name: Pre-commit checks on: pull_request: push: branches: [main] jobs: pre-commit: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v3 with: # Need to grab the history of the PR fetch-depth: 0 - uses: actions/setup-python@v2 - uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: profile: minimal toolchain: nightly-2023-03-01 components: rustfmt, clippy - uses: actions-rs/toolchain@v1 with: profile: minimal toolchain: nightly-2023-07-23 components: rustfmt, clippy - uses: pre-commit/action@v3.0.0 if: ${{ github.event_name == 'pull_request' }} with: # Run only on files changed in the PR extra_args: --from-ref ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }} --to-ref ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }} - uses: pre-commit/action@v3.0.0 if: ${{ github.event_name != 'pull_request' }}