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136 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Taken from https://github.com/smartcontractkit/chainlink
pragma solidity ^0.6.0;
library Schnorr {
// See https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Secp256k1 for this constant.
uint256 constant public Q = // Group order of secp256k1
// solium-disable-next-line indentation
// solium-disable-next-line zeppelin/no-arithmetic-operations
uint256 constant public HALF_Q = (Q >> 1) + 1;
/** **************************************************************************
@notice verifySignature returns true iff passed a valid Schnorr signature.
@dev See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schnorr_signature for reference.
@dev In what follows, let d be your secret key, PK be your public key,
PKx be the x ordinate of your public key, and PKyp be the parity bit for
the y ordinate (i.e., 0 if PKy is even, 1 if odd.)
@dev First PKx must be less than HALF_Q. Then follow these instructions
(see evm/test/schnorr_test.js, for an example of carrying them out):
@dev 1. Hash the target message to a uint256, called msgHash here, using
@dev 2. Pick k uniformly and cryptographically securely randomly from
{0,...,Q-1}. It is critical that k remains confidential, as your
private key can be reconstructed from k and the signature.
@dev 3. Compute k*g in the secp256k1 group, where g is the group
generator. (This is the same as computing the public key from the
secret key k. But it's OK if k*g's x ordinate is greater than
@dev 4. Compute the ethereum address for k*g. This is the lower 160 bits
of the keccak hash of the concatenated affine coordinates of k*g,
as 32-byte big-endians. (For instance, you could pass k to
ethereumjs-utils's privateToAddress to compute this, though that
should be strictly a development convenience, not for handling
live secrets, unless you've locked your javascript environment
down very carefully.) Call this address
@dev 5. Compute e=uint256(keccak256(PKx as a 32-byte big-endian
‖ PKyp as a single byte
‖ msgHash
‖ nonceTimesGeneratorAddress))
This value e is called "msgChallenge" in verifySignature's source
code below. Here "‖" means concatenation of the listed byte
@dev 6. Let x be your secret key. Compute s = (k - d * e) % Q. Add Q to
it, if it's negative. This is your signature. (d is your secret
@dev Given a signature (s, e) of msgHash, constructed as above, compute
S=e*PK+s*generator in the secp256k1 group law, and then the ethereum
address of S, as described in step 4. Call that
nonceTimesGeneratorAddress. Then call the verifySignature method as:
@dev verifySignature(PKx, PKyp, s, msgHash,
@dev This signging scheme deviates slightly from the classical Schnorr
signature, in that the address of k*g is used in place of k*g itself,
both when calculating e and when verifying sum S as described in the
verification paragraph above. This reduces the difficulty of
brute-forcing a signature by trying random secp256k1 points in place of
k*g in the signature verification process from 256 bits to 160 bits.
However, the difficulty of cracking the public key using "baby-step,
giant-step" is only 128 bits, so this weakening constitutes no compromise
in the security of the signatures or the key.
@dev The constraint signingPubKeyX < HALF_Q comes from Eq. (281), p. 24
of Yellow Paper version 78d7b9a. ecrecover only accepts "s" inputs less
than HALF_Q, to protect against a signature- malleability vulnerability in
ECDSA. Schnorr does not have this vulnerability, but we must account for
ecrecover's defense anyway. And since we are abusing ecrecover by putting
signingPubKeyX in ecrecover's "s" argument the constraint applies to
signingPubKeyX, even though it represents a value in the base field, and
has no natural relationship to the order of the curve's cyclic group.
@param signingPubKeyX is the x ordinate of the public key. This must be
less than HALF_Q.
@param pubKeyYParity is 0 if the y ordinate of the public key is even, 1
if it's odd.
@param signature is the actual signature, described as s in the above
@param msgHash is a 256-bit hash of the message being signed.
@param nonceTimesGeneratorAddress is the ethereum address of k*g in the
above instructions
@return True if passed a valid signature, false otherwise. */
function verifySignature(
uint256 signingPubKeyX,
uint8 pubKeyYParity,
uint256 signature,
uint256 msgHash,
address nonceTimesGeneratorAddress) external pure returns (bool) {
require(signingPubKeyX < HALF_Q, "Public-key x >= HALF_Q");
// Avoid signature malleability from multiple representations for ℤ/Qℤ elts
require(signature < Q, "signature must be reduced modulo Q");
// Forbid trivial inputs, to avoid ecrecover edge cases. The main thing to
// avoid is something which causes ecrecover to return 0x0: then trivial
// signatures could be constructed with the nonceTimesGeneratorAddress input
// set to 0x0.
// solium-disable-next-line indentation
require(nonceTimesGeneratorAddress != address(0) && signingPubKeyX > 0 &&
signature > 0 && msgHash > 0, "no zero inputs allowed");
// solium-disable-next-line indentation
uint256 msgChallenge = // "e"
// solium-disable-next-line indentation
uint256(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(signingPubKeyX, pubKeyYParity,
msgHash, nonceTimesGeneratorAddress))
// Verify msgChallenge * signingPubKey + signature * generator ==
// nonce * generator
// https://ethresear.ch/t/you-can-kinda-abuse-ecrecover-to-do-ecmul-in-secp256k1-today/2384/9
// The point corresponding to the address returned by
// ecrecover(-s*r,v,r,e*r) is (r⁻¹ mod Q)*(e*r*R-(-s)*r*g)=e*R+s*g, where R
// is the (v,r) point. See https://crypto.stackexchange.com/a/18106
// solium-disable-next-line indentation
address recoveredAddress = ecrecover(
// solium-disable-next-line zeppelin/no-arithmetic-operations
bytes32(Q - mulmod(signingPubKeyX, signature, Q)),
// https://ethereum.github.io/yellowpaper/paper.pdf p. 24, "The
// value 27 represents an even y value and 28 represents an odd
// y value."
(pubKeyYParity == 0) ? 27 : 28,
bytes32(mulmod(msgChallenge, signingPubKeyX, Q)));
return nonceTimesGeneratorAddress == recoveredAddress;