# protos local_resource( name = "proto-gen", deps = "proto/*", cmd = "./generate.sh", ) # bridge docker_build( ref = "guardiand-image", context = "bridge", dockerfile = "bridge/Dockerfile", ) k8s_yaml("devnet/bridge.yaml") k8s_resource("guardian") # solana smart contract components docker_build( ref = "solana-agent", context = ".", only = ["./proto", "./solana"], dockerfile = "Dockerfile.agent", ignore = ["./solana/target","./solana/agent/target", "./solana/cli/target"], ) # solana local devnet docker_build( ref = "solana-devnet", context = "third_party/solana", dockerfile = "third_party/solana/Dockerfile", ) k8s_yaml("devnet/solana-devnet.yaml") k8s_resource("solana-devnet") # eth devnet # TODO: Slow - takes ~30s to rebuild on a no-op, even with caching, because npm sucks. # We might want to add excludes here and use file sync for smart contract developmeent. docker_build( ref = "eth-node", context = "./ethereum", dockerfile = "./ethereum/Dockerfile", # ignore local node_modules (in case they're present) ignore = ["./ethereum/node_modules"], # sync smart contract changes to running container for incremental development # (rebuilding the container is way too slow, thanks npm!) # # This relies on --update-mode=exec to work properly with a non-root user. # https://github.com/tilt-dev/tilt/issues/3708 live_update = [ sync("./ethereum", "/home/node/app"), ], ) k8s_yaml("devnet/eth-devnet.yaml") k8s_resource("eth-devnet")