const jsonfile = require("jsonfile"); const elliptic = require("elliptic"); const BigNumber = require("bignumber.js"); const PythStructs = artifacts.require("PythStructs"); const { deployProxy, upgradeProxy } = require("@openzeppelin/truffle-upgrades"); const { expectRevert, expectEvent, time } = require("@openzeppelin/test-helpers"); const { assert, expect } = require("chai"); // Use "WormholeReceiver" if you are testing with Wormhole Receiver const Wormhole = artifacts.require("Wormhole"); const PythUpgradable = artifacts.require("PythUpgradable"); const MockPythUpgrade = artifacts.require("MockPythUpgrade"); const testSigner1PK = "cfb12303a19cde580bb4dd771639b0d26bc68353645571a8cff516ab2ee113a0"; const testSigner2PK = "892330666a850761e7370376430bb8c2aa1494072d3bfeaed0c4fa3d5a9135fe"; contract("Pyth", function () { const testSigner1 = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(testSigner1PK); const testSigner2 = web3.eth.accounts.privateKeyToAccount(testSigner2PK); const testGovernanceChainId = "3"; const testGovernanceContract = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004"; const testPyth2WormholeChainId = "1"; const testPyth2WormholeEmitter = "0x71f8dcb863d176e2c420ad6610cf687359612b6fb392e0642b0ca6b1f186aa3b"; const notOwnerError = "Ownable: caller is not the owner -- Reason given: Ownable: caller is not the owner."; const insufficientFeeError = "Insufficient paid fee amount"; // Place all atomic operations that are done within migrations here. beforeEach(async function () { this.pythProxy = await deployProxy(PythUpgradable, [ (await Wormhole.deployed()).address, testPyth2WormholeChainId, testPyth2WormholeEmitter, ]); await this.pythProxy.addDataSource( testPyth2WormholeChainId, testPyth2WormholeEmitter ); // Setting the validity time to 60 seconds await this.pythProxy.updateValidTimePeriodSeconds(60); }); it("should be initialized with the correct signers and values", async function () { await this.pythProxy.isValidDataSource(testPyth2WormholeChainId, testPyth2WormholeEmitter); }); it("should allow upgrades from the owner", async function () { // Check that the owner is the default account Truffle // has configured for the network. upgradeProxy will send // transactions from the default account. const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); const defaultAccount = accounts[0]; const owner = await this.pythProxy.owner(); assert.equal(owner, defaultAccount); // Try and upgrade the proxy const newImplementation = await upgradeProxy( this.pythProxy.address, MockPythUpgrade ); // Check that the new upgrade is successful assert.equal(await newImplementation.isUpgradeActive(), true); assert.equal(this.pythProxy.address, newImplementation.address); }); it("should allow ownership transfer", async function () { // Check that the owner is the default account Truffle // has configured for the network. const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); const defaultAccount = accounts[0]; assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.owner(), defaultAccount); // Check that another account can't transfer the ownership await expectRevert( this.pythProxy.transferOwnership(accounts[1], { from: accounts[1], }), notOwnerError ); // Transfer the ownership to another account await this.pythProxy.transferOwnership(accounts[2], { from: defaultAccount, }); assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.owner(), accounts[2]); // Check that the original account can't transfer the ownership back to itself await expectRevert( this.pythProxy.transferOwnership(defaultAccount, { from: defaultAccount, }), notOwnerError ); // Check that the new owner can transfer the ownership back to the original account await this.pythProxy.transferOwnership(defaultAccount, { from: accounts[2], }); assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.owner(), defaultAccount); }); it("should not allow upgrades from the another account", async function () { // This test is slightly convoluted as, due to a limitation of Truffle, // we cannot specify which account upgradeProxy send transactions from: // it will always use the default account. // // Therefore, we transfer the ownership