491 lines
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491 lines
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package p
import (
// shared code for the various functions, primarily response formatting.
// client is a global Bigtable client, to avoid initializing a new client for
// every request.
var client *bigtable.Client
var clientOnce sync.Once
var tbl *bigtable.Table
var pubsubClient *pubsub.Client
var pubSubTokenTransferDetailsTopic *pubsub.Topic
var coinGeckoCoins = map[string][]CoinGeckoCoin{}
var solanaTokens = map[string]SolanaToken{}
var releaseDay = time.Date(2021, 9, 13, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)
var pwd string
func initCache(waitgroup *sync.WaitGroup, filePath string, mutex *sync.RWMutex, cacheInterface interface{}) {
defer waitgroup.Done()
loadJsonToInterface(filePath, mutex, cacheInterface)
// init runs during cloud function initialization. So, this will only run during an
// an instance's cold start.
// https://cloud.google.com/functions/docs/bestpractices/networking#accessing_google_apis
func init() {
clientOnce.Do(func() {
// Declare a separate err variable to avoid shadowing client.
var err error
project := os.Getenv("GCP_PROJECT")
instance := os.Getenv("BIGTABLE_INSTANCE")
client, err = bigtable.NewClient(context.Background(), project, instance)
if err != nil {
// http.Error(w, "Error initializing client", http.StatusInternalServerError)
log.Printf("bigtable.NewClient error: %v", err)
var pubsubErr error
pubsubClient, pubsubErr = pubsub.NewClient(context.Background(), project)
if pubsubErr != nil {
log.Printf("pubsub.NewClient error: %v", pubsubErr)
tbl = client.Open("v2Events")
// create the topic that will be published to after decoding token transfer payloads
tokenTransferDetailsTopic := os.Getenv("PUBSUB_TOKEN_TRANSFER_DETAILS_TOPIC")
if tokenTransferDetailsTopic != "" {
pubSubTokenTransferDetailsTopic = pubsubClient.Topic(tokenTransferDetailsTopic)
// fetch the token lists once at start up
coinGeckoCoins = fetchCoinGeckoCoins()
solanaTokens = fetchSolanaTokenList()
pwd, _ = os.Getwd()
// initialize in-memory caches
var initWG sync.WaitGroup
// populates cache used by amountsTransferredToInInterval
go initCache(&initWG, warmTransfersToCacheFilePath, &muWarmTransfersToCache, &warmTransfersToCache)
// populates cache used by createTransfersOfInterval
go initCache(&initWG, warmTransfersCacheFilePath, &muWarmTransfersCache, &warmTransfersCache)
// populates cache used by createAddressesOfInterval
go initCache(&initWG, warmAddressesCacheFilePath, &muWarmAddressesCache, &warmAddressesCache)
// populates cache used by transferredToSince
go initCache(&initWG, transferredToUpToYesterdayFilePath, &muTransferredToUpToYesterday, &transferredToUpToYesterday)
// initWG.Add(1)
// populates cache used by transferredSince
// initCache(initWG, transferredUpToYesterdayFilePath, &muTransferredToUpYesterday, &transferredUpToYesterday)
// populates cache used by addressesTransferredToSince
go initCache(&initWG, addressesToUpToYesterdayFilePath, &muAddressesToUpToYesterday, &addressesToUpToYesterday)
// populates cache used by createCumulativeAmountsOfInterval
go initCache(&initWG, warmCumulativeCacheFilePath, &muWarmCumulativeCache, &warmCumulativeCache)
// populates cache used by createCumulativeAddressesOfInterval
go initCache(&initWG, warmCumulativeAddressesCacheFilePath, &muWarmCumulativeAddressesCache, &warmCumulativeAddressesCache)
log.Println("done initializing caches, starting.")
var gcpCachePath = "/workspace/src/p/cache"
func loadJsonToInterface(filePath string, mutex *sync.RWMutex, cacheMap interface{}) {
// create path to the static cache dir
path := gcpCachePath + filePath
// create path to the "hot" cache dir
hotPath := "/tmp" + filePath
if strings.HasSuffix(pwd, "cmd") {
// alter the path to be correct when running locally, and in Tilt devnet
path = "../cache" + filePath
hotPath = ".." + hotPath
// first check to see if there is a cache file in the tmp dir of the cloud function.
