import { utils, Wallet } from "zksync-web3"; import { HardhatRuntimeEnvironment } from "hardhat/types"; import { Deployer } from "@matterlabs/hardhat-zksync-deploy"; import loadEnv from "../scripts/loadEnv"; import { CHAINS } from "@pythnetwork/xc-governance-sdk"; import { assert } from "chai"; import { writeFileSync } from "fs"; loadEnv("./"); function envOrErr(name: string): string { const res = process.env[name]; if (res === undefined) { throw new Error(`${name} environment variable is not set.`); } return res; } export default async function (hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) { // Initialize the wallet. const wallet = Wallet.fromMnemonic(envOrErr("MNEMONIC")); // Create deployer object and load the artifact of the contract we want to deploy. const deployer = new Deployer(hre, wallet); // Deposit some funds to L2 in order to be able to perform L2 transactions. Uncomment // this if the deployment account is unfunded. // // const depositAmount = ethers.utils.parseEther("0.005"); // const depositHandle = await deployer.zkWallet.deposit({ // to: deployer.zkWallet.address, // token: utils.ETH_ADDRESS, // amount: depositAmount, // }); // // Wait until the deposit is processed on zkSync // await depositHandle.wait(); // Deploy WormholeReceiver contract. const initialSigners = JSON.parse(envOrErr("INIT_SIGNERS")); const whGovernanceChainId = envOrErr("INIT_GOV_CHAIN_ID"); const whGovernanceContract = envOrErr("INIT_GOV_CONTRACT"); // bytes32 const chainName = envOrErr("WORMHOLE_CHAIN_NAME"); const wormholeReceiverChainId = CHAINS[chainName]; assert(wormholeReceiverChainId !== undefined); const receiverSetupArtifact = await deployer.loadArtifact("ReceiverSetup"); const receiverImplArtifact = await deployer.loadArtifact( "ReceiverImplementation" ); const wormholeReceiverArtifact = await deployer.loadArtifact( "WormholeReceiver" ); const receiverSetupContract = await deployer.deploy(receiverSetupArtifact); // deploy implementation const receiverImplContract = await deployer.deploy(receiverImplArtifact); // encode initialisation data const whInitData = receiverSetupContract.interface.encodeFunctionData( "setup", [ receiverImplContract.address, initialSigners, wormholeReceiverChainId, whGovernanceChainId, whGovernanceContract, ] ); // deploy proxy const wormholeReceiverContract = await deployer.deploy( wormholeReceiverArtifact, [receiverSetupContract.address, whInitData] ); console.log( `Deployed WormholeReceiver on ${wormholeReceiverContract.address}` ); // Deploy Pyth contract. const emitterChainIds = [ envOrErr("SOLANA_CHAIN_ID"), envOrErr("PYTHNET_CHAIN_ID"), ]; const emitterAddresses = [ envOrErr("SOLANA_EMITTER"), envOrErr("PYTHNET_EMITTER"), ]; const governanceChainId = envOrErr("GOVERNANCE_CHAIN_ID"); const governanceEmitter = envOrErr("GOVERNANCE_EMITTER"); // Default value for this field is 0 const governanceInitialSequence = Number( process.env.GOVERNANCE_INITIAL_SEQUENCE ?? "0" ); const validTimePeriodSeconds = Number(envOrErr("VALID_TIME_PERIOD_SECONDS")); const singleUpdateFeeInWei = Number(envOrErr("SINGLE_UPDATE_FEE_IN_WEI")); const pythImplArtifact = await deployer.loadArtifact("PythUpgradable"); const pythProxyArtifact = await deployer.loadArtifact("ERC1967Proxy"); const pythImplContract = await deployer.deploy(pythImplArtifact); const pythInitData = pythImplContract.interface.encodeFunctionData( "initialize", [ wormholeReceiverContract.address, emitterChainIds, emitterAddresses, governanceChainId, governanceEmitter, governanceInitialSequence, validTimePeriodSeconds, singleUpdateFeeInWei, ] ); const pythProxyContract = await deployer.deploy(pythProxyArtifact, [ pythImplContract.address, pythInitData, ]); console.log(`Deployed Pyth contract on ${pythProxyContract.address}`); const networkId =; const registryPath = `networks/${networkId}.json`; console.log(`Saving addresses in ${registryPath}`); writeFileSync( registryPath, JSON.stringify( [ { contractName: "WormholeReceiver", address: wormholeReceiverContract.address, }, { contractName: "PythUpgradable", address: pythProxyContract.address, }, ], null, 2 ) ); }