to another account first, // and then attempt an upgrade using the default account. // Check that the owner is the default account Truffle // has configured for the network. const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); const defaultAccount = accounts[0]; assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.owner(), defaultAccount); // Transfer the ownership to another account const newOwnerAccount = accounts[1]; await this.pythProxy.transferOwnership(newOwnerAccount, { from: defaultAccount, }); assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.owner(), newOwnerAccount); // Try and upgrade using the default account, which will fail // because we are no longer the owner. await expectRevert( upgradeProxy(this.pythProxy.address, MockPythUpgrade), notOwnerError ); }); it("should allow updating singleUpdateFeeInWei by owner", async function () { // Check that the owner is the default account Truffle // has configured for the network. const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); const defaultAccount = accounts[0]; assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.owner(), defaultAccount); // Check initial fee is zero assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.singleUpdateFeeInWei(), 0); // Set fee await this.pythProxy.updateSingleUpdateFeeInWei(10); assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.singleUpdateFeeInWei(), 10); }); it("should not allow updating singleUpdateFeeInWei by another account", async function () { // Check that the owner is the default account Truffle // has configured for the network. const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); const defaultAccount = accounts[0]; assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.owner(), defaultAccount); // Check initial valid time period is zero assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.singleUpdateFeeInWei(), 0); // Checks setting valid time period using another account reverts. await expectRevert( this.pythProxy.updateSingleUpdateFeeInWei(10, {from: accounts[1]}), notOwnerError, ); }); it("should allow updating validTimePeriodSeconds by owner", async function () { // Check that the owner is the default account Truffle // has configured for the network. const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); const defaultAccount = accounts[0]; assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.owner(), defaultAccount); // Check valid time period is 60 (set in beforeEach) assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.validTimePeriodSeconds(), 60); // Set valid time period await this.pythProxy.updateValidTimePeriodSeconds(30); assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.validTimePeriodSeconds(), 30); }); it("should not allow updating validTimePeriodSeconds by another account", async function () { // Check that the owner is the default account Truffle // has configured for the network. const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); const defaultAccount = accounts[0]; assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.owner(), defaultAccount); // Check valid time period is 60 (set in beforeEach) assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.validTimePeriodSeconds(), 60); // Checks setting validity time using another account reverts. await expectRevert( this.pythProxy.updateValidTimePeriodSeconds(30, {from: accounts[1]}), notOwnerError, ); }); // NOTE(2022-05-02): Raw hex payload obtained from format serialization unit tests in `p2w-sdk/rust` // Latest known addition: wire format v3 // // Tests rely on a p2w-sdk mock price/prod ID generation rule: // nthProdByte(n) = n % 256, starting with n=1 // nthPriceByte(n) = 255 - (n % 256), starting with n=1 // // Examples: // 1st prod = "0x010101[...]" // 1st price = "0xFEFEFE[...]" // 2nd prod = "0x020202[...]" // 2nd price = "0xFDFDFD[...]" // 3rd prod = "0x030303[...]" // 3rd price = "0xFCFCFC[...]" const RAW_BATCH_ATTESTATION_TIME_REGEX = /DEADBEEFFADEDEED/g; const RAW_BATCH_PUBLISH_TIME_REGEX = /00000000DADEBEEF/g; const RAW_BATCH_PRICE_REGEX = /0000002BAD2FEED7/g; const RAW_PRICE_ATTESTATION_SIZE = 149; const RAW_BATCH_ATTESTATION_COUNT = 10; const RAW_BATCH = "0x" + "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"; // Takes an unsigned 64-bit integer, converts it to hex with 0-padding function u64ToHex(timestamp) { // u64 -> 8 bytes -> 16 hex bytes return timestamp.toString(16).padStart(16, "0"); } function generateRawBatchAttestation( publishTime, attestationTime, priceVal ) { const pubTs = u64ToHex(publishTime); const attTs = u64ToHex(attestationTime); const price = u64ToHex(priceVal); const replaced = RAW_BATCH.replace(RAW_BATCH_PUBLISH_TIME_REGEX, pubTs) .replace(RAW_BATCH_ATTESTATION_TIME_REGEX, attTs) .replace(RAW_BATCH_PRICE_REGEX, price); return replaced; } it("should parse batch price attestation correctly", async function () { const magic = 0x50325748; const versionMajor = 3; const versionMinor = 0; let attestationTime = 1647273460; // re-used for publishTime let publishTime = 1647273465; // re-used for publishTime let priceVal = 1337; let rawBatch = generateRawBatchAttestation( publishTime, attestationTime, priceVal ); let parsed = await this.pythProxy.parseBatchPriceAttestation(rawBatch); // Check the header assert.equal(parsed.header.magic, magic); assert.equal(parsed.header.versionMajor, versionMajor); assert.equal(parsed.header.versionMinor, versionMinor); assert.equal(parsed.header.payloadId, 2); assert.equal(parsed.nAttestations, RAW_BATCH_ATTESTATION_COUNT); assert.equal(parsed.attestationSize, RAW_PRICE_ATTESTATION_SIZE); assert.equal(parsed.attestations.length, parsed.nAttestations); for (var i = 0; i < parsed.attestations.length; ++i) { const prodId = "0x" + (i + 1).toString(16).padStart(2, "0").repeat(32); const priceByte = 255 - ((i + 1) % 256); const priceId = "0x" + priceByte.toString(16).padStart(2, "0").repeat(32); assert.equal(parsed.attestations[i].productId, prodId); assert.equal(parsed.attestations[i].priceId, priceId); assert.equal(parsed.attestations[i].price, priceVal); assert.equal(parsed.attestations[i].conf, 101); assert.equal(parsed.attestations[i].expo, -3); assert.equal(parsed.attestations[i].emaPrice, -42); assert.equal(parsed.attestations[i].emaConf, 42); assert.equal(parsed.attestations[i].status, 1); assert.equal(parsed.attestations[i].numPublishers, 123212); assert.equal(parsed.attestations[i].maxNumPublishers, 321232); assert.equal( parsed.attestations[i].attestationTime, attestationTime ); assert.equal(parsed.attestations[i].publishTime, publishTime); assert.equal(parsed.attestations[i].prevPublishTime, 0xdeadbabe); assert.equal(parsed.attestations[i].prevPrice, 0xdeadfacebeef); assert.equal(parsed.attestations[i].prevConf, 0xbadbadbeef); console.debug( `attestation ${i + 1}/${parsed.attestations.length} parsed OK` ); } }); async function updatePriceFeeds(contract, batches, valueInWei) { let updateData = []; for (let data of batches) { const vm = await signAndEncodeVM( 1, 1, testPyth2WormholeChainId, testPyth2WormholeEmitter, 0, data, [testSigner1PK], 0, 0 ); updateData.push("0x" + vm); } return await contract.updatePriceFeeds(updateData, {value: valueInWei}); } it("should attest price updates over wormhole", async function () { let ts = 1647273460; let rawBatch = generateRawBatchAttestation(ts - 5, ts, 1337); await updatePriceFeeds(this.pythProxy, [rawBatch]); }); it("should attest price updates empty", async function () { const receipt = await updatePriceFeeds(this.pythProxy, []); expectEvent.notEmitted(receipt, 'PriceFeedUpdate'); expectEvent.notEmitted(receipt, 'BatchPriceFeedUpdate'); expectEvent(receipt, 'UpdatePriceFeeds', { batchCount: '0', }); }); it("should attest price updates with multiple batches of correct order", async function () { let ts = 1647273460; let rawBatch1 = generateRawBatchAttestation(ts - 5, ts, 1337); let rawBatch2 = generateRawBatchAttestation(ts + 5, ts + 10, 1338); const receipt = await updatePriceFeeds(this.pythProxy, [rawBatch1, rawBatch2]); expectEvent(receipt, 'PriceFeedUpdate', { fresh: true, }); expectEvent(receipt, 'BatchPriceFeedUpdate', { batchSize: '10', freshPricesInBatch: '10', }); expectEvent(receipt, 'UpdatePriceFeeds', { batchCount: '2', }); }); it("should attest price updates with multiple batches of wrong order", async function () { let