module pyth::state { use pyth::price_identifier::PriceIdentifier; use pyth::contract_upgrade_hash::Hash; use pyth::data_source::DataSource; use pyth::price_info::PriceInfo; use std::table::{Self, Table}; use pyth::set::{Self, Set}; use std::vector; use pyth::error; use std::account; friend pyth::pyth; friend pyth::governance; friend pyth::contract_upgrade; friend pyth::set_governance_data_source; friend pyth::set_update_fee; friend pyth::set_stale_price_threshold; friend pyth::set_data_sources; #[test_only] friend pyth::governance_test; /// The valid data sources an attestation VAA can be emitted from struct DataSources has key { sources: Set, } /// How long a cached price is considered valid for struct StalePriceThreshold has key { threshold_secs: u64, } /// The update fee charged per VAA struct BaseUpdateFee has key { fee: u64, } /// The Pyth contract signer capability struct SignerCapability has key { signer_capability: account::SignerCapability, } /// Mapping of cached price information /// /// WARNING: do not directly read out of this table, instead use /// the checked `pyth::get_price` method. This ensures that the price /// is recent enough. struct LatestPriceInfo has key { info: Table, } /// The allowed data source for governance VAAs struct GovernanceDataSource has key { source: DataSource, } /// The last executed governance VAA sequence number struct LastExecutedGovernanceSequence has key { sequence: u64, } /// The hash of the code of the authorized contract upgrade struct ContractUpgradeAuthorized has key { hash: Hash, } // Initialization public(friend) fun init( pyth: &signer, stale_price_threshold: u64, update_fee: u64, governance_data_source: DataSource, data_sources: vector, signer_capability: account::SignerCapability) { move_to(pyth, StalePriceThreshold{ threshold_secs: stale_price_threshold, }); move_to(pyth, BaseUpdateFee{ fee: update_fee, }); let sources = set::new(); while (!vector::is_empty(&data_sources)) { set::add(&mut sources, vector::pop_back(&mut data_sources)); }; move_to(pyth, DataSources{ sources, }); move_to(pyth, GovernanceDataSource{ source: governance_data_source, }); move_to(pyth, LastExecutedGovernanceSequence{ sequence: 0, }); move_to(pyth, SignerCapability{ signer_capability: signer_capability, }); move_to(pyth, LatestPriceInfo{ info: table::new(), }); } // Accessors public fun get_stale_price_threshold_secs(): u64 acquires StalePriceThreshold { borrow_global(@pyth).threshold_secs } public fun get_base_update_fee(): u64 acquires BaseUpdateFee { borrow_global(@pyth).fee } public fun is_valid_data_source(data_source: DataSource): bool acquires DataSources { set::contains(&borrow_global(@pyth).sources, data_source) } public fun is_valid_governance_data_source(source: DataSource): bool acquires GovernanceDataSource { let governance_data_source = borrow_global(@pyth); governance_data_source.source == source } public fun get_last_executed_governance_sequence(): u64 acquires LastExecutedGovernanceSequence { let last_executed_governance_sequence = borrow_global(@pyth); last_executed_governance_sequence.sequence } public fun price_info_cached(price_identifier: PriceIdentifier): bool acquires LatestPriceInfo { let latest_price_info = borrow_global(@pyth); table::contains(&, price_identifier) } public fun get_latest_price_info(price_identifier: PriceIdentifier): PriceInfo acquires LatestPriceInfo { assert!(price_info_cached(price_identifier), error::unknown_price_feed()); let latest_price_info = borrow_global(@pyth); *table::borrow(&, price_identifier) } public fun get_contract_upgrade_authorized_hash(): Hash acquires ContractUpgradeAuthorized { assert!(exists(@pyth), error::unauthorized_upgrade()); let ContractUpgradeAuthorized { hash } = move_from(@pyth); hash } // Setters public(friend) fun set_data_sources(new_sources: vector) acquires DataSources { let sources = &mut borrow_global_mut(@pyth).sources; set::empty(sources); while (!vector::is_empty(&new_sources)) { set::add(sources, vector::pop_back(&mut new_sources)); } } public(friend) fun set_latest_price_info(price_identifier: PriceIdentifier, price_info: PriceInfo) acquires LatestPriceInfo { let latest_price_info = borrow_global_mut(@pyth); table::upsert(&mut, price_identifier, price_info) } public(friend) fun set_last_executed_governance_sequence(sequence: u64) acquires LastExecutedGovernanceSequence { let last_executed_governance_sequence = borrow_global_mut(@pyth); last_executed_governance_sequence.sequence = sequence } public(friend) fun pyth_signer(): signer acquires SignerCapability { account::create_signer_with_capability(&borrow_global(@pyth).signer_capability) } public(friend) fun set_contract_upgrade_authorized_hash(hash: Hash) acquires ContractUpgradeAuthorized, SignerCapability { if (exists(@pyth)) { let ContractUpgradeAuthorized { hash: _ } = move_from(@pyth); }; move_to(&pyth_signer(), ContractUpgradeAuthorized { hash }); } public(friend) fun set_governance_data_source(source: DataSource) acquires GovernanceDataSource { let valid_governance_data_source = borrow_global_mut(@pyth); valid_governance_data_source.source = source; } public(friend) fun set_base_update_fee(fee: u64) acquires BaseUpdateFee { let update_fee = borrow_global_mut(@pyth); update_fee.fee = fee } public(friend) fun set_stale_price_threshold_secs(threshold_secs: u64) acquires StalePriceThreshold { let stale_price_threshold = borrow_global_mut(@pyth); stale_price_threshold.threshold_secs = threshold_secs } }