# Wormhole + Terra local test environment For the list of dependencies please follow [DEVELOP.md](../../DEVELOP.md). Additional dependencies: - [Node.js](https://nodejs.org/) >= 14.x, [ts-node](https://www.npmjs.com/package/ts-node) >= 8.x Start Tilt from the project root: tilt up --update-mode=exec -- --num=1 Afterwards use test scripts in `terra/tools` folder: npm install npm run prepare-token npm run prepare-wormhole These commands will give you two important addresses: test token address and Wormhole contract address on Terra. Now you need to change guardian configuration to monitor the right contract. Copy Wormhole contract address and replace existing `TERRA_FEE_PAYER` address in `devnet/bridge.yaml`. Save the changes and monitor Tilt dashboard until guardian services restart. Now use both token address and Wormhole contract address to issue tocken lock transaction: npm run lock-tocken -- TOKEN_CONTRACT WORMHOLE_CONTRACT 1000 Where 1000 is a sample amount to transfer. After this command is issued monitor Guardian service in Tilt dashboard to see its effects propagated to the destination blockchain (in this case it is Ethereum).