ts = 1647273460; let rawBatch1 = generateRawBatchAttestation(ts - 5, ts, 1337); let rawBatch2 = generateRawBatchAttestation(ts + 5, ts + 10, 1338); const receipt = await updatePriceFeeds(this.pythProxy, [rawBatch2, rawBatch1]); expectEvent(receipt, 'PriceFeedUpdate', { fresh: true, }); expectEvent(receipt, 'PriceFeedUpdate', { fresh: false, }); expectEvent(receipt, 'BatchPriceFeedUpdate', { batchSize: '10', freshPricesInBatch: '10', }); expectEvent(receipt, 'BatchPriceFeedUpdate', { batchSize: '10', freshPricesInBatch: '0', }); expectEvent(receipt, 'UpdatePriceFeeds', { batchCount: '2', }); }); it("should not attest price updates with when required fee is not given", async function () { // Check that the owner is the default account Truffle // has configured for the network. const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); const defaultAccount = accounts[0]; assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.owner(), defaultAccount); // Check initial fee is zero assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.singleUpdateFeeInWei(), 0); // Set fee await this.pythProxy.updateSingleUpdateFeeInWei(10); assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.singleUpdateFeeInWei(), 10); let ts = 1647273460; let rawBatch1 = generateRawBatchAttestation(ts - 5, ts, 1337); let rawBatch2 = generateRawBatchAttestation(ts + 5, ts + 10, 1338); // Getting the fee from the contract let feeInWei = await this.pythProxy.getUpdateFee(2); assert.equal(feeInWei, 20); // When a smaller fee is payed it reverts await expectRevert( updatePriceFeeds(this.pythProxy, [rawBatch1, rawBatch2], feeInWei - 1), insufficientFeeError ); }); it("should attest price updates with when required fee is given", async function () { // Check that the owner is the default account Truffle // has configured for the network. const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); const defaultAccount = accounts[0]; assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.owner(), defaultAccount); // Check initial fee is zero assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.singleUpdateFeeInWei(), 0); // Set fee await this.pythProxy.updateSingleUpdateFeeInWei(10); assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.singleUpdateFeeInWei(), 10); let ts = 1647273460; let rawBatch1 = generateRawBatchAttestation(ts - 5, ts, 1337); let rawBatch2 = generateRawBatchAttestation(ts + 5, ts + 10, 1338); // Getting the fee from the contract let feeInWei = await this.pythProxy.getUpdateFee(2); assert.equal(feeInWei, 20); const receipt = await updatePriceFeeds(this.pythProxy, [rawBatch1, rawBatch2], feeInWei); expectEvent(receipt, 'UpdatePriceFeeds', { fee: feeInWei }); const pythBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(this.pythProxy.address); assert.equal(pythBalance, feeInWei); }); it("should attest price updates with required fee even if more fee is given", async function () { // Check that the owner is the default account Truffle // has configured for the network. const accounts = await web3.eth.getAccounts(); const defaultAccount = accounts[0]; assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.owner(), defaultAccount); // Check initial fee is zero assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.singleUpdateFeeInWei(), 0); // Set fee await this.pythProxy.updateSingleUpdateFeeInWei(10); assert.equal(await this.pythProxy.singleUpdateFeeInWei(), 10); let ts = 1647273460; let rawBatch1 = generateRawBatchAttestation(ts - 5, ts, 1337); let rawBatch2 = generateRawBatchAttestation(ts + 5, ts + 10, 1338); // Getting the fee from the contract let feeInWei = await this.pythProxy.getUpdateFee(2); assert.equal(feeInWei, 20); const receipt = await updatePriceFeeds(this.pythProxy, [rawBatch1, rawBatch2], feeInWei + 10); expectEvent(receipt, 'UpdatePriceFeeds', { fee: feeInWei }); const pythBalance = await web3.eth.getBalance(this.pythProxy.address); assert.equal(pythBalance, feeInWei); }); it("should cache price updates", async function () { let currentTimestamp = (await web3.eth.getBlock("latest")).timestamp; let priceVal = 521; let rawBatch = generateRawBatchAttestation( currentTimestamp - 