This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
import { Flags } from "@oclif/core";
import { PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js";
import BaseCommand from "../BaseCommand";
export default class SandboxCommand extends BaseCommand {
@ -71,21 +70,110 @@ export default class SandboxCommand extends BaseCommand {
// console.log(byteArray.length);
// console.log(`[${Uint8Array.from(historyKey.toBuffer()).toString()}]`);
const parseAddress = new PublicKey(
console.log(`parseAddress: [${Uint8Array.from(parseAddress.toBuffer())}]`);
// const parseAddress = new PublicKey(
// "DpoK8Zz69APV9ntjuY9C4LZCxANYMV56M2cbXEdkjxME"
// );
// console.log(`parseAddress: [${Uint8Array.from(parseAddress.toBuffer())}]`);
const accountInfo = await this.program.provider.connection.getAccountInfo(
const byteArray = Uint8Array.from(accountInfo.data);
console.log(`parseAddress Data [${byteArray.length}]: [${byteArray}]`);
// const accountInfo = await this.program.provider.connection.getAccountInfo(
// parseAddress
// );
// const byteArray = Uint8Array.from(accountInfo.data);
// console.log(`parseAddress Data [${byteArray.length}]: [${byteArray}]`);
const owner = accountInfo.owner;
console.log(`Owner: [${Uint8Array.from(owner.toBuffer())}]`);
// const owner = accountInfo.owner;
// console.log(`Owner: [${Uint8Array.from(owner.toBuffer())}]`);
// console.log(accountInfo.lamports);
// const jobData = Buffer.from(
// OracleJob.encodeDelimited(
// OracleJob.create({
// tasks: [
// OracleJob.Task.create({
// httpTask: OracleJob.HttpTask.create({
// url: "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1",
// }),
// }),
// ],
// })
// ).finish()
// );
// const jobLen = jobData.length;
// console.log(`JobData Len: ${jobLen}`);
// const bufferAccountSize =
// this.program.account.bufferRelayerAccountData.size;
// const bufferAccountSize = 2048;
// const bufferRentExemption =
// await this.program.provider.connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(
// bufferAccountSize
// );
// console.log(
// chalkString(
// "Buffer",
// `${bufferRentExemption} lamports, ${
// bufferRentExemption / LAMPORTS_PER_SOL
// } SOL, ${bufferAccountSize} bytes`
// )
// );
// const escrowSize = spl.ACCOUNT_SIZE;
// const escrowRentExemption =
// await this.program.provider.connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(
// escrowSize
// );
// console.log(
// chalkString(
// "Escrow",
// `${escrowRentExemption} lamports, ${
// escrowRentExemption / LAMPORTS_PER_SOL
// } SOL, ${escrowSize} bytes`
// )
// );
// const jobAccountSize =
// this.program.account.jobAccountData.size + jobData.length;
// const jobRentExemption =
// await this.program.provider.connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(
// jobAccountSize
// );
// console.log(
// chalkString(
// "Job",
// `${jobRentExemption} lamports, ${
// jobRentExemption / LAMPORTS_PER_SOL
// } SOL, ${jobAccountSize} bytes`
// )
// );
// const permissionAccountSize =
// this.program.account.permissionAccountData.size;
// const permissionRentExemption =
// await this.program.provider.connection.getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(
// permissionAccountSize
// );
// console.log(
// chalkString(
// "Permission",
// `${permissionRentExemption} lamports, ${
// permissionRentExemption / LAMPORTS_PER_SOL
// } SOL, ${permissionAccountSize} bytes`
// )
// );
// const totalLamports =
// bufferRentExemption +
// escrowRentExemption +
// jobRentExemption +
// permissionRentExemption;
// console.log(chalkString("Total Lamports", totalLamports));
// console.log(chalkString("Total SOL", totalLamports / LAMPORTS_PER_SOL));
async catch(error) {
@ -246,6 +246,8 @@ message OracleJob {
optional uint32 min_samples = 4;
// Ending unix timestamp to collect values up to
optional int32 ending_unix_timestamp = 5;
// Execute the task to get the ending unix timestamp
optional CronParseTask ending_unix_timestamp_task = 6;
// Fetch the latest swap price on Serum's orderbook
@ -435,6 +437,21 @@ message OracleJob {
optional string pubkey = 1;
// return a timestamp from a crontab instruction
message CronParseTask {
// the cron pattern to parse
optional string cron_pattern = 1;
// the timestamp offset
// to calculate the next run
optional int32 clock_offset = 2;
// which type of clock to use
enum ClockType {
optional ClockType clock = 3;
// Return the deserialized value from a stringified buffer.
message BufferLayoutParseTask {
// The buffer offset to start deserializing from.
