add protos for SolanaAccountDataFetchTask and BufferLayoutParseTask
This commit is contained in:
@ -376,6 +376,38 @@ message OracleJob {
message SysclockOffsetTask {}
message MarinadeStateTask {}
message SolanaAccountDataFetchTask {
optional string pubkey = 1;
message BufferLayoutParseTask {
optional uint32 offset = 1;
enum Endian {
optional Endian endian = 2;
enum BufferParseType {
pubkey = 1;
bool = 2;
u8 = 3;
i8 = 4;
u16 = 5;
i16 = 6;
u32 = 7;
i32 = 8;
f32 = 9;
u64 = 10;
i64 = 11;
f64 = 12;
u128 = 13;
i128 = 14;
optional BufferParseType type = 3;
message Task {
oneof Task {
HttpTask http_task = 1;
@ -412,6 +444,9 @@ message OracleJob {
PancakeswapExchangeRateTask pancakeswap_exchange_rate_task = 33;
CacheTask cache_task = 34;
SysclockOffsetTask sysclock_offset_task = 35;
MarinadeStateTask marinade_state_task = 36;
SolanaAccountDataFetchTask solana_account_data_fetch_task = 37;
BufferLayoutParseTask buffer_layout_parse_task = 38;
// The chain of tasks to perform for this OracleJob.
@ -25,8 +25,8 @@
"scripts": {
"docgen": "yarn build && npx typedoc",
"build:protos": "pbjs -t static-module -o src/protos/index.js ../protos/*.proto && pbts -o src/protos/index.d.ts src/protos/index.js",
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"build": "shx rm -rf lib && yarn build:protos && yarn build:cjs && yarn build:esm && shx rm lib/*.tsbuildinfo",
@ -42,16 +42,11 @@
"dependencies": {
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@ -62,7 +57,6 @@
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@ -1,3 +1,2 @@
// eslint-disable-next-line import/extensions
export { IOracleJob, OracleJob } from "./protos/index.js";
export { IOracleJob, OracleJob } from "./protos";
export * from "./sbv2.js";
@ -3805,6 +3805,309 @@ export namespace OracleJob {
public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
/** Properties of a MarinadeStateTask. */
interface IMarinadeStateTask {
/** Represents a MarinadeStateTask. */
class MarinadeStateTask implements IMarinadeStateTask {
* Constructs a new MarinadeStateTask.
* @param [properties] Properties to set
constructor(properties?: OracleJob.IMarinadeStateTask);
* Creates a new MarinadeStateTask instance using the specified properties.
* @param [properties] Properties to set
* @returns MarinadeStateTask instance
public static create(properties?: OracleJob.IMarinadeStateTask): OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask;
* Encodes the specified MarinadeStateTask message. Does not implicitly {@link OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask.verify|verify} messages.
* @param message MarinadeStateTask message or plain object to encode
* @param [writer] Writer to encode to
* @returns Writer
public static encode(message: OracleJob.IMarinadeStateTask, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
* Encodes the specified MarinadeStateTask message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask.verify|verify} messages.
* @param message MarinadeStateTask message or plain object to encode
* @param [writer] Writer to encode to
* @returns Writer
public static encodeDelimited(message: OracleJob.IMarinadeStateTask, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
* Decodes a MarinadeStateTask message from the specified reader or buffer.
* @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
* @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
* @returns MarinadeStateTask
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask;
* Decodes a MarinadeStateTask message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
* @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
* @returns MarinadeStateTask
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask;
* Verifies a MarinadeStateTask message.
* @param message Plain object to verify
* @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
* Creates a MarinadeStateTask message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
* @param object Plain object
* @returns MarinadeStateTask
public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask;
* Creates a plain object from a MarinadeStateTask message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
* @param message MarinadeStateTask
* @param [options] Conversion options
* @returns Plain object
public static toObject(message: OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
* Converts this MarinadeStateTask to JSON.
* @returns JSON object
public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
/** Properties of a SolanaAccountDataFetchTask. */
interface ISolanaAccountDataFetchTask {
/** SolanaAccountDataFetchTask pubkey */
pubkey?: (string|null);
/** Represents a SolanaAccountDataFetchTask. */
class SolanaAccountDataFetchTask implements ISolanaAccountDataFetchTask {
* Constructs a new SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.
* @param [properties] Properties to set
constructor(properties?: OracleJob.ISolanaAccountDataFetchTask);
/** SolanaAccountDataFetchTask pubkey. */
public pubkey: string;
* Creates a new SolanaAccountDataFetchTask instance using the specified properties.
* @param [properties] Properties to set
* @returns SolanaAccountDataFetchTask instance
public static create(properties?: OracleJob.ISolanaAccountDataFetchTask): OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask;
* Encodes the specified SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message. Does not implicitly {@link OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.verify|verify} messages.
* @param message SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message or plain object to encode
* @param [writer] Writer to encode to
* @returns Writer
public static encode(message: OracleJob.ISolanaAccountDataFetchTask, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
* Encodes the specified SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.verify|verify} messages.
* @param message SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message or plain object to encode
* @param [writer] Writer to encode to
* @returns Writer
public static encodeDelimited(message: OracleJob.ISolanaAccountDataFetchTask, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
* Decodes a SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message from the specified reader or buffer.