5, currentTimestamp, priceVal ); let receipt = await updatePriceFeeds(this.pythProxy, [rawBatch]); expectEvent(receipt, 'PriceFeedUpdate', { fresh: true, }); expectEvent(receipt, 'BatchPriceFeedUpdate', { batchSize: '10', freshPricesInBatch: '10', }); expectEvent(receipt, 'UpdatePriceFeeds', { batchCount: '1', }); let first_prod_id = "0x" + "01".repeat(32); let first_price_id = "0x" + "fe".repeat(32); let second_prod_id = "0x" + "02".repeat(32); let second_price_id = "0x" + "fd".repeat(32); // Confirm that previously non-existent feeds are created let first = await this.pythProxy.queryPriceFeed(first_price_id); console.debug(`first is ${JSON.stringify(first)}`); assert.equal(first.price, priceVal); let second = await this.pythProxy.queryPriceFeed(second_price_id); assert.equal(second.price, priceVal); // Confirm the price is bumped after a new attestation updates each record let nextTimestamp = currentTimestamp + 1; let rawBatch2 = generateRawBatchAttestation( nextTimestamp - 5, nextTimestamp, priceVal + 5 ); receipt = await updatePriceFeeds(this.pythProxy, [rawBatch2]); expectEvent(receipt, 'PriceFeedUpdate', { fresh: true, }); expectEvent(receipt, 'BatchPriceFeedUpdate', { batchSize: '10', freshPricesInBatch: '10', }); expectEvent(receipt, 'UpdatePriceFeeds', { batchCount: '1', }); first = await this.pythProxy.queryPriceFeed(first_price_id); assert.equal(first.price, priceVal + 5); second = await this.pythProxy.queryPriceFeed(second_price_id); assert.equal(second.price, priceVal + 5); // Confirm that only strictly larger timestamps trigger updates let rawBatch3 = generateRawBatchAttestation( nextTimestamp - 5, nextTimestamp, priceVal + 10 ); receipt = await updatePriceFeeds(this.pythProxy, [rawBatch3]); expectEvent(receipt, 'PriceFeedUpdate', { fresh: false, }); expectEvent(receipt, 'BatchPriceFeedUpdate', { batchSize: '10', freshPricesInBatch: '0', }); expectEvent(receipt, 'UpdatePriceFeeds', { batchCount: '1', }); first = await this.pythProxy.queryPriceFeed(first_price_id); assert.equal(first.price, priceVal + 5); assert.notEqual(first.price, priceVal + 10); second = await this.pythProxy.queryPriceFeed(second_price_id); assert.equal(second.price, priceVal + 5); assert.notEqual(second.price, priceVal + 10); }); it("should fail transaction if a price is not found", async function () { await expectRevert( this.pythProxy.queryPriceFeed( "0xdeadfeeddeadfeeddeadfeeddeadfeeddeadfeeddeadfeeddeadfeeddeadfeed" ), "no price feed found for the given price id" ); }); it("should revert on getting stale current prices", async function () { let smallestTimestamp = 1; let rawBatch = generateRawBatchAttestation( smallestTimestamp, smallestTimestamp + 5, 1337 ); await updatePriceFeeds(this.pythProxy, [rawBatch]); for (var i = 1; i <= RAW_BATCH_ATTESTATION_COUNT; i++) { const price_id = "0x" + (255 - (i % 256)).toString(16).padStart(2, "0").repeat(32); expectRevert( this.pythProxy.getCurrentPrice(price_id), "current price unavailable" ); } }); it("should revert on getting current prices too far into the future as they are considered unknown", async function () { let largestTimestamp = 4294967295; let rawBatch = generateRawBatchAttestation( largestTimestamp - 5, largestTimestamp, 1337 ); await updatePriceFeeds(this.pythProxy, [rawBatch]); for (var i = 1; i <= RAW_BATCH_ATTESTATION_COUNT; i++) { const price_id = "0x" + (255 - (i % 256)).toString(16).padStart(2, "0").repeat(32); expectRevert( this.pythProxy.getCurrentPrice(price_id), "current price unavailable" ); } }); it("changing validity time works", async function() { const latestTime = await time.latest(); let rawBatch = generateRawBatchAttestation( latestTime, latestTime, 1337 ); await updatePriceFeeds(this.pythProxy, [rawBatch]); // Setting the validity time to 30 seconds await this.pythProxy.updateValidTimePeriodSeconds(30); // Then prices should be available for (var i = 1; i <= RAW_BATCH_ATTESTATION_COUNT; i++) { const price_id = "0x" + (255 - (i % 256)).toString(16).padStart(2, "0").repeat(32); // Expect getCurrentPrice to work (not revert) await this.pythProxy.getCurrentPrice(price_id); } // One minute passes await time.increase(time.duration.minutes(1)); // The prices