
23 lines
903 B
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
// only relevant for protobuf namespace
package publicrpc.v1;
// only relevant for Go namespace
option go_package = ";publicrpcv1";
// public import will include the required types in the Go output
import public "gossip/v1/gossip.proto";
// Publicrpc service exposes endpoints to be consumed externally; GUIs, historical record keeping, etc.
service Publicrpc {
// GetRawHeartbeats rpc endpoint returns a stream of the p2p heartbeat messages received.
// The GetRawHeartbeats stream will include all messages received by the guardian,
// without any filtering or verification of message content.
rpc GetRawHeartbeats (GetRawHeartbeatsRequest) returns (stream gossip.v1.Heartbeat);
// GetRawHeartbeatsRequest is an empty request, sent as part of a request to start a stream.
message GetRawHeartbeatsRequest {