* @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
* @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
* @returns SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask;
* Decodes a SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
* @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
* @returns SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask;
* Verifies a SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message.
* @param message Plain object to verify
* @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
* Creates a SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
* @param object Plain object
* @returns SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask;
* Creates a plain object from a SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
* @param message SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @param [options] Conversion options
* @returns Plain object
public static toObject(message: OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
* Converts this SolanaAccountDataFetchTask to JSON.
* @returns JSON object
public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
/** Properties of a BufferLayoutParseTask. */
interface IBufferLayoutParseTask {
/** BufferLayoutParseTask offset */
offset?: (number|null);
/** BufferLayoutParseTask endian */
endian?: (OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.Endian|null);
/** BufferLayoutParseTask type */
type?: (OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.BufferParseType|null);
/** Represents a BufferLayoutParseTask. */
class BufferLayoutParseTask implements IBufferLayoutParseTask {
* Constructs a new BufferLayoutParseTask.
* @param [properties] Properties to set
constructor(properties?: OracleJob.IBufferLayoutParseTask);
/** BufferLayoutParseTask offset. */
public offset: number;
/** BufferLayoutParseTask endian. */
public endian: OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.Endian;
/** BufferLayoutParseTask type. */
public type: OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.BufferParseType;
* Creates a new BufferLayoutParseTask instance using the specified properties.
* @param [properties] Properties to set
* @returns BufferLayoutParseTask instance
public static create(properties?: OracleJob.IBufferLayoutParseTask): OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask;
* Encodes the specified BufferLayoutParseTask message. Does not implicitly {@link OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.verify|verify} messages.
* @param message BufferLayoutParseTask message or plain object to encode
* @param [writer] Writer to encode to
* @returns Writer
public static encode(message: OracleJob.IBufferLayoutParseTask, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
* Encodes the specified BufferLayoutParseTask message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.verify|verify} messages.
* @param message BufferLayoutParseTask message or plain object to encode
* @param [writer] Writer to encode to
* @returns Writer
public static encodeDelimited(message: OracleJob.IBufferLayoutParseTask, writer?: $protobuf.Writer): $protobuf.Writer;
* Decodes a BufferLayoutParseTask message from the specified reader or buffer.
* @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
* @param [length] Message length if known beforehand
* @returns BufferLayoutParseTask
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
public static decode(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array), length?: number): OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask;
* Decodes a BufferLayoutParseTask message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
* @param reader Reader or buffer to decode from
* @returns BufferLayoutParseTask
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
public static decodeDelimited(reader: ($protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array)): OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask;
* Verifies a BufferLayoutParseTask message.
* @param message Plain object to verify
* @returns `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
public static verify(message: { [k: string]: any }): (string|null);
* Creates a BufferLayoutParseTask message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
* @param object Plain object
* @returns BufferLayoutParseTask
public static fromObject(object: { [k: string]: any }): OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask;
* Creates a plain object from a BufferLayoutParseTask message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
* @param message BufferLayoutParseTask
* @param [options] Conversion options
* @returns Plain object
public static toObject(message: OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask, options?: $protobuf.IConversionOptions): { [k: string]: any };
* Converts this BufferLayoutParseTask to JSON.
* @returns JSON object
public toJSON(): { [k: string]: any };
namespace BufferLayoutParseTask {
/** Endian enum. */
enum Endian {
/** BufferParseType enum. */
enum BufferParseType {
pubkey = 1,
bool = 2,
u8 = 3,
i8 = 4,
u16 = 5,
i16 = 6,
u32 = 7,
i32 = 8,
f32 = 9,
u64 = 10,
i64 = 11,
f64 = 12,
u128 = 13,
i128 = 14
/** Properties of a Task. */
interface ITask {
@ -3909,6 +4212,15 @@ export namespace OracleJob {
/** Task sysclockOffsetTask */
sysclockOffsetTask?: (OracleJob.ISysclockOffsetTask|null);
/** Task marinadeStateTask */
marinadeStateTask?: (OracleJob.IMarinadeStateTask|null);
/** Task solanaAccountDataFetchTask */
solanaAccountDataFetchTask?: (OracleJob.ISolanaAccountDataFetchTask|null);
/** Task bufferLayoutParseTask */
bufferLayoutParseTask?: (OracleJob.IBufferLayoutParseTask|null);
/** Represents a Task. */
@ -4022,8 +4334,17 @@ export namespace OracleJob {
/** Task sysclockOffsetTask. */
public sysclockOffsetTask?: (OracleJob.ISysclockOffsetTask|null);
/** Task marinadeStateTask. */
public marinadeStateTask?: (OracleJob.IMarinadeStateTask|null);
/** Task solanaAccountDataFetchTask. */
public solanaAccountDataFetchTask?: (OracleJob.ISolanaAccountDataFetchTask|null);
/** Task bufferLayoutParseTask. */
public bufferLayoutParseTask?: (OracleJob.IBufferLayoutParseTask|null);
/** Task Task. */
public Task?: ("httpTask"|"jsonParseTask"|"medianTask"|"meanTask"|"websocketTask"|"divideTask"|"multiplyTask"|"lpTokenPriceTask"|"lpExchangeRateTask"|"conditionalTask"|"valueTask"|"maxTask"|"regexExtractTask"|"xstepPriceTask"|"addTask"|"subtractTask"|"twapTask"|"serumSwapTask"|"powTask"|"lendingRateTask"|"mangoPerpMarketTask"|"jupiterSwapTask"|"perpMarketTask"|"oracleTask"|"anchorFetchTask"|"defiKingdomsTask"|"tpsTask"|"splStakePoolTask"|"splTokenParseTask"|"uniswapExchangeRateTask"|"sushiswapExchangeRateTask"|"pancakeswapExchangeRateTask"|"cacheTask"|"sysclockOffsetTask");
