Index of the guardian set
This account is created when a new guardian set is set. It tracks the public key, creation time and expiration time of
this set.
The expiration time is set when this guardian set is abandoned. When a switchover happens, the guardian-issued VAAs will
still be valid until the expiration time.
#### _TransferOutProposal_ Account
> Seed derivation: `out_<chain>_<asset>_<transfer_hash>`
> **chain**: CHAIN_ID of the native chain of this asset
> **asset**: address of the asset
> **transfer_hash**: Random ID of the transfer
This account is created when a user wants to lock tokens to transfer them to a foreign chain using the `ITransferOut`
It is used to signal a pending transfer to a foreign chain and will also store the respective VAA provided using
Once the VAA has been published this TransferOut is considered completed and can be evicted using `EvictTransferOut`
after `VAA_EXPIRATION_TIME` has passed.
#### _WrappedAsset_ Mint
> Seed derivation: `wrapped_<chain>_<asset>`
> **chain**: CHAIN_ID of the native chain of this asset
> **asset**: address of the asset on the foreign chain
This account is an instance of `spl-token/Mint` tracks a wrapped asset on the Solana chain.
#### _NativeAsset_ TokenAccount
> Seed derivation: `custody_<asset>`
> **asset**: address of the asset on the native chain
This account is an instance of `spl-token/TokenAccount` and holds spl tokens in custody that have been transferred to a
foreign chain.