// if so, this is a long running instance with a recently generated cache available.
fileData, readErrTmp := os.ReadFile(hotPath)
if readErrTmp != nil {
log.Printf("failed reading from tmp cache %v, err: %v", hotPath, readErrTmp)
var readErr error
fileData, readErr = os.ReadFile(path)
if readErr != nil {
log.Printf("failed reading %v, err: %v", path, readErr)
} else {
log.Printf("successfully read from cache: %v", path)
} else {
log.Printf("successfully read from tmp cache: %v", hotPath)
unmarshalErr := json.Unmarshal(fileData, &cacheMap)
if unmarshalErr != nil {
log.Printf("failed unmarshaling %v, err: %v", path, unmarshalErr)
func persistInterfaceToJson(filePath string, mutex *sync.RWMutex, cacheMap interface{}) {
path := "/tmp" + filePath
if strings.HasSuffix(pwd, "cmd") {
// alter the path to be correct when running locally, and in Tilt devnet
path = "../cache" + filePath
cacheBytes, marshalErr := json.MarshalIndent(cacheMap, "", " ")
if marshalErr != nil {
log.Fatal("failed marshaling cacheMap.", marshalErr)
writeErr := os.WriteFile(path, cacheBytes, 0666)
if writeErr != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed writing to file %v, err: %v", path, writeErr)
log.Printf("successfully wrote cache to file: %v", path)
var columnFamilies = []string{
var messagePubFam = columnFamilies[0]
var quorumStateFam = columnFamilies[1]
var transferPayloadFam = columnFamilies[2]
var metaPayloadFam = columnFamilies[3]
var nftPayloadFam = columnFamilies[4]
var transferDetailsFam = columnFamilies[5]
var chainDetailsFam = columnFamilies[6]
type (
// Summary is MessagePublication data & QuorumState data
Summary struct {
EmitterChain string
EmitterAddress string
Sequence string
InitiatingTxID string
Payload []byte
SignedVAABytes []byte
QuorumTime string
TransferDetails *TransferDetails
// Details is a Summary extended with all the post-processing ColumnFamilies
Details struct {
SignedVAA *vaa.VAA
TokenTransferPayload *TokenTransferPayload
AssetMetaPayload *AssetMetaPayload
NFTTransferPayload *NFTTransferPayload
ChainDetails *ChainDetails
// The following structs match the ColumnFamiles they are named after
TokenTransferPayload struct {
Amount string
OriginAddress string
OriginChain string
TargetAddress string
TargetChain string
AssetMetaPayload struct {
TokenAddress string
TokenChain string
Decimals string
Symbol string
Name string
CoinGeckoCoinId string
NativeAddress string
NFTTransferPayload struct {
OriginAddress string
OriginChain string
Symbol string
Name string
TokenId string
URI string
TargetAddress string
TargetChain string
TransferDetails struct {
Amount string
Decimals string
NotionalUSDStr string
TokenPriceUSDStr string
TransferTimestamp string
OriginSymbol string
OriginName string
OriginTokenAddress string
// fields below exist on the row, but no need to return them currently.
// NotionalUSD uint64
// TokenPriceUSD uint64
ChainDetails struct {
SenderAddress string
ReceiverAddress string
func chainIdStringToType(chainId string) vaa.ChainID {
switch chainId {
case "1":
return vaa.ChainIDSolana
case "2":
return vaa.ChainIDEthereum
case "3":
return vaa.ChainIDTerra
case "4":
return vaa.ChainIDBSC
case "5":
return vaa.ChainIDPolygon
return vaa.ChainIDUnset
func makeSummary(row bigtable.Row) *Summary {
summary := &Summary{}
if _, ok := row[messagePubFam]; ok {
for _, item := range row[messagePubFam] {
switch item.Column {
case "MessagePublication:InitiatingTxID":
summary.InitiatingTxID = string(item.Value)
case "MessagePublication:Payload":
summary.Payload = item.Value
case "MessagePublication:EmitterChain":
summary.EmitterChain = string(item.Value)
case "MessagePublication:EmitterAddress":
summary.EmitterAddress = string(item.Value)
case "MessagePublication:Sequence":
summary.Sequence = string(item.Value)
} else {
// Some rows have a QuorumState, but no MessagePublication,
// so populate Summary values from the rowKey.