public Task?: ("httpTask"|"jsonParseTask"|"medianTask"|"meanTask"|"websocketTask"|"divideTask"|"multiplyTask"|"lpTokenPriceTask"|"lpExchangeRateTask"|"conditionalTask"|"valueTask"|"maxTask"|"regexExtractTask"|"xstepPriceTask"|"addTask"|"subtractTask"|"twapTask"|"serumSwapTask"|"powTask"|"lendingRateTask"|"mangoPerpMarketTask"|"jupiterSwapTask"|"perpMarketTask"|"oracleTask"|"anchorFetchTask"|"defiKingdomsTask"|"tpsTask"|"splStakePoolTask"|"splTokenParseTask"|"uniswapExchangeRateTask"|"sushiswapExchangeRateTask"|"pancakeswapExchangeRateTask"|"cacheTask"|"sysclockOffsetTask"|"marinadeStateTask"|"solanaAccountDataFetchTask"|"bufferLayoutParseTask");
* Creates a new Task instance using the specified properties.
@ -9171,6 +9171,723 @@
return SysclockOffsetTask;
OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask = (function() {
* Properties of a MarinadeStateTask.
* @memberof OracleJob
* @interface IMarinadeStateTask
* Constructs a new MarinadeStateTask.
* @memberof OracleJob
* @classdesc Represents a MarinadeStateTask.
* @implements IMarinadeStateTask
* @constructor
* @param {OracleJob.IMarinadeStateTask=} [properties] Properties to set
function MarinadeStateTask(properties) {
if (properties)
for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
if (properties[keys[i]] != null)
this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
* Creates a new MarinadeStateTask instance using the specified properties.
* @function create
* @memberof OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask
* @static
* @param {OracleJob.IMarinadeStateTask=} [properties] Properties to set
* @returns {OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask} MarinadeStateTask instance
MarinadeStateTask.create = function create(properties) {
return new MarinadeStateTask(properties);
* Encodes the specified MarinadeStateTask message. Does not implicitly {@link OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask.verify|verify} messages.
* @function encode
* @memberof OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask
* @static
* @param {OracleJob.IMarinadeStateTask} message MarinadeStateTask message or plain object to encode
* @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
* @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
MarinadeStateTask.encode = function encode(message, writer) {
if (!writer)
writer = $Writer.create();
return writer;
* Encodes the specified MarinadeStateTask message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask.verify|verify} messages.
* @function encodeDelimited
* @memberof OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask
* @static
* @param {OracleJob.IMarinadeStateTask} message MarinadeStateTask message or plain object to encode
* @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
* @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
MarinadeStateTask.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
return this.encode(message, writer).ldelim();
* Decodes a MarinadeStateTask message from the specified reader or buffer.
* @function decode
* @memberof OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask
* @static
* @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
* @param {number} [length] Message length if known beforehand
* @returns {OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask} MarinadeStateTask
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
MarinadeStateTask.decode = function decode(reader, length) {
if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
reader = $Reader.create(reader);
var end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length, message = new $root.OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask();
while (reader.pos < end) {
var tag = reader.uint32();
switch (tag >>> 3) {
reader.skipType(tag & 7);
return message;
* Decodes a MarinadeStateTask message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
* @function decodeDelimited
* @memberof OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask
* @static
* @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
* @returns {OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask} MarinadeStateTask
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
MarinadeStateTask.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
reader = new $Reader(reader);
return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
* Verifies a MarinadeStateTask message.
* @function verify
* @memberof OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask
* @static
* @param {Object.<string,*>} message Plain object to verify
* @returns {string|null} `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
MarinadeStateTask.verify = function verify(message) {
if (typeof message !== "object" || message === null)
return "object expected";
return null;
* Creates a MarinadeStateTask message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
* @function fromObject
* @memberof OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask
* @static
* @param {Object.<string,*>} object Plain object
* @returns {OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask} MarinadeStateTask
MarinadeStateTask.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
if (object instanceof $root.OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask)
return object;
return new $root.OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask();
* Creates a plain object from a MarinadeStateTask message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
* @function toObject
* @memberof OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask
* @static
* @param {OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask} message MarinadeStateTask
* @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [options] Conversion options
* @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
MarinadeStateTask.toObject = function toObject() {
return {};
* Converts this MarinadeStateTask to JSON.
* @function toJSON
* @memberof OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask
* @instance
* @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
MarinadeStateTask.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
return MarinadeStateTask;
OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask = (function() {
* Properties of a SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.