@ -518,6 +535,7 @@ message OracleJob {
MarinadeStateTask marinade_state_task = 36;
SolanaAccountDataFetchTask solana_account_data_fetch_task = 37;
BufferLayoutParseTask buffer_layout_parse_task = 38;
CronParseTask cron_parse_task = 39;
// The chain of tasks to perform for this OracleJob.
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "@switchboard-xyz/switchboard-v2",
"version": "0.0.123-beta",
"version": "0.0.123-beta.4",
"license": "MIT",
"author": "mitch@switchboard.xyz",
"description": "API wrapper for intergating with the Switchboardv2 program",
@ -1929,6 +1929,9 @@ export namespace OracleJob {
/** TwapTask endingUnixTimestamp */
endingUnixTimestamp?: (number|null);
/** TwapTask endingUnixTimestampTask */
endingUnixTimestampTask?: (OracleJob.ICronParseTask|null);
/** Represents a TwapTask. */
@ -1955,6 +1958,9 @@ export namespace OracleJob {
/** TwapTask endingUnixTimestamp. */
public endingUnixTimestamp: number;
/** TwapTask endingUnixTimestampTask. */
public endingUnixTimestampTask?: (OracleJob.ICronParseTask|null);
* Creates a new TwapTask instance using the specified properties.
* @param [properties] Properties to set
@ -4105,6 +4111,117 @@ export namespace OracleJob {
public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
/** Properties of a CronParseTask. */
interface ICronParseTask {
/** CronParseTask cronPattern */
cronPattern?: (string|null);
/** CronParseTask clockOffset */
clockOffset?: (number|null);
/** CronParseTask clock */
clock?: (OracleJob.CronParseTask.ClockType|null);
/** Represents a CronParseTask. */
class CronParseTask implements ICronParseTask {
* Constructs a new CronParseTask.
* @param [properties] Properties to set
constructor(properties?: OracleJob.ICronParseTask);
/** CronParseTask cronPattern. */
public cronPattern: string;
/** CronParseTask clockOffset. */
public clockOffset: number;
/** CronParseTask clock. */
public clock: OracleJob.CronParseTask.ClockType;
* Creates a new CronParseTask instance using the specified properties.
* @param [properties] Properties to set
* @returns CronParseTask instance
public static create(properties?: OracleJob.ICronParseTask): OracleJob.CronParseTask;
* Encodes the specified CronParseTask message. Does not implicitly {@link OracleJob.CronParseTask.verify|verify} messages.
* @param message CronParseTask message or plain object to encode
* @param [writer] Writer to encode to
* @returns Writer
public static encode(message: OracleJob.ICronParseTask, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
* Encodes the specified CronParseTask message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link OracleJob.CronParseTask.verify|verify} messages.
* @param message CronParseTask message or plain object to encode
* @param [writer] Writer to encode to
* @returns Writer
public static encodeDelimited(message: OracleJob.ICronParseTask, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
* Decodes a CronParseTask message from the specified reader or buffer.
* @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
* @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
* @returns CronParseTask
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): OracleJob.CronParseTask;
* Decodes a CronParseTask message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
* @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
* @returns CronParseTask
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): OracleJob.CronParseTask;
* Verifies a CronParseTask message.
* @param message Plain object to verify
* @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
* Creates a CronParseTask message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
* @param object Plain object
* @returns CronParseTask
public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): OracleJob.CronParseTask;
* Creates a plain object from a CronParseTask message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
* @param message CronParseTask
* @param [options] Conversion options
* @returns Plain object
public static toObject(message: OracleJob.CronParseTask, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
* Converts this CronParseTask to JSON.
