Add solana bridge CLI
Change-Id: I79f7abdb7472c63b3a03f4e3c2ede70953a5037a
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
import yargs from "yargs";
const {hideBin} = require('yargs/helpers')
import * as bridge from "bridge";
import * as web3 from '@solana/web3.js';
import {PublicKey, Transaction, TransactionInstruction, AccountMeta, Keypair, Connection} from "@solana/web3.js";
import {post_message_ix} from "bridge";
.command('post_message [nonce] [message] [consistency]', 'post a message', (yargs) => {
return yargs
.positional('nonce', {
describe: 'nonce of the message',
type: "number",
required: true
.positional('message', {
describe: 'message to post',
type: "string",
required: true
.positional('consistency', {
describe: 'confirmation level that this message requires <CONFIRMED|FINALIZED>',
type: "string",
required: true
}, async (argv: any) => {
let connection = setupConnection(argv);
let bridge_id = new PublicKey(argv.bridge);
// Generate a new random public key
let from = web3.Keypair.generate();
let emitter = web3.Keypair.generate();
let airdropSignature = await connection.requestAirdrop(
await connection.confirmTransaction(airdropSignature);
let fee_acc = await bridge.fee_collector_address(bridge_id.toString());
let bridge_state = await get_bridge_state(connection, bridge_id);
let transferIx = web3.SystemProgram.transfer({
fromPubkey: from.publicKey,
toPubkey: new PublicKey(fee_acc),
lamports: bridge_state.config.fee,
if (argv.consistency !== "CONFIRMED" && argv.consistency !== "FINALIZED") {
throw new Error("invalid consistency level")
let ix = ixFromRust(post_message_ix(bridge_id.toString(), from.publicKey.toString(), emitter.publicKey.toString(), argv.nonce, Buffer.from(argv.message, "hex"), argv.consistency));
// Add transfer instruction to transaction
let transaction = new web3.Transaction().add(transferIx, ix);
// Sign transaction, broadcast, and confirm
let signature = await web3.sendAndConfirmTransaction(
[from, emitter],
skipPreflight: true
console.log('SIGNATURE', signature);
.command('post_vaa [vaa]', 'post a VAA on Solana', (yargs) => {
return yargs
.positional('vaa', {
describe: 'vaa to post',
type: "string",
required: true
}, async (argv: any) => {
let connection = setupConnection(argv);
let bridge_id = new PublicKey(argv.bridge);
// Generate a new random public key
let from = web3.Keypair.generate();
let airdropSignature = await connection.requestAirdrop(
await connection.confirmTransaction(airdropSignature);
let vaa = Buffer.from(argv.vaa, "hex");
await post_vaa(connection, bridge_id, from, vaa);
.command('execute_governance_vaa [vaa]', 'execute a governance VAA on Solana', (yargs) => {
return yargs
.positional('vaa', {
describe: 'vaa to post',
type: "string",
required: true
}, async (argv: any) => {
let connection = setupConnection(argv);
let bridge_id = new PublicKey(argv.bridge);
// Generate a new random public key
let from = web3.Keypair.generate();
let airdropSignature = await connection.requestAirdrop(
await connection.confirmTransaction(airdropSignature);
let vaa = Buffer.from(argv.vaa, "hex");
await post_vaa(connection, bridge_id, from, vaa);
let parsed_vaa = await bridge.parse_vaa(vaa);
let ix: TransactionInstruction;
switch (parsed_vaa.payload[32]) {
case 1:
console.log("Upgrading contract")
ix = bridge.upgrade_contract_ix(bridge_id.toString(), from.publicKey.toString(), from.publicKey.toString(), vaa);
case 2:
console.log("Updating guardian set")
ix = bridge.update_guardian_set_ix(bridge_id.toString(), from.publicKey.toString(), vaa);