* @memberof OracleJob
* @interface ISolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @property {string|null} [pubkey] SolanaAccountDataFetchTask pubkey
* Constructs a new SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.
* @memberof OracleJob
* @classdesc Represents a SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.
* @implements ISolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @constructor
* @param {OracleJob.ISolanaAccountDataFetchTask=} [properties] Properties to set
function SolanaAccountDataFetchTask(properties) {
if (properties)
for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
if (properties[keys[i]] != null)
this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
* SolanaAccountDataFetchTask pubkey.
* @member {string} pubkey
* @memberof OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @instance
SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.prototype.pubkey = "";
* Creates a new SolanaAccountDataFetchTask instance using the specified properties.
* @function create
* @memberof OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @static
* @param {OracleJob.ISolanaAccountDataFetchTask=} [properties] Properties to set
* @returns {OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask} SolanaAccountDataFetchTask instance
SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.create = function create(properties) {
return new SolanaAccountDataFetchTask(properties);
* Encodes the specified SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message. Does not implicitly {@link OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.verify|verify} messages.
* @function encode
* @memberof OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @static
* @param {OracleJob.ISolanaAccountDataFetchTask} message SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message or plain object to encode
* @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
* @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.encode = function encode(message, writer) {
if (!writer)
writer = $Writer.create();
if (message.pubkey != null &&, "pubkey"))
writer.uint32(/* id 1, wireType 2 =*/10).string(message.pubkey);
return writer;
* Encodes the specified SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.verify|verify} messages.
* @function encodeDelimited
* @memberof OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @static
* @param {OracleJob.ISolanaAccountDataFetchTask} message SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message or plain object to encode
* @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
* @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
return this.encode(message, writer).ldelim();
* Decodes a SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message from the specified reader or buffer.
* @function decode
* @memberof OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @static
* @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
* @param {number} [length] Message length if known beforehand
* @returns {OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask} SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.decode = function decode(reader, length) {
if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
reader = $Reader.create(reader);
var end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length, message = new $root.OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask();
while (reader.pos < end) {
var tag = reader.uint32();
switch (tag >>> 3) {
case 1:
message.pubkey = reader.string();
reader.skipType(tag & 7);
return message;
* Decodes a SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
* @function decodeDelimited
* @memberof OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @static
* @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
* @returns {OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask} SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
reader = new $Reader(reader);
return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
* Verifies a SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message.
* @function verify
* @memberof OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @static
* @param {Object.<string,*>} message Plain object to verify
* @returns {string|null} `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.verify = function verify(message) {
if (typeof message !== "object" || message === null)
return "object expected";
if (message.pubkey != null && message.hasOwnProperty("pubkey"))
if (!$util.isString(message.pubkey))
return "pubkey: string expected";
return null;
* Creates a SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
* @function fromObject
* @memberof OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @static
* @param {Object.<string,*>} object Plain object
* @returns {OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask} SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
if (object instanceof $root.OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask)
return object;
var message = new $root.OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask();
if (object.pubkey != null)
message.pubkey = String(object.pubkey);
return message;
* Creates a plain object from a SolanaAccountDataFetchTask message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
* @function toObject
* @memberof OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @static
* @param {OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask} message SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [options] Conversion options
* @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.toObject = function toObject(message, options) {
if (!options)
options = {};
var object = {};
if (options.defaults)
object.pubkey = "";
if (message.pubkey != null && message.hasOwnProperty("pubkey"))
object.pubkey = message.pubkey;
return object;
* Converts this SolanaAccountDataFetchTask to JSON.
* @function toJSON
* @memberof OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @instance
* @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
return SolanaAccountDataFetchTask;
OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask = (function() {
* Properties of a BufferLayoutParseTask.
* @memberof OracleJob
* @interface IBufferLayoutParseTask
* @property {number|null} [offset] BufferLayoutParseTask offset
* @property {OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.Endian|null} [endian] BufferLayoutParseTask endian
* @property {OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.BufferParseType|null} [type] BufferLayoutParseTask type
* Constructs a new BufferLayoutParseTask.
* @memberof OracleJob
* @classdesc Represents a BufferLayoutParseTask.
* @implements IBufferLayoutParseTask
* @constructor
* @param {OracleJob.IBufferLayoutParseTask=} [properties] Properties to set
function BufferLayoutParseTask(properties) {
if (properties)
for (var keys = Object.keys(properties), i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i)
if (properties[keys[i]] != null)
this[keys[i]] = properties[keys[i]];
* BufferLayoutParseTask offset.
* @member {number} offset
* @memberof OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask
* @instance
BufferLayoutParseTask.prototype.offset = 0;
* BufferLayoutParseTask endian.
* @member {OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.Endian} endian
* @memberof OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask
* @instance
BufferLayoutParseTask.prototype.endian = 0;
* BufferLayoutParseTask type.
* @member {OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.BufferParseType} type
* @memberof OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask
* @instance
BufferLayoutParseTask.prototype.type = 1;
* Creates a new BufferLayoutParseTask instance using the specified properties.