* @returns JSON object
public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
namespace CronParseTask {
/** ClockType enum. */
enum ClockType {
/** Properties of a BufferLayoutParseTask. */
interface IBufferLayoutParseTask {
@ -4347,6 +4464,9 @@ export namespace OracleJob {
/** Task bufferLayoutParseTask */
bufferLayoutParseTask?: (OracleJob.IBufferLayoutParseTask|null);
/** Task cronParseTask */
cronParseTask?: (OracleJob.ICronParseTask|null);
/** Represents a Task. */
@ -4469,8 +4589,11 @@ export namespace OracleJob {
/** Task bufferLayoutParseTask. */
public bufferLayoutParseTask?: (OracleJob.IBufferLayoutParseTask|null);
/** Task cronParseTask. */
public cronParseTask?: (OracleJob.ICronParseTask|null);
/** Task Task. */
public Task?: ("httpTask"|"jsonParseTask"|"medianTask"|"meanTask"|"websocketTask"|"divideTask"|"multiplyTask"|"lpTokenPriceTask"|"lpExchangeRateTask"|"conditionalTask"|"valueTask"|"maxTask"|"regexExtractTask"|"xstepPriceTask"|"addTask"|"subtractTask"|"twapTask"|"serumSwapTask"|"powTask"|"lendingRateTask"|"mangoPerpMarketTask"|"jupiterSwapTask"|"perpMarketTask"|"oracleTask"|"anchorFetchTask"|"defiKingdomsTask"|"tpsTask"|"splStakePoolTask"|"splTokenParseTask"|"uniswapExchangeRateTask"|"sushiswapExchangeRateTask"|"pancakeswapExchangeRateTask"|"cacheTask"|"sysclockOffsetTask"|"marinadeStateTask"|"solanaAccountDataFetchTask"|"bufferLayoutParseTask");
public Task?: ("httpTask"|"jsonParseTask"|"medianTask"|"meanTask"|"websocketTask"|"divideTask"|"multiplyTask"|"lpTokenPriceTask"|"lpExchangeRateTask"|"conditionalTask"|"valueTask"|"maxTask"|"regexExtractTask"|"xstepPriceTask"|"addTask"|"subtractTask"|"twapTask"|"serumSwapTask"|"powTask"|"lendingRateTask"|"mangoPerpMarketTask"|"jupiterSwapTask"|"perpMarketTask"|"oracleTask"|"anchorFetchTask"|"defiKingdomsTask"|"tpsTask"|"splStakePoolTask"|"splTokenParseTask"|"uniswapExchangeRateTask"|"sushiswapExchangeRateTask"|"pancakeswapExchangeRateTask"|"cacheTask"|"sysclockOffsetTask"|"marinadeStateTask"|"solanaAccountDataFetchTask"|"bufferLayoutParseTask"|"cronParseTask");
* Creates a new Task instance using the specified properties.
@ -4936,6 +4936,7 @@
* @property {boolean|null} [weightByPropagationTime] TwapTask weightByPropagationTime
* @property {number|null} [minSamples] TwapTask minSamples
* @property {number|null} [endingUnixTimestamp] TwapTask endingUnixTimestamp
* @property {OracleJob.ICronParseTask|null} [endingUnixTimestampTask] TwapTask endingUnixTimestampTask
@ -4993,6 +4994,14 @@
TwapTask.prototype.endingUnixTimestamp = 0;
* TwapTask endingUnixTimestampTask.
* @member {OracleJob.ICronParseTask|null|undefined} endingUnixTimestampTask
* @memberof OracleJob.TwapTask
* @instance
TwapTask.prototype.endingUnixTimestampTask = null;
* Creates a new TwapTask instance using the specified properties.
