#!/usr/bin/env python3 # This script is a CI test in tilt that verifies that prices are flowing through the entire system properly. # It checks that all prices being published by the pyth publisher are showing up at the price service. import base58 import logging import time from pyth_utils import * logging.basicConfig( level=logging.DEBUG, format="%(asctime)s | %(module)s | %(levelname)s | %(message)s" ) # Where to read the set of accounts from PYTH_TEST_ACCOUNTS_HOST = "pyth" PYTH_TEST_ACCOUNTS_PORT = 4242 PRICE_SERVICE_HOST = "pyth-price-service" PRICE_SERVICE_PORT = 4200 def base58_to_hex(base58_string): asc_string = base58.b58decode(base58_string) return asc_string.hex() all_prices_attested = False while not all_prices_attested: publisher_state_map = get_pyth_accounts(PYTH_TEST_ACCOUNTS_HOST, PYTH_TEST_ACCOUNTS_PORT) pyth_price_account_ids = sorted([base58_to_hex(x["price"]) for x in publisher_state_map["symbols"]]) price_ids = sorted(get_json(PRICE_SERVICE_HOST, PRICE_SERVICE_PORT, "/api/price_feed_ids")) if price_ids == pyth_price_account_ids: if publisher_state_map["all_symbols_added"]: logging.info("Price ids match and all symbols added. Enabling readiness probe") all_prices_attested = True else: logging.info("Price ids match but still waiting for more symbols to come online.") else: logging.info("Price ids do not match") logging.info(f"published ids: {pyth_price_account_ids}") logging.info(f"attested ids: {price_ids}") time.sleep(10) # Let k8s know the service is up readiness()