* @function create
* @memberof OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask
* @static
* @param {OracleJob.IBufferLayoutParseTask=} [properties] Properties to set
* @returns {OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask} BufferLayoutParseTask instance
BufferLayoutParseTask.create = function create(properties) {
return new BufferLayoutParseTask(properties);
* Encodes the specified BufferLayoutParseTask message. Does not implicitly {@link OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.verify|verify} messages.
* @function encode
* @memberof OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask
* @static
* @param {OracleJob.IBufferLayoutParseTask} message BufferLayoutParseTask message or plain object to encode
* @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
* @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
BufferLayoutParseTask.encode = function encode(message, writer) {
if (!writer)
writer = $Writer.create();
if (message.offset != null &&, "offset"))
writer.uint32(/* id 1, wireType 0 =*/8).uint32(message.offset);
if (message.endian != null &&, "endian"))
writer.uint32(/* id 2, wireType 0 =*/16).int32(message.endian);
if (message.type != null &&, "type"))
writer.uint32(/* id 3, wireType 0 =*/24).int32(message.type);
return writer;
* Encodes the specified BufferLayoutParseTask message, length delimited. Does not implicitly {@link OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.verify|verify} messages.
* @function encodeDelimited
* @memberof OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask
* @static
* @param {OracleJob.IBufferLayoutParseTask} message BufferLayoutParseTask message or plain object to encode
* @param {$protobuf.Writer} [writer] Writer to encode to
* @returns {$protobuf.Writer} Writer
BufferLayoutParseTask.encodeDelimited = function encodeDelimited(message, writer) {
return this.encode(message, writer).ldelim();
* Decodes a BufferLayoutParseTask message from the specified reader or buffer.
* @function decode
* @memberof OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask
* @static
* @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
* @param {number} [length] Message length if known beforehand
* @returns {OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask} BufferLayoutParseTask
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
BufferLayoutParseTask.decode = function decode(reader, length) {
if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
reader = $Reader.create(reader);
var end = length === undefined ? reader.len : reader.pos + length, message = new $root.OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask();
while (reader.pos < end) {
var tag = reader.uint32();
switch (tag >>> 3) {
case 1:
message.offset = reader.uint32();
case 2:
message.endian = reader.int32();
case 3:
message.type = reader.int32();
reader.skipType(tag & 7);
return message;
* Decodes a BufferLayoutParseTask message from the specified reader or buffer, length delimited.
* @function decodeDelimited
* @memberof OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask
* @static
* @param {$protobuf.Reader|Uint8Array} reader Reader or buffer to decode from
* @returns {OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask} BufferLayoutParseTask
* @throws {Error} If the payload is not a reader or valid buffer
* @throws {$protobuf.util.ProtocolError} If required fields are missing
BufferLayoutParseTask.decodeDelimited = function decodeDelimited(reader) {
if (!(reader instanceof $Reader))
reader = new $Reader(reader);
return this.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
* Verifies a BufferLayoutParseTask message.
* @function verify
* @memberof OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask
* @static
* @param {Object.<string,*>} message Plain object to verify
* @returns {string|null} `null` if valid, otherwise the reason why it is not
BufferLayoutParseTask.verify = function verify(message) {
if (typeof message !== "object" || message === null)
return "object expected";
if (message.offset != null && message.hasOwnProperty("offset"))
if (!$util.isInteger(message.offset))
return "offset: integer expected";
if (message.endian != null && message.hasOwnProperty("endian"))
switch (message.endian) {
return "endian: enum value expected";
case 0:
case 1:
if (message.type != null && message.hasOwnProperty("type"))
switch (message.type) {
return "type: enum value expected";
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
case 11:
case 12:
case 13:
case 14:
return null;
* Creates a BufferLayoutParseTask message from a plain object. Also converts values to their respective internal types.
* @function fromObject
* @memberof OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask
* @static
* @param {Object.<string,*>} object Plain object
* @returns {OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask} BufferLayoutParseTask
BufferLayoutParseTask.fromObject = function fromObject(object) {
if (object instanceof $root.OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask)
return object;
var message = new $root.OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask();
if (object.offset != null)
message.offset = object.offset >>> 0;
switch (object.endian) {
case 0:
message.endian = 0;
case "BIG_ENDIAN":
case 1:
message.endian = 1;
switch (object.type) {
case "pubkey":
case 1:
message.type = 1;
case "bool":
case 2:
message.type = 2;
case "u8":
case 3:
message.type = 3;
case "i8":
case 4:
message.type = 4;
case "u16":
case 5:
message.type = 5;
case "i16":
case 6:
message.type = 6;
case "u32":
case 7:
message.type = 7;
case "i32":
case 8:
message.type = 8;
case "f32":
case 9:
message.type = 9;
case "u64":
case 10:
message.type = 10;
case "i64":
case 11:
message.type = 11;
case "f64":
case 12:
message.type = 12;
case "u128":
case 13:
message.type = 13;
case "i128":
case 14:
message.type = 14;
return message;
* Creates a plain object from a BufferLayoutParseTask message. Also converts values to other types if specified.