keyParts := strings.Split(row.Key(), ":")
chainId := chainIdStringToType(keyParts[0])
summary.EmitterChain = chainId.String()
summary.EmitterAddress = keyParts[1]
seq := strings.TrimLeft(keyParts[2], "0")
if seq == "" {
seq = "0"
summary.Sequence = seq
if _, ok := row[quorumStateFam]; ok {
item := row[quorumStateFam][0]
summary.SignedVAABytes = item.Value
summary.QuorumTime = item.Timestamp.Time().String()
if _, ok := row[transferDetailsFam]; ok {
transferDetails := &TransferDetails{}
for _, item := range row[transferDetailsFam] {
switch item.Column {
case "TokenTransferDetails:Amount":
transferDetails.Amount = string(item.Value)
case "TokenTransferDetails:Decimals":
transferDetails.Decimals = string(item.Value)
case "TokenTransferDetails:NotionalUSDStr":
transferDetails.NotionalUSDStr = string(item.Value)
case "TokenTransferDetails:TokenPriceUSDStr":
transferDetails.TokenPriceUSDStr = string(item.Value)
case "TokenTransferDetails:TransferTimestamp":
transferDetails.TransferTimestamp = string(item.Value)
case "TokenTransferDetails:OriginSymbol":
transferDetails.OriginSymbol = string(item.Value)
case "TokenTransferDetails:OriginName":
transferDetails.OriginName = string(item.Value)
case "TokenTransferDetails:OriginTokenAddress":
transferDetails.OriginTokenAddress = string(item.Value)
summary.TransferDetails = transferDetails
return summary
func makeDetails(row bigtable.Row) *Details {
deets := &Details{}
sum := makeSummary(row)
deets.Summary = Summary{
EmitterChain: sum.EmitterChain,
EmitterAddress: sum.EmitterAddress,
Sequence: sum.Sequence,
InitiatingTxID: sum.InitiatingTxID,
Payload: sum.Payload,
SignedVAABytes: sum.SignedVAABytes,
QuorumTime: sum.QuorumTime,
TransferDetails: sum.TransferDetails,
if _, ok := row[quorumStateFam]; ok {
item := row[quorumStateFam][0]
deets.SignedVAA, _ = vaa.Unmarshal(item.Value)
if _, ok := row[transferPayloadFam]; ok {
tokenTransferPayload := &TokenTransferPayload{}
for _, item := range row[transferPayloadFam] {
switch item.Column {
case "TokenTransferPayload:Amount":
tokenTransferPayload.Amount = string(item.Value)
case "TokenTransferPayload:OriginAddress":
tokenTransferPayload.OriginAddress = string(item.Value)
case "TokenTransferPayload:OriginChain":
tokenTransferPayload.OriginChain = string(item.Value)
case "TokenTransferPayload:TargetAddress":
tokenTransferPayload.TargetAddress = string(item.Value)
case "TokenTransferPayload:TargetChain":
tokenTransferPayload.TargetChain = string(item.Value)
deets.TokenTransferPayload = tokenTransferPayload
if _, ok := row[metaPayloadFam]; ok {
assetMetaPayload := &AssetMetaPayload{}
for _, item := range row[metaPayloadFam] {
switch item.Column {
case "AssetMetaPayload:TokenAddress":
assetMetaPayload.TokenAddress = string(item.Value)
case "AssetMetaPayload:TokenChain":
assetMetaPayload.TokenChain = string(item.Value)
case "AssetMetaPayload:Decimals":
assetMetaPayload.Decimals = string(item.Value)
case "AssetMetaPayload:Symbol":
assetMetaPayload.Symbol = string(item.Value)
case "AssetMetaPayload:Name":
assetMetaPayload.Name = string(item.Value)
case "AssetMetaPayload:CoinGeckoCoinId":
assetMetaPayload.CoinGeckoCoinId = string(item.Value)
case "AssetMetaPayload:NativeAddress":
assetMetaPayload.NativeAddress = string(item.Value)
deets.AssetMetaPayload = assetMetaPayload
if _, ok := row[nftPayloadFam]; ok {
