# syntax=docker/dockerfile:1.2 # Wormhole-specific setup for pyth FROM pythfoundation/pyth-client:devnet-v2.20.0 USER root # At the time of this writing, debian is fussy about performing an # apt-get update. Please add one if repos go stale RUN apt-get install -y netcat-openbsd python3 && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ADD tilt_devnet/secrets/solana/ /solana-secrets ENV PYTH_KEY_STORE=/home/pyth/.pythd # Prepare keys WORKDIR $PYTH_KEY_STORE RUN cp /solana-secrets/pyth_publisher.json publish_key_pair.json && \ cp /solana-secrets/pyth_program.json program_key_pair.json && \ chown pyth:pyth -R . && \ chmod go-rwx -R . ENV PYTH_SRC_ROOT=/home/pyth/pyth-client WORKDIR $PYTH_SRC_ROOT/build # Prepare setup script ADD third_party/pyth/pyth_utils.py /opt/pyth/pyth_utils.py ADD third_party/pyth/pyth_publisher.py /opt/pyth/pyth_publisher.py RUN chmod a+rx /opt/pyth/*.py USER pyth ENV PYTH=$PYTH_SRC_ROOT/build/pyth ENV PYTH_ADMIN=$PYTH_SRC_ROOT/build/pyth_admin ENV READINESS_PORT=2000 ENV SOL_AIRDROP_AMT=100