* @function toObject
* @memberof OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask
* @static
* @param {OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask} message BufferLayoutParseTask
* @param {$protobuf.IConversionOptions} [options] Conversion options
* @returns {Object.<string,*>} Plain object
BufferLayoutParseTask.toObject = function toObject(message, options) {
if (!options)
options = {};
var object = {};
if (options.defaults) {
object.offset = 0;
object.endian = options.enums === String ? "LITTLE_ENDIAN" : 0;
object.type = options.enums === String ? "pubkey" : 1;
if (message.offset != null && message.hasOwnProperty("offset"))
object.offset = message.offset;
if (message.endian != null && message.hasOwnProperty("endian"))
object.endian = options.enums === String ? $root.OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.Endian[message.endian] : message.endian;
if (message.type != null && message.hasOwnProperty("type"))
object.type = options.enums === String ? $root.OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.BufferParseType[message.type] : message.type;
return object;
* Converts this BufferLayoutParseTask to JSON.
* @function toJSON
* @memberof OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask
* @instance
* @returns {Object.<string,*>} JSON object
BufferLayoutParseTask.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
return this.constructor.toObject(this, $protobuf.util.toJSONOptions);
* Endian enum.
* @name OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.Endian
* @enum {number}
* @property {number} LITTLE_ENDIAN=0 LITTLE_ENDIAN value
* @property {number} BIG_ENDIAN=1 BIG_ENDIAN value
BufferLayoutParseTask.Endian = (function() {
var valuesById = {}, values = Object.create(valuesById);
values[valuesById[0] = "LITTLE_ENDIAN"] = 0;
values[valuesById[1] = "BIG_ENDIAN"] = 1;
return values;
* BufferParseType enum.
* @name OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.BufferParseType
* @enum {number}
* @property {number} pubkey=1 pubkey value
* @property {number} bool=2 bool value
* @property {number} u8=3 u8 value
* @property {number} i8=4 i8 value
* @property {number} u16=5 u16 value
* @property {number} i16=6 i16 value
* @property {number} u32=7 u32 value
* @property {number} i32=8 i32 value
* @property {number} f32=9 f32 value
* @property {number} u64=10 u64 value
* @property {number} i64=11 i64 value
* @property {number} f64=12 f64 value
* @property {number} u128=13 u128 value
* @property {number} i128=14 i128 value
BufferLayoutParseTask.BufferParseType = (function() {
var valuesById = {}, values = Object.create(valuesById);
values[valuesById[1] = "pubkey"] = 1;
values[valuesById[2] = "bool"] = 2;
values[valuesById[3] = "u8"] = 3;
values[valuesById[4] = "i8"] = 4;
values[valuesById[5] = "u16"] = 5;
values[valuesById[6] = "i16"] = 6;
values[valuesById[7] = "u32"] = 7;
values[valuesById[8] = "i32"] = 8;
values[valuesById[9] = "f32"] = 9;
values[valuesById[10] = "u64"] = 10;
values[valuesById[11] = "i64"] = 11;
values[valuesById[12] = "f64"] = 12;
values[valuesById[13] = "u128"] = 13;
values[valuesById[14] = "i128"] = 14;
return values;
return BufferLayoutParseTask;
OracleJob.Task = (function() {
@ -9211,6 +9928,9 @@
* @property {OracleJob.IPancakeswapExchangeRateTask|null} [pancakeswapExchangeRateTask] Task pancakeswapExchangeRateTask
* @property {OracleJob.ICacheTask|null} [cacheTask] Task cacheTask
* @property {OracleJob.ISysclockOffsetTask|null} [sysclockOffsetTask] Task sysclockOffsetTask
* @property {OracleJob.IMarinadeStateTask|null} [marinadeStateTask] Task marinadeStateTask
* @property {OracleJob.ISolanaAccountDataFetchTask|null} [solanaAccountDataFetchTask] Task solanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @property {OracleJob.IBufferLayoutParseTask|null} [bufferLayoutParseTask] Task bufferLayoutParseTask
@ -9500,17 +10220,41 @@
Task.prototype.sysclockOffsetTask = null;
* Task marinadeStateTask.
* @member {OracleJob.IMarinadeStateTask|null|undefined} marinadeStateTask
* @memberof OracleJob.Task
* @instance
Task.prototype.marinadeStateTask = null;
* Task solanaAccountDataFetchTask.
* @member {OracleJob.ISolanaAccountDataFetchTask|null|undefined} solanaAccountDataFetchTask
* @memberof OracleJob.Task
* @instance
Task.prototype.solanaAccountDataFetchTask = null;
* Task bufferLayoutParseTask.
* @member {OracleJob.IBufferLayoutParseTask|null|undefined} bufferLayoutParseTask
* @memberof OracleJob.Task
* @instance
Task.prototype.bufferLayoutParseTask = null;
// OneOf field names bound to virtual getters and setters
var $oneOfFields;
* Task Task.