* @function create
@ -5027,6 +5036,8 @@
writer.uint32(/* id 4, wireType 0 =*/32).uint32(message.minSamples);
if (message.endingUnixTimestamp != null && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(message, "endingUnixTimestamp"))
writer.uint32(/* id 5, wireType 0 =*/40).int32(message.endingUnixTimestamp);
if (message.endingUnixTimestampTask != null && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(message, "endingUnixTimestampTask"))
$root.OracleJob.CronParseTask.encode(message.endingUnixTimestampTask, writer.uint32(/* id 6, wireType 2 =*/50).fork()).ldelim();
return writer;
@ -5076,6 +5087,9 @@
case 5:
message.endingUnixTimestamp = reader.int32();
case 6:
message.endingUnixTimestampTask = $root.OracleJob.CronParseTask.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
reader.skipType(tag & 7);
@ -5126,6 +5140,11 @@
if (message.endingUnixTimestamp != null && message.hasOwnProperty("endingUnixTimestamp"))
if (!$util.isInteger(message.endingUnixTimestamp))
return "endingUnixTimestamp: integer expected";
if (message.endingUnixTimestampTask != null && message.hasOwnProperty("endingUnixTimestampTask")) {
var error = $root.OracleJob.CronParseTask.verify(message.endingUnixTimestampTask);
if (error)
return "endingUnixTimestampTask." + error;
return null;
@ -5151,6 +5170,11 @@
message.minSamples = object.minSamples >>> 0;
if (object.endingUnixTimestamp != null)
message.endingUnixTimestamp = object.endingUnixTimestamp | 0;
if (object.endingUnixTimestampTask != null) {
if (typeof object.endingUnixTimestampTask !== "object")
throw TypeError(".OracleJob.TwapTask.endingUnixTimestampTask: object expected");
message.endingUnixTimestampTask = $root.OracleJob.CronParseTask.fromObject(object.endingUnixTimestampTask);
return message;
@ -5173,6 +5197,7 @@
object.weightByPropagationTime = false;
object.minSamples = 0;
object.endingUnixTimestamp = 0;
object.endingUnixTimestampTask = null;
if (message.aggregatorPubkey != null && message.hasOwnProperty("aggregatorPubkey"))
object.aggregatorPubkey = message.aggregatorPubkey;
@ -5184,6 +5209,8 @@
object.minSamples = message.minSamples;
if (message.endingUnixTimestamp != null && message.hasOwnProperty("endingUnixTimestamp"))
object.endingUnixTimestamp = message.endingUnixTimestamp;
if (message.endingUnixTimestampTask != null && message.hasOwnProperty("endingUnixTimestampTask"))
object.endingUnixTimestampTask = $root.OracleJob.CronParseTask.toObject(message.endingUnixTimestampTask, options);
return object;
@ -9900,6 +9927,265 @@
return SolanaAccountDataFetchTask;
OracleJob.CronParseTask = (function() {
* Properties of a CronParseTask.
* @memberof OracleJob
* @interface ICronParseTask
* @property {string|null} [cronPattern] CronParseTask cronPattern
* @property {number|null} [clockOffset] CronParseTask clockOffset
* @property {OracleJob.CronParseTask.ClockType|null} [clock] CronParseTask clock
* Constructs a new CronParseTask.
* @memberof OracleJob
* @classdesc Represents a CronParseTask.
* @implements ICronParseTask
* @constructor
* @param {OracleJob.ICronParseTask=} [properties] Properties to set
function CronParseTask(properties) {
if (properties)
for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
if (properties[keys[i]] != null)
this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
* CronParseTask cronPattern.
* @member {string} cronPattern
* @memberof OracleJob.CronParseTask
* @instance
CronParseTask.prototype.cronPattern = "";
* CronParseTask clockOffset.
* @member {number} clockOffset
* @memberof OracleJob.CronParseTask
* @instance
CronParseTask.prototype.clockOffset = 0;
* CronParseTask clock.
* @member {OracleJob.CronParseTask.ClockType} clock
* @memberof OracleJob.CronParseTask
* @instance
CronParseTask.prototype.clock = 0;
* Creates a new CronParseTask instance using the specified properties.
* @function create
* @memberof OracleJob.CronParseTask
* @static
* @param {OracleJob.ICronParseTask=} [properties] Properties to set
* @returns {OracleJob.CronParseTask} CronParseTask instance
CronParseTask.create = function create(properties) {
return new CronParseTask(properties);
* Encodes the specified CronParseTask message. Does not implicitly {@link OracleJob.CronParseTask.verify|verify} messages.
