--- sidebar_position: 50 title: Errors --- ## Anchor Errors See [@coral-xyz/anchor/src/error.ts#L308](https://github.com/coral-xyz/anchor/blob/HEAD/ts/src/error.ts#L308) for a list of built-in Anchor errors. ## Switchboard Errors | Code | Hex | Name | Message | | ---- | ------ | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | 6000 | 0x1770 | ArrayOperationError | Illegal operation on a Switchboard array. | | 6001 | 0x1771 | QueueOperationError | Illegal operation on a Switchboard queue. | | 6002 | 0x1772 | IncorrectProgramOwnerError | An account required to be owned by the program has a different owner. | | 6003 | 0x1773 | InvalidAggregatorRound | Aggregator is not currently populated with a valid round. | | 6004 | 0x1774 | TooManyAggregatorJobs | Aggregator cannot fit any more jobs. | | 6005 | 0x1775 | AggregatorCurrentRoundClosed | Aggregator's current round is closed. No results are being accepted. | | 6006 | 0x1776 | AggregatorInvalidSaveResult | Aggregator received an invalid save result instruction. | | 6007 | 0x1777 | InvalidStrDecimalConversion | Failed to convert string to decimal format. | | 6008 | 0x1778 | AccountLoaderMissingSignature | AccountLoader account is missing a required signature. | | 6009 | 0x1779 | MissingRequiredSignature | Account is missing a required signature. | | 6010 | 0x177a | ArrayOverflowError | The attempted action will overflow a zero-copy account array. | | 6011 | 0x177b | ArrayUnderflowError | The attempted action will underflow a zero-copy account array. | | 6012 | 0x177c | PubkeyNotFoundError | The queried public key was not found. | | 6013 | 0x177d | AggregatorIllegalRoundOpenCall | Aggregator round open called too early. | | 6014 | 0x177e | AggregatorIllegalRoundCloseCall | Aggregator round close called too early. | | 6015 | 0x177f | AggregatorClosedError | Aggregator is closed. Illegal action. | | 6016 | 0x1780 | IllegalOracleIdxError | Illegal oracle index. | | 6017 | 0x1781 | OracleAlreadyRespondedError | The provided oracle has already responded this round. | | 6018 | 0x1782 | ProtoDeserializeError | Failed to deserialize protocol buffer. | | 6019 | 0x1783 | UnauthorizedStateUpdateError | Unauthorized program state modification attempted. | | 6020 | 0x1784 | MissingOracleAccountsError | Not enough oracle accounts provided to closeRounds. | | 6021 | 0x1785 | OracleMismatchError | An unexpected oracle account was provided for the transaction. | | 6022 | 0x1786 | CrankMaxCapacityError | Attempted to push to a Crank that's at capacity | | 6023 | 0x1787 | AggregatorLeaseInsufficientFunds | Aggregator update call attempted but attached lease has insufficient funds. | | 6024 | 0x1788 | IncorrectTokenAccountMint | The provided token account does not point to the Switchboard token mint. | | 6025 | 0x1789 | InvalidEscrowAccount | An invalid escrow account was provided. | | 6026 | 0x178a | CrankEmptyError | Crank empty. Pop failed. | | 6027 | 0x178b | PdaDeriveError | Failed to derive a PDA from the provided seed. | | 6028 | 0x178c | AggregatorAccountNotFound | Aggregator account missing from provided account list. | | 6029 | 0x178d | PermissionAccountNotFound | Permission account missing from provided account list. | | 6030 | 0x178e | LeaseAccountDeriveFailure | Failed to derive a lease account. | | 6031 | 0x178f | PermissionAccountDeriveFailure | Failed to derive a permission account. | | 6032 | 0x1790 | EscrowAccountNotFound | Escrow account missing from provided account list. | | 6033 | 0x1791 | LeaseAccountNotFound | Lease account missing from provided account list. | | 6034 | 0x1792 | DecimalConversionError | Decimal conversion method failed. | | 6035 | 0x1793 | PermissionDenied | Permission account is missing required flags for the given action. | | 6036 | 0x1794 | QueueAtCapacity | Oracle queue is at lease capacity. | | 6037 | 0x1795 | ExcessiveCrankRowsError | Data