case 3:
console.log("Setting fees")
ix = bridge.set_fees_ix(bridge_id.toString(), from.publicKey.toString(), vaa);
case 4:
console.log("Transferring fees")
ix = bridge.transfer_fees_ix(bridge_id.toString(), from.publicKey.toString(), vaa);
throw new Error("unknown governance action")
let transaction = new web3.Transaction().add(ixFromRust(ix));
// Sign transaction, broadcast, and confirm
let signature = await web3.sendAndConfirmTransaction(
skipPreflight: true
console.log('SIGNATURE', signature);
.option('rpc', {
alias: 'u',
type: 'string',
description: 'URL of the Solana RPC',
default: "http://localhost:8899"
.option('bridge', {
alias: 'b',
type: 'string',
description: 'Bridge address',
default: "Bridge1p5gheXUvJ6jGWGeCsgPKgnE3YgdGKRVCMY9o"
async function post_vaa(connection: Connection, bridge_id: PublicKey, payer: Keypair, vaa: Buffer) {
let bridge_state = await get_bridge_state(connection, bridge_id);
let guardian_addr = new PublicKey(bridge.guardian_set_address(bridge_id.toString(), bridge_state.guardian_set_index));
let acc = await connection.getAccountInfo(guardian_addr);
if (acc?.data === undefined) {
let guardian_data = bridge.parse_guardian_set(new Uint8Array(acc?.data));
let signature_set = Keypair.generate();
let txs = bridge.verify_signatures_ix(bridge_id.toString(), payer.publicKey.toString(), bridge_state.guardian_set_index, guardian_data, signature_set.publicKey.toString(), vaa)
// Add transfer instruction to transaction
for (let tx of txs) {
let ixs: Array<TransactionInstruction> = any) => {
return ixFromRust(v)
let transaction = new web3.Transaction().add(ixs[0], ixs[1]);
// Sign transaction, broadcast, and confirm
await web3.sendAndConfirmTransaction(
[payer, signature_set],
skipPreflight: true
let ix = ixFromRust(bridge.post_vaa_ix(bridge_id.toString(), payer.publicKey.toString(), signature_set.publicKey.toString(), vaa));
let transaction = new web3.Transaction().add(ix);
// Sign transaction, broadcast, and confirm
let signature = await web3.sendAndConfirmTransaction(
skipPreflight: true
console.log('SIGNATURE', signature);
async function get_bridge_state(connection: Connection, bridge_id: PublicKey): Promise<BridgeState> {
let bridge_state = new PublicKey(bridge.state_address(bridge_id.toString()));
let acc = await connection.getAccountInfo(bridge_state);
if (acc?.data === undefined) {
throw new Error("bridge state not found")
return bridge.parse_state(new Uint8Array(acc?.data));
function setupConnection(argv: yargs.Arguments): web3.Connection {
return new web3.Connection(
argv.rpc as string,
function ixFromRust(data: any): TransactionInstruction {
let keys: Array<AccountMeta> =
return new TransactionInstruction({
programId: new PublicKey(data.program_id),
data: Buffer.from(,
keys: keys,
function accountMetaFromRust(meta: any): AccountMeta {
return {
pubkey: new PublicKey(meta.pubkey),
isSigner: meta.is_signer,
isWritable: meta.is_writable,
interface BridgeState {
// The current guardian set index, used to decide which signature sets to accept.
guardian_set_index: number,
// Lamports in the collection account
last_lamports: number,
// Bridge configuration, which is set once upon initialization.
config: BridgeConfig,
interface BridgeConfig {
// Period for how long a guardian set is valid after it has been replaced by a new one. This
// guarantees that VAAs issued by that set can still be submitted for a certain period. In
// this period we still trust the old guardian set.