* @function encode
* @memberof OracleJob.CronParseTask
* @static
* @param {OracleJob.ICronParseTask} message CronParseTask message or plain object to encode
* @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
* @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
CronParseTask.encode = function encode(message, writer) {
if (!writer)
writer = $Writer.create();
if (message.cronPattern != null && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(message, "cronPattern"))
writer.uint32(/* id 1, wireType 2 =*/10).string(message.cronPattern);
if (message.clockOffset != null && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(message, "clockOffset"))
writer.uint32(/* id 2, wireType 0 =*/16).int32(message.clockOffset);
if (message.clock != null && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(message, "clock"))
writer.uint32(/* id 3, wireType 0 =*/24).int32(message.clock);
return writer;
* Encodes the specified CronParseTask message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link OracleJob.CronParseTask.verify|verify} messages.
* @function encodeDelimited
* @memberof OracleJob.CronParseTask
* @static
* @param {OracleJob.ICronParseTask} message CronParseTask message or plain object to encode
* @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
* @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
CronParseTask.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
return this.encode(message, writer).ldelim();
* Decodes a CronParseTask message from the specified reader or buffer.
* @function decode
* @memberof OracleJob.CronParseTask
* @static
* @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
* @param {number} [length] Message length if known beforehand
* @returns {OracleJob.CronParseTask} CronParseTask
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
CronParseTask.decode = function decode(reader, length) {
if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
reader = $Reader.create(reader);
var end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length, message = new $root.OracleJob.CronParseTask();
while (reader.pos < end) {
var tag = reader.uint32();
switch (tag >>> 3) {
case 1:
message.cronPattern = reader.string();
case 2:
message.clockOffset = reader.int32();
case 3:
message.clock = reader.int32();
reader.skipType(tag & 7);
return message;
* Decodes a CronParseTask message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
* @function decodeDelimited
* @memberof OracleJob.CronParseTask
* @static
* @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
* @returns {OracleJob.CronParseTask} CronParseTask
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
CronParseTask.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
reader = new $Reader(reader);
return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
* Verifies a CronParseTask message.
* @function verify
* @memberof OracleJob.CronParseTask
* @static
* @param {Object.<string,*>} message Plain object to verify
* @returns {string|null} `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
CronParseTask.verify = function verify(message) {
if (typeof message !== "object" || message === null)
return "object expected";
if (message.cronPattern != null && message.hasOwnProperty("cronPattern"))
if (!$util.isString(message.cronPattern))
return "cronPattern: string expected";
if (message.clockOffset != null && message.hasOwnProperty("clockOffset"))
if (!$util.isInteger(message.clockOffset))
return "clockOffset: integer expected";
if (message.clock != null && message.hasOwnProperty("clock"))
switch (message.clock) {
return "clock: enum value expected";
case 0:
case 1:
return null;
* Creates a CronParseTask message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
* @function fromObject
* @memberof OracleJob.CronParseTask
* @static
* @param {Object.<string,*>} object Plain object
* @returns {OracleJob.CronParseTask} CronParseTask
CronParseTask.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
if (object instanceof $root.OracleJob.CronParseTask)
return object;
var message = new $root.OracleJob.CronParseTask();
if (object.cronPattern != null)
message.cronPattern = String(object.cronPattern);
if (object.clockOffset != null)
message.clockOffset = object.clockOffset | 0;
switch (object.clock) {
case "ORACLE":
case 0:
message.clock = 0;
case "SYSCLOCK":
case 1:
message.clock = 1;
return message;
* Creates a plain object from a CronParseTask message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
* @function toObject
* @memberof OracleJob.CronParseTask
* @static
* @param {OracleJob.CronParseTask} message CronParseTask
* @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [options] Conversion options
* @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
CronParseTask.toObject = function toObject(message, options) {
if (!options)
options = {};
var object = {};
if (options.defaults) {
object.cronPattern = "";
object.clockOffset = 0;
object.clock = options.enums === String ? "ORACLE" : 0;
if (message.cronPattern != null && message.hasOwnProperty("cronPattern"))
object.cronPattern = message.cronPattern;
if (message.clockOffset != null && message.hasOwnProperty("clockOffset"))
object.clockOffset = message.clockOffset;
if (message.clock != null && message.hasOwnProperty("clock"))
object.clock = options.enums === String ? $root.OracleJob.CronParseTask.ClockType[message.clock] : message.clock;
return object;
* Converts this CronParseTask to JSON.
