use std::{ env, path::PathBuf, process::{ Command, Stdio, }, }; fn main() { let out_dir = PathBuf::from(env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap()); let out_var = env::var("OUT_DIR").unwrap(); // Download the Wormhole repository at a certain tag, which we need to access the protobuf definitions // for Wormhole P2P message types. // // TODO: This is ugly. Instead of this we should have our own tool // build process that can generate protobuf definitions for this and other user cases. For now // this is easy and works and matches upstream Wormhole's `Makefile`. const WORMHOLE_VERSION: &str = "2.18.1"; let wh_curl = Command::new("curl") .args([ "-s", "-L", format!("{WORMHOLE_VERSION}.tar.gz").as_str(), ]) .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .spawn() .expect("failed to download wormhole archive"); let _ = Command::new("tar") .args(["xvz"]) .stdin(Stdio::from(wh_curl.stdout.unwrap())) .output() .expect("failed to extract wormhole archive"); // Move the tools directory to the root of the repo because that's where the build script // expects it to be, paths get hardcoded into the binaries. let _ = Command::new("mv") .args([ format!("wormhole-{WORMHOLE_VERSION}/tools").as_str(), "tools", ]) .output() .expect("failed to move wormhole tools directory"); // Move the protobuf definitions to the src/network directory, we don't have to do this // but it is more intuitive when debugging. let _ = Command::new("mv") .args([ format!("wormhole-{WORMHOLE_VERSION}/proto/gossip/v1/gossip.proto").as_str(), "src/network/p2p.proto", ]) .output() .expect("failed to move wormhole protobuf definitions"); // Build the protobuf compiler. let _ = Command::new("./") .current_dir("tools") .output() .expect("failed to run protobuf compiler build script"); // Make the protobuf compiler executable. let _ = Command::new("chmod") .args(["+x", "tools/bin/*"]) .output() .expect("failed to make protofuf compiler executable"); // Generate the protobuf definitions. See buf.gen.yaml to see how we rename the module for our // particular use case. let _ = Command::new("./tools/bin/buf") .args(["generate", "--path", "src"]) .output() .expect("failed to generate protobuf definitions"); let rust_target_arch = std::env::var("CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH").unwrap(); // Build the Go library. let mut cmd = Command::new("go"); cmd.arg("build") .arg("-buildmode=c-archive") .arg("-o") .arg(out_dir.join("libpythnet.a")) .arg("src/network/p2p.go") .arg("src/network/p2p.pb.go"); // Cross-compile the Go binary based on the Rust target architecture match &*rust_target_arch { "x86_64" => { // CGO_ENABLED required for building amd64 on mac os cmd.env("GOARCH", "amd64").env("CGO_ENABLED", "1"); } "aarch64" => { cmd.env("GOARCH", "arm64"); } // Add other target architectures as needed. _ => {} } // Tell Rust to link our Go library at compile time. println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={out_var}"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=pythnet"); println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=resolv"); let go_build_output = cmd.output().expect("Failed to execute Go build command"); if !go_build_output.status.success() { let error_message = String::from_utf8_lossy(&go_build_output.stderr); panic!("Go build failed:\n{}", error_message); } }