
125 lines
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "./PythStructs.sol";
import "./IPyth.sol";
import "./PythErrors.sol";
abstract contract AbstractPyth is IPyth {
/// @notice Returns the price feed with given id.
/// @dev Reverts if the price does not exist.
/// @param id The Pyth Price Feed ID of which to fetch the PriceFeed.
function queryPriceFeed(
bytes32 id
) public view virtual returns (PythStructs.PriceFeed memory priceFeed);
/// @notice Returns true if a price feed with the given id exists.
/// @param id The Pyth Price Feed ID of which to check its existence.
function priceFeedExists(
bytes32 id
) public view virtual returns (bool exists);
function getValidTimePeriod()
returns (uint validTimePeriod);
function getPrice(
bytes32 id
) external view virtual override returns (PythStructs.Price memory price) {
return getPriceNoOlderThan(id, getValidTimePeriod());
function getEmaPrice(
bytes32 id
) external view virtual override returns (PythStructs.Price memory price) {
return getEmaPriceNoOlderThan(id, getValidTimePeriod());
function getPriceUnsafe(
bytes32 id
) public view virtual override returns (PythStructs.Price memory price) {
PythStructs.PriceFeed memory priceFeed = queryPriceFeed(id);
return priceFeed.price;
function getPriceNoOlderThan(
bytes32 id,
uint age
) public view virtual override returns (PythStructs.Price memory price) {
price = getPriceUnsafe(id);
if (diff(block.timestamp, price.publishTime) > age)
revert PythErrors.StalePrice();
return price;
function getEmaPriceUnsafe(
bytes32 id
) public view virtual override returns (PythStructs.Price memory price) {
PythStructs.PriceFeed memory priceFeed = queryPriceFeed(id);
return priceFeed.emaPrice;
function getEmaPriceNoOlderThan(
bytes32 id,
uint age
) public view virtual override returns (PythStructs.Price memory price) {
price = getEmaPriceUnsafe(id);
if (diff(block.timestamp, price.publishTime) > age)
revert PythErrors.StalePrice();
return price;
function diff(uint x, uint y) internal pure returns (uint) {
if (x > y) {
return x - y;
} else {
return y - x;
// Access modifier is overridden to public to be able to call it locally.
function updatePriceFeeds(
bytes[] calldata updateData
) public payable virtual override;
function updatePriceFeedsIfNecessary(
bytes[] calldata updateData,
bytes32[] calldata priceIds,
uint64[] calldata publishTimes
) external payable virtual override {
if (priceIds.length != publishTimes.length)
revert PythErrors.InvalidArgument();
for (uint i = 0; i < priceIds.length; i++) {
if (
!priceFeedExists(priceIds[i]) ||
queryPriceFeed(priceIds[i]).price.publishTime < publishTimes[i]
) {
revert PythErrors.NoFreshUpdate();
function parsePriceFeedUpdates(
bytes[] calldata updateData,
bytes32[] calldata priceIds,
uint64 minPublishTime,
uint64 maxPublishTime
returns (PythStructs.PriceFeed[] memory priceFeeds);