* @function toJSON
* @memberof OracleJob.CronParseTask
* @instance
* @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
CronParseTask.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
* ClockType enum.
* @name OracleJob.CronParseTask.ClockType
* @enum {number}
* @property {number} ORACLE=0 ORACLE value
* @property {number} SYSCLOCK=1 SYSCLOCK value
CronParseTask.ClockType = (function() {
var valuesById = {}, values = Object.create(valuesById);
values[valuesById[0] = "ORACLE"] = 0;
values[valuesById[1] = "SYSCLOCK"] = 1;
return values;
return CronParseTask;
OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask = (function() {
@ -10313,6 +10599,7 @@
* @property {OracleJob.IMarinadeStateTask|null} [marinadeStateTask] Task marinadeStateTask
* @property {OracleJob.ISolanaAccountDataFetchTask|null} [solanaAccountDataFetchTask] Task solanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @property {OracleJob.IBufferLayoutParseTask|null} [bufferLayoutParseTask] Task bufferLayoutParseTask
* @property {OracleJob.ICronParseTask|null} [cronParseTask] Task cronParseTask
@ -10626,17 +10913,25 @@
Task.prototype.bufferLayoutParseTask = null;
* Task cronParseTask.
* @member {OracleJob.ICronParseTask|null|undefined} cronParseTask
* @memberof OracleJob.Task
* @instance
Task.prototype.cronParseTask = null;
// OneOf field names bound to virtual getters and setters
var $oneOfFields;
* Task Task.
* @member {"httpTask"|"jsonParseTask"|"medianTask"|"meanTask"|"websocketTask"|"divideTask"|"multiplyTask"|"lpTokenPriceTask"|"lpExchangeRateTask"|"conditionalTask"|"valueTask"|"maxTask"|"regexExtractTask"|"xstepPriceTask"|"addTask"|"subtractTask"|"twapTask"|"serumSwapTask"|"powTask"|"lendingRateTask"|"mangoPerpMarketTask"|"jupiterSwapTask"|"perpMarketTask"|"oracleTask"|"anchorFetchTask"|"defiKingdomsTask"|"tpsTask"|"splStakePoolTask"|"splTokenParseTask"|"uniswapExchangeRateTask"|"sushiswapExchangeRateTask"|"pancakeswapExchangeRateTask"|"cacheTask"|"sysclockOffsetTask"|"marinadeStateTask"|"solanaAccountDataFetchTask"|"bufferLayoutParseTask"|undefined} Task
* @member {"httpTask"|"jsonParseTask"|"medianTask"|"meanTask"|"websocketTask"|"divideTask"|"multiplyTask"|"lpTokenPriceTask"|"lpExchangeRateTask"|"conditionalTask"|"valueTask"|"maxTask"|"regexExtractTask"|"xstepPriceTask"|"addTask"|"subtractTask"|"twapTask"|"serumSwapTask"|"powTask"|"lendingRateTask"|"mangoPerpMarketTask"|"jupiterSwapTask"|"perpMarketTask"|"oracleTask"|"anchorFetchTask"|"defiKingdomsTask"|"tpsTask"|"splStakePoolTask"|"splTokenParseTask"|"uniswapExchangeRateTask"|"sushiswapExchangeRateTask"|"pancakeswapExchangeRateTask"|"cacheTask"|"sysclockOffsetTask"|"marinadeStateTask"|"solanaAccountDataFetchTask"|"bufferLayoutParseTask"|"cronParseTask"|undefined} Task
* @memberof OracleJob.Task
* @instance
Object.defineProperty(Task.prototype, "Task", {
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields = ["httpTask", "jsonParseTask", "medianTask", "meanTask", "websocketTask", "divideTask", "multiplyTask", "lpTokenPriceTask", "lpExchangeRateTask", "conditionalTask", "valueTask", "maxTask", "regexExtractTask", "xstepPriceTask", "addTask", "subtractTask", "twapTask", "serumSwapTask", "powTask", "lendingRateTask", "mangoPerpMarketTask", "jupiterSwapTask", "perpMarketTask", "oracleTask", "anchorFetchTask", "defiKingdomsTask", "tpsTask", "splStakePoolTask", "splTokenParseTask", "uniswapExchangeRateTask", "sushiswapExchangeRateTask", "pancakeswapExchangeRateTask", "cacheTask", "sysclockOffsetTask", "marinadeStateTask", "solanaAccountDataFetchTask", "bufferLayoutParseTask"]),