nftTransferPayload := &NFTTransferPayload{}
for _, item := range row[nftPayloadFam] {
switch item.Column {
case "NFTTransferPayload:OriginAddress":
nftTransferPayload.OriginAddress = string(item.Value)
case "NFTTransferPayload:OriginChain":
nftTransferPayload.OriginChain = string(item.Value)
case "NFTTransferPayload:Symbol":
nftTransferPayload.Symbol = string(item.Value)
case "NFTTransferPayload:Name":
nftTransferPayload.Name = string(item.Value)
case "NFTTransferPayload:TokenId":
nftTransferPayload.TokenId = string(item.Value)
case "NFTTransferPayload:URI":
nftTransferPayload.URI = string(TrimUnicodeFromByteArray(item.Value))
case "NFTTransferPayload:TargetAddress":
nftTransferPayload.TargetAddress = string(item.Value)
case "NFTTransferPayload:TargetChain":
nftTransferPayload.TargetChain = string(item.Value)
deets.NFTTransferPayload = nftTransferPayload
// NotionalUSD and TokenPriceUSD are more percise than the string versions returned,
// however the precision is not required, so leaving this commented out for now.
// if _, ok := row[transferDetailsFam]; ok {
// for _, item := range row[transferDetailsFam] {
// switch item.Column {
// case "TokenTransferDetails:NotionalUSD":
// reader := bytes.NewReader(item.Value)
// var notionalUSD uint64
// if err := binary.Read(reader, binary.BigEndian, ¬ionalUSD); err != nil {
// log.Fatalf("failed to read NotionalUSD of row: %v. err %v ", row.Key(), err)
// }
// deets.TransferDetails.NotionalUSD = notionalUSD
// case "TokenTransferDetails:TokenPriceUSD":
// reader := bytes.NewReader(item.Value)
// var tokenPriceUSD uint64
// if err := binary.Read(reader, binary.BigEndian, &tokenPriceUSD); err != nil {
// log.Fatalf("failed to read TokenPriceUSD of row: %v. err %v", row.Key(), err)
// }
// deets.TransferDetails.TokenPriceUSD = tokenPriceUSD
// }
// }
// }
if _, ok := row[chainDetailsFam]; ok {
chainDetails := &ChainDetails{}
for _, item := range row[chainDetailsFam] {
switch item.Column {
case "ChainDetails:SenderAddress":
chainDetails.SenderAddress = string(item.Value)
case "ChainDetails:ReceiverAddress":
chainDetails.ReceiverAddress = string(item.Value)
deets.ChainDetails = chainDetails
return deets
func roundToTwoDecimalPlaces(num float64) float64 {
return math.Round(num*100) / 100
func createCachePrefix(prefix string) string {
cachePrefix := prefix
if prefix == "" {
cachePrefix = "*"
return cachePrefix
var mux = newMux()
// Entry is the cloud function entry point
func Entry(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
mux.ServeHTTP(w, r)
func newMux() *http.ServeMux {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/notionaltransferred", NotionalTransferred)
mux.HandleFunc("/notionaltransferredto", NotionalTransferredTo)
mux.HandleFunc("/notionaltransferredtocumulative", NotionalTransferredToCumulative)
mux.HandleFunc("/addressestransferredto", AddressesTransferredTo)
mux.HandleFunc("/addressestransferredtocumulative", AddressesTransferredToCumulative)
mux.HandleFunc("/totals", Totals)
mux.HandleFunc("/nfts", NFTs)
mux.HandleFunc("/recent", Recent)
mux.HandleFunc("/transaction", Transaction)
mux.HandleFunc("/readrow", ReadRow)
mux.HandleFunc("/findvalues", FindValues)
mux.HandleFunc("/readyz", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.WriteHeader(http.StatusOK) })
return mux