107 lines
4.8 KiB
107 lines
4.8 KiB
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks
rev: v3.2.0
- id: trailing-whitespace
- id: end-of-file-fixer
- id: check-added-large-files
exclude: package-lock.json
# Hook to format many type of files in the repo
# including solidity contracts.
- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/mirrors-prettier
rev: "v2.7.1"
- id: prettier
- "prettier@2.7.1"
- "prettier-plugin-solidity@1.0.0-rc.1"
- repo: local
# Hooks for the remote executor
- id: cargo-fmt-remote-executor
name: Cargo format for remote executor
language: "rust"
entry: cargo +nightly fmt --manifest-path ./governance/remote_executor/Cargo.toml --all -- --config-path rustfmt.toml
pass_filenames: false
files: governance/remote_executor
- id: cargo-clippy-remote-executor
name: Cargo clippy for remote executor
language: "rust"
entry: cargo +nightly clippy --manifest-path ./governance/remote_executor/Cargo.toml --tests --fix --allow-dirty --allow-staged -- -D warnings
pass_filenames: false
files: governance/remote_executor
# Hooks for the attester
- id: cargo-fmt-attester
name: Cargo format for attester
language: "rust"
entry: cargo +nightly fmt --manifest-path ./wormhole_attester/Cargo.toml --all -- --config-path rustfmt.toml
pass_filenames: false
files: wormhole_attester
- id: cargo-clippy-attester
name: Cargo clippy for attester
language: "rust"
entry: |
bash -c 'EMITTER_ADDRESS=0 BRIDGE_ADDRESS=0 cargo +nightly clippy --manifest-path \
./wormhole_attester/Cargo.toml --tests --fix --allow-dirty --allow-staged -- -D warnings'
pass_filenames: false
files: wormhole_attester
# Hooks for cosmwasm contract
- id: cargo-fmt-cosmwasm
name: Cargo format for cosmwasm contract
language: "rust"
entry: cargo +nightly fmt --manifest-path ./target_chains/cosmwasm/Cargo.toml --all -- --config-path rustfmt.toml
pass_filenames: false
files: target_chains/cosmwasm
- id: cargo-clippy-cosmwasm
name: Cargo clippy for cosmwasm contract
language: "rust"
entry: cargo +nightly clippy --manifest-path ./target_chains/cosmwasm/Cargo.toml --tests --fix --allow-dirty --allow-staged -- -D warnings
pass_filenames: false
files: target_chains/cosmwasm
# Hooks for Hermes
- id: cargo-fmt-hermes
name: Cargo format for Pyth Hermes
language: "rust"
entry: cargo +nightly fmt --manifest-path ./hermes/Cargo.toml --all -- --config-path rustfmt.toml
pass_filenames: false
files: hermes
# Hooks for message buffer contract
- id: cargo-fmt-message-buffer
name: Cargo format for message buffer contract
language: "rust"
entry: cargo +nightly fmt --manifest-path ./pythnet/message_buffer/Cargo.toml --all -- --config-path rustfmt.toml
pass_filenames: false
files: pythnet/message_buffer
- id: cargo-clippy-message-buffer
name: Cargo clippy for message buffer contract
language: "rust"
entry: cargo +nightly clippy --manifest-path ./pythnet/message_buffer/Cargo.toml --tests --fix --allow-dirty --allow-staged --features test-bpf -- -D warnings
pass_filenames: false
files: pythnet/message_buffer
# Hooks for pythnet_sdk
- id: cargo-fmt-pythnet-sdk
name: Cargo format for pythnet SDK
language: "rust"
entry: cargo +nightly fmt --manifest-path ./pythnet/pythnet_sdk/Cargo.toml --all -- --config-path rustfmt.toml
pass_filenames: false
files: pythnet/pythnet_sdk
- id: cargo-clippy-pythnet-sdk
name: Cargo clippy for pythnet SDK
language: "rust"
entry: cargo +nightly clippy --manifest-path ./pythnet/pythnet_sdk/Cargo.toml --tests --fix --allow-dirty --allow-staged -- -D warnings
pass_filenames: false
files: pythnet/pythnet_sdk
# Hooks for solana receiver contract
- id: cargo-fmt-solana-receiver
name: Cargo format for solana target chain contract
language: "rust"
entry: cargo +nightly fmt --manifest-path ./target_chains/solana/Cargo.toml --all -- --config-path rustfmt.toml
pass_filenames: false
files: target_chains/solana
- id: cargo-clippy-solana-receiver
name: Cargo clippy for solana target chain contract
language: "rust"
entry: cargo +nightly clippy --manifest-path ./target_chains/solana/Cargo.toml --tests --fix --allow-dirty --allow-staged -- -D warnings
pass_filenames: false
files: target_chains/solana