
108 lines
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module mint_nft::minting {
use std::signer;
use std::string::{Self, String};
use std::vector;
use aptos_framework::account;
use aptos_framework::event::EventHandle;
use aptos_framework::coin;
use aptos_framework::aptos_coin;
use pyth::pyth;
use pyth::price_identifier;
use pyth::i64;
use pyth::price::{Self,Price};
use aptos_std::math64::pow;
use aptos_token::token::{Self, TokenDataId};
// For the entire list of price_ids head to
const APTOS_USD_PRICE_FEED_IDENTIFIER : vector<u8> = x"44a93dddd8effa54ea51076c4e851b6cbbfd938e82eb90197de38fe8876bb66e";
// This event stores the receiver of the NFT and the TokenDataId of the NFT
struct TokenMintingEvent has drop, store {
token_receiver_address: address,
token_data_id: TokenDataId,
// This struct stores an NFT relevant information and the signer capability required to mint the NFT
struct CollectionTokenMinter has key {
token_data_id: TokenDataId,
token_minting_events: EventHandle<TokenMintingEvent>,
signer_cap: account::SignerCapability
/// Octas per aptos coin
const OCTAS_PER_APTOS: u64 = 100000000;
/// Initialize this module: create a resource account, a collection, and a token data id, all the NFTs minted are editions of the same TokenDataId
fun init_module(resource_account: &signer) {
let collection_name = string::utf8(b"Pythians");
let description = string::utf8(b"Pythians");
let collection_uri = string::utf8(b"");
let token_name = string::utf8(b"Pythian by @EgorNaive");
let token_uri = string::utf8(b"");
// Create the resource account that we'll use to create tokens
let (resource_signer, resource_signer_cap) = account::create_resource_account(resource_account, b"candy-machine");
// Create the nft collection
let maximum_supply = 1; // There's only 1 NFT in the collection
let mutate_setting = vector<bool>[ false, false, false ];
let resource_account_address = signer::address_of(&resource_signer);
token::create_collection(&resource_signer, collection_name, description, collection_uri, maximum_supply, mutate_setting);
// Create a token data id to specify which token will be minted
let token_data_id = token::create_tokendata(
0, // 0 means the supply is infinite
// We don't allow any mutation to the token
&vector<bool>[ false, false, false, false, true ]
move_to(resource_account, CollectionTokenMinter {
token_minting_events: account::new_event_handle<TokenMintingEvent>(resource_account),
signer_cap : resource_signer_cap
/// Mint an edition of the Pythian NFT pay 1 USD in native APT
public entry fun mint_nft(receiver : &signer, vaas : vector<vector<u8>>) acquires CollectionTokenMinter{
// Fetch the signer capability to mint the NFT
let collection_token_minter = borrow_global_mut<CollectionTokenMinter>(@mint_nft);
let resource_signer = account::create_signer_with_capability(&collection_token_minter.signer_cap);
let token_id = token::mint_token(&resource_signer, collection_token_minter.token_data_id, 1); // Mint the NFT
token::direct_transfer(&resource_signer, receiver, token_id, 1); // Transfer the NFT to the caller
let price = update_and_fetch_price(receiver, vaas);
let price_positive = i64::get_magnitude_if_positive(&price::get_price(&price)); // This will fail if the price is negative
let expo_magnitude = i64::get_magnitude_if_negative(&price::get_expo(&price)); // This will fail if the exponent is positive
let price_in_aptos_coin = (OCTAS_PER_APTOS * pow(10, expo_magnitude)) / price_positive; // 1 USD in APT
coin::transfer<aptos_coin::AptosCoin>(receiver, @mint_nft, price_in_aptos_coin); // Pay for the NFT
/// Please read before using a `Price` in your application
fun update_and_fetch_price(receiver : &signer, vaas : vector<vector<u8>>) : Price {
let coins = coin::withdraw<aptos_coin::AptosCoin>(receiver, pyth::get_update_fee(&vaas)); // Get coins to pay for the update
pyth::update_price_feeds(vaas, coins); // Update price feed with the provided vaas
pyth::get_price(price_identifier::from_byte_vec(APTOS_USD_PRICE_FEED_IDENTIFIER)) // Get recent price (will fail if price is too old)