feed is already pushed on a crank. | | 6038 | 0x1796 | AggregatorLockedError | Aggregator is locked, no setting modifications or job additions allowed. | | 6039 | 0x1797 | AggregatorInvalidBatchSizeError | Aggregator invalid batch size. | | 6040 | 0x1798 | AggregatorJobChecksumMismatch | Oracle provided an incorrect aggregator job checksum. | | 6041 | 0x1799 | IntegerOverflowError | An integer overflow occurred. | | 6042 | 0x179a | InvalidUpdatePeriodError | Minimum update period is 5 seconds. | | 6043 | 0x179b | NoResultsError | Aggregator round evaluation attempted with no results. | | 6044 | 0x179c | InvalidExpirationError | An expiration constraint was broken. | | 6045 | 0x179d | InsufficientStakeError | An account provided insufficient stake for action. | | 6046 | 0x179e | LeaseInactiveError | The provided lease account is not active. | | 6047 | 0x179f | NoAggregatorJobsFound | No jobs are currently included in the aggregator. | | 6048 | 0x17a0 | IntegerUnderflowError | An integer underflow occurred. | | 6049 | 0x17a1 | OracleQueueMismatch | An invalid oracle queue account was provided. | | 6050 | 0x17a2 | OracleWalletMismatchError | An unexpected oracle wallet account was provided for the transaction. | | 6051 | 0x17a3 | InvalidBufferAccountError | An invalid buffer account was provided. | | 6052 | 0x17a4 | InsufficientOracleQueueError | Insufficient oracle queue size. | | 6053 | 0x17a5 | InvalidAuthorityError | Invalid authority account provided. | | 6054 | 0x17a6 | InvalidTokenAccountMintError | A provided token wallet is associated with an incorrect mint. | | 6055 | 0x17a7 | ExcessiveLeaseWithdrawlError | You must leave enough funds to perform at least 1 update in the lease. | | 6056 | 0x17a8 | InvalideHistoryAccountError | Invalid history account provided. | | 6057 | 0x17a9 | InvalidLeaseAccountEscrowError | Invalid lease account escrow. | | 6058 | 0x17aa | InvalidCrankAccountError | Invalid crank provided. | | 6059 | 0x17ab | CrankNoElementsReadyError | No elements ready to be popped. | | 6060 | 0x17ac | IndexOutOfBoundsError | Index out of bounds | | 6061 | 0x17ad | VrfInvalidRequestError | Invalid vrf request params | | 6062 | 0x17ae | VrfInvalidProofSubmissionError | Vrf proof failed to verify | | 6063 | 0x17af | VrfVerifyError | Error in verifying vrf proof. | | 6064 | 0x17b0 | VrfCallbackError | Vrf callback function failed. | | 6065 | 0x17b1 | VrfCallbackParamsError | Invalid vrf callback params provided. | | 6066 | 0x17b2 | VrfCallbackAlreadyCalledError | Vrf callback has already been triggered. | | 6067 | 0x17b3 | VrfInvalidPubkeyError | The provided pubkey is invalid to use in ecvrf proofs | | 6068 | 0x17b4 | VrfTooManyVerifyCallsError | Number of required verify calls exceeded | | 6069 | 0x17b5 | VrfRequestAlreadyLaunchedError | Vrf request is already pending | | 6070 | 0x17b6 | VrfInsufficientVerificationError | Insufficient amount of proofs collected for VRF callback | | 6071 | 0x17b7 | InvalidVrfProducerError | An incorrect oracle attempted to submit a proof | | 6072 | 0x17b8 | InvalidGovernancePidError | Invalid SPLGovernance Account Supplied | | 6073 | 0x17b9 | InvalidGovernanceAccountError | An Invalid Governance Account was supplied | | 6074 | 0x17ba | MissingOptionalAccount | Expected an optional account | | 6075 | 0x17bb | InvalidSpawnRecordOwner | Invalid Owner for Spawn Record | | 6076 | 0x17bc | NoopError | Noop error | | 6077 | 0x17bd | MissingRequiredAccountsError | A required instruction account was not included | | 6078 | 0x17be | InvalidMintError | Invalid mint account passed for instruction | | 6079 | 0x17bf | InvalidTokenAccountKeyError | An invalid token account was passed into the instruction | | 6080 | 0x17c0 | InvalidJobAccountError | | | 6081 | 0x17c1 | VoterStakeRegistryError | | | 6082 | 0x17c2 | AccountDiscriminatorMismatch | Account discriminator did not match. |