* @member {"httpTask"|"jsonParseTask"|"medianTask"|"meanTask"|"websocketTask"|"divideTask"|"multiplyTask"|"lpTokenPriceTask"|"lpExchangeRateTask"|"conditionalTask"|"valueTask"|"maxTask"|"regexExtractTask"|"xstepPriceTask"|"addTask"|"subtractTask"|"twapTask"|"serumSwapTask"|"powTask"|"lendingRateTask"|"mangoPerpMarketTask"|"jupiterSwapTask"|"perpMarketTask"|"oracleTask"|"anchorFetchTask"|"defiKingdomsTask"|"tpsTask"|"splStakePoolTask"|"splTokenParseTask"|"uniswapExchangeRateTask"|"sushiswapExchangeRateTask"|"pancakeswapExchangeRateTask"|"cacheTask"|"sysclockOffsetTask"|undefined} Task
* @member {"httpTask"|"jsonParseTask"|"medianTask"|"meanTask"|"websocketTask"|"divideTask"|"multiplyTask"|"lpTokenPriceTask"|"lpExchangeRateTask"|"conditionalTask"|"valueTask"|"maxTask"|"regexExtractTask"|"xstepPriceTask"|"addTask"|"subtractTask"|"twapTask"|"serumSwapTask"|"powTask"|"lendingRateTask"|"mangoPerpMarketTask"|"jupiterSwapTask"|"perpMarketTask"|"oracleTask"|"anchorFetchTask"|"defiKingdomsTask"|"tpsTask"|"splStakePoolTask"|"splTokenParseTask"|"uniswapExchangeRateTask"|"sushiswapExchangeRateTask"|"pancakeswapExchangeRateTask"|"cacheTask"|"sysclockOffsetTask"|"marinadeStateTask"|"solanaAccountDataFetchTask"|"bufferLayoutParseTask"|undefined} Task
* @memberof OracleJob.Task
* @instance
Object.defineProperty(Task.prototype, "Task", {
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields = ["httpTask", "jsonParseTask", "medianTask", "meanTask", "websocketTask", "divideTask", "multiplyTask", "lpTokenPriceTask", "lpExchangeRateTask", "conditionalTask", "valueTask", "maxTask", "regexExtractTask", "xstepPriceTask", "addTask", "subtractTask", "twapTask", "serumSwapTask", "powTask", "lendingRateTask", "mangoPerpMarketTask", "jupiterSwapTask", "perpMarketTask", "oracleTask", "anchorFetchTask", "defiKingdomsTask", "tpsTask", "splStakePoolTask", "splTokenParseTask", "uniswapExchangeRateTask", "sushiswapExchangeRateTask", "pancakeswapExchangeRateTask", "cacheTask", "sysclockOffsetTask"]),
get: $util.oneOfGetter($oneOfFields = ["httpTask", "jsonParseTask", "medianTask", "meanTask", "websocketTask", "divideTask", "multiplyTask", "lpTokenPriceTask", "lpExchangeRateTask", "conditionalTask", "valueTask", "maxTask", "regexExtractTask", "xstepPriceTask", "addTask", "subtractTask", "twapTask", "serumSwapTask", "powTask", "lendingRateTask", "mangoPerpMarketTask", "jupiterSwapTask", "perpMarketTask", "oracleTask", "anchorFetchTask", "defiKingdomsTask", "tpsTask", "splStakePoolTask", "splTokenParseTask", "uniswapExchangeRateTask", "sushiswapExchangeRateTask", "pancakeswapExchangeRateTask", "cacheTask", "sysclockOffsetTask", "marinadeStateTask", "solanaAccountDataFetchTask", "bufferLayoutParseTask"]),
set: $util.oneOfSetter($oneOfFields)
@ -9606,6 +10350,12 @@
$root.OracleJob.CacheTask.encode(message.cacheTask, writer.uint32(/* id 34, wireType 2 =*/274).fork()).ldelim();
if (message.sysclockOffsetTask != null &&, "sysclockOffsetTask"))
$root.OracleJob.SysclockOffsetTask.encode(message.sysclockOffsetTask, writer.uint32(/* id 35, wireType 2 =*/282).fork()).ldelim();
if (message.marinadeStateTask != null &&, "marinadeStateTask"))
$root.OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask.encode(message.marinadeStateTask, writer.uint32(/* id 36, wireType 2 =*/290).fork()).ldelim();
if (message.solanaAccountDataFetchTask != null &&, "solanaAccountDataFetchTask"))
$root.OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.encode(message.solanaAccountDataFetchTask, writer.uint32(/* id 37, wireType 2 =*/298).fork()).ldelim();
if (message.bufferLayoutParseTask != null &&, "bufferLayoutParseTask"))
$root.OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.encode(message.bufferLayoutParseTask, writer.uint32(/* id 38, wireType 2 =*/306).fork()).ldelim();
return writer;
@ -9742,6 +10492,15 @@
case 35:
message.sysclockOffsetTask = $root.OracleJob.SysclockOffsetTask.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
case 36:
message.marinadeStateTask = $root.OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
case 37:
message.solanaAccountDataFetchTask = $root.OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
case 38:
message.bufferLayoutParseTask = $root.OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.decode(reader, reader.uint32());
reader.skipType(tag & 7);
@ -10116,6 +10875,36 @@
return "sysclockOffsetTask." + error;
if (message.marinadeStateTask != null && message.hasOwnProperty("marinadeStateTask")) {
if (properties.Task === 1)
return "Task: multiple values";
properties.Task = 1;
var error = $root.OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask.verify(message.marinadeStateTask);
if (error)
return "marinadeStateTask." + error;
if (message.solanaAccountDataFetchTask != null && message.hasOwnProperty("solanaAccountDataFetchTask")) {
