#!/bin/bash # # This script deploys changes to given networks. Usage: # $ ./deploy.sh <...> # Network names are defined in `truffle-config.js`. # # Example: Deploying to some testnet networks # $ ./deploy.sh bnb_testnet fantom_testnet mumbai # # Example: Deploying to some mainnet networks # $ ./deploy.sh ethereum bnb avalanche set -euo pipefail echo "=========== Compiling ===========" echo "Building the contract..." # Ensure that we deploy a fresh build with up-to-date dependencies. rm -rf build && npx truffle compile --all echo "Adding network metadata to the contract" # Merge the network addresses into the artifacts, if some contracts are already deployed. npx apply-registry while [[ $# -ne 0 ]]; do NETWORK=$1 shift echo "=========== Deploying to ${NETWORK} (if not deployed) ===========" # Load the configuration environment variables for deploying your network. make sure to use right env file. # If it is a new chain you are deploying to, create a new env file and commit it to the repo. rm -f .env; ln -s .env.prod.$NETWORK .env && set -o allexport && source .env set && set +o allexport if [[ $NETWORK == zksync* ]]; then echo "Skipping truffle migration on $NETWORK. If you wish to deploy a fresh contract read Deploying.md." else echo "Migrating..." npx truffle migrate --network $MIGRATIONS_NETWORK echo "Deployment to $NETWORK finished successfully" fi echo "=========== Syncing contract state ===========" npx truffle exec scripts/syncPythState.js --network $MIGRATIONS_NETWORK || echo "Syncing failed/incomplete.. skipping" done echo "=========== Finished ==========="