157 lines
4.9 KiB
157 lines
4.9 KiB
import logging
import os
import json
import socketserver
import subprocess
import sys
from http.client import HTTPConnection
# A generic unprivileged payer account with funds
SOL_PAYER_KEYPAIR = os.environ.get(
"SOL_PAYER_KEYPAIR", "/solana-secrets/solana-devnet.json"
# Settings specific to local devnet Pyth instance
PYTH = os.environ.get("PYTH", "./pyth")
PYTH_ADMIN = os.environ.get("PYTH_ADMIN", "./pyth_admin")
PYTH_KEY_STORE = os.environ.get("PYTH_KEY_STORE", "/home/pyth/.pythd")
PYTH_PROGRAM_KEYPAIR = os.environ.get(
"PYTH_PROGRAM_KEYPAIR", f"{PYTH_KEY_STORE}/publish_key_pair.json"
PYTH_PUBLISHER_KEYPAIR = os.environ.get(
"PYTH_PUBLISHER_KEYPAIR", f"{PYTH_KEY_STORE}/publish_key_pair.json"
# How long to sleep between mock Pyth price updates
PYTH_TEST_SYMBOL_COUNT = int(os.environ.get("PYTH_TEST_SYMBOL_COUNT", "11"))
# If above 0, adds a new test symbol periodically, waiting at least
# the given number of seconds in between
# NOTE: the new symbols are added in the HTTP endpoint used by the
# p2w-attest service in Tilt. You may need to wait to see p2w-attest
# pick up brand new symbols
PYTH_MAPPING_KEYPAIR = os.environ.get(
"PYTH_MAPPING_KEYPAIR", f"{PYTH_KEY_STORE}/mapping_key_pair.json"
# SOL RPC settings
SOL_RPC_HOST = os.environ.get("SOL_RPC_HOST", "solana-devnet")
SOL_RPC_PORT = int(os.environ.get("SOL_RPC_PORT", 8899))
SOL_RPC_URL = os.environ.get(
"SOL_RPC_URL", "http://{0}:{1}".format(SOL_RPC_HOST, SOL_RPC_PORT)
# A TCP port we open when a service is ready
READINESS_PORT = int(os.environ.get("READINESS_PORT", "2000"))
def run_or_die(args, die=True, debug=False, **kwargs):
Opinionated subprocess.run() call with fancy logging
args_readable = " ".join(args)
print(f"CMD RUN\t{args_readable}", file=sys.stderr)
ret = subprocess.run(args, text=True, **kwargs)
if ret.returncode == 0:
print(f"CMD OK\t{args_readable}", file=sys.stderr)
print(f"CMD FAIL {ret.returncode}\t{args_readable}", file=sys.stderr)
if debug:
out = ret.stdout if ret.stdout is not None else "<not captured>"
err = ret.stderr if ret.stderr is not None else "<not captured>"
print(f"CMD STDOUT\n{out}", file=sys.stderr)
print(f"CMD STDERR\n{err}", file=sys.stderr)
if ret.returncode != 0:
if die:
print(f'{"CMD DIE FALSE"}', file=sys.stderr)
return ret
def pyth_run_or_die(subcommand, args=[], debug=False, **kwargs):
Pyth boilerplate in front of run_or_die.
return run_or_die(
[PYTH, subcommand] + args + (["-d"] if debug else [])
+ ["-k", PYTH_KEY_STORE]
+ ["-r", SOL_RPC_HOST]
+ ["-c", "finalized"]
+ ["-x"], # These means to bypass transaction proxy server. In this setup it's not running and it's required to bypass
def pyth_admin_run_or_die(subcommand, args=[], debug=False, **kwargs):
Pyth_admin boilerplate in front of run_or_die.
return run_or_die(
[PYTH_ADMIN, subcommand] + args + (["-d"] if debug else [])
+ ["-n"] # These commands require y/n confirmation. This bypasses that
+ ["-k", PYTH_KEY_STORE]
+ ["-r", SOL_RPC_HOST]
+ ["-c", "finalized"],
def sol_run_or_die(subcommand, args=[], **kwargs):
Solana boilerplate in front of run_or_die
return run_or_die(["solana", subcommand] + args + ["--url", SOL_RPC_URL], **kwargs)
def get_json(host, port, path):
conn = HTTPConnection(host, port)
conn.request("GET", path)
res = conn.getresponse()
# starstwith because the header value may include optional fields after (like charset)
if res.getheader("Content-Type").startswith("application/json"):
return json.load(res)
logging.error(f"Error getting {host}:{port}{path} : Content-Type was not application/json")
logging.error(f"HTTP response code: {res.getcode()}")
logging.error(f"HTTP headers: {res.getheaders()}")
logging.error(f"Message: {res.msg}")
def get_pyth_accounts(host, port):
return get_json(host, port, "/")
class ReadinessTCPHandler(socketserver.StreamRequestHandler):
def handle(self):
"""TCP black hole"""
def readiness():
Accept connections from readiness probe
with socketserver.TCPServer(
("", READINESS_PORT), ReadinessTCPHandler
) as srv:
print(f"Opening port {READINESS_PORT} for readiness TCP probe")