# This Tiltfile contains the deployment and build config for the Pyth Crosschain development environment. # # We use Buildkit cache mounts and careful layering to avoid unnecessary rebuilds - almost # all source code changes result in small, incremental rebuilds. Dockerfiles are written such # that, for example, changing the contract source code won't cause Solana itself to be rebuilt. # load("ext://namespace", "namespace_create", "namespace_inject") load("ext://secret", "secret_yaml_generic") allow_k8s_contexts("ci") # Disable telemetry by default analytics_settings(False) # Moar updates (default is 3) update_settings(max_parallel_updates=10) # Runtime configuration config.define_bool("ci", False, "We are running in CI") config.define_bool("manual", False, "Set TRIGGER_MODE_MANUAL by default") config.define_string("num", False, "Number of guardian nodes to run") # You do not usually need to set this argument - this argument is for debugging only. If you do use a different # namespace, note that the "wormhole" namespace is hardcoded in tests and don't forget specifying the argument # when running "tilt down". # config.define_string("namespace", False, "Kubernetes namespace to use") # These arguments will enable writing Guardian events to a cloud BigTable instance. # Writing to a cloud BigTable is optional. These arguments are not required to run the devnet. config.define_string("gcpProject", False, "GCP project ID for BigTable persistence") config.define_string("bigTableKeyPath", False, "Path to BigTable json key file") # When running Tilt on a server, this can be used to set the public hostname Tilt runs on # for service links in the UI to work. config.define_string("webHost", False, "Public hostname for port forwards") # Components config.define_bool("pyth", False, "Enable Pyth-to-Wormhole component") cfg = config.parse() num_guardians = int(cfg.get("num", "1")) namespace = cfg.get("namespace", "wormhole") gcpProject = cfg.get("gcpProject", "local-dev") bigTableKeyPath = cfg.get("bigTableKeyPath", "./event_database/devnet_key.json") webHost = cfg.get("webHost", "localhost") ci = cfg.get("ci", False) if cfg.get("manual", False): trigger_mode = TRIGGER_MODE_MANUAL else: trigger_mode = TRIGGER_MODE_AUTO # namespace if not ci: namespace_create(namespace) def k8s_yaml_with_ns(objects): return k8s_yaml(namespace_inject(objects, namespace)) # wasm local_resource( name = "wasm-gen", cmd = "tilt docker build -- -f tilt-devnet/docker-images/Dockerfile.wasm -o type=local,dest=. .", env = {"DOCKER_BUILDKIT": "1"}, deps = "./wormhole-attester", labels = ["wasm"], allow_parallel=True, trigger_mode = trigger_mode, ) def build_node_yaml(): node_yaml = read_yaml_stream("tilt-devnet/k8s/node.yaml") for obj in node_yaml: if obj["kind"] == "StatefulSet" and obj["metadata"]["name"] == "guardian": obj["spec"]["replicas"] = num_guardians container = obj["spec"]["template"]["spec"]["containers"][0] if container["name"] != "guardiand": fail("container 0 is not guardiand") container["command"] += ["--devNumGuardians", str(num_guardians)] return encode_yaml_stream(node_yaml) k8s_yaml_with_ns(build_node_yaml()) k8s_resource( "guardian", resource_deps = ["eth-devnet", "eth-devnet2", "terra-terrad", "solana-devnet"], port_forwards = [ port_forward(6060, name = "Debug/Status Server [:6060]", host = webHost), port_forward(7070, name = "Public gRPC [:7070]", host = webHost), port_forward(7071, name = "Public REST [:7071]", host = webHost), port_forward(2345, name = "Debugger [:2345]", host = webHost), ], labels = ["guardian"], trigger_mode = trigger_mode, ) # spy k8s_yaml_with_ns("tilt-devnet/k8s/spy.yaml") k8s_resource( "spy", resource_deps = ["guardian"], port_forwards = [ port_forward(6061, container_port = 6060, name = "Debug/Status Server [:6061]", host = webHost), port_forward(7072, name = "Spy gRPC [:7072]", host = webHost), ], labels = ["guardian"], trigger_mode = trigger_mode, ) # solana client cli (used for devnet setup) docker_build( ref = "bridge-client", context = ".", dockerfile = "tilt-devnet/docker-images/Dockerfile.client", ) # solana smart contract docker_build( ref = "solana-contract", context = ".", dockerfile = "tilt-devnet/docker-images/Dockerfile.solana", ) # solana local devnet k8s_yaml_with_ns("tilt-devnet/k8s/solana-devnet.yaml") k8s_resource( "solana-devnet", port_forwards = [ port_forward(8899, name = "Solana RPC [:8899]", host = webHost), port_forward(8900, name = "Solana WS [:8900]", host = webHost), port_forward(9000, name = "Solana PubSub [:9000]", host = webHost), ], labels = ["solana"], trigger_mode = trigger_mode, ) # eth devnet docker_build( ref = "eth-node", context = "./", dockerfile = "tilt-devnet/docker-images/Dockerfile.ethereum", # sync external scripts for incremental development # (everything else needs to be restarted from scratch for determinism) # # This relies on --update-mode=exec to work properly with a non-root user. # https://github.com/tilt-dev/tilt/issues/3708 live_update = [ sync("./ethereum/src", "/home/node/app/src"), ], ) # pyth autopublisher docker_build( ref = "pyth", context = ".", dockerfile = "third_party/pyth/Dockerfile.pyth", ) k8s_yaml_with_ns("./tilt-devnet/k8s/pyth.yaml") k8s_resource( "pyth", resource_deps = ["solana-devnet"], labels = ["pyth"], trigger_mode = trigger_mode, ) # pyth2wormhole client autoattester docker_build( ref = "p2w-attest", context = ".", dockerfile = "./third_party/pyth/Dockerfile.p2w-attest", ) k8s_yaml_with_ns("tilt-devnet/k8s/p2w-attest.yaml") k8s_resource( "p2w-attest", resource_deps = ["solana-devnet", "pyth", "guardian"], port_forwards = [port_forward(3000, name = "metrics", host = webHost)], labels = ["pyth"], trigger_mode = trigger_mode, ) # attestations checking script docker_build( ref = "check-attestations", context = ".", only = ["./third_party"], dockerfile = "./third_party/pyth/Dockerfile.check-attestations", ) k8s_yaml_with_ns("tilt-devnet/k8s/check-attestations.yaml") k8s_resource( "check-attestations", resource_deps = ["pyth-price-service", "pyth", "p2w-attest"], labels = ["pyth"], trigger_mode = trigger_mode, ) # Pyth2wormhole relay docker_build( ref = "p2w-relay", context = ".", dockerfile = "third_party/pyth/p2w-relay/Dockerfile.pyth_relay", ) k8s_yaml_with_ns("tilt-devnet/k8s/p2w-terra-relay.yaml") k8s_resource( "p2w-terra-relay", resource_deps = ["pyth", "p2w-attest", "spy", "terra-terrad", "wasm-gen"], port_forwards = [ port_forward(4200, name = "Rest API (Status + Query) [:4200]", host = webHost), port_forward(8081, name = "Prometheus [:8081]", host = webHost)], labels = ["pyth"] ) k8s_yaml_with_ns("tilt-devnet/k8s/p2w-evm-relay.yaml") k8s_resource( "p2w-evm-relay", resource_deps = ["pyth", "p2w-attest", "spy", "eth-devnet", "wasm-gen"], port_forwards = [ port_forward(4201, container_port = 4200, name = "Rest API (Status + Query) [:4201]", host = webHost), port_forward(8082, container_port = 8081, name = "Prometheus [:8082]", host = webHost)], labels = ["pyth"] ) # Pyth Price service docker_build( ref = "pyth-price-service", context = ".", dockerfile = "price-service/Dockerfile.price_service", ) k8s_yaml_with_ns("tilt-devnet/k8s/pyth-price-service.yaml") k8s_resource( "pyth-price-service", resource_deps = ["pyth", "p2w-attest", "spy", "eth-devnet", "wasm-gen"], port_forwards = [ port_forward(4202, container_port = 4200, name = "Rest API (Status + Query) [:4202]", host = webHost), port_forward(8083, container_port = 8081, name = "Prometheus [:8083]", host = webHost)], labels = ["pyth"] ) k8s_yaml_with_ns("tilt-devnet/k8s/eth-devnet.yaml") k8s_resource( "eth-devnet", port_forwards = [ port_forward(8545, name = "Ganache RPC [:8545]", host = webHost), ], labels = ["evm"], trigger_mode = trigger_mode, ) k8s_resource( "eth-devnet2", port_forwards = [ port_forward(8546, name = "Ganache RPC [:8546]", host = webHost), ], labels = ["evm"], trigger_mode = trigger_mode, ) # terra devnet docker_build( ref = "terra-image", context = "./target-chains/cosmwasm/devnet", dockerfile = "./target-chains/cosmwasm/devnet/Dockerfile", ) docker_build( ref = "cosmwasm-contracts", context = ".", dockerfile = "tilt-devnet/docker-images/Dockerfile.cosmwasm", ) k8s_yaml_with_ns("tilt-devnet/k8s/terra-devnet.yaml") k8s_resource( "terra-terrad", port_forwards = [ port_forward(26657, name = "Terra RPC [:26657]", host = webHost), port_forward(1317, name = "Terra LCD [:1317]", host = webHost), ], labels = ["terra"], trigger_mode = trigger_mode, ) k8s_resource( "terra-postgres", labels = ["terra"], trigger_mode = trigger_mode, ) k8s_resource( "terra-fcd", resource_deps = ["terra-terrad", "terra-postgres"], port_forwards = [port_forward(3060, name = "Terra FCD [:3060]", host = webHost)], labels = ["terra"], trigger_mode = trigger_mode, ) docker_build( ref = "prometheus", context = ".", dockerfile = "tilt-devnet/docker-images/Dockerfile.prometheus", ) k8s_yaml_with_ns("tilt-devnet/k8s/prometheus.yaml") k8s_resource( "prometheus", port_forwards = [port_forward(9090, name = "Prometheus dashboard", host = webHost)], labels = ["prometheus"], trigger_mode = trigger_mode, ) docker_build( ref = "multisig", context = ".", dockerfile = "tilt-devnet/docker-images/Dockerfile.multisig", ) k8s_yaml_with_ns("tilt-devnet/k8s/multisig.yaml") k8s_resource( "multisig", resource_deps = ["solana-devnet"], labels = ["solana"], trigger_mode = trigger_mode, )