should become unavailable now. for (var i = 1; i <= RAW_BATCH_ATTESTATION_COUNT; i++) { const price_id = "0x" + (255 - (i % 256)).toString(16).padStart(2, "0").repeat(32); expectRevert( this.pythProxy.getCurrentPrice(price_id), "current price unavailable" ); } // Setting the validity time to 120 seconds await this.pythProxy.updateValidTimePeriodSeconds(120); // Then prices should be available because the valid period is now 120 seconds for (var i = 1; i <= RAW_BATCH_ATTESTATION_COUNT; i++) { const price_id = "0x" + (255 - (i % 256)).toString(16).padStart(2, "0").repeat(32); let priceFeedResult = await this.pythProxy.queryPriceFeed(price_id); // Expect getCurrentPrice to work (not revert) await this.pythProxy.getCurrentPrice(price_id); } }); it("should accept a VM after adding its data source", async function () { let newChainId = "42424"; let newEmitter = testPyth2WormholeEmitter.replace("a", "f"); await this.pythProxy.addDataSource(newChainId, newEmitter); let currentTimestamp = (await web3.eth.getBlock("latest")).timestamp; let rawBatch = generateRawBatchAttestation( currentTimestamp - 5, currentTimestamp, 1337 ); let vm = await signAndEncodeVM( 1, 1, newChainId, newEmitter, 0, rawBatch, [testSigner1PK], 0, 0 ); await this.pythProxy.updatePriceFeeds(["0x" + vm]); }); it("should reject a VM after removing its data source", async function () { // Add 2 new data sources to produce a non-trivial data source state. let newChainId = "42424"; let newEmitter = testPyth2WormholeEmitter.replace("a", "f"); await this.pythProxy.addDataSource(newChainId, newEmitter); let newChainId2 = "42425"; let newEmitter2 = testPyth2WormholeEmitter.replace("a", "e"); await this.pythProxy.addDataSource(newChainId2, newEmitter2); // Remove the first one added await this.pythProxy.removeDataSource(newChainId, newEmitter); // Sign a batch with the removed data source let currentTimestamp = (await web3.eth.getBlock("latest")).timestamp; let rawBatch = generateRawBatchAttestation( currentTimestamp - 5, currentTimestamp, 1337 ); let vm = await signAndEncodeVM( 1, 1, newChainId, newEmitter, 0, rawBatch, [testSigner1PK], 0, 0 ); await expectRevert( this.pythProxy.updatePriceFeeds(["0x" + vm]), "invalid data source chain/emitter ID" ); }); it("Make sure version is the npm package version", async function () { const contractVersion = await this.pythProxy.version(); const { version } = require('../package.json'); expect(contractVersion).equal(version); }); }); const signAndEncodeVM = async function ( timestamp, nonce, emitterChainId, emitterAddress, sequence, data, signers, guardianSetIndex, consistencyLevel ) { const body = [ web3.eth.abi .encodeParameter("uint32", timestamp) .substring(2 + (64 - 8)), web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter("uint32", nonce).substring(2 + (64 - 8)), web3.eth.abi .encodeParameter("uint16", emitterChainId) .substring(2 + (64 - 4)), web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter("bytes32", emitterAddress).substring(2), web3.eth.abi .encodeParameter("uint64", sequence) .substring(2 + (64 - 16)), web3.eth.abi .encodeParameter("uint8", consistencyLevel) .substring(2 + (64 - 2)), data.substr(2), ]; const hash = web3.utils.soliditySha3( web3.utils.soliditySha3("0x" + body.join("")) ); let signatures = ""; for (let i in signers) { const ec = new"secp256k1"); const key = ec.keyFromPrivate(signers[i]); const signature = key.sign(hash.substr(2), { canonical: true }); const packSig = [ web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter("uint8", i).substring(2 + (64 - 2)), zeroPadBytes(signature.r.toString(16), 32), zeroPadBytes(signature.s.toString(16), 32), web3.eth.abi .encodeParameter("uint8", signature.recoveryParam) .substr(2 + (64 - 2)), ]; signatures += packSig.join(""); } const vm = [ web3.eth.abi.encodeParameter("uint8", 1).substring(2 + (64 - 2)), web3.eth.abi .encodeParameter("uint32", guardianSetIndex) .substring(2 + (64 - 8)), web3.eth.abi .encodeParameter("uint8", signers.length) .substring(2 + (64 - 2)), signatures, body.join(""), ].join(""); return vm; }; function zeroPadBytes(value, length) { while (value.length < 2 * length) { value = "0" + value; } return value; }