# Local DevNet: SPY_SERVICE_HOST= # Filters (if provided) should be valid JSON like below: # These filters tell the spy to only retrieve messages sent from certain chains/contracts. # See the docker-compose..yaml files for the appropriate configuration for a # testnet/mainnet pyth price_service deployment. SPY_SERVICE_FILTERS=[{"chain_id":1,"emitter_address":"71f8dcb863d176e2c420ad6610cf687359612b6fb392e0642b0ca6b1f186aa3b"}] # Number of seconds to sync with spy to be sure to have latest messages READINESS_SPY_SYNC_TIME_SECONDS=60 READINESS_NUM_LOADED_SYMBOLS=5 WS_PORT=6200 REST_PORT=4200 PROM_PORT=8081 # The default is to log with level info. #LOG_LEVEL=debug REMOVE_EXPIRED_VALUES_INTERVAL_SECONDS=60 CACHE_TTL_SECONDS=300