import yargs from "yargs"; import { hideBin } from "yargs/helpers"; import { DefaultStore } from "../src"; import { PriceServiceConnection } from "@pythnetwork/price-service-client"; const parser = yargs(hideBin(process.argv)) .scriptName("update_pricefeed.ts") .usage( "Usage: $0 --contract --feed-id --private-key " ) .options({ contract: { type: "string", demandOption: true, desc: "Contract to update price feeds for (e.g mumbai_0xff1a0f4744e8582DF1aE09D5611b887B6a12925C)", }, "feed-id": { type: "array", demandOption: true, desc: "Price feed ids to update without the leading 0x (e.g f9c0172ba10dfa4d19088d94f5bf61d3b54d5bd7483a322a982e1373ee8ea31b). Can be provided multiple times for multiple feed updates", }, "private-key": { type: "string", demandOption: true, desc: "Private key to use to sign transaction", }, endpoint: { type: "string", desc: "Price service endpoint to use, defaults to for mainnet and for testnet", }, }); async function main() { const argv = await parser.argv; const contract = DefaultStore.contracts[argv.contract]; if (!contract) { throw new Error(`Contract ${argv.contract} not found`); } const defaultEndpoint = contract.getChain().isMainnet() ? "" : ""; const priceService = new PriceServiceConnection( argv.endpoint || defaultEndpoint ); const vaas = await priceService.getLatestVaas(argv["feed-id"] as string[]); await contract.executeUpdatePriceFeed( argv["private-key"], => Buffer.from(vaa, "base64")) ); } main();