if (properties.Task === 1)
return "Task: multiple values";
properties.Task = 1;
var error = $root.OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.verify(message.solanaAccountDataFetchTask);
if (error)
return "solanaAccountDataFetchTask." + error;
if (message.bufferLayoutParseTask != null && message.hasOwnProperty("bufferLayoutParseTask")) {
if (properties.Task === 1)
return "Task: multiple values";
properties.Task = 1;
var error = $root.OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.verify(message.bufferLayoutParseTask);
if (error)
return "bufferLayoutParseTask." + error;
return null;
@ -10301,6 +11090,21 @@
throw TypeError(".OracleJob.Task.sysclockOffsetTask: object expected");
message.sysclockOffsetTask = $root.OracleJob.SysclockOffsetTask.fromObject(object.sysclockOffsetTask);
if (object.marinadeStateTask != null) {
if (typeof object.marinadeStateTask !== "object")
throw TypeError(".OracleJob.Task.marinadeStateTask: object expected");
message.marinadeStateTask = $root.OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask.fromObject(object.marinadeStateTask);
if (object.solanaAccountDataFetchTask != null) {
if (typeof object.solanaAccountDataFetchTask !== "object")
throw TypeError(".OracleJob.Task.solanaAccountDataFetchTask: object expected");
message.solanaAccountDataFetchTask = $root.OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.fromObject(object.solanaAccountDataFetchTask);
if (object.bufferLayoutParseTask != null) {
if (typeof object.bufferLayoutParseTask !== "object")
throw TypeError(".OracleJob.Task.bufferLayoutParseTask: object expected");
message.bufferLayoutParseTask = $root.OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.fromObject(object.bufferLayoutParseTask);
return message;
@ -10487,6 +11291,21 @@
if (options.oneofs)
object.Task = "sysclockOffsetTask";
if (message.marinadeStateTask != null && message.hasOwnProperty("marinadeStateTask")) {
object.marinadeStateTask = $root.OracleJob.MarinadeStateTask.toObject(message.marinadeStateTask, options);
if (options.oneofs)
object.Task = "marinadeStateTask";
if (message.solanaAccountDataFetchTask != null && message.hasOwnProperty("solanaAccountDataFetchTask")) {
object.solanaAccountDataFetchTask = $root.OracleJob.SolanaAccountDataFetchTask.toObject(message.solanaAccountDataFetchTask, options);
if (options.oneofs)
object.Task = "solanaAccountDataFetchTask";
if (message.bufferLayoutParseTask != null && message.hasOwnProperty("bufferLayoutParseTask")) {
object.bufferLayoutParseTask = $root.OracleJob.BufferLayoutParseTask.toObject(message.bufferLayoutParseTask, options);
if (options.oneofs)
object.Task = "bufferLayoutParseTask";
return object;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-asserted-optional-chain */
import * as anchor from "@project-serum/anchor";
import { getGovernance } from "@solana/spl-governance";
import * as spl from "@solana/spl-token";
import {
@ -18,12 +18,10 @@ import {
} from "@solana/web3.js";
// eslint-disable-next-line import/extensions
// import { OracleJob } from "./protos/index.js";
import { OracleJob } from "@switchboard-xyz/switchboard-api";
import assert from "assert";
import Big from "big.js";
import * as crypto from "crypto";
import { OracleJob } from "./protos";
* Switchboard Devnet Program ID
@ -1872,9 +1870,7 @@ export class PermissionAccount {
async setVoterWeightTx(
params: PermissionSetVoterWeightParams,
) {
async setVoterWeightTx(params: PermissionSetVoterWeightParams) {
const permissionData = await this.loadData();
const oracleData = await this.program.account.oracleAccountData.fetch(
@ -1888,13 +1884,11 @@ export class PermissionAccount {
const [programStateAccount, stateBump] = ProgramStateAccount.fromSeed(
let psData = await programStateAccount.loadData();
const psData = await programStateAccount.loadData();
let [addinState, _] = await PublicKey.findProgramAddress(
const [addinState, _] = await PublicKey.findProgramAddress(
const [realmSpawnRecord] = anchor.utils.publicKey.findProgramAddressSync(
@ -1917,7 +1911,7 @@ export class PermissionAccount {
return await params.addinProgram.methods
return params.addinProgram.methods
permission: this.publicKey,
@ -17,8 +17,8 @@
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"allowJs": true,
"checkJs": false,
"sourceMap": true,
"inlineSources": true,
"lib": ["esnext"],
@ -4836,18 +4836,6 @@
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@ -17829,11 +17808,6 @@ ws@^7.0.0, ws@^7.3.1, ws@^7.4.5:
resolved ""
integrity sha512-KMvVuFzpKBuiIXW3E4u3mySRO2/mCHSyZDJQM5NQ9Q9KHWHWh0NHgfbRMLLrceUK5qAL4ytALJbpRMjixFZh8A==
version "7.5.8"
resolved ""
integrity sha512-ri1Id1WinAX5Jqn9HejiGb8crfRio0Qgu8+MtL36rlTA6RLsMdWt1Az/19A2Qij6uSHUMphEFaTKa4WG+UNHNw==
ws@^8.4.2, ws@^8.5.0:
version "8.5.0"
resolved ""
Reference in New Issue