guardian_set_expiration_time: number,
// Amount of lamports that needs to be paid to the protocol to post a message
fee: number,
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
"name": "wormhole-client-solana",
"version": "1.0.0",
"dependencies": {
"@solana/web3.js": "^1.22.0",
"bn.js": "^5.2.0",
"bs58": "^4.0.1",
"buffer-layout": "^1.2.2",
"npm": "^7.20.0",
"yargs": "^17.0.1"
"scripts": {
"start": "tsc && node main.js",
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/bs58": "^4.0.1",
"@types/bn.js": "^5.1.0",
"@types/yargs": "^17.0.2",
"bridge": "file:./pkg",
"typescript": "^4.3.5"
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
"compilerOptions": {
/* Visit to read more about this file */
/* Basic Options */
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"target": "es5", /* Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', 'ES2015', 'ES2016', 'ES2017', 'ES2018', 'ES2019', 'ES2020', 'ES2021', or 'ESNEXT'. */
"module": "commonjs", /* Specify module code generation: 'none', 'commonjs', 'amd', 'system', 'umd', 'es2015', 'es2020', or 'ESNext'. */
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// "sourceMap": true, /* Generates corresponding '.map' file. */
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// "isolatedModules": true, /* Transpile each file as a separate module (similar to 'ts.transpileModule'). */
/* Strict Type-Checking Options */
"strict": true, /* Enable all strict type-checking options. */
// "noImplicitAny": true, /* Raise error on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type. */
// "strictNullChecks": true, /* Enable strict null checks. */
// "strictFunctionTypes": true, /* Enable strict checking of function types. */
// "strictBindCallApply": true, /* Enable strict 'bind', 'call', and 'apply' methods on functions. */
// "strictPropertyInitialization": true, /* Enable strict checking of property initialization in classes. */
// "noImplicitThis": true, /* Raise error on 'this' expressions with an implied 'any' type. */
// "alwaysStrict": true, /* Parse in strict mode and emit "use strict" for each source file. */
/* Additional Checks */
// "noUnusedLocals": true, /* Report errors on unused locals. */
// "noUnusedParameters": true, /* Report errors on unused parameters. */
// "noImplicitReturns": true, /* Report error when not all code paths in function return a value. */
// "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true, /* Report errors for fallthrough cases in switch statement. */
// "noUncheckedIndexedAccess": true, /* Include 'undefined' in index signature results */
// "noImplicitOverride": true, /* Ensure overriding members in derived classes are marked with an 'override' modifier. */
// "noPropertyAccessFromIndexSignature": true, /* Require undeclared properties from index signatures to use element accesses. */
/* Module Resolution Options */
"moduleResolution": "node", /* Specify module resolution strategy: 'node' (Node.js) or 'classic' (TypeScript pre-1.6). */
// "baseUrl": "./", /* Base directory to resolve non-absolute module names. */
// "paths": {}, /* A series of entries which re-map imports to lookup locations relative to the 'baseUrl'. */
// "rootDirs": [], /* List of root folders whose combined content represents the structure of the project at runtime. */
// "typeRoots": [], /* List of folders to include type definitions from. */
// "types": [], /* Type declaration files to be included in compilation. */
// "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true, /* Allow default imports from modules with no default export. This does not affect code emit, just typechecking. */
"esModuleInterop": true, /* Enables emit interoperability between CommonJS and ES Modules via creation of namespace objects for all imports. Implies 'allowSyntheticDefaultImports'. */
// "preserveSymlinks": true, /* Do not resolve the real path of symlinks. */
// "allowUmdGlobalAccess": true, /* Allow accessing UMD globals from modules. */
/* Source Map Options */
// "sourceRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate TypeScript files instead of source locations. */
// "mapRoot": "", /* Specify the location where debugger should locate map files instead of generated locations. */
// "inlineSourceMap": true, /* Emit a single file with source maps instead of having a separate file. */
// "inlineSources": true, /* Emit the source alongside the sourcemaps within a single file; requires '--inlineSourceMap' or '--sourceMap' to be set. */
/* Experimental Options */
// "experimentalDecorators": true, /* Enables experimental support for ES7 decorators. */
// "emitDecoratorMetadata": true, /* Enables experimental support for emitting type metadata for decorators. */
/* Advanced Options */
"skipLibCheck": true, /* Skip type checking of declaration files. */
"forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true /* Disallow inconsistently-cased references to the same file. */
Reference in New Issue