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields = ["httpTask", "jsonParseTask", "medianTask", "meanTask", "websocketTask", "divideTask", "multiplyTask", "lpTokenPriceTask", "lpExchangeRateTask", "conditionalTask", "valueTask", "maxTask", "regexExtractTask", "xstepPriceTask", "addTask", "subtractTask", "twapTask", "serumSwapTask", "powTask", "lendingRateTask", "mangoPerpMarketTask", "jupiterSwapTask", "perpMarketTask", "oracleTask", "anchorFetchTask", "defiKingdomsTask", "tpsTask", "splStakePoolTask", "splTokenParseTask", "uniswapExchangeRateTask", "sushiswapExchangeRateTask", "pancakeswapExchangeRateTask", "cacheTask", "sysclockOffsetTask", "marinadeStateTask", "solanaAccountDataFetchTask", "bufferLayoutParseTask", "cronParseTask"]),
set: $util.oneOfSetter($oneOfFields)
@ -10738,6 +11033,8 @@
$root.OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.encode(message.solanaAccountDataFetchTask, writer.uint32(/* id 37, wireType 2 =*/298).fork()).ldelim();
if (message.bufferLayoutParseTask != null && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(message, "bufferLayoutParseTask"))
$root.OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.encode(message.bufferLayoutParseTask, writer.uint32(/* id 38, wireType 2 =*/306).fork()).ldelim();
if (message.cronParseTask != null && Object.hasOwnProperty.call(message, "cronParseTask"))
$root.OracleJob.CronParseTask.encode(message.cronParseTask, writer.uint32(/* id 39, wireType 2 =*/314).fork()).ldelim();
return writer;
@ -10883,6 +11180,9 @@
case 38:
message.bufferLayoutParseTask = $root.OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
case 39:
message.cronParseTask = $root.OracleJob.CronParseTask.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
reader.skipType(tag & 7);
@ -11287,6 +11587,16 @@
return "bufferLayoutParseTask." + error;
if (message.cronParseTask != null && message.hasOwnProperty("cronParseTask")) {
if (properties.Task === 1)
return "Task: multiple values";
properties.Task = 1;
var error = $root.OracleJob.CronParseTask.verify(message.cronParseTask);
if (error)
return "cronParseTask." + error;
return null;
@ -11487,6 +11797,11 @@
throw TypeError(".OracleJob.Task.bufferLayoutParseTask: object expected");
message.bufferLayoutParseTask = $root.OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.fromObject(object.bufferLayoutParseTask);
if (object.cronParseTask != null) {
if (typeof object.cronParseTask !== "object")
throw TypeError(".OracleJob.Task.cronParseTask: object expected");
message.cronParseTask = $root.OracleJob.CronParseTask.fromObject(object.cronParseTask);
return message;
@ -11688,6 +12003,11 @@
if (options.oneofs)
object.Task = "bufferLayoutParseTask";
if (message.cronParseTask != null && message.hasOwnProperty("cronParseTask")) {
object.cronParseTask = $root.OracleJob.CronParseTask.toObject(message.cronParseTask, options);
if (options.oneofs)
object.Task = "cronParseTask";
return object;
@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ export const SBV2_MAINNET_PID = new PublicKey(
export const GOVERNANCE_PID = new PublicKey(
// "2iNnEMZuLk2TysefLvXtS6kyvCFC7CDUTLLeatVgRend"
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"esModuleInterop": true,
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"types": ["mocha", "node", "long", "big.js"],